four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

The second amendment is not stupid you moron. Every American has a right to defend themself

True. HOWEVER, with that right come certain inherent responsibilities, RW, and I don't think all gun owners comprehend that.

Among those responsibilities is the need to ensure that your gun ownership doesn't infringe on other people's safety and personal rights without sufficient cause. Your right to own and carry a firearm doesn't trump their private property rights or their right to persue personal happiness by avoiding firearms if they so choose.

If someone could show me a need or a situation where open carry significantly improved the security of people when compared to concealed carry, I might be persuaded otherwise; but until then I do not see any need to ever openly carry a handgun or the need to carry a long gun in a public place for the purpose of "self defense".
The second amendment is not stupid you moron

Every American has a right to defend themself

Now you are just trolling again.

Fuck off.

You think the second amendment applies only to you. ALL Americans have a right to defend themselves and if you are prancing around my store with a shotgun, I will uphold my Constitutional rights

Hey Rightwinger, I will see you at the Nazi Party meeting tonight.
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The second amendment is not stupid you moron

Every American has a right to defend themself

Now you are just trolling again.

Fuck off.

You think the second amendment applies only to you. ALL Americans have a right to defend themselves and if you are prancing around my store with a shotgun, I will uphold my Constitutional rights

I know you're not serious and are behaving as a fool because you think it's clever, but I'd warn you that if you shoot someone, you'd better have a better reason than "he had a shotgun" for that would lead to your indictment and imprisonment.
Cowardly pussy

You think the second amendment only applies to you running around my store with a gun? Guess again girly man

I am allowed to be armed and I am allowed to protect myself if you are a threat

And I get to decide if you are a threat

No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

Surveillance videos. Unless of course you try and pull a Aaron Hernandez on the cops.
That hasn't worked out to well for Aaron though.
No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

Surveillance videos. Unless of course you try and pull a Aaron Hernandez on the cops.
That hasn't worked out to well for Aaron though.

Videos sometimes have technical issues

You prance around my store with a shotgun, I have no control over what happens. Shotguns make me nervous and all
lol, your dumb assedness has hit new highs.

The second amendment does not mean what you apparently think it means, fool.

Cowardly pussy

You think the second amendment only applies to you running around my store with a gun? Guess again girly man

I am allowed to be armed and I am allowed to protect myself if you are a threat

And I get to decide if you are a threat

No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Hey Jim: by the same token, the same standards are supposed to protect the rights of the people to security in our houses, persons, and effects;
we are supposed to have the inalienable right to 'assemble peaceably' in public.

Any breach of the peace, threat to disrupt, or exert more force on others instead of respecting "equal protection of the laws"
can ITSELF be outside the spirit of the laws and deemed a threat. How can anyone enforce laws while breaching them?

The PROPER way to resolve such imposition would be to resolve the grievances DIRECTLY with the parties in conflict.
(this is also Biblical as in Matthew 18:15-20 to address trespasses one on one in person, to solve the problem, BEFORE taking it public)

If gun owners who deem their rights are being violated or threatened want to SOLVE the problem,
they should use democratic civil means of petitioning and negotiating DIRECTLY
with the people they accuse of violating rights. Not go punish "other people" collectively or collaterally.

It's like "due process" where the accused are supposed to be confronted DIRECTLY
with the charges or complaints against them, and have a chance to answer to them.

Where are the people who did the wrongs in threatening responsible gun rights?
If these people are addressed directly, there is no need to go demonstrate and protest to other people who never had a chance to answer before they were confronted this way!

So Jim, if you want to enforce the SPIRIT of Constitutional laws,
we need to follow the WHOLE process: due process, right to petition to redress grievances, etc. And not "skip steps" by assuming guilt and then go protest in whatever manner in front of other people without first addressing what the complaints are.

BOTH sides of a conflict need to follow the spirit of the laws
so there is equal respect and protection of the democratic process.
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If cops drive past a convenience store and see someone inside with a shotgun, do they figure that he is a hunter and just drive on?
Now you are just trolling again.

Fuck off.

You think the second amendment applies only to you. ALL Americans have a right to defend themselves and if you are prancing around my store with a shotgun, I will uphold my Constitutional rights

I know you're not serious and are behaving as a fool because you think it's clever, but I'd warn you that if you shoot someone, you'd better have a better reason than "he had a shotgun" for that would lead to your indictment and imprisonment.

WTF? I am not a fucking mindreader. You prance around with a shotgun, I can only assume you intend to use it

Stand your ground has been passed to protect my second amendment rights to self defense

Florida Stand Your Ground law

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
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I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

If just the sight of a gun scares you, then that says a lot about you.
You think the second amendment applies only to you. ALL Americans have a right to defend themselves and if you are prancing around my store with a shotgun, I will uphold my Constitutional rights

I know you're not serious and are behaving as a fool because you think it's clever, but I'd warn you that if you shoot someone, you'd better have a better reason than "he had a shotgun" for that would lead to your indictment and imprisonment.

WTF? I am not a fucking mindreader. You prance around with a shotgun, I can only assume you intend to use it

Stand your ground has been passed to protect my second amendment rights to self defense

LOL! Start putting $ aside for your attorney,. It won't be enough, but will make a great down payment.
You think the second amendment applies only to you. ALL Americans have a right to defend themselves and if you are prancing around my store with a shotgun, I will uphold my Constitutional rights

I know you're not serious and are behaving as a fool because you think it's clever, but I'd warn you that if you shoot someone, you'd better have a better reason than "he had a shotgun" for that would lead to your indictment and imprisonment.

WTF? I am not a fucking mindreader. You prance around with a shotgun, I can only assume you intend to use it

Stand your ground has been passed to protect my second amendment rights to self defense

Florida Stand Your Ground law

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

I guess when you see a rifle in a gun rack you freak out!
Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.
You can, but you aren't proving your statement in doing so.
In fact, you;re proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

This thread has accomplished everything it was started to do.
Illustrate that ignorant people will cower in fear because they don't know any better? Good work.

None of that changes the fact that you have yet to cite a robbery committed with an assault rifle.
I know you're not serious and are behaving as a fool because you think it's clever, but I'd warn you that if you shoot someone, you'd better have a better reason than "he had a shotgun" for that would lead to your indictment and imprisonment.

WTF? I am not a fucking mindreader. You prance around with a shotgun, I can only assume you intend to use it

Stand your ground has been passed to protect my second amendment rights to self defense

LOL! Start putting $ aside for your attorney,. It won't be enough, but will make a great down payment.

Juries love shopkeepers defending their second amendment rights. So does the NRA. I might even get a segment on Sean Hannity
Now you are just trolling again.

Fuck off.

You think the second amendment applies only to you. ALL Americans have a right to defend themselves and if you are prancing around my store with a shotgun, I will uphold my Constitutional rights

Hey Rightwinger, I will see you at the Nazi Party meeting tonight.


The same could be said of people who think they can brandish weapons
with the intent of protesting or rebelling instead of enforcing laws peaceably without threat.

Why aren't both sides respected equally here?

Why the need to MAKE any threats, much less name call?

If people have MALICE against each other, where is the
"due process" to prove who is guilty of violating what?

Are you Gentlemen implying that any time we hold a grudge about an issue or group,
we can "punish" other people for it "without due process."

We don't have to check first to find out their intent, but act as jury judge and executioner and condemn people BY ASSOCIATION?

And THEN COMPLAIN when other people do the same to US?

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You know, the law requires toy gun manufacturers to put orange plugs on the ends of toy guns, so that the cops don't accidently kill kids playing with their toy guns. I suspect that the law should also require yahoos like this to wear dunce caps when they are brandishing their artillery, so that the cops will realize that they are just a bunch of stupid shitkickers out for a lark.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
You think the second amendment applies only to you. ALL Americans have a right to defend themselves and if you are prancing around my store with a shotgun, I will uphold my Constitutional rights

Hey Rightwinger, I will see you at the Nazi Party meeting tonight.


The same could be said of people who think they can brandish weapons
with the intent of protesting or rebelling instead of enforcing laws peaceably without threat.

Why aren't both sides respected equally here?

Why the need to MAKE any threats, much less name call?

If people have MALICE against each other, where is the
"due process" to prove who is guilty of violating what?

Are you Gentlemen implying that any time we hold a grudge about an issue group,
we can "punish" other people "without due process."

We don't have to check first to find out their intent, but act as jury judge and executioner?

And THEN COMPLAIN when other people do the same to US?


Openly carrying a weapon isn't "brandishing".
WTF? I am not a fucking mindreader. You prance around with a shotgun, I can only assume you intend to use it

Stand your ground has been passed to protect my second amendment rights to self defense

LOL! Start putting $ aside for your attorney,. It won't be enough, but will make a great down payment.

Juries love shopkeepers defending their second amendment rights. So does the NRA. I might even get a segment on Sean Hannity

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be...

Merely carrying a shotgun is not an attack on you, therefore you'll be a guest at the graybar hotel.
Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

Surveillance videos. Unless of course you try and pull a Aaron Hernandez on the cops.
That hasn't worked out to well for Aaron though.

Videos sometimes have technical issues

You prance around my store with a shotgun, I have no control over what happens. Shotguns make me nervous and all

We know guns make liberals nervous.

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