four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

No they don't, stupid shit.

Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.
You can, but you aren't proving your statement in doing so.
In fact, you;re proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

And that is why they call them libtards.
If I owned a store and someone came in carrying a shotgun, I would ask myself.....Why is he carrying a shotgun in my store?

a. He likes to take his gun shopping
b. He is here to rob me

I would tend to lean towards "b"

In the interest of safety, I would shoot him at the earliest convenience. After all, It is my second amendment right to do so

Then there is always answer c. He doesn't want to leave his gun unguarded out in his vehicle where any crook could bust in the window and walk off with it.

He is referring to people walking in the front door with open carry guns, n ot pulling them once inside, you stupid fuck.

Man, you are fucking stupid. You just type without thinking. Well, hopefully no thought goes into it.

lol, go piss yourself, jack ass.

I've got facts, and I have reason.

You have nada, just your presumption of being right and a crippled ability to even think straight.

If you cant imagine how a convenience store employee could tell the difference between robbers robbing his store and hunters coming in after spending some time in the woods, YOU are the stupid ass.

It just went right over your pointed little head.
People that don't use the rights they have lose those rights.

The 2nd Amendment gives us the RIGHT to openly bear arms, and you are OK with the PC Nazis throwing people in jail for exercising those rights?

I believe that Rights come with Responsibilities, Jim. Amongthe Repsonsibilities of Gun Ownership and the RTKBA is the expectation that it's not used as a toy or a prop for political purposes, nor is it used to create unnecessary fear in the general population. Just as we cannot claim 1st Amendment protection to scream "FIRE" in a crowded theater, I do not believe that carrying a firearm in a manner that the general public is not comfortable with and which may cause a general panic is appropriate.

You are not responsible for every haplophobe out there that pisses their pants because they saw you with a gun.

That fear is huge for a lot of people. When I lived in Maryland some neighbor called the cops on me when they saw me with a pistol in my pocket as I loaded my car for the range.

When the cop arrived I explained myself and he shook his head and said, 'Well there is nothing illegal here, but in the future try to keep your neighbors from seeing any of your guns."

I said I would but didn't. I started packing my car with my guns visibly showing every time I wet to the range. The cops never showed up again because they knew that my neighbor was an hysterical jack ass.

You shouldn't live in fear of someone reporting you for doing things that are entirely legal.

On a personal level, I have no use for Open carry.

Then don't. I used to all the time, but I hardly ever do any more. I don't want to discover that I forgot to leave my gun in the car somewhere it is banned and end up with a trespassing charge, which is a felony.

With concealed carry I have forgotten plenty of times but no one ever knew the difference.

But I don't have to worry about some idiot like I had to put up with in the Peoples Republic o Maryland.
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If I owned a store and someone came in carrying a shotgun, I would ask myself.....Why is he carrying a shotgun in my store?

a. He likes to take his gun shopping
b. He is here to rob me

I would tend to lean towards "b"

In the interest of safety, I would shoot him at the earliest convenience. After all, It is my second amendment right to do so

Then there is always answer c. He doesn't want to leave his gun unguarded out in his vehicle where any crook could bust in the window and walk off with it.


Fuck him

I'd still shoot first and ask questions later. It is my second amendment right to protect myself. Carry a gun in my store and I assume you intend to use it
Man, you are fucking stupid. You just type without thinking. Well, hopefully no thought goes into it.

lol, go piss yourself, jack ass.

I've got facts, and I have reason.

You have nada, just your presumption of being right and a crippled ability to even think straight.

If you cant imagine how a convenience store employee could tell the difference between robbers robbing his store and hunters coming in after spending some time in the woods, YOU are the stupid ass.

It just went right over your pointed little head.

That you don't have a single thing to support your assertions?

No, I have seen that from the start.

The thing going over your head is that there is nothing wrong with people doing things that are legal just because some libtard fuckhead like you looses their bladder control when they see it.
If I owned a store and someone came in carrying a shotgun, I would ask myself.....Why is he carrying a shotgun in my store?

a. He likes to take his gun shopping
b. He is here to rob me

I would tend to lean towards "b"

In the interest of safety, I would shoot him at the earliest convenience. After all, It is my second amendment right to do so

Then there is always answer c. He doesn't want to leave his gun unguarded out in his vehicle where any crook could bust in the window and walk off with it.


Fuck him

I'd still shoot first and ask questions later. It is my second amendment right to protect myself.

Exhibit number 2965 why libtards cant imagine why it is good for law abiding citizens to be able to carry guns legally. You stupid fucks project what you would do onto everyone else, and cant imagine that the rest of us are not as stupid as you are.

Carry a gun in my store and I assume you intend to use it

Lol, and if someone carries any other tool into your store, like say a hammer, you would assume they were looking for a nail to beat, like you do with your stupid shenanigans?
Then there is always answer c. He doesn't want to leave his gun unguarded out in his vehicle where any crook could bust in the window and walk off with it.


Fuck him

I'd still shoot first and ask questions later. It is my second amendment right to protect myself.

Exhibit number 2965 why libtards cant imagine why it is good for law abiding citizens to be able to carry guns legally. You stupid fucks project what you would do onto everyone else, and cant imagine that the rest of us are not as stupid as you are.

Carry a gun in my store and I assume you intend to use it

Lol, and if someone carries any other tool into your store, like say a hammer, you would assume they were looking for a nail to beat, like you do with your stupid shenanigans?

You are such a pussy. You expect law abiding citizens such as myself, to wait till the idiot marching around my store with a rifle fires before I do something about it?

Pussies like yourself can give that idiot a chance to fire first. Me? I'm going to protect myself....I have my second amendment rights you know?
Fuck him

I'd still shoot first and ask questions later. It is my second amendment right to protect myself.

Exhibit number 2965 why libtards cant imagine why it is good for law abiding citizens to be able to carry guns legally. You stupid fucks project what you would do onto everyone else, and cant imagine that the rest of us are not as stupid as you are.

Carry a gun in my store and I assume you intend to use it

Lol, and if someone carries any other tool into your store, like say a hammer, you would assume they were looking for a nail to beat, like you do with your stupid shenanigans?

You are such a pussy. You expect law abiding citizens such as myself, to wait till the idiot marching around my store with a rifle fires before I do something about it?

Pussies like yourself can give that idiot a chance to fire first. Me? I'm going to protect myself....I have my second amendment rights you know?

OK, now you are just trolling.

Even a libtard cant possibly be that stupid.
Exhibit number 2965 why libtards cant imagine why it is good for law abiding citizens to be able to carry guns legally. You stupid fucks project what you would do onto everyone else, and cant imagine that the rest of us are not as stupid as you are.

Lol, and if someone carries any other tool into your store, like say a hammer, you would assume they were looking for a nail to beat, like you do with your stupid shenanigans?

You are such a pussy. You expect law abiding citizens such as myself, to wait till the idiot marching around my store with a rifle fires before I do something about it?

Pussies like yourself can give that idiot a chance to fire first. Me? I'm going to protect myself....I have my second amendment rights you know?

OK, now you are just trolling.

Even a libtard cant possibly be that stupid.

How big a pussy are you?

You tell me that if some asshole is marching around my store with a rifle, I can't do a thing until he points and shoots?

Read your second amendment moron...I have my rights
And living like that, afraid to let anyone ever see you are carrying, that is freedom? You think you are fee because you can move among the Nazis undetected? I call that living in fear.

Jim, you want to preach about "Freedom" as if it is the only consideration that a gun owner should have. I respectfully disagree. In my mind gun owners, and especially those of us who carry a firearm have a greater responsibility to the community. A responsibility to help protect that community and to refrain from creating chaos and panic while doing so.

I live in an area of the country where gun ownership is not as universally accepted as in other parts of the country and where it being know you carry a firearm is tantamount to making yourself a pariah in large parts of the community. I'm a gun owner, but I still have to survive and interact with the society around me. The reality of the situation is that being loud, boisterous, and unnecessarily "up front" about being a gun owner is not a practical means to make friends and influence people around here.

That doesn't me that my fellow New England gun owners and I are taking this shit lying down. See what's going on in CT and NY State right now if you have any doubt about that. However, we have learned that you change a lot more minds on the firearms issue by being someone's friend first and then opening the discussion about firearms and gun control laws than by being so abbrasively beligerent and in their face about it that you never get them to even listen to what you're saying.

BTW, isn't Massachusetts the only state that requires you to retreat from a thug even in your own home? Yeah, sounds like real freedom.

Nope, not anymore (since 1998). That's an urban legend. Massachusetts has SYG on private property. If you enter my home I'm free to drop you like a brick. Now, if I'm in a public place, it's somewhat different, but nowhere near as bad as it's been made out to be over the years.

Have you ever considered moving out of that Peoples Paradise? I left Maryland after ten years of hating it, now I live in Virginia and wish I had moved to Virginia in the first place.

I grew up in Connecticut, went to college in Rhode Island, and now live in Massachusetts. My family has been here for almost 400 years Personally, I'd love to relocated to North Carolina, Louisiana or Texas but my fiance is not yet ready to make that big of a leap in terms of separation from her family; though we have talked about potentially relocating in the future.
No they don't, stupid shit.

Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.
You can, but you aren't proving your statement in doing so.
In fact, you;re proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

This thread has accomplished everything it was started to do.

I hope you and this Bowie chest-beater aren't attorneys.

Neither of you are any good at it. And most judges won't allow name-calling as a first, last and only line of defense.
Just because something is legal doesn't make it okay.

How would you feel if it was your wife/ your grandmother/ one of your children working at that Jack In the Box who hid in that freezer because four clowns brandishing assault weapons just walked into the building?!?!?

Nobody was "brandishing" anything. Stop lying!

Look at their picture in the link in this thread's opening post.

Yes, wearing an assault weapon on you per a shoulder strap most certainly is "brandishing" it.

Not according to Texas law.
You are not responsible for every haplophobe out there that pisses their pants because they saw you with a gun. That fear is huge for a lot of people.

When I lived in Maryland some neighbor called the cops on me when they saw me with a pistol in my pocket as I loaded my car for the range.When the cop arrived I explained myself and he shook his head and said, 'Well there is nothing illegal here, but in the future try to keep your neighbors from seeing any of your guns." I said I would but didn't. I started packing my car with my guns visibly showing every time I wet to the range. The cops never showed up again because they knew that my neighbor was an hysterical jack ass.

You shouldn't live in fear of someone reporting you for doing things that are entirely legal.

Except that what you did would NOT be legal where I live. Even if you got away with it the first time, the next time the neighbor called, and in this area it would have happened, you would likely have been charged with Menacing AND Breach of Peace BECAUSE you'd already been warned once.

I find it's much easier to get people to look at alternative viewpoints on the firearms issues when you don't flaunt the fact that you're a gun owner in front of them as if it made you somehow better than them. I don't feel the need to flaunt my gun ownership. I don't hide it if asked about it, and make my views well known on the issue, but I'm not out here to piss people off for no good reason.

Then don't. I used to all the time, but I hardly ever do any more. I don't want to discover that I forgot to leave my gun in the car somewhere it is banned and end up with a trespassing charge, which is a felony.

With concealed carry I have forgotten plenty of times but no one ever knew the difference.

But I don't have to worry about some idiot like I had to put up with in the Peoples Republic o Maryland.

Personally, I find Open Carry to be counterproductive to my purpose for carrying (discrete self-defense). I already draw a large amount of not necessarily wanted attention to myself when I walk into a room just because of my physical appearance. I don't need to ramp that up by carrying an openly visible firearm (if it was even legal to do so here). I've been carrying for more than a dozen years now and I can't say that I've EVER forgotten that I had a gun with me. Then again I think that maybe I place a little more expectation of responsibility on the CCW holder than you seem to. Just two different ways of looking at things.
lol, go piss yourself, jack ass.

I've got facts, and I have reason.

You have nada, just your presumption of being right and a crippled ability to even think straight.

If you cant imagine how a convenience store employee could tell the difference between robbers robbing his store and hunters coming in after spending some time in the woods, YOU are the stupid ass.

It just went right over your pointed little head.

That you don't have a single thing to support your assertions?

No, I have seen that from the start.

We have supported every claim we've made on this thread.

We have given written news clips of robberies in which the police said assault weapons were used in the commission of the crimes.


It's not our fault that you're too damned stupid to see the clear evidence we've demonstrated to support our claims, and have instead conversely retaliated by having done the only thing you could, which has been to whimsically hurl incendiary slurs like "Nazi" at everyone who's neither as illiterate nor just plain old stupid as you are.

Thanks for playing. You lose.
lol, go piss yourself, jack ass.

I've got facts, and I have reason.

You have nada, just your presumption of being right and a crippled ability to even think straight.

If you cant imagine how a convenience store employee could tell the difference between robbers robbing his store and hunters coming in after spending some time in the woods, YOU are the stupid ass.

It just went right over your pointed little head.

That you don't have a single thing to support your assertions?

No, I have seen that from the start.

The thing going over your head is that there is nothing wrong with people doing things that are legal just because some libtard fuckhead like you looses their bladder control when they see it.

Do you have anything other than childish replies? No wonder so much goes over your head, you were hit between the eyes so often that you learned to duck.
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You are such a pussy. You expect law abiding citizens such as myself, to wait till the idiot marching around my store with a rifle fires before I do something about it?

Pussies like yourself can give that idiot a chance to fire first. Me? I'm going to protect myself....I have my second amendment rights you know?

OK, now you are just trolling.

Even a libtard cant possibly be that stupid.

How big a pussy are you?

You tell me that if some asshole is marching around my store with a rifle, I can't do a thing until he points and shoots?

Read your second amendment moron...I have my rights

lol, your dumb assedness has hit new highs.

The second amendment does not mean what you apparently think it means, fool.
OK, now you are just trolling.

Even a libtard cant possibly be that stupid.

How big a pussy are you?

You tell me that if some asshole is marching around my store with a rifle, I can't do a thing until he points and shoots?

Read your second amendment moron...I have my rights

lol, your dumb assedness has hit new highs.

The second amendment does not mean what you apparently think it means, fool.

Cowardly pussy

You think the second amendment only applies to you running around my store with a gun? Guess again girly man

I am allowed to be armed and I am allowed to protect myself if you are a threat

And I get to decide if you are a threat
Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.
You can, but you aren't proving your statement in doing so.
In fact, you;re proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

This thread has accomplished everything it was started to do.

I hope you and this Bowie chest-beater aren't attorneys.

Neither of you are any good at it. And most judges won't allow name-calling as a first, last and only line of defense.

Lo, why would you assume that any of us would stoop to being attorneys? I have only met two that weren't crooks, and they were both very young. I would hope they would hold out and remain honest men of good character but the Bar has a way on wearing an honest man down.

As to who has the better arguments based on valid facts, I don't ever expect to persuade PC Nazis like you, but I do think the lurkers can decide for themselves quite fairly.
How big a pussy are you?

You tell me that if some asshole is marching around my store with a rifle, I can't do a thing until he points and shoots?

Read your second amendment moron...I have my rights

lol, your dumb assedness has hit new highs.

The second amendment does not mean what you apparently think it means, fool.

Cowardly pussy

You think the second amendment only applies to you running around my store with a gun? Guess again girly man

I am allowed to be armed and I am allowed to protect myself if you are a threat

And I get to decide if you are a threat

No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

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