Four Senate Republicans Fail to Show Up for Vote on Amendment Defunding Vaccine Mandates, Ensuring Failure

There are only a handful of republican u.s. senators who are decent American citizens. The rest are scum who would side with trump, who himself is a traitor.
Still pushing this binary argument?

It is binary ... Democrats and Republicans do as much to get each other elected as themselves.
The Establishment exists as a product of combined efforts on both sides of the aisle.

Changing seats in the Mid-Term Elections, especially when both Houses of Congress and the White House are controlled by one party ...
Allows cover for the absolute shit that either does or doesn't get done.

It not simply History, and more Process than anything else ... :thup:

WTF? Considering the one-sided source I'd like to know more about this one but it seems typical Uniparty behavior.

Four Senate Republicans failed to show up to vote on an amendment that would have defunded President Joe Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates, thus ensuring its failure.

The Senate voted on Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) amendment to the continuing resolution (CR), which would defund Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates. The measure failed 46-47, with Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Richard Burr (R-NC) failing to show up, depriving Senate Republicans a potential majority to pass the amendment to the CR.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) set the vote threshold to a majority, and it remains possible that he could have set the threshold to 60 if Republicans had enough votes to pass with a majority; however, Democrats broke and voted to defund Biden’s private employer mandate the last time they voted on vaccine mandates. This could have put more pressure on Democrats to support the defunding of Biden’s vaccine mandates.

Four Senate Republicans Fail to Show Up for Vote on Amendment Defunding Vaccine Mandates, Ensuring Failure
Follow the money
I guess you can’t answer the question.

Have anything besides peevish insults or do you want to concede the argument?

What are you doin’ here??? Aren’t you supposed to be on an adventure with the man in the yellow hat???
Still pushing this binary argument?

The Presidents party loses seats and/or majorities in midterm elections as a rule REGARDLESS of whether it’s the Democrat or Republican in the WH.
I believe this midterm is going to be worse than ordinary.

Biden was a terrible candidate and is an even worse President.

That's just honest.

Not that the Democrats had much depth on their bench in 2020.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a's a duck.

I've seen your posts.

You're a Democrat.....Democrats lie about everything.

Or....could you post a number of your pro-Trump posts????

Should I wait?
Nope. I'm not pro-Trump. I'm also not anti-Republican. See if you can wrap your pointy head around that. Likely an impossible task for someone like yourself.
There are only a handful of republican u.s. senators who are decent American citizens. The rest are scum who would side with trump, who himself is a traitor.

Since the Democrats have fully armed both the Taliban and Iran......perhaps you could give some examples of where Trump was a 'traitor'?
Don't forget Bill Clinton selling out missile technology to China for campaign donations.
And Hillary with our uranium......

And, while you are at it, explain why you side with the European Party, based on Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, rather than an American Party, based on Madison, Jefferson and Franklin.

Warning: if this is the first time you ever tried to think you might be subject to an aneurysm.
Nope. I'm not pro-Trump. I'm also not anti-Republican. See if you can wrap your pointy head around that. Likely an impossible task for someone like yourself.

Let's see a bunch of your posts indicting the Democrats.

If there are none, you are simply a low-life liar.
Why do you suppose the majority of voters have turned on your party?

"Republicans Take Biggest Congressional Poll Lead Over Democrats Since 1981"

It must be because of this, huh?


And this.......

And even this.....


Now.....what were you saying about 'idiots'????

i am saying that idiots post idiotic Facebook memes claiming a 2012 pic from Australia is representing Trump's America while claiming that a 2018 pic is representing Biden’s America.
Is that old Rino Romney still creaking around? I thought he was dead. Republicans wouldn't have had a majority anyway.
i am saying that idiots post idiotic Facebook memes claiming a 2012 pic from Australia is representing Trump's America while claiming that a 2018 pic is representing Biden’s America.

That's because you're pretty much a moron.

Bet you hear that a lot, huh?

It is binary ... Democrats and Republicans do as much to get each other elected as themselves.
The Establishment exists as a product of combined efforts on both sides of the aisle.

Changing seats in the Mid-Term Elections, especially when both Houses of Congress and the White House are controlled by one party ...
Allows cover for the absolute shit that either does or doesn't get done.

It not simply History, and more Process than anything else ... :thup:


Never stated it was simply history. The point being that it was more than likely the Democratic Party was going to lose in the midterms regardless of how inept the party has been.
I believe this midterm is going to be worse than ordinary.

Biden was a terrible candidate and is an even worse President.

That's just honest.

Not that the Democrats had much depth on their bench in 2020.

Do not disagree. I’m conceding that the Democratic Party is getting hammered in the midterms.

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