four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

Ahhh, yes.

But terrorism, however, most certainly is.
True but I'm sure standing outside with a rifle does not qualify as terrorism stupidity yes terrorism no.

What is stupid about holding a god damned rifle, you asinine bitch?

Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask? The employees mistook them for possible robbers and hide what if someone inside or passing by was armed and made the same mistake and started shooting? How about the time wasted by the police having to check out a false alarm? I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.
True but I'm sure standing outside with a rifle does not qualify as terrorism stupidity yes terrorism no.

What is stupid about holding a god damned rifle, you asinine bitch?

Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask? The employees mistook them for possible robbers and hide what if someone inside or passing by was armed and made the same mistake and started shooting? How about the time wasted by the police having to check out a false alarm? I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.

Once again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid.....

Care to cite for us the last time 4 men carrying rifles in the open actually turned out to be robbers?
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:

These jerks do not help your case in protecting gun rights

lol, why should anyone take your word for anything, Nazi cock sucker?

Go ahead and play your tough guy carrying a gun act

See how much it helps your case
What is stupid about holding a god damned rifle, you asinine bitch?

Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask? The employees mistook them for possible robbers and hide what if someone inside or passing by was armed and made the same mistake and started shooting? How about the time wasted by the police having to check out a false alarm? I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.

Once again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid.....

Care to cite for us the last time 4 men carrying rifles in the open actually turned out to be robbers?

I didn't say they were that however is what the employees who hid thought you don't have to actually be a robber to be mistaken for one which was my point.
I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes

Over the last 10 years as more States pass open carry those very arguments were used by the anti gun crowd, and guess what? It hasn't happened in any State yet. Your whining and crying are nothing more then that, the EVIDENCE is in, the supposed wild west shoot outs have NEVER happened. So as usual your argument is nothing but hot air.

So take a job at a convenience store or fast-food joint—neither of which will let you bring a gun to work—and volunteer to work the third shift, then.

And let us know which one it is, so we'll know for a fact how you react when somebody comes in boldly carrying a semiautomatic firearm on their personage.

I can't wait to see how tough you'll be when the moment of truth comes.

More totally useless and pointless bullshit.

I have worked midnight shifts at 7-11's and fast food and no one freaks out when people come in with guns after hunting.

Seriously, you PC Nazis are the only ones discrediting yourselves here for all the world to see.
Over the last 10 years as more States pass open carry those very arguments were used by the anti gun crowd, and guess what? It hasn't happened in any State yet. Your whining and crying are nothing more then that, the EVIDENCE is in, the supposed wild west shoot outs have NEVER happened. So as usual your argument is nothing but hot air.

So take a job at a convenience store or fast-food joint—neither of which will let you bring a gun to work—and volunteer to work the third shift, then.

And let us know which one it is, so we'll know for a fact how you react when somebody comes in boldly carrying a semiautomatic firearm on their personage.

I can't wait to see how tough you'll be when the moment of truth comes.

More totally useless and pointless bullshit.

I have worked midnight shifts at 7-11's and fast food and no one freaks out when people come in with guns after hunting.

Seriously, you PC Nazis are the only ones discrediting yourselves here for all the world to see.

Only an asshole would enter a 7-11 carrying their hunting rifle
True but I'm sure standing outside with a rifle does not qualify as terrorism stupidity yes terrorism no.

What is stupid about holding a god damned rifle, you asinine bitch?

Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask?

Yes, that is the point of asking, stupid shit. People carry guns in the op[en during hunting season all the time here in Virginia where open carry is still the law.

The employees mistook them for possible robbers and hide

No, they did not, fool.

what if someone inside or passing by was armed and made the same mistake and started shooting?

That shit only happens in Fascist agit-prop like your bilge.

How about the time wasted by the police having to check out a false alarm?

And that is the gun carriers fault?

Looks, stupid ass, Virginia already does all this and open carry here is totally legal and I have open carried many times. none of the paranoid bullshit you propose ever happens, NOT EVER.

I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.

You are a Nazi prick, go fuck yourself.
So take a job at a convenience store or fast-food joint—neither of which will let you bring a gun to work—and volunteer to work the third shift, then.

And let us know which one it is, so we'll know for a fact how you react when somebody comes in boldly carrying a semiautomatic firearm on their personage.

I can't wait to see how tough you'll be when the moment of truth comes.

More totally useless and pointless bullshit.

I have worked midnight shifts at 7-11's and fast food and no one freaks out when people come in with guns after hunting.

Seriously, you PC Nazis are the only ones discrediting yourselves here for all the world to see.

Only an asshole would enter a 7-11 carrying their hunting rifle

In your fascist and ignorant opinion, stupid shit.
More totally useless and pointless bullshit.

I have worked midnight shifts at 7-11's and fast food and no one freaks out when people come in with guns after hunting.

Seriously, you PC Nazis are the only ones discrediting yourselves here for all the world to see.

Only an asshole would enter a 7-11 carrying their hunting rifle

In your fascist and ignorant opinion, stupid shit.

I take it, you are an asshole
What is stupid about holding a god damned rifle, you asinine bitch?

Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask?

Yes, that is the point of asking, stupid shit. People carry guns in the op[en during hunting season all the time here in Virginia where open carry is still the law.

No, they did not, fool.

That shit only happens in Fascist agit-prop like your bilge.

How about the time wasted by the police having to check out a false alarm?

And that is the gun carriers fault?

Looks, stupid ass, Virginia already does all this and open carry here is totally legal and I have open carried many times. none of the paranoid bullshit you propose ever happens, NOT EVER.

I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.

You are a Nazi prick, go fuck yourself.

Clearly your a small minded child you can't tolerate any opinions you don't agree with so fuck you shit for brains.
Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:


Being robbed at gunpoint—by one guy with a revolver, let alone FOUR GUYS WITH HIGH-CALIBER SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS—is NOT fun.

People don't rob convenience stores with assault rifles, you stupid prick.
Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask?

Yes, that is the point of asking, stupid shit. People carry guns in the op[en during hunting season all the time here in Virginia where open carry is still the law.

No, they did not, fool.

That shit only happens in Fascist agit-prop like your bilge.

And that is the gun carriers fault?

Looks, stupid ass, Virginia already does all this and open carry here is totally legal and I have open carried many times. none of the paranoid bullshit you propose ever happens, NOT EVER.

I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.

You are a Nazi prick, go fuck yourself.

Clearly your a small minded child you can't tolerate any opinions you don't agree with so fuck you shit for brains.

You are just another lying PC Nazi bastard trying to undermine the right to defend oneself in this country. In most countries the bastards like you have successfully gotten the laws changed and almost without exception tyranny and lawlessness resulted.

You are a Nazi fuck and I am quite pleased to see you piss off, you little ****.

Go suck some more cock, shit-for-brains.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:


Being robbed at gunpoint—by one guy with a revolver, let alone FOUR GUYS WITH HIGH-CALIBER SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS—is NOT fun.

People don't rob convenience stores with assault rifles, you stupid prick.

Sure they do
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Over the last 10 years as more States pass open carry those very arguments were used by the anti gun crowd, and guess what? It hasn't happened in any State yet. Your whining and crying are nothing more then that, the EVIDENCE is in, the supposed wild west shoot outs have NEVER happened. So as usual your argument is nothing but hot air.

So take a job at a convenience store or fast-food joint—neither of which will let you bring a gun to work—and volunteer to work the third shift, then.

And let us know which one it is, so we'll know for a fact how you react when somebody comes in boldly carrying a semiautomatic firearm on their personage.

I can't wait to see how tough you'll be when the moment of truth comes.

Unlike you I do not live my life in fear of everyone. In an open carry State the simply fact is that not a single incident has occurred like you lot claim, no shootouts in the streets, no shoot outs in the 7 day stores, no shoot outs at the pump.

You keep claiming it will happen and have done so for years with absolutely no incident to support your fear. Must suck to be forced to live in such fear ALL the time.

You got me wrong, Joe Louis.

I don't live my life in fear of anyone.

But I have worked the third shift in a convenience store.

I have had friends who've worked third shifts at fast-food joints.

And I have seen people walking around in the wee hours of the morning high on meth and crack who shouldn't be carrying guns at all, let alone acting as if they are the protectors of my Second Amendment Right.

I don't know what your war record is. I expect you probably have in fact seen some action, given your handle. (And if you haven't—i.e. if your handle's a fake, then man, have you got serious problems.)

But though I haven't been to war, I don't live in fear, and I don't claim to be someone I'm not.

I don't act like a tough guy who's in fact only tough when he's hiding behind either a semiautomatic assault weapon, or a computer screen.

What you see is what you get with a shart.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

I can't.

I sat next to a guy carrying a gun in Starbucks right here in San Francisco once, I didn't once think he was going to pull it out and start shooting people.

There is always the possibility that he might.
There's always the possibility that a woman might up and decide to turn a trick.
Because of this, we should assume that they will and treat them accordingly.
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If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:


Being robbed at gunpoint—by one guy with a revolver, let alone FOUR GUYS WITH HIGH-CALIBER SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS—is NOT fun.

People don't rob convenience stores with assault rifles, you stupid prick.

Yeah they do, tough guy.
No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.
Why? Because no law was broken.
What''s it say about people who freak out when someone exercises their rights by engaging in a legal act?

This is how the PC Nazis, as Bill Maher calls them, advance their cause.

They get some group to act all afraid or offended, then demand that the government do something to protect them.

How many god damned times do we have to see this shit played before we call them on it?

The cops came in response to a false 911 call and that is why the employees hid, not because they saw some men carrying rifles in the state of Texas, for fucks sake.

This is just more PC Nazi theater for fools to swallow and then fix a problem that never existed, but they always advance the power of the government and reduce the freedom that you and I have to defend ourselves and express our beliefs.

Maher was right; these people are Nazis, through and through.

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