Joe Biden Campaign Ad Includes More Trump Bashing

I also see commercials about

a. Inflation coming down
b. Grocery prices coming down
c. Jobs market keeps adding jobs month after month
d. Stock market up
e. Unemployment low
f. Biden fixing the border
g. Prescription drugs lowered
h. We are energy independent

The exact opposite of Trump's commercials that just lie and predict doom and gloom. Same as he did in 2020 and none of it came true.

And its all lies. Prices are still at record highs, he's done NOTHING to fix the border, nobody gives a shit about RX drugs and we are paying 4 dollars a gallon for fuel. The difference between this election and past elections, is that the American public has opened their eyes and they see the bullshit for what it is.

Stocks are rising DESPITE Biden, not because of him.

Why don't his ads include the incredibly high interest rates and that the cost to buy a house has gone up 200-250% under Biden? Oh yea, don't want to tell people that, huh? Under Trump, rates under 4% were normal, some going under 3%. Under Biden, some are paying 14%. The average is 8, highest in 20 years.

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If Trump gets elected it will be on him to fix all these things. Do you think he can do it?

He did it before. He got gas prices down to 1.60 under his administration. With 1.5% inflation. Potatohead gave us 5 dollar a gallon gas and 9% inflation. Anything is better than that senile bozo.

In 4 years of Trump, I got over 25% wage increases.

In 4 years of Biden, I got a penny a mile only because I threatened to quit if they wouldn't give me a raise. That's a 1.7% wage increase.
Trump blackmailed the Saudis into cutting production. That's the cause of the gas price hike.

Perversely, all the Trump cultists love Trump for doing that.

Now that the Saudis are rolling in money from the oil price hikes, they don't have to kowtow to Trump. So they're not raising production again. The huge US production increase under Biden can't come close to matching that shortfall.
Trump blackmailed the Saudis into cutting production. That's the cause of the gas price hike.

Perversely, all the Trump cultists love Trump for doing that.

Now that the Saudis are rolling in money from the oil price hikes, they don't have to kowtow to Trump. So they're not raising production again. The huge US production increase under Biden can't come close to matching that shortfall.

LOL So a civilian blackmailed the Saudis to cause a gas price increase under another president?

Damn that man has some power, doesn't he?

Care to um, give I don't know, details about this made up bullshit?
LOL So a civilian blackmailed the Saudis to cause a gas price increase under another president?

Damn that man has some power, doesn't he?

Care to um, give I don't know, details about this made up bullshit?

I didn't think that he could do something like that. Yet Trump is the human version of Chucky. When something happens Trump did it. 🙄
And its all lies. Prices are still at record highs, he's done NOTHING to fix the border, nobody gives a shit about RX drugs and we are paying 4 dollars a gallon for fuel. The difference between this election and past elections, is that the American public has opened their eyes and they see the bullshit for what it is.

Stocks are rising DESPITE Biden, not because of him.

Why don't his ads include the incredibly high interest rates and that the cost to buy a house has gone up 200-250% under Biden? Oh yea, don't want to tell people that, huh? Under Trump, rates under 4% were normal, some going under 3%. Under Biden, some are paying 14%. The average is 8, highest in 20 years.

Glad you said that. To everyone reading this, pay attention to what republicans are doing here. We show them the economy is good and crime rates are down and they come back with “it doesn’t feel like it”

They don’t realize it’s because the media they listen to is lying to them.
So how exactly is this going to help you win votes genius? Everybody voting for Trump already can see through this sham.

Biden can't tout any achievements. So, Orange man bad and, don't forget, orange man will take democracy away. Me? Don't forget, orange man bad.
We are a democracy. We are organized as a constitutional republic.

How many times we gonna beat this alt-right horse to death? :)
One Wolf Deciding the Menu for Almost a Million Sheep

Constitution-bangers preach that as if it's best that we worship the Founding Fodder forever. By making "that's the way things are" into a command, they cut off any debate about whether we should be a republic.

Worse, all their warnings about what happens in a democracy are what always happens in a republic. Once it excludes the common people, it degenerates into an oligarchy, which inevitably quarrels within itself and collapses.

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