four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

These morons do not even know that you are fucking with them. As usual.

I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes

Give some proof that the NRA says that.

NRA has always wanted and pushed for education of gun responsibility.
There are some who should never have a gun.
We have people who have guns in our restaurants and stores here in Arizona all the time.
The only ones who get upset and scared about it is the lefties from the East who have bought into the left's propaganda that all guns are bad.

Remarks from the NRA press conference on Sandy Hook school shooting, delivered on Dec. 21, 2012 (Transcript) - The Washington Post
Nah, its just that most people are brainwashed by TV and movies into thinking that no one carries a gun except cops and criminals.

You're right that a lot of Americans have no idea how many people around them are carrying firearms on a daily basis. That's perfectly fine with me. I don't need to flaunt the fact that I'm carrying a firearm, a kinfe, and pepper spray to everyone else around me.

If they don't know that a concealed carry is next to them in line at the checkout counter and don't freak out that is not any credit to them; the issue is merely avoided because they are ignorant abut what is beside them.

If they know you were carrying concealed due to the guns imprint they would freak out just as much.

In fact in some states the mere imprint of the gun showing is illegal.

Do you like that law too?

As someone who lives in a state where Concealed Carry is the ONLY option, and where someone openly carrying a handgun (nevermind a rifle) is likely to draw the response of the local SWAT Team, I have absolutely no problem with that. Hell, "printing" (the act of moving in such a way that a concealed firearm can be seen through the clothes) is a FELONY in this state, and I have no problem with that. I'm the only one who needs to know that I'm carrying the gun.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

How about when they dont demand money,and start demanding a Breakfast Jack instead?
I wonder who these people are that work at this jack in the box?
Why would they have such a disconnect from whats happening in their own community?

I want to hear some interviews of these workers. I'm really curious as to what we'd find.
I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes

Give some proof that the NRA says that.

NRA has always wanted and pushed for education of gun responsibility.
There are some who should never have a gun.
We have people who have guns in our restaurants and stores here in Arizona all the time.
The only ones who get upset and scared about it is the lefties from the East who have bought into the left's propaganda that all guns are bad.

Remarks from the NRA press conference on Sandy Hook school shooting, delivered on Dec. 21, 2012 (Transcript) - The Washington Post

I don't see anything in that report that says arm everyone, anytime or anyplace.
That report says arm trained, well qualified people to protect our school children.

I see that Hillary Clinton said that, but not the NRA.
Hillary is absolutely wrong.
Once again the left using fear.
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I want to hear some interviews of these workers. I'm really curious as to what we'd find.

I can give you a pretty good idea what you'll find.....

A bunch of young people who have never had much personal exposure to firearms. Individuals who have been repeatedly told by everyone in authority around them from parents, to teachers, to the news and public officials that firearms are dangerous, deadly objects which have no use other than causing death and destruction to whomever happens to come in contact with them.

I don't blame the workers. I blame the society which has taught them these things

AND I blame the morons who decided it was a bright idea to wander into a restaurant like they think it's the Old West.
Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

Why would they open fire on demonstrators? Didn't you read the article's sentence disclaiming the claim? Here, I'll make it Lippincott Reader size so you can understand what actually took place:

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer. claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

Now, don't you feel better knowing the demonstrators had nothing to do with the employees inside the restaurant? ;)
I want to hear some interviews of these workers. I'm really curious as to what we'd find.

I can give you a pretty good idea what you'll find.....

A bunch of young people who have never had much personal exposure to firearms. Individuals who have been repeatedly told by everyone in authority around them from parents, to teachers, to the news and public officials that firearms are dangerous, deadly objects which have no use other than causing death and destruction to whomever happens to come in contact with them.

I don't blame the workers. I blame the society which has taught them these things

AND I blame the morons who decided it was a bright idea to wander into a restaurant like they think it's the Old West.

I find it hard to believe that kids brought up in Texas would react this way.
I'm guessing it's a bunch of immigrants totally disconnected with the political process and what it means to live in the U.S.
Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

Well, if they were armed then they would be smart enough to know what was going on. Smart people are armed, idiots aren't and they rely on the authorities to protect them.

Smart people usually do not work in fast food places. This is known from experience.

You work in the fast food industry...I didn't know that.
I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes

Give some proof that the NRA says that.

NRA has always wanted and pushed for education of gun responsibility.
There are some who should never have a gun.
We have people who have guns in our restaurants and stores here in Arizona all the time.
The only ones who get upset and scared about it is the lefties from the East who have bought into the left's propaganda that all guns are bad.

Remarks from the NRA press conference on Sandy Hook school shooting, delivered on Dec. 21, 2012 (Transcript) - The Washington Post

nice try, your link doesn't prove what you claim
I find it hard to believe that kids brought up in Texas would react this way. I'm guessing it's a bunch of immigrants totally disconnected with the political process and what it means to live in the U.S.

I'm not sure where exactly this occured. If it's in a more urban area, the open presence of firearms may not be anywhere near as common as it is in more suburban/rural areas. The presence of firearms is still probably high in those areas but I would be surprised to find that they are as openly discussed and displayed as they would likely be in more rural areas.

I would like to believe that Americans in general, and our more Conservative citizens (including Texans) would be capable of understanding how not to make themselves look like, or act like FOOLS. Considering that this is at least the second of these "open carry" issues in Texas recently, I'm beginning to reconsider that idea. Common Sense and Common Courtesy should dictate that there are appropriate and inappropriate times and places to carry a gun, and appropriate types of firearms to carry for self-defense in a public place; Openly or Concealed. These individuals, and their predecessors have crossed that line, so far as I'm concerned.
I find it hard to believe that kids brought up in Texas would react this way. I'm guessing it's a bunch of immigrants totally disconnected with the political process and what it means to live in the U.S.

I'm not sure where exactly this occured. If it's in a more urban area, the open presence of firearms may not be anywhere near as common as it is in more suburban/rural areas. The presence of firearms is still probably high in those areas but I would be surprised to find that they are as openly discussed and displayed as they would likely be in more rural areas.

I would like to believe that Americans in general, and our more Conservative citizens (including Texans) would be capable of understanding how not to make themselves look like, or act like FOOLS. Considering that this is at least the second of these "open carry" issues in Texas recently, I'm beginning to reconsider that idea. Common Sense and Common Courtesy should dictate that there are appropriate and inappropriate times and places to carry a gun, and appropriate types of firearms to carry for self-defense in a public place; Openly or Concealed. These individuals, and their predecessors have crossed that line, so far as I'm concerned.

It happened in Ft. Worth, a large metropolitan area. It may be that the kids had not seen anyone who didn't have a criminal intent carrying a weapon. Encountering these legally carrying people might help them open their minds that there's no reason to fear just because you see a firearm.
Nah, its just that most people are brainwashed by TV and movies into thinking that no one carries a gun except cops and criminals.

You're right that a lot of Americans have no idea how many people around them are carrying firearms on a daily basis. That's perfectly fine with me. I don't need to flaunt the fact that I'm carrying a firearm, a kinfe, and pepper spray to everyone else around me.

If they don't know that a concealed carry is next to them in line at the checkout counter and don't freak out that is not any credit to them; the issue is merely avoided because they are ignorant abut what is beside them.

If they know you were carrying concealed due to the guns imprint they would freak out just as much.

In fact in some states the mere imprint of the gun showing is illegal.

Do you like that law too?

As someone who lives in a state where Concealed Carry is the ONLY option, and where someone openly carrying a handgun (nevermind a rifle) is likely to draw the response of the local SWAT Team, I have absolutely no problem with that. Hell, "printing" (the act of moving in such a way that a concealed firearm can be seen through the clothes) is a FELONY in this state, and I have no problem with that. I'm the only one who needs to know that I'm carrying the gun.

What state is it that does that? I know Texas still has a bunch of antiquated laws that can get you punished for carrying a pistol and the imprint showing through your shirt.

Why do you prevent imprinting in all cases, especially the summer? Mostly those laws were left to enable the state to bust anyone they feel threatened by.

How does that help your freedom?
give some proof that it HAPPENS, actually. We easily can show 10x as many cases of guns stopping trouble.
I want to hear some interviews of these workers. I'm really curious as to what we'd find.

I can give you a pretty good idea what you'll find.....

A bunch of young people who have never had much personal exposure to firearms. Individuals who have been repeatedly told by everyone in authority around them from parents, to teachers, to the news and public officials that firearms are dangerous, deadly objects which have no use other than causing death and destruction to whomever happens to come in contact with them.

I don't blame the workers. I blame the society which has taught them these things

AND I blame the morons who decided it was a bright idea to wander into a restaurant like they think it's the Old West.

People that don't use the rights they have lose those rights.

The 2nd Amendment gives us the RIGHT to openly bear arms, and you are OK with the PC Nazis throwing people in jail for exercising those rights?

roflmao, this country is in steep trouble
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

Once again for the completely stupid. It is COMPLETELY legal to carry rifles in the open in Texas and has been for quite some time. The men in question have been doing it for months in that specific area.

But to the point of criminals. 99.999 percent of crime with firearms is committed with HANDGUNS. Hidden handguns until the perp is IN the store. Criminals do not walk around in PUBLIC with rifles sling over their shoulders. Absolutely no crime happens where 4 men walk about in public with rifles before they rob somewhere.

It has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. They were bullying and intimidating. We had a similar incident in a town in Virginia when someone walked into a Krogers with an assault rifle. It caused chaos and total fear. The police came and calmed things down. The man has been banded from the store for life. What did he prove, other than he is an idiot.
I find it hard to believe that kids brought up in Texas would react this way. I'm guessing it's a bunch of immigrants totally disconnected with the political process and what it means to live in the U.S.

I'm not sure where exactly this occured. If it's in a more urban area, the open presence of firearms may not be anywhere near as common as it is in more suburban/rural areas. The presence of firearms is still probably high in those areas but I would be surprised to find that they are as openly discussed and displayed as they would likely be in more rural areas.

I would like to believe that Americans in general, and our more Conservative citizens (including Texans) would be capable of understanding how not to make themselves look like, or act like FOOLS. Considering that this is at least the second of these "open carry" issues in Texas recently, I'm beginning to reconsider that idea. Common Sense and Common Courtesy should dictate that there are appropriate and inappropriate times and places to carry a gun, and appropriate types of firearms to carry for self-defense in a public place; Openly or Concealed. These individuals, and their predecessors have crossed that line, so far as I'm concerned.

I personally like their saturation method. No need to wet yourself every time you see a gun is the point they're trying to get across.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

Once again for the completely stupid. It is COMPLETELY legal to carry rifles in the open in Texas and has been for quite some time. The men in question have been doing it for months in that specific area.

But to the point of criminals. 99.999 percent of crime with firearms is committed with HANDGUNS. Hidden handguns until the perp is IN the store. Criminals do not walk around in PUBLIC with rifles sling over their shoulders. Absolutely no crime happens where 4 men walk about in public with rifles before they rob somewhere.

It has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. They were bullying and intimidating.

I isn't bulling or intimidating simply because some libtards pissed their pants.

We had a similar incident in a town in Virginia when someone walked into a Krogers with an assault rifle. It caused chaos and total fear. The police came and calmed things down. The man has been banded from the store for life. What did he prove, other than he is an idiot.

He proved what a bunch of cowards the PC Nazis are.

Disarming a population is only done by the fascists and Marxists who want no challenge to the power of the state. So which are you?
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I want to hear some interviews of these workers. I'm really curious as to what we'd find.

I can give you a pretty good idea what you'll find.....

A bunch of young people who have never had much personal exposure to firearms. Individuals who have been repeatedly told by everyone in authority around them from parents, to teachers, to the news and public officials that firearms are dangerous, deadly objects which have no use other than causing death and destruction to whomever happens to come in contact with them.

I don't blame the workers. I blame the society which has taught them these things

AND I blame the morons who decided it was a bright idea to wander into a restaurant like they think it's the Old West.

This is true.

I said in the OP that I am myself pro-Second Amendment. But it's painstakingly obvious that the farthest of the Far Right gun wackos on this thread have:

1) never worked the late shift at a convenience store or fast-food joint, and/ or
2) never seen a situation go from innocent to deadly just because someone was brandishing a high-caliber and/ or high-output firearm.

The really tough guys who are beating their chests on this thread have IMHO probably never even held a firearm, for that matter.

give some proof that it HAPPENS, actually. We easily can show 10x as many cases of guns stopping trouble.

Riddle me this, champ:

Have you ever worked in a convenience store by yourself at two o'clock in the morning?

I could add to that question "in the ghetto" or "in the deep woods where rednecks are out-of-their-minds high on crystal meth"; but the fact is neither of those addendums are necessary, because most people who've been robbed will tell you that the robbers typically don't come from the locales in which they are being robbed:

Most robbers come from miles away, and they survey the places where their victims work for months.

So, srlip, have you ever worked in a threatening environment, where the only crime you've committed is that you showed up for work?????

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