Four protesting Dolphins joined by a big fifth — owner Steve Ross

Owner Ross: "These guys are making a conversation about something that's very important topic in this country. I'm 100 percent in support of them."

Yes, and what is that important topic?

Don't trust the cops? Instead display animosity towards them?


Except, I can think of ten topics far more important if they want to protest and far more beneficial to black lives in this nation. But apparently that does not play so well for their constant state of victimhood for which they want to blame all their problems on.
Each and every one of those players is, at least on paper, a college grad and in good physical shape. If they are all kinds of bent-out of shape over police treatment of blacks, they can all put their money where their mouths are and quit the NFL and become cops and show us how to do it right.
Each and every one of those players is, at least on paper, a college grad and in good physical shape. If they are all kinds of bent-out of shape over police treatment of blacks, they can all put their money where their mouths are and quit the NFL and become cops and show us how to do it right.

many w/o criminal record yet. What is the Tattoo policy these days? below the redneck? is OK? if your skin is dark enough we don't see it. don't ask don't tell?
The NFL isn't going to get a shiny nickel out of me. I cancelled my NFL Sunday Ticket with Directv before the start of the season. When the NFL starts seeing revenue losses in the millions, they will act.

Even cowards are spurred to action where money is concerned.
Some cops shoot some black crime suspects and the country is somehow oppressive?

Well if that was the only thing I'd agree with you...except they seem to shoot innocent people too and its ok too. I know, I know not one person who was shot by an officer is "innocent" right? All of them deserved it on different varying levels such as talking back, or struggling while being choked instead of the natural reaction to being choked which is to lay there quietly. Or having a knife in your pocket or not having anything and cops thinking you did. etc
Do you think a few bad actors in local police forces across the nation abusing their power means the country is to blame? What do you want done at a national level to address this? Do you have any thoughts on all the black on black crime and violence? Is that the country's fault too?
What is your point for all this?
Do you support their opinion? If so, why?

My point is...Where is the outrage? Another white person flies under the outrage radar.
Well, I cant comment on your racist aspect.

Thats the whole point isnt it?
maybe to a racist

Man, one day a you guys will hold whites to the same standard you do blacks but until then its not about race waka waka
What is your point for all this?
Do you support their opinion? If so, why?

My point is...Where is the outrage? Another white person flies under the outrage radar.
Well, I cant comment on your racist aspect.

Thats the whole point isnt it?
maybe to a racist

Man, one day a you guys will hold whites to the same standard you do blacks but until then its not about race waka waka
WTF are you talking about? You dumb bro?
I have not "seen" a bad shooting yet? you seem to know of some old lady shot in the duplex because MURDERER went into the other side. maybe across the roof. Was SHE reaching for a gun too? fire in the hole.

I don't have any tears. For none of it. Castille? Fat guy in LA reaching in his pocket? gimme a break.

We don't have time nor resource to street counsel every wacko. Elimination Nation. I really don't care. Thin the herd. I am done.

don't try me. I can post more whitey as more whitey are shot.

‘Trigger-happy’ or well trained? Fresno police release video of Dylan Noble shooting.
What is your point for all this?
Do you support their opinion? If so, why?

My point is...Where is the outrage? Another white person flies under the outrage radar.
Well, I cant comment on your racist aspect.

Thats the whole point isnt it?

All of these millionaire 'protesters' live in gated communities or protected mansion and send their kids to private schools. All this bullshit is is a publicity stunt, and an Anti-American one at that.
I have not "seen" a bad shooting yet? you seem to know of some old lady shot in the duplex because MURDERER went into the other side. maybe across the roof. Was SHE reaching for a gun too? fire in the hole.

I don't have any tears. For none of it. Castille? Fat guy in LA reaching in his pocket? gimme a break.

We don't have time nor resource to street counsel every wacko. Elimination Nation. I really don't care. Thin the herd. I am done.

don't try me. I can post more whitey as more whitey are shot.

‘Trigger-happy’ or well trained? Fresno police release video of Dylan Noble shooting.

If that guy was black, they would have called it racism. they kept shooting him as he lay on the ground. But the dumb kid kept moving his hands and disobeying damn
What is your point for all this?
Do you support their opinion? If so, why?

My point is...Where is the outrage? Another white person flies under the outrage radar.
Well, I cant comment on your racist aspect.

Thats the whole point isnt it?

All of these millionaire 'protesters' live in gated communities or protected mansion and send their kids to private schools. All this bullshit is is a publicity stunt, and an Anti-American one at that.

Where their houses are or what they earn has nothing to do with it you little green monster
What is your point for all this?
Do you support their opinion? If so, why?

My point is...Where is the outrage? Another white person flies under the outrage radar.
Well, I cant comment on your racist aspect.

Thats the whole point isnt it?

All of these millionaire 'protesters' live in gated communities or protected mansion and send their kids to private schools. All this bullshit is is a publicity stunt, and an Anti-American one at that.

Where their houses are or what they earn has nothing to do with it you little green monster
Sure it does
I have not "seen" a bad shooting yet? you seem to know of some old lady shot in the duplex because MURDERER went into the other side. maybe across the roof. Was SHE reaching for a gun too? fire in the hole.

I don't have any tears. For none of it. Castille? Fat guy in LA reaching in his pocket? gimme a break.

We don't have time nor resource to street counsel every wacko. Elimination Nation. I really don't care. Thin the herd. I am done.

don't try me. I can post more whitey as more whitey are shot.

‘Trigger-happy’ or well trained? Fresno police release video of Dylan Noble shooting.

If that guy was black, they would have called it racism. they kept shooting him as he lay on the ground. But the dumb kid kept moving his hands and disobeying damn

yeah when people get shot it causes them to feel pain....Cops call the reaction to pain "resisting" or "not obeying orders" because you're supposed to lay really still when a bullet is pumped into your body
Hyde: Four protesting Dolphins joined by a big fifth — owner Steve Ross

Ross is in the elite club of NFL owners. He's a multi-billionaire. He's a game-changer, too. And if players face some fans' wrath for kneeling down – as they know they do – Ross presents a bigger name and bigger target for those to grow angry about.

"I don't think there was any lack of respect," Ross said. "Everyone in this team and whole organization respects the flag and what it stands for. These guys are making a conversation about something that's very important topic in this country. I'm 100 percent in support of them."

What will they do now? More and more whites are joining them and now it's going to be hard to explain why no one is mad at the owner of the Dolphins but angry as hell at the players haha

I respect peoples' protesting, it doesn't make me angry, but I think they're damn stupid and ignorant is all. Thats my opinion, you have yours and they have theirs. Cops dont Target blacks as Portrayed by BLM. are there a few phycho or racist Cops? sure. Is White America responsible for them and their actions? No , no more than Black America is responsible when a Black Cop makes a mistake or is a bad Cop.

This shit all started boiling over with Trevon Martin. If cops were targeting Blacks you would have heard the 911 dispatcher tell Zimmerman to Pursue martin, but She ordered him to go back to his Car. An order he disobeyed.

Then the Idiots in Media and even the Administration try to convict White America in the court of public opinion for upholding the shooting of a black teen. In reality it was the fault of the prosecution for believing the HYPE spewed by the media before facts were out. They should have tried for Manslaughter which I by the way would have agreed with. Instead they tried to go for the higher count which the facts could not support. If these BLM crowd wanted White America to overturn a court decision because of their so called public opinion, they should go live somewhere in a banana republic somewhere where Public Opinion Trumps the rule of law. Thats what they deserve for their extreme ignorance, its just a shame the Media has been feeding into this every step of the way since then, stirring up hatred between between us all, the Justice department has done the same by jumping the gun several times.

And so now you have people protesting the Flag and America, obviously they think they do well and are being supportive I just see them as being fooled
I have not "seen" a bad shooting yet? you seem to know of some old lady shot in the duplex because MURDERER went into the other side. maybe across the roof. Was SHE reaching for a gun too? fire in the hole.

I don't have any tears. For none of it. Castille? Fat guy in LA reaching in his pocket? gimme a break.

We don't have time nor resource to street counsel every wacko. Elimination Nation. I really don't care. Thin the herd. I am done.

don't try me. I can post more whitey as more whitey are shot.

‘Trigger-happy’ or well trained? Fresno police release video of Dylan Noble shooting.

If that guy was black, they would have called it racism. they kept shooting him as he lay on the ground. But the dumb kid kept moving his hands and disobeying damn

yeah when people get shot it causes them to feel pain....Cops call the reaction to pain "resisting" or "not obeying orders" because you're supposed to lay really still when a bullet is pumped into your body

I dont like it either, right or wrong thats the way they are trained. But the point being, he wasnt shot because he was black. But had he been black, you know how it would be portrayed, they would say his life didnt matter because he was black

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