Joe Biden Campaign Ad Includes More Trump Bashing

Glad you said that. To everyone reading this, pay attention to what republicans are doing here. We show them the economy is good and crime rates are down and they come back with “it doesn’t feel like it”

They don’t realize it’s because the media they listen to is lying to them.

Because they're not. They left out crime rates for two major crime ridden shithole cities. Crime rates are NOT down, not at all.
Because they're not. They left out crime rates for two major crime ridden shithole cities. Crime rates are NOT down, not at all.

If you say so. What's more likely is this is how Trump got his crime rates lowered. He fudged the numbers like you're suggesting Biden is doing.

Then crime rates went up under Trump. He left out crime rates from all the major cities. Yesterday one of you guys said Trump isn't responsible for the major American cities.
We are a D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y..End of story.
If you'd like to live in a dictatorship (Trump), get the fuck out and move to Central or South America.
Plenty to choose from there. :)


While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.

I don't know why its labeled "technical difficulties" the link works fine.

If you say so. What's more likely is this is how Trump got his crime rates lowered. He fudged the numbers like you're suggesting Biden is doing.

Then crime rates went up under Trump. He left out crime rates from all the major cities. Yesterday one of you guys said Trump isn't responsible for the major American cities.

I don't say so, NYPOST says so.

The Independent says so:

When you alter your stats to exclude two major crime ridden cities, sure the stats LOOK better, but in actuality, they are not.

If you have ANY proof that crime rates under Trump were altered in such a way, please post. Otherwise you're speculating because you don't like the proof presented.
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I don't say so, NYPOST says so.

The Independent says so:

When you alter your stats to exclude two major crime ridden cities, sure the stats LOOK better, but in actuality, they are not.

If you have ANY proof that crime rates under Trump were altered in such a way, please post. Otherwise you're speculating because you don't like the proof presented.

It’s difficult to say for certain. The two primary sources of government crime statistics – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) – paint an incomplete picture.

This was true when Trump was president too.

The FBI publishes annual data on crimes that have been reported to law enforcement, but not crimes that haven’t been reported. Historically, the FBI has also only published statistics about a handful of specific violent and property crimes, but not many other types of crime, such as drug crime. And while the FBI’s data is based on information from thousands of federal, state, county, city and other police departments, not all law enforcement agencies participate every year. In 2022, the most recent full year with available statistics, the FBI received data from 83% of participating agencies.

BJS, for its part, tracks crime by fielding a large annual survey of Americans ages 12 and older and asking them whether they were the victim of certain types of crime in the past six months. One advantage of this approach is that it captures both reported and unreported crimes. But the BJS survey has limitations of its own. Like the FBI, it focuses mainly on a handful of violent and property crimes. And since the BJS data is based on after-the-fact interviews with crime victims, it cannot provide information about one especially high-profile type of offense: murder.

All those caveats aside, looking at the FBI and BJS statistics side-by-side does give researchers a good picture of U.S. violent and property crime rates and how they have changed over time. In addition, the FBI is transitioning to a new data collection system – known as the National Incident-Based Reporting System – that eventually will provide national information on a much larger set of crimes, as well as details such as the time and place they occur and the types of weapons involved, if applicable.

His numbers are better than Trump's.
It’s difficult to say for certain. The two primary sources of government crime statistics – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) – paint an incomplete picture.

This was true when Trump was president too.

The FBI publishes annual data on crimes that have been reported to law enforcement, but not crimes that haven’t been reported. Historically, the FBI has also only published statistics about a handful of specific violent and property crimes, but not many other types of crime, such as drug crime. And while the FBI’s data is based on information from thousands of federal, state, county, city and other police departments, not all law enforcement agencies participate every year. In 2022, the most recent full year with available statistics, the FBI received data from 83% of participating agencies.

BJS, for its part, tracks crime by fielding a large annual survey of Americans ages 12 and older and asking them whether they were the victim of certain types of crime in the past six months. One advantage of this approach is that it captures both reported and unreported crimes. But the BJS survey has limitations of its own. Like the FBI, it focuses mainly on a handful of violent and property crimes. And since the BJS data is based on after-the-fact interviews with crime victims, it cannot provide information about one especially high-profile type of offense: murder.

All those caveats aside, looking at the FBI and BJS statistics side-by-side does give researchers a good picture of U.S. violent and property crime rates and how they have changed over time. In addition, the FBI is transitioning to a new data collection system – known as the National Incident-Based Reporting System – that eventually will provide national information on a much larger set of crimes, as well as details such as the time and place they occur and the types of weapons involved, if applicable.

His numbers are better than Trump's.

Ok, crimes that were never reported have never counted. That's not at all the same as "leaving out NYC and LA completely from the crime stats." Nowhere in your post does it mention doing that under Trump. I'm not saying Trump has anything to do with crime stats and how they are taken, I'm saying it didn't happen until Potatohead took office because his DOJ wants to protect him.
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Ok, crimes that were never reported have never counted. That's not at all the same as "leaving out NYC and LA completely from the crime stats." Nowhere in your post does it mention doing that.

Did it happen on Trump's watch? This reminds me of when Hillary used her private emails. Fast forward to now Trump is on trial for mishandling classified documents. Did this reporting problem start on Biden's watch?

Or this reminds me of uneployment. On Obama's watch they asked "what's the REAL unemployment number". But as soon as Trump was president and it went down .001%,suddenly it's real

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