four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

Well with the crime rates in some areas it would be stupid not to carry self defense protection.

I carry 24/7/365, have been for over ten years and I'm not scared of a damn thing!

But you need a gun to feel safe, which makes you a scared little man.

Come on down to the third ward in Houston Texas some night unarmed and see how long you last. You can call me scared but when the sun comes up in the morning, I'll be the one watching them place you in a body bag.

I do not need Houston. I used to go to after hour clubs in Harlem and salsa clubs in the South Bronx. Places scared people like you are afraid to go. I never needed a gun.
1. something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health.
2. a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace
Menacing | Define Menacing at

So, no.

You might want to send that definition to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, because they have a very different LEGAL definition for the term, M14. Somehow I don't believe I'd put my faith in a Webster's Dictionary defense in the Massachusetts Superior Court.
1. something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health.
2. a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace
Menacing | Define Menacing at
So, no.
You might want to send that definition to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, because they have a very different LEGAL definition for the term, M14.
Which is...?
No, they eat that stuff up and dead men tell no tales. Ask Travon Martin....oh, forget that, he can't tell his side of the story can he?

If Trayvon had kept his hands to himself, he'd be alive to tell the story himself.

If you didn't turn on me with that shotgun while I was in my store, you'd be alive

I've wasted enough time on your irrational fantasy. You're wrong, you know you are and you're just trying to suck time outta my day.
Tell it to the Supreme Court

They know...YOU are the one who needed correction.

District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Supreme Court held:[44]
(1) The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53.

protects an individual right to possess a firearm...use is not specified.
Merely carrying a shotgun is not an attack on you, therefore you'll be a guest at the graybar hotel.

"including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony"

Honest officer.......he came in carrying a shotgun and gave me a nasty look. Suddenly, he turned and I fired to save my life...I am still shaking

Second amendment rights are great aren't they? Yea...sometimes people might get shot by mistake but that is a small price to pay for being safe

You tell an officer that and you'll be arrested shortly after.

Lets check with Sean Hannity and see what he has to say on the issue....

Sean Hannity: I'd like to welcome Mr Rightwinger. I like that name by the way
Rightwinger: Thank you Mr Hannity and I'd like to personally thank you for defending the rights of "real" Americans
Hannity: And you sir, are a "Real" American <salutes>, so tell us about the shooting
RW: Well, sir...It was a dark and rainy night, I was alone in my store when suddenly, this big scary dude came in carrying a shotgun
Hannity: Was he black?
RW: No, but I think he was Liberal, he looked like an Obama voter
Hannity: <nods and smiles knowingly>
RW: So I kept my eye on the guy while I reached in my pants and caressed my Glock
Hannity: Glock? Good choice
RW: So the guy paces around my store like a beast getting ready to pounce. I silently released the safety on my trusty Glock , when suddenly, the guy spins with a menacing glare in his eyes
Hannity: You did say he was an Obama voter didn't you?
RW: I jumped up and fired a shot right between the eyes. He was still twitching so I fired seven more shots into him
Hannity: Well you can't be too never know with those animals. What did you do next?
RW: Well, it was 9 PM so I turned on Maddo.....I mean Megyn Kelly, while I waited for the cops
Hannity: Well thank you Mr Rightwinger, and I do so like that name. You sir are a great American Patriot and I thank you

What Jury would ever convict me?
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Which is...?

After a quick search, apparently they changed it back to "brandishing" as of last year, whch they define thusly.....

"For the purposes of this subsection, “brandishing” shall mean exhibiting or exposing in an ostentatious, shameless or aggressive manner."

In the past, this has been taken to mean things as little as the ability to see a revolver grip through one's shirt/jacket in a court of law. Being able to see the firearm itself definitely qualifies as I have read in playing out in court. Essentially the way it works here is...... if you can see my firearm, it's not "Concealed" and therefore I am "Brandishing" it.
1. something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health.
2. a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace
Menacing | Define Menacing at

So, no.

You might want to send that definition to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, because they have a very different LEGAL definition for the term, M14. Somehow I don't believe I'd put my faith in a Webster's Dictionary defense in the Massachusetts Superior Court.

Did you mean Massachusetts or New York?
"including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony"

Honest officer.......he came in carrying a shotgun and gave me a nasty look. Suddenly, he turned and I fired to save my life...I am still shaking

Second amendment rights are great aren't they? Yea...sometimes people might get shot by mistake but that is a small price to pay for being safe

You tell an officer that and you'll be arrested shortly after.

Lets check with Sean Hannity and see what he has to say on the issue....

Sean Hannity: I'd like to welcome Mr Rightwinger. I like that name by the way
Rightwinger: Thank you Mr Hannity and I'd like to personally thank you for defending the rights of "real" Americans
Hannity: And you sir, are a "Real" American <salutes>, so tell us about the shooting
RW: Well, sir...It was a dark and rainy night, I was alone in my store when suddenly, this big scary dude came in carrying a shotgun
Hannity: Was he black?
RW: No, but I think he was Liberal, he looked like an Obama voter
Hannity: <nods and smiles knowingly>
RW: So I kept my eye on the guy while I quietly caressed my Glock
Hannity: Glock? Good choice
RW: So the guy paces around my store like a beast getting ready to pounce. I silently released the safety on my trusty Glock , when suddenly, they guy spins with a menacing glare in his eyes
Hannity: You did say he was an Obama voter didn't you?
RW: I jumped up and fired a shot right between the eyes. He was still twitching so I fired seven more shots into him
Hannity: Well you can't be too never know with those animals. What did you do next?
RW: Well, it was 9 PM so I turned on Maddo.....I mean Megyn Kelly, while I waited for the cops
Hannity: Well thank you Mr Rightwinger, and I do so like that name. You sir are a great American Patriot and I thank you

What Jury would ever convict me?

No jury would, as you'd be judged mentally incompetent long before it could get to trial.
Which is...?

After a quick search, apparently they changed it back to "brandishing" as of last year, whch they define thusly.....

"For the purposes of this subsection, &#8220;brandishing&#8221; shall mean exhibiting or exposing in an ostentatious, shameless or aggressive manner."
All they did was carry them in a legal manner. So much for that.
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1. something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health.
2. a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace
Menacing | Define Menacing at

So, no.

You might want to send that definition to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, because they have a very different LEGAL definition for the term, M14. Somehow I don't believe I'd put my faith in a Webster's Dictionary defense in the Massachusetts Superior Court.

Did you mean Massachusetts or New York?
New York:

S 120.13 Menacing in the first degree.
A person is guilty of menacing in the first degree when he or she
commits the crime of menacing in the second degree and has been
previously convicted of the crime of menacing in the second degree or
the crime of menacing a police officer or peace officer within the
preceding ten years.
Menacing in the first degree is a class E felony.

S 120.14 Menacing in the second degree.
A person is guilty of menacing in the second degree when:
1. He or she intentionally places or attempts to place another person
in reasonable fear of physical injury, serious physical injury or death
by displaying a deadly weapon, dangerous instrument or what appears to
be a pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun or other firearm; or

2. He or she repeatedly follows a person or engages in a course of
conduct or repeatedly commits acts over a period of time intentionally
placing or attempting to place another person in reasonable fear of
physical injury, serious physical injury or death; or
3. He or she commits the crime of menacing in the third degree in
violation of that part of a duly served order of protection, or such
order which the defendant has actual knowledge of because he or she was
present in court when such order was issued, pursuant to article eight
of the family court act, section 530.12 of the criminal procedure law,
or an order of protection issued by a court of competent jurisdiction in
another state, territorial or tribal jurisdiction, which directed the
respondent or defendant to stay away from the person or persons on whose
behalf the order was issued.
Menacing in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.

S 120.15 Menacing in the third degree.
A person is guilty of menacing in the third degree when, by physical
menace, he or she intentionally places or attempts to place another
person in fear of death, imminent serious physical injury or physical
Clearly, even under NY law, they did not brandish the weapons.
OK gun lovers...

You are working the night shift in a convenience store and two guys enter carrying shotguns. At what point do you become concerned?

Dear RW, JimBowie et al:
1. If this was supposed to be a protest, why not inform people in advance, so it is peaceable. That could have prevented any misperception of the intent. AND better have made their point.

2. As for reactions, maybe people don't like being treated like how Blacks are.
Guilty until proven innocent. When the shoe is on the other foot, it doesn't fit either.
OK gun lovers...

You are working the night shift in a convenience store and two guys enter carrying shotguns. At what point do you become concerned?

Dear RW, JimBowie et al:
1. If this was supposed to be a protest, why not inform people in advance, so it is peaceable. That could have prevented any misperception of the intent. AND better have made their point.

2. As for reactions, maybe people don't like being treated like how Blacks are.
Guilty until proven innocent. When the shoe is on the other foot, it doesn't fit either.

Read the story. They stopped to get something to eat on their way to the scheduled protest.
You are correct. Brandishing and cowardice are two different things.

Protecting your life and the lives of those around you is cowardice? I suspected you were a moron but now you've just proved it.

No, I am a man. Do not need a weapon to be so. And a moron is a person who thinks it is fine to carry a guns in a bar because guns and alcohol are a good mixture, which would be you.

A strawman argument? That the best you got?
But you need a gun to feel safe, which makes you a scared little man.

Come on down to the third ward in Houston Texas some night unarmed and see how long you last. You can call me scared but when the sun comes up in the morning, I'll be the one watching them place you in a body bag.

I do not need Houston. I used to go to after hour clubs in Harlem and salsa clubs in the South Bronx. Places scared people like you are afraid to go. I never needed a gun.

Then come on down and prove you're not afraid. If you expect me to take a liberal at his word knowing how liberals shy away from the truth then you are sadly mistaken.
Did you mean Massachusetts or New York?

I was referring to Massachusetts, as it is where I live.

All they did was carry them in a legal manner. So much for that.

Not if they were in Massachusetts. As I noted earlier, I can be walking down the street carrying concealed and if a gust of wind opens my jacket and Mrs. Smith sees the gun I can be charged with Brandishing if she feels threatened. Like many MA laws, it's much more about how someone feels about something than it is about what their actual intent was.
You know, when I used to work third shift in a convenience store, I met a similar "activist" one night who wore a ski mask over his head.

He said he was just wearing it to try to educate convenience store workers on the danger of people who walk into convenience stores in the middle of the night wearing ski masks over their heads.

I didn't believe him.

I don't believe you either.

Whatever floats your boat, tough guy.

I find that WantonDickbag's posts pretty much all float....

Did you mean Massachusetts or New York?

I was referring to Massachusetts, as it is where I live.

All they did was carry them in a legal manner. So much for that.

Not if they were in Massachusetts. As I noted earlier, I can be walking down the street carrying concealed and if a gust of wind opens my jacket and Mrs. Smith sees the gun I can be charged with Brandishing if she feels threatened. Like many MA laws, it's much more about how someone feels about something than it is about what their actual intent was.

You can open carry in MA if you have a Class A License.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

How do you know a cop is not going to just decide to blow your head off?

Equally good point. The only time anyone's ever pulled a gun on me it was cops.

At least I have to assume they were cops based on having a police radio in the car -- they never identified themselves... they have in common with the criminal element (as well as these OCT freaks) that they all buy into the gun fetish culture, so in that sense there's little difference.
Did you mean Massachusetts or New York?

I was referring to Massachusetts, as it is where I live.

All they did was carry them in a legal manner. So much for that.

Not if they were in Massachusetts. As I noted earlier, I can be walking down the street carrying concealed and if a gust of wind opens my jacket and Mrs. Smith sees the gun I can be charged with Brandishing if she feels threatened. Like many MA laws, it's much more about how someone feels about something than it is about what their actual intent was.

There is no "menacing" law in Massachusetts. There is one in NY. That's why I asked.
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