Four senators sold stocks before coronavirus threat crashed market

??? For the 10000000th time, I do not and have never belonged to a political party. Your dementia sucks.

Yet you are loyal to the death for one...weird.
Loyalty is for dogs. We have discussed this how many times!? I am loyal to my family and friends. Never a political party or a politician. Ask Tom Brady about loyalty.

You say those words, yet you would not say a bad thing about a Repub right now if someone put a gun to your head.

This guy used information he had as the Head of the Intel committee to enrich himself, all the while keeping the true danger from the public...and you are cool with it.
Dementia hits again. What would you like me to say? You should strive to do better. I like only a select few politicians. I can name three. Rest I dislike.
??? For the 10000000th time, I do not and have never belonged to a political party. Your dementia sucks.

Yet you are loyal to the death for one...weird.
Loyalty is for dogs. We have discussed this how many times!? I am loyal to my family and friends. Never a political party or a politician. Ask Tom Brady about loyalty.

You say those words, yet you would not say a bad thing about a Repub right now if someone put a gun to your head.

This guy used information he had as the Head of the Intel committee to enrich himself, all the while keeping the true danger from the public...and you are cool with it.
Dementia hits again. What would you like me to say? You should strive to do better. I like only a select few politicians. I can name three. Rest I dislike.

I do not want you to say a thing, you just keep on being the loyal little puppy that you are, never say a bad thing about your beloved party.
??? For the 10000000th time, I do not and have never belonged to a political party. Your dementia sucks.

Yet you are loyal to the death for one...weird.
Loyalty is for dogs. We have discussed this how many times!? I am loyal to my family and friends. Never a political party or a politician. Ask Tom Brady about loyalty.

You say those words, yet you would not say a bad thing about a Repub right now if someone put a gun to your head.

This guy used information he had as the Head of the Intel committee to enrich himself, all the while keeping the true danger from the public...and you are cool with it.
Dementia hits again. What would you like me to say? You should strive to do better. I like only a select few politicians. I can name three. Rest I dislike.

I do not want you to say a thing, you just keep on being the loyal little puppy that you are, never say a bad thing about your beloved party.

You're just lying. I constantly bash LaDairus, Tijn, and other right wing nuts here. You just choose not to see that. You're an old fool with dementia. I have yet to see you bash them though. Interestingly enough.
You're just lying. I constantly bash LaDairus, Tijn, and other right wing nuts here. You just choose not to see that. You're an old fool with dementia. I have yet to see you bash them though. Interestingly enough.

Yet you cannot bring yourself to say a single bad thing about Repub....weird.
Yawn............Another BS thread from TDS patients.......

Anyone who looks at history and has been on this planet during other outbreaks could have told you this.

Oh please.

"Every company should be cognizant of the fact that you may have to alter your travel. You may have to look at your employees and judge whether the trip they're making to Europe is essential or whether it can be done on video conference. Why risk it?" Burr said.

It was already being reported publicly it was becoming a major problem in parts of Europe.
Yeah, real insider trading tips.
Feb 27, cnn
February 27 coronavirus news - CNN
Trump February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

Trump February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Look at what Burr said. It was a problem in Europe. Geesh. -Think about your travel.- He mentioned nothing about the US in that statement.

He said it was going to be more akin to the 1918 pandemic...did the public have the information at that time?
Yeah, you have on public servant saying in private it was going to be as bad as the 1918 pandemic.

You have another public servant saying in public that it would all be over in a few days.

Why did our politicians put the party line above the health and well-being of the public?

He needed time to drop his 1.6 million in stocks before the market dropped.

Senator Dumped Up to $1.6 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness

Intelligence Chair Richard Burr’s selloff came around the time he was receiving daily briefings on the health threat.

Soon after he offered public assurances that the government was ready to battle the coronavirus, the powerful chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr, sold off a significant percentage of his stocks, unloading between $582,029 and $1.56 million of his holdings on Feb. 13 in 29 separate transactions.

As the head of the intelligence committee, Burr, a North Carolina Republican, has access to the government’s most highly classified information about threats to America’s security. His committee was receiving daily coronavirus briefings around this time, according to a Reuters story.

A week after Burr’s sales, the stock market began a sharp decline and has lost about 30% since.

On Thursday, Burr came under fire after NPR obtained a secret recording from Feb. 27, in which the lawmaker gave a VIP group at an exclusive social club a much more dire preview of the economic impact of the coronavirus than what he had told the public.

More: Senator Dumped Up to $1.6 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness

Shame on Senator Burr. I thought he was better than that. I could better understand his selloff if he had been honest with the public about what he knew from his daily classified briefings. What do you think?

Does a leopard change it's spots? One can only imagine how much Nancy and her Democrat cronies made on the latest stocks plunge... So Senator Burr was singled out... How many others on the Dem side were not caught?

Nancy Pelosi Built Wealth on 'Insider Trading' 05, 2017 · Hill was speaking of ‘insider trading’ in terms of Pelosi influencing legislation ahead of trades. Until Peter Schweizer’s 2011 book “Throw Them All Out” brought this fact to the American public’s attention, most didn’t know that it was legal for members of congress to ‘insider …


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Yawn............Another BS thread from TDS patients.......

Anyone who looks at history and has been on this planet during other outbreaks could have told you this.


The thread is not even about Trump, please at least try to keep up.
You're just lying. I constantly bash LaDairus, Tijn, and other right wing nuts here. You just choose not to see that. You're an old fool with dementia. I have yet to see you bash them though. Interestingly enough.

Yet you cannot bring yourself to say a single bad thing about Repub....weird.

Except you've seen me do it. Do you have dementia? Weird. Those people I thrash here, including Sunni Man are republicans.
You're just lying. I constantly bash LaDairus, Tijn, and other right wing nuts here. You just choose not to see that. You're an old fool with dementia. I have yet to see you bash them though. Interestingly enough.

Yet you cannot bring yourself to say a single bad thing about Repub....weird.

Except you've seen me do it. Do you have dementia? Weird. Those people I thrash here, including Sunni Man are republicans.

Nope. the only thing close is about once every 6 months you claim to not like Trump's spending. That is about it
Yawn............Another BS thread from TDS patients.......

Anyone who looks at history and has been on this planet during other outbreaks could have told you this.


The thread is not even about Trump, please at least try to keep up.
It's still TDS ...........just directed really are gonna say insider trading when everyone with any common sense knows the shit is gonna hit the fan.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Get a rope.

Are you kidding, these Repub sheep think he is a great human being.
Ok, so it's just us then.

I'll tie the knot, you scout out a good tree.
You're just lying. I constantly bash LaDairus, Tijn, and other right wing nuts here. You just choose not to see that. You're an old fool with dementia. I have yet to see you bash them though. Interestingly enough.

Yet you cannot bring yourself to say a single bad thing about Repub....weird.

Except you've seen me do it. Do you have dementia? Weird. Those people I thrash here, including Sunni Man are republicans.

Nope. the only thing close is about once every 6 months you claim to not like Trump's spending. That is about it

Then pay more attention, blind man. I don't like his spending or his healthcare fixes (none) or his lack of enforcing border security.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Get a rope.

Are you kidding, these Repub sheep think he is a great human being.

You're one to talk. Wolf in sheeps clothing.
It's still TDS ...........just directed really are gonna say insider trading when everyone with any common sense knows the shit is gonna hit the fan.

And thus is the problem, when you worship another human like you do Trump, you think everything is about them.

This is not about Trump, this is about the government in general, Dems and Repubs combined.

The government knew long before we were told that this was going to be bad, in fact while we were being told it would be over in a week or two they knew better. They told their donors, the ones that write them their checks, but they did not tell us.

This same senator sold more than a million dollars in stocks right before the crash, a crash that you people said would never happen.

Now, I know that since you are a big government statist you think that this is the way the government is supposed to act, you think that they are better than us and thus deserve their special treatment. I do not share that view.
Senator Richard Burr Warned Of Coronavirus Effects In Private Meeting - Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

So, Burr let the fat cats know what was coming while the rest of us were being treated like mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Don't kid yourself. You are still in the dark being fed bullshit. They are just softening the blow. This thing isn't going away soon.

I know it. My son is in the class of 2020, they are out of school till 3 April officially. Their principle sent an email today to the class of 2020 with what sounded very much like a graduation speech in it. He knows they will not be back.

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