four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

Once again for the completely stupid. It is COMPLETELY legal to carry rifles in the open in Texas and has been for quite some time. The men in question have been doing it for months in that specific area.

But to the point of criminals. 99.999 percent of crime with firearms is committed with HANDGUNS. Hidden handguns until the perp is IN the store. Criminals do not walk around in PUBLIC with rifles sling over their shoulders. Absolutely no crime happens where 4 men walk about in public with rifles before they rob somewhere.

It has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. They were bullying and intimidating.

I isn't bulling or intimidating simply because some libtards pissed their pants.

We had a similar incident in a town in Virginia when someone walked into a Krogers with an assault rifle. It caused chaos and total fear. The police came and calmed things down. The man has been banded from the store for life. What did he prove, other than he is an idiot.

He proved what a bunch of cowards the PC Nazis are.

Disarming a population is only done by the fascists and Marxists who want no challenge to the power of the state. So which are you?

Once again, a scared little man who needs to carry a gun calling other people cowards. How do you live with yourself?
I can give you a pretty good idea what you'll find.....

A bunch of young people who have never had much personal exposure to firearms. Individuals who have been repeatedly told by everyone in authority around them from parents, to teachers, to the news and public officials that firearms are dangerous, deadly objects which have no use other than causing death and destruction to whomever happens to come in contact with them.

I don't blame the workers. I blame the society which has taught them these things

AND I blame the morons who decided it was a bright idea to wander into a restaurant like they think it's the Old West.

This is true.

I said in the OP that I am myself pro-Second Amendment. But it's painstakingly obvious that the farthest of the Far Right gun wackos on this thread have:

1) never worked the late shift at a convenience store or fast-food joint, and/ or
2) never seen a situation go from innocent to deadly just because someone was brandishing a high-caliber and/ or high-output firearm.

The really tough guys who are beating their chests on this thread have IMHO probably never even held a firearm, for that matter.


Lol, everything you just stated is total horse shit.

Are you really that stupid?

Open carry will be the norm across the country within the next twenty years, so where will you hide then?

And you will all be wearing 3 pointed hats. Has America really regressed this much?
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:

These jerks do not help your case in protecting gun rights

lol, why should anyone take your word for anything, Nazi cock sucker?

You are too stupid to give an intelligent reply, so you resort to name calling. Typical.
What is stupid about holding a god damned rifle, you asinine bitch?

Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask? The employees mistook them for possible robbers and hide what if someone inside or passing by was armed and made the same mistake and started shooting? How about the time wasted by the police having to check out a false alarm? I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.

Once again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid.....

Care to cite for us the last time 4 men carrying rifles in the open actually turned out to be robbers?

A will say this even slower. How do you know that robbers have guns if they do not have them out where they can be seen?
So take a job at a convenience store or fast-food joint—neither of which will let you bring a gun to work—and volunteer to work the third shift, then.

And let us know which one it is, so we'll know for a fact how you react when somebody comes in boldly carrying a semiautomatic firearm on their personage.

I can't wait to see how tough you'll be when the moment of truth comes.

Unlike you I do not live my life in fear of everyone. In an open carry State the simply fact is that not a single incident has occurred like you lot claim, no shootouts in the streets, no shoot outs in the 7 day stores, no shoot outs at the pump.

You keep claiming it will happen and have done so for years with absolutely no incident to support your fear. Must suck to be forced to live in such fear ALL the time.

You got me wrong, Joe Louis.

I don't live my life in fear of anyone.

But I have worked the third shift in a convenience store.

I have had friends who've worked third shifts at fast-food joints.

And I have seen people walking around in the wee hours of the morning high on meth and crack who shouldn't be carrying guns at all, let alone acting as if they are the protectors of my Second Amendment Right.

I don't know what your war record is. I expect you probably have in fact seen some action, given your handle. (And if you haven't—i.e. if your handle's a fake, then man, have you got serious problems.)

But though I haven't been to war, I don't live in fear, and I don't claim to be someone I'm not.

I don't act like a tough guy who's in fact only tough when he's hiding behind either a semiautomatic assault weapon, or a computer screen.

What you see is what you get with a shart.

You mean like people who have to carry guns?
Yeah they do, tough guy.
3 citations, please.

Rightwinger already gave them. Please try to keep up.

One example of a rifle used in a convenience store robbery does not prove shit.

Guns are only used about 40% of the time in robberies, and only 5% of those are with rifles.

You stupid ass holes watch too any damned movies, fucking morons.

You - "
Oh, Ima gonna robs me some stoes wit mah AK, bamabama bam!"

Outside of a Restaurant do you really have to ask? The employees mistook them for possible robbers and hide what if someone inside or passing by was armed and made the same mistake and started shooting? How about the time wasted by the police having to check out a false alarm? I'm by no means a rabid anti gun person I am for smart responsible gun handling and gun ownership that was neither I support the goal but in this case not the method.

Once again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid.....

Care to cite for us the last time 4 men carrying rifles in the open actually turned out to be robbers?

A will say this even slower. How do you know that robbers have guns if they do not have them out where they can be seen?

He is referring to people walking in the front door with open carry guns, n ot pulling them once inside, you stupid fuck.
What state is it that does that? I know Texas still has a bunch of antiquated laws that can get you punished for carrying a pistol and the imprint showing through your shirt.

Why do you prevent imprinting in all cases, especially the summer? Mostly those laws were left to enable the state to bust anyone they feel threatened by.

How does that help your freedom?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and it's not an old law, unless you consider 1998 to be "old".

You prevent imprinting by paying attention to exactly what you wear, how you move, and things like that. I wear a light javket pretty much yearround. Everyone is just used to it at this point so nobody ever bothers to wonder why I'm wearing it, even in the middle of July. If I'm not wearing the jacket, I've likely got at least two layers on, one of which will be large/loose enough to allow me to move without printing the gun (which I normally carry in an IWB rig). Of course, I carry a S&W J-Frame for the most part, not a full-size 1911.

It helps my freedom by allowing me to move amongst the Gun-Haters here in the Communistwealth without creating waves. It allows me to go about my business in society while armed without having to get into constant arguements. It allows me to enter and leave places with "No Firearms Allowed" signs while armed. I do my best to avoid such businesses, but at times I do have to go into my bank or a government office building. It alows me to maintain MY RTKBA without having to offend the sensibilities of the morons who don't like guns despite never having handled one. Sometimes discretion IS the better part of valor.
Yeah they do, tough guy.

No they don't, stupid shit.

Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.
You can, but you aren't proving your statement in doing so.
In fact, you;re proving that you don't know what you're talking about.
If I owned a store and someone came in carrying a shotgun, I would ask myself.....Why is he carrying a shotgun in my store?

a. He likes to take his gun shopping
b. He is here to rob me

I would tend to lean towards "b"

In the interest of safety, I would shoot him at the earliest convenience. After all, It is my second amendment right to do so
People that don't use the rights they have lose those rights.

The 2nd Amendment gives us the RIGHT to openly bear arms, and you are OK with the PC Nazis throwing people in jail for exercising those rights?

I believe that Rights come with Responsibilities, Jim. Amongthe Repsonsibilities of Gun Ownership and the RTKBA is the expectation that it's not used as a toy or a prop for political purposes, nor is it used to create unnecessary fear in the general population. Just as we cannot claim 1st Amendment protection to scream "FIRE" in a crowded theater, I do not believe that carrying a firearm in a manner that the general public is not comfortable with and which may cause a general panic is appropriate.

On a personal level, I have no use for Open carry.

I personally like their saturation method. No need to wet yourself every time you see a gun is the point they're trying to get across.

I don't. It turns carrying a firearm into a political statement rather than the self-defense method that it was intended to be. This whole fiasco is turning carry of a firearm into nothing more than another fashion choice, like skinny jeans or the low-hanging pants fads.


I am 100% in agreement with the concept behind your message. Not sure whether or not these firearms classified as assault weapons, but that's a different story entirely.
3 citations, please.

Rightwinger already gave them. Please try to keep up.

One example of a rifle used in a convenience store robbery does not prove shit.

Guns are only used about 40% of the time in robberies, and only 5% of those are with rifles.

The reason rifles are used so rarely is that they are difficult to conceal. However, if anyone can openly stroll around a store carrying a rifle, there is no need to conceal it is there?
Once again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid.....

Care to cite for us the last time 4 men carrying rifles in the open actually turned out to be robbers?

A will say this even slower. How do you know that robbers have guns if they do not have them out where they can be seen?

He is referring to people walking in the front door with open carry guns, n ot pulling them once inside, you stupid fuck.

Man, you are fucking stupid. You just type without thinking. Well, hopefully no thought goes into it.
What state is it that does that? I know Texas still has a bunch of antiquated laws that can get you punished for carrying a pistol and the imprint showing through your shirt.

Why do you prevent imprinting in all cases, especially the summer? Mostly those laws were left to enable the state to bust anyone they feel threatened by.

How does that help your freedom?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and it's not an old law, unless you consider 1998 to be "old".

You prevent imprinting by paying attention to exactly what you wear, how you move, and things like that. I wear a light javket pretty much yearround. Everyone is just used to it at this point so nobody ever bothers to wonder why I'm wearing it, even in the middle of July. If I'm not wearing the jacket, I've likely got at least two layers on, one of which will be large/loose enough to allow me to move without printing the gun (which I normally carry in an IWB rig). Of course, I carry a S&W J-Frame for the most part, not a full-size 1911.

It helps my freedom by allowing me to move amongst the Gun-Haters here in the Communistwealth without creating waves. It allows me to go about my business in society while armed without having to get into constant arguements. It allows me to enter and leave places with "No Firearms Allowed" signs while armed. I do my best to avoid such businesses, but at times I do have to go into my bank or a government office building. It alows me to maintain MY RTKBA without having to offend the sensibilities of the morons who don't like guns despite never having handled one. Sometimes discretion IS the better part of valor.

And living like that, afraid to let anyone ever see you are carrying, that is freedom?

You think you are free because you can move among the Nazis undetected?

I call that living in fear.

BTW, isn't Massachusetts the only state that requires you to retreat from a thug even in your own home?

Yeah, sounds like real freedom.

Have you ever considered moving out of that Peoples Paradise?

I left Maryland after ten years of hating it, now I live in Virginia and wish I had moved to Virginia in the first place.
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A will say this even slower. How do you know that robbers have guns if they do not have them out where they can be seen?

He is referring to people walking in the front door with open carry guns, n ot pulling them once inside, you stupid fuck.

Man, you are fucking stupid. You just type without thinking. Well, hopefully no thought goes into it.

lol, go piss yourself, jack ass.

I've got facts, and I have reason.

You have nada, just your presumption of being right and a crippled ability to even think straight.

If you cant imagine how a convenience store employee could tell the difference between robbers robbing his store and hunters coming in after spending some time in the woods, YOU are the stupid ass.
Rightwinger already gave them. Please try to keep up.

One example of a rifle used in a convenience store robbery does not prove shit.

Guns are only used about 40% of the time in robberies, and only 5% of those are with rifles.

The reason rifles are used so rarely is that they are difficult to conceal. However, if anyone can openly stroll around a store carrying a rifle, there is no need to conceal it is there?

Good point, except that in states like Nevada and Virginia where a person can freely open carry year round robbery with rifles is still almost unheard of.

Lol, you libtards are so smart until you compare what you say with reality. No wonder you hate it so much, roflmao.

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