Four shot dead at one-year-old's birthday party in Texas

Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.

Again, no evidence these 'Oppressed Minorities' used registered firearms, and it's your ilk who loves them some open borders to boot, so again you're just being silly and clueless.
Nothing silly about the statistics PROVING that less guns = less gun deaths. By a lot. And you cannot dispute that if that man did not casually own a gun, he would not have been able to shoot four people dead. The border has nothing to do with it, nor his race. That is you folks throwing that shit in there. Packing at a one year old's birthday party? WTF is wrong with that? Oh, nothing, says 2AGuy or the NRA.

lol as if your ridiculous clueless finger wagging is making any of your Party's pet cretins stop buying guns or something.

So you're going to sweep black and latino neighborhoods? Tha's the only way to get rid of oven a small portion of them, and your open border fantasy will quickly fill the shortfall. Isn't that 'raysist n stuff'?
You're the one coming up with racist stuff. I suppose that was the idea behind this OP to begin with, so I will skedaddle and leave you racists to it.

Rubbish. You're running away because you have nothing but racist twaddle. 'Gun control' as practiced by Democrats is all about racism. It's about ignoring theri own demographics and sniveling about white NRA members.
Four shot dead at one-year-old's birthday party in Texas | Reuters

Four men were shot and killed following a fight between two families at a birthday party for a 1-year-old in Texas, state officials said.

A 37-year-old man is suspected of shooting five men with a handgun early Saturday evening in the backyard of a home in the small town of Taft, north of Corpus Christi, said Sgt. Nathan Brandley of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Police were searching on Sunday for the suspected gunman, Ronnie Rodriguez Sr., and have also arrested his son, Ronnie Rodriguez Jr., 20, in connection with the shooting, Brandley said.


Hey Timmy; what happened at your 1st B-Day party?

Four people were murdered.
Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.
Actually, that’s pretty much all of it.

If America weren’t such a violent society, if violence wasn’t glorified in American culture, and if violence wasn’t perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether or not there are guns in the home, or however easy it might be to acquire a gun, would be irrelevant.
Well, I certainly understand your argument and agree with it as far as it goes, but people will be people, and if they get angry and were raised to act out violently, grabbing that convenient gun out of the drawer is going to have a whole lot worse outcome than in a country where a gun in the drawer is a rare thing.
Your common far right rep/con can only be happy in schadenfreude.


The difference in the thinking is, people on the left think, if you tinker/change the institutions enough, there would be an end to tragedies. Conservatives think that kind of thinking is goofy.

End? No.

But as Europe has proven
But as Australia has proven
But as every other advanced society has proven

Effective limits on gun ownership result in fewer gun deaths.

There is no debate about that; facts are facts.
However violent crime and homicide is only around 10% difference. I guess it makes you happier if someone was stabbed or strangled or shot.

It makes me happier if we have fewer dead people. That seems to be the difference between the two ideologies…you see dead people as the costs of doing business and collateral damage to the 2nd Amendment. The left sees dead people as something completely unnecessary. I guess more dead people makes folks like you happier.
Yet, babies being aborted is okay with you?????
Wow, just WOW!

The Second Amendment is here to stay, we all are just going to have to live with that thought.

Pagans have always gone in for human sacrifices; it's why they have always hated Romans and later Christians.
End? No.

But as Europe has proven
But as Australia has proven
But as every other advanced society has proven

Effective limits on gun ownership result in fewer gun deaths.

There is no debate about that; facts are facts.
However violent crime and homicide is only around 10% difference. I guess it makes you happier if someone was stabbed or strangled or shot.

It makes me happier if we have fewer dead people. That seems to be the difference between the two ideologies…you see dead people as the costs of doing business and collateral damage to the 2nd Amendment. The left sees dead people as something completely unnecessary. I guess more dead people makes folks like you happier.
Comprehension is obviously not your strong suit. My point was guns aren’t the problem. People are. Your ideology makes you stupid and makes you post what you just did which was nothing more than babble. You have no logical response so you fall back into your talking points. When you have something intelegent to say, feel free to come back.

You mis-spelled “intelligent”.
Oh no. I’m going to spelling hell. Care to own up to the issue or do you just want to wallow in a spelling bee?

When you call someone "stupid" then mis-spell "intelligent", it points out who is the "stupid" one and who is actually "intelligent".

As for the debate over guns, it is settled. They are doing something very right and we are doing something very wrong. The statistics prove it. Your argument otherwise is moronic.

Two things my liberal sisters and brothers do not own up to is this though; there are areas of this nation where the closest thing resembling law enforcement is hours away and it would be almost criminal not to have some means of aggressive deterrence. Secondly, guns in schools. Rejecting armed guards at schools is flat out stupid. Especially when one considers that the first call you're going to make is to law enforcement who is armed if and when you have an active shooter or some other disruptive entity on campus.
Four shot dead at one-year-old's birthday party in Texas | Reuters

Four men were shot and killed following a fight between two families at a birthday party for a 1-year-old in Texas, state officials said.

A 37-year-old man is suspected of shooting five men with a handgun early Saturday evening in the backyard of a home in the small town of Taft, north of Corpus Christi, said Sgt. Nathan Brandley of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Police were searching on Sunday for the suspected gunman, Ronnie Rodriguez Sr., and have also arrested his son, Ronnie Rodriguez Jr., 20, in connection with the shooting, Brandley said.


Hey Timmy; what happened at your 1st B-Day party?

Four people were murdered.
Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.
Actually, that’s pretty much all of it.

If America weren’t such a violent society, if violence wasn’t glorified in American culture, and if violence wasn’t perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether or not there are guns in the home, or however easy it might be to acquire a gun, would be irrelevant.
Well, I certainly understand your argument and agree with it as far as it goes, but people will be people, and if they get angry and were raised to act out violently, grabbing that convenient gun out of the drawer is going to have a whole lot worse outcome than in a country where a gun in the drawer is a rare thing.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

A guy in Paris, Texas is jilted by his girlfriend in High School His buddy down the street is playing Commando 84 or whatever the most violent video game is now and is hypnotized and desensitized to the violence. The girl two houses over watches Peppermint and wants to become a bad ass vixen righting the wrongs of society.

Another guy in Paris, France is jilted by his girl, two rues over his buddy is on the 'net with his buddy in Paris, Texas and is equally apathetic about violence. A fair haired frau in Germany saw Peppermint on-line and also wants to become a vigilante.

In Paris, Texas each can go to any number of places and buy as many weapons as they want. The result. Carnage.

In Paris, France, each cannot go to any number of places and buy any firearms. The result. They almost always move on with their lives. The ones that do not find much less lethal means of inflicting harm.

It makes perfect sense to compare apples to apples. The difference is, of course, that Europe has seen industrial scale violence or at least the folks who structured their societies have. In the US, few have seen death and destruction up close and fantasize about it; both from the standpoint of the assailant and the potential victims. This is why liberals have a hard time accepting any solution other than total disarmament and gun proponents have a hard time accepting any solution other than being able to arm yourself to the teeth against imaginary marauders.
Second amendment solutions

Don’t mess with Texas
when people die in chicago by guns how come you dont say....."dont mess with Chicago"?....
No that place is a battle zone period. It would take a armed Army on every corner in squad strength and a larger jail to put them. Only the people living in the are can stop the violence by shooting the SOBs. Sorry but that is the only way I can come up with. I feel sorry for any good people who live there. It sound more like a way of life.
Often? Hardly, but it does happen. All the non eventful birthday parties aren't reported. Sooo, not so often

I am curious about something; not to hijack the thread or anything…

But when they give you get the title of Moderator and Tipsycatlover makes an obviously idiotic, racist comment like the one you just responded to and let pass; is that just you accepting and applauding the racism or are you coached not to upset folks by telling them that they are making a racist comment? Seriously…I’m just asking.
Aren't you the snowflake these days? When did TCL's comment break the boards rules? Seriously
Go find your safe place, Candy, let the adults carry on a conversation.

Not about rules…about good taste and decency. Something you seem to be lacking.
So it's not about rules? Then just what is your friggin' point? It's a political message board, not Martha Stewart's cooking site.
You are such a sissy, Candy.

Have you or the other mods considered that perhaps the reason the monthly pleas for funding and the monthly shortfall (halfway through the month you haven't raised a quarter of the total yet) is the result of your de facto endorsement of such racism and bigotry?
----------------------------------------------- yeah Candy , reduce the Principle of FREE SPEECH on the board and the board will get more money . Are you trying to Bribe the MODS Candy ??
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Four shot dead at one-year-old's birthday party in Texas | Reuters

Four men were shot and killed following a fight between two families at a birthday party for a 1-year-old in Texas, state officials said.

A 37-year-old man is suspected of shooting five men with a handgun early Saturday evening in the backyard of a home in the small town of Taft, north of Corpus Christi, said Sgt. Nathan Brandley of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Police were searching on Sunday for the suspected gunman, Ronnie Rodriguez Sr., and have also arrested his son, Ronnie Rodriguez Jr., 20, in connection with the shooting, Brandley said.


Hey Timmy; what happened at your 1st B-Day party?

Four people were murdered.
Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.
Actually, that’s pretty much all of it.

If America weren’t such a violent society, if violence wasn’t glorified in American culture, and if violence wasn’t perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether or not there are guns in the home, or however easy it might be to acquire a gun, would be irrelevant.
Well, I certainly understand your argument and agree with it as far as it goes, but people will be people, and if they get angry and were raised to act out violently, grabbing that convenient gun out of the drawer is going to have a whole lot worse outcome than in a country where a gun in the drawer is a rare thing.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

A guy in Paris, Texas is jilted by his girlfriend in High School His buddy down the street is playing Commando 84 or whatever the most violent video game is now and is hypnotized and desensitized to the violence. The girl two houses over watches Peppermint and wants to become a bad ass vixen righting the wrongs of society.

Another guy in Paris, France is jilted by his girl, two rues over his buddy is on the 'net with his buddy in Paris, Texas and is equally apathetic about violence. A fair haired frau in Germany saw Peppermint on-line and also wants to become a vigilante.

In Paris, Texas each can go to any number of places and buy as many weapons as they want. The result. Carnage.

In Paris, France, each cannot go to any number of places and buy any firearms. The result. They almost always move on with their lives. The ones that do not find much less lethal means of inflicting harm.

It makes perfect sense to compare apples to apples. The difference is, of course, that Europe has seen industrial scale violence or at least the folks who structured their societies have. In the US, few have seen death and destruction up close and fantasize about it; both from the standpoint of the assailant and the potential victims. This is why liberals have a hard time accepting any solution other than total disarmament and gun proponents have a hard time accepting any solution other than being able to arm yourself to the teeth against imaginary marauders.
They use force, knifes, poison, club, read the news in Europe.

German police detain suspected hostage-taker and free woman

Bulgarian man arrested in Germany and charged with TV journalist's murder

Eight police hurt as German far-right concert turns violent

German Right-wing militants held over anti-migrant 'terror' cell
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Second amendment solutions

Don’t mess with Texas
when people die in chicago by guns how come you dont say....."dont mess with Chicago"?....
No that place is a battle zone period. It would take a armed Army on every corner in squad strength and a larger jail to put them. Only the people living in the are can stop the violence by shooting the SOBs. Sorry but that is the only way I can come up with. I feel sorry for any good people who live there. It sound more like a way of life.
------------------------------------------ it is a way of life , gang members , affiliated gang associates , and wannabe gang member . As i said earlier , some good people may have a party or just going about peaceful business somewhere in the USA and gang types crash the party in many cases and the violence starts .
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Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.
Actually, that’s pretty much all of it.

If America weren’t such a violent society, if violence wasn’t glorified in American culture, and if violence wasn’t perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether or not there are guns in the home, or however easy it might be to acquire a gun, would be irrelevant.
Well, I certainly understand your argument and agree with it as far as it goes, but people will be people, and if they get angry and were raised to act out violently, grabbing that convenient gun out of the drawer is going to have a whole lot worse outcome than in a country where a gun in the drawer is a rare thing.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

A guy in Paris, Texas is jilted by his girlfriend in High School His buddy down the street is playing Commando 84 or whatever the most violent video game is now and is hypnotized and desensitized to the violence. The girl two houses over watches Peppermint and wants to become a bad ass vixen righting the wrongs of society.

Another guy in Paris, France is jilted by his girl, two rues over his buddy is on the 'net with his buddy in Paris, Texas and is equally apathetic about violence. A fair haired frau in Germany saw Peppermint on-line and also wants to become a vigilante.

In Paris, Texas each can go to any number of places and buy as many weapons as they want. The result. Carnage.

In Paris, France, each cannot go to any number of places and buy any firearms. The result. They almost always move on with their lives. The ones that do not find much less lethal means of inflicting harm.

It makes perfect sense to compare apples to apples. The difference is, of course, that Europe has seen industrial scale violence or at least the folks who structured their societies have. In the US, few have seen death and destruction up close and fantasize about it; both from the standpoint of the assailant and the potential victims. This is why liberals have a hard time accepting any solution other than total disarmament and gun proponents have a hard time accepting any solution other than being able to arm yourself to the teeth against imaginary marauders.
They use force, knifes, poison, club, read the news in Europe.

German police detain suspected hostage-taker and free woman

Bulgarian man arrested in Germany and charged with TV journalist's murder

Eight police hurt as German far-right concert turns violent

German Right-wing militants held over anti-migrant 'terror' cell

Wow...sounds like a slow night at a suburban Nashville Wal*Mart.
Well, I certainly understand your argument and agree with it as far as it goes, but people will be people, and if they get angry and were raised to act out violently, grabbing that convenient gun out of the drawer is going to have a whole lot worse outcome than in a country where a gun in the drawer is a rare thing.

Yeah, like people smoking pot is a rare thing cuz its illegal too.

Oh, wait....
Four shot dead at one-year-old's birthday party in Texas | Reuters

Four men were shot and killed following a fight between two families at a birthday party for a 1-year-old in Texas, state officials said.

A 37-year-old man is suspected of shooting five men with a handgun early Saturday evening in the backyard of a home in the small town of Taft, north of Corpus Christi, said Sgt. Nathan Brandley of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Police were searching on Sunday for the suspected gunman, Ronnie Rodriguez Sr., and have also arrested his son, Ronnie Rodriguez Jr., 20, in connection with the shooting, Brandley said.


Hey Timmy; what happened at your 1st B-Day party?

Four people were murdered.
Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.
Actually, that’s pretty much all of it.

If America weren’t such a violent society, if violence wasn’t glorified in American culture, and if violence wasn’t perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether or not there are guns in the home, or however easy it might be to acquire a gun, would be irrelevant.
Well, I certainly understand your argument and agree with it as far as it goes, but people will be people, and if they get angry and were raised to act out violently, grabbing that convenient gun out of the drawer is going to have a whole lot worse outcome than in a country where a gun in the drawer is a rare thing.
There’s a difference between getting angry and using violence to resolve the issue that made one angry to begin with.

The point is that there are no quick fixes for the problem of gun crime and violence, no panacea, no magic pill, such as restricting access to firearms.

The point is that the issue of gun crime and violence is a complex and difficult problem that goes far beyond the enactment of more laws and measures; it requires a fundamental change in how Americans perceive violence, glorify violence, and accept violence as an appropriate means of conflict resolution.

Again: given the current political climate no such laws will be forthcoming; and even if such laws are enacted, they will be invalidated by the courts the consequence of the current judicial climate.

So facing these difficult problems and making these difficult decisions about the nature of American society and culture is the only way to proceed if one wishes in good faith to end the problem of gun crime and violence.
Four shot dead at one-year-old's birthday party in Texas | Reuters

Four men were shot and killed following a fight between two families at a birthday party for a 1-year-old in Texas, state officials said.

A 37-year-old man is suspected of shooting five men with a handgun early Saturday evening in the backyard of a home in the small town of Taft, north of Corpus Christi, said Sgt. Nathan Brandley of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Police were searching on Sunday for the suspected gunman, Ronnie Rodriguez Sr., and have also arrested his son, Ronnie Rodriguez Jr., 20, in connection with the shooting, Brandley said.


Hey Timmy; what happened at your 1st B-Day party?

Four people were murdered.
Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.
Actually, that’s pretty much all of it.

If America weren’t such a violent society, if violence wasn’t glorified in American culture, and if violence wasn’t perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution, whether or not there are guns in the home, or however easy it might be to acquire a gun, would be irrelevant.
Well, I certainly understand your argument and agree with it as far as it goes, but people will be people, and if they get angry and were raised to act out violently, grabbing that convenient gun out of the drawer is going to have a whole lot worse outcome than in a country where a gun in the drawer is a rare thing.
There’s a difference between getting angry and using violence to resolve the issue that made one angry to begin with.

The point is that there are no quick fixes for the problem of gun crime and violence, no panacea, no magic pill, such as restricting access to firearms.

The point is that the issue of gun crime and violence is a complex and difficult problem that goes far beyond the enactment of more laws and measures; it requires a fundamental change in how Americans perceive violence, glorify violence, and accept violence as an appropriate means of conflict resolution.

Again: given the current political climate no such laws will be forthcoming; and even if such laws are enacted, they will be invalidated by the courts the consequence of the current judicial climate.

So facing these difficult problems and making these difficult decisions about the nature of American society and culture is the only way to proceed if one wishes in good faith to end the problem of gun crime and violence.
------------------------------------------ stop importing the problem people and deport everyone that can be deported Clayton .
Four shot dead at one-year-old's birthday party in Texas | Reuters

Four men were shot and killed following a fight between two families at a birthday party for a 1-year-old in Texas, state officials said.

A 37-year-old man is suspected of shooting five men with a handgun early Saturday evening in the backyard of a home in the small town of Taft, north of Corpus Christi, said Sgt. Nathan Brandley of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Police were searching on Sunday for the suspected gunman, Ronnie Rodriguez Sr., and have also arrested his son, Ronnie Rodriguez Jr., 20, in connection with the shooting, Brandley said.


Hey Timmy; what happened at your 1st B-Day party?

Four people were murdered.
Once again we see the violence inherent in American culture, where violence is a sanctioned means of conflict resolution.

The problem is Americans’ propensity for, and acceptance of, violence – regardless the weapon used.
True, that's part of it. However, without a gun, would four people be dead because of a family feud? I doubt it.

Again, no evidence these 'Oppressed Minorities' used registered firearms, and it's your ilk who loves them some open borders to boot, so again you're just being silly and clueless.
Nothing silly about the statistics PROVING that less guns = less gun deaths. By a lot. And you cannot dispute that if that man did not casually own a gun, he would not have been able to shoot four people dead. The border has nothing to do with it, nor his race. That is you folks throwing that shit in there. Packing at a one year old's birthday party? WTF is wrong with that? Oh, nothing, says 2AGuy or the NRA.

there are no such stats. you think chicago has no gun control laws? NYC was a major murder capital for decades. They've had strict laws on the books since 19 frigging 12. You really have nothing, which is typical of Democrats.

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