four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

They were bullying and intimidating.

Oh? How were they bullying people? Did they call anyone a name? Did they push to the head of the line? Did they make threatening comments to anyone? Surely, they pointed their firearms at people for it they did none of that, the only one who is trying to intimidate someone else is you.
They were bullying and intimidating.

Oh? How were they bullying people? Did they call anyone a name? Did they push to the head of the line? Did they make threatening comments to anyone? Surely, they pointed their firearms at people for it they did none of that, the only one who is trying to intimidate someone else is you.

Have you ever been robbed at your place of employment, hunarcy?

Ever had a close friend or family member who was?
They were bullying and intimidating.

Oh? How were they bullying people? Did they call anyone a name? Did they push to the head of the line? Did they make threatening comments to anyone? Surely, they pointed their firearms at people for it they did none of that, the only one who is trying to intimidate someone else is you.

Have you ever been robbed at your place of employment, hunarcy?

Ever had a close friend or family member who was?

The NRA nuts won't be happy until we are all packing and having shoot outs at noon. A clerk sees a bunch of guys approaching with rifles or pistols. What are they supposed to think.
I want to hear some interviews of these workers. I'm really curious as to what we'd find.

I can give you a pretty good idea what you'll find.....

A bunch of young people who have never had much personal exposure to firearms. Individuals who have been repeatedly told by everyone in authority around them from parents, to teachers, to the news and public officials that firearms are dangerous, deadly objects which have no use other than causing death and destruction to whomever happens to come in contact with them.

I don't blame the workers. I blame the society which has taught them these things

AND I blame the morons who decided it was a bright idea to wander into a restaurant like they think it's the Old West.

This is true.

I said in the OP that I am myself pro-Second Amendment. But it's painstakingly obvious that the farthest of the Far Right gun wackos on this thread have:

1) never worked the late shift at a convenience store or fast-food joint, and/ or
2) never seen a situation go from innocent to deadly just because someone was brandishing a high-caliber and/ or high-output firearm.

The really tough guys who are beating their chests on this thread have IMHO probably never even held a firearm, for that matter.


Lol, everything you just stated is total horse shit.

Are you really that stupid?

Open carry will be the norm across the country within the next twenty years, so where will you hide then?
Oh? How were they bullying people? Did they call anyone a name? Did they push to the head of the line? Did they make threatening comments to anyone? Surely, they pointed their firearms at people for it they did none of that, the only one who is trying to intimidate someone else is you.

Have you ever been robbed at your place of employment, hunarcy?

Ever had a close friend or family member who was?

The NRA nuts won't be happy until we are all packing and having shoot outs at noon.

You PC Nazis say that EVERY TIME gun rights are restored.

When are you going to wake up from your delusions and let people defend themselves in peace?

A clerk sees a bunch of guys approaching with rifles or pistols. What are they supposed to think.

Lol, what a bunch of paranoid stupidity.

They are supposed to think 'Here come some more customers.' I would guess.
Oh? How were they bullying people? Did they call anyone a name? Did they push to the head of the line? Did they make threatening comments to anyone? Surely, they pointed their firearms at people for it they did none of that, the only one who is trying to intimidate someone else is you.

Have you ever been robbed at your place of employment, hunarcy?

Ever had a close friend or family member who was?

The NRA nuts won't be happy until we are all packing and having shoot outs at noon. A clerk sees a bunch of guys approaching with rifles or pistols. What are they supposed to think.


And I am myself an NRA member. I just haven't paid my dues for about 10 years.

Anyone who really cares about our Right to Bear Arms should be calling these four clowns in Texas what they truly are: TERRORISTS.
give some proof that it HAPPENS, actually. We easily can show 10x as many cases of guns stopping trouble.

Sure you can

Show where guns have saved more lives than killed in domestic violence, suicides and child accidents
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

You don't undertand , to them crazy white kooks with a gun = good

Somebody comes into your store slinging a shotgun and you think.....good, someone is here to protect me
Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.
We call them idiots sadly being one is not a crime.
Have you ever been robbed at your place of employment, hunarcy?

Ever had a close friend or family member who was?

The NRA nuts won't be happy until we are all packing and having shoot outs at noon. A clerk sees a bunch of guys approaching with rifles or pistols. What are they supposed to think.


And I am myself an NRA member. I just haven't paid my dues for about 10 years.

Anyone who really cares about our Right to Bear Arms should be calling these four clowns in Texas what they truly are: TERRORISTS.

Why so you could applaud Obama having them killed without trial or even arrest? I have never met an NRA member who would support such bullshit.

You PC Nazis lie like the dogs you are.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.
We call them idiots sadly being one is not a crime.

That's funny, the Nazis always justify dehumanizing people by demeaning their intelligence. Guess you are Nazi to the core.
Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:

These complaints are not really about public safety as every time gun rights are restored crime goes DOWN.

This is nothing but agitprop for eventual gun registration and confiscation.
Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:


Being robbed at gunpoint—by one guy with a revolver, let alone FOUR GUYS WITH HIGH-CALIBER SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS—is NOT fun.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

Once again for the completely stupid. It is COMPLETELY legal to carry rifles in the open in Texas and has been for quite some time. The men in question have been doing it for months in that specific area.

But to the point of criminals. 99.999 percent of crime with firearms is committed with HANDGUNS. Hidden handguns until the perp is IN the store. Criminals do not walk around in PUBLIC with rifles sling over their shoulders. Absolutely no crime happens where 4 men walk about in public with rifles before they rob somewhere.

Just because something is legal doesn't make it okay.

How would you feel if it was your wife/ your grandmother/ one of your children working at that Jack In the Box who hid in that freezer because four clowns brandishing assault weapons just walked into the building?!?!?

Nobody was "brandishing" anything. Stop lying!
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.
We call them idiots sadly being one is not a crime.

That's funny, the Nazis always justify dehumanizing people by demeaning their intelligence. Guess you are Nazi to the core.
If they had done something to show they were holding a protest instead of just showing up with rifles I would be less inclined to call them idiots.
There has got to be a law being broken when people take their guns out in public purely to cause chaos and fear. It is like yelling fire in a movie theater.
give some proof that it HAPPENS, actually. We easily can show 10x as many cases of guns stopping trouble.

Sure you can

Show where guns have saved more lives than killed in domestic violence, suicides and child accidents

Here, you PC Nazi bastard.

Even that fascist Obama now knows it, but he wont be changing policies any time soon.

For you fascists its all about power not safety.

Activist Post: White House Study Finds Guns Save Lives: ?Consistently Lower Injury Rates Among Gun Using Crime Victims?

But a new report commissioned by the White House titled "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-related Violence" suggests what many self defense gun proponents have been saying for years. The report, ordered under one of President Obama’s 23 Executive Orders signed in the wake of the Sandy Hook incident, asked the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Research Council and other federal agencies to identify the “most pressing problems in firearms violence.”

To the surprise of the authors and those who would no doubt have used the report to further restrict access to personal defense firearms, the study found that gun ownership actually saves lives and those who have a firearm at their disposal improve their chances of survival and reduce their chance of injury in the event they are confronted by a violent criminal:

Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…
The estimate of 3 million defensive uses per year is based on an extrapolation from a small number of responses taken from more than 19 national surveys. The former estimate of 108,000 is difficult to interpret because respondents were not asked specifically about defensive gun use.

A different issue is whether defensive use of guns, however numerous or rare they may be, are effective in preventing injury to the gun wielding crime victim. Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was “used” by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self protective strategies.

Blow that out of your ass, PC Nazi prick.

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