four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

walking around with a rifle slung over your shoulder is not a threatening act. The employee would be charged with a crime.

Would walking around with a cutlass be a threatening act?
A molotov cocktail?
A thermonuclear device?
All they did was carry them in a legal manner. So much for that.
Not if they were in Massachusetts. As I noted earlier, I can be walking down the street carrying concealed and if a gust of wind opens my jacket and Mrs. Smith sees the gun I can be charged with Brandishing if she feels threatened. Like many MA laws, it's much more about how someone feels about something than it is about what their actual intent was.
OK... so what?
I can't.

I sat next to a guy carrying a gun in Starbucks right here in San Francisco once, I didn't once think he was going to pull it out and start shooting people.

There is always the possibility that he might.

There is always a possibility the earth may open up and swallow you whole, it doesn't mean that it WILL happen though.

But if the ground starts rumbling --- the equivalent of the rifle-shoulder guy in public -- you're gonna dive for cover.
Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

walking around with a rifle slung over your shoulder is not a threatening act. The employee would be charged with a crime.

How is an employee, or a homeowner for that matter, supposed to know at what point that gun becomes a threat?

Can't be too safe

IIRC, Luby's Cafeteria happened in Texas... fast food place.

We did this about six months ago when the same OCT yahoos brought their "nonthreatening" act to a restaurant where a group of mothers concerned with gun violence was meeting. How far we've come.
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Read the story. They stopped to get something to eat on their way to the scheduled protest.

Thanks for this clarification.
The best advice I have seen make a difference at protests
is to meet with police in advance, and have an understanding that all
participants agree to follow laws and not do anything to invoke arrest.

I've seen public rallies go off without any hitch, arrests or confrontations
because people agreed in advance, and the public and police knew what to expect.
Makes all the difference in the world.

Especially if people plan to invoke arrest, that is best planned with police and officials
in advance, so there is agreed understanding of all the procedures that will be followed.

An experienced activist with civil disobedience explained that
nothing is supposed to be done without agreeing in advance,
so there are no surprises to discredit or district from the message of the advocates.

he said people need training in this, and I agree.
We need training in Constitutional law in general, redressing grievances
and conflict resolution, instead of looking to cause trouble and pick fights left and right!
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You tell an officer that and you'll be arrested shortly after.

Lets check with Sean Hannity and see what he has to say on the issue....

Sean Hannity: I'd like to welcome Mr Rightwinger. I like that name by the way
Rightwinger: Thank you Mr Hannity and I'd like to personally thank you for defending the rights of "real" Americans
Hannity: And you sir, are a "Real" American <salutes>, so tell us about the shooting
RW: Well, sir...It was a dark and rainy night, I was alone in my store when suddenly, this big scary dude came in carrying a shotgun
Hannity: Was he black?
RW: No, but I think he was Liberal, he looked like an Obama voter
Hannity: <nods and smiles knowingly>
RW: So I kept my eye on the guy while I quietly caressed my Glock
Hannity: Glock? Good choice
RW: So the guy paces around my store like a beast getting ready to pounce. I silently released the safety on my trusty Glock , when suddenly, they guy spins with a menacing glare in his eyes
Hannity: You did say he was an Obama voter didn't you?
RW: I jumped up and fired a shot right between the eyes. He was still twitching so I fired seven more shots into him
Hannity: Well you can't be too never know with those animals. What did you do next?
RW: Well, it was 9 PM so I turned on Maddo.....I mean Megyn Kelly, while I waited for the cops
Hannity: Well thank you Mr Rightwinger, and I do so like that name. You sir are a great American Patriot and I thank you

What Jury would ever convict me?

No jury would, as you'd be judged mentally incompetent long before it could get to trial.

The point is that our second amendment can cut both ways

If you think you can parade around with your firearm slung over your shoulder just because you are not technically breaking the law, you are still subject to someone elses second amendment rights to consider you a threat and act appropriately
When they point the gun at you with their finger on the trigger, idiot.

No, you cowards never can be.

Lets cut to the chase gun lovers

If two rednecks enter your store carrying shotguns and you feel threatened and shoot them, then the store employee should be prosecuted

However, if two black guys enter your store and you feel threatened and shoot them, the NRA will make you a hero

That's disgusting, you racist pile of crap.

Please to explain how that post is "racist". TIA.
Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

Well, if they were armed then they would be smart enough to know what was going on. Smart people are armed, idiots aren't and they rely on the authorities to protect them.

Very true

That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens

^^ That. Exactly that. Gun culture makes its bed and then doesn't wanna lie in it.

Now who saw that coming... :rolleyes:
These morons do not even know that you are fucking with them. As usual.

I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes

Give some proof that the NRA says that.

NRA has always wanted and pushed for education of gun responsibility.
There are some who should never have a gun.
We have people who have guns in our restaurants and stores here in Arizona all the time.
The only ones who get upset and scared about it is the lefties from the East who have bought into the left's propaganda that all guns are bad.

You mean -- some of them don't work?
There is no "menacing" law in Massachusetts. There is one in NY. That's why I asked.

They've changed the terminology twice in the last 16 years. It went from brandishing to menacing in 1998 and apparently went back last year.

OK... so what?

My point was that you can't just wander around openly armed anywhere you want to. At least not in Massachusetts. This group of individuals would likely have been met by a SWAT team if they'd tried this around here. Moreover, they would have proven themselves to be even bigger fools than they did in Texas.
That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens

^^ That. Exactly that. Gun culture makes its bed and then doesn't wanna lie in it.

Now who saw that coming... :rolleyes:
You two are something else. Seeing a weapon isn't an excuse to kill anybody. Why do you libs think like that? You transfer your fears onto gun owners so you can insult them.
That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens

^^ That. Exactly that. Gun culture makes its bed and then doesn't wanna lie in it.

Now who saw that coming... :rolleyes:
You two are something else. Seeing a weapon isn't an excuse to kill anybody. Why do you libs think like that? You transfer your fears onto gun owners so you can insult them.
They exist only to remind us that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens

^^ That. Exactly that. Gun culture makes its bed and then doesn't wanna lie in it.

Now who saw that coming... :rolleyes:
You two are something else. Seeing a weapon isn't an excuse to kill anybody. Why do you libs think like that? You transfer your fears onto gun owners so you can insult them.

..and yet Zimmerman got away with killing a guy who didn't even HAVE a weapon. Hmmmmmm...........
I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes

With a record number of Americans now carrying, those scenarios have surly taken place. Yet no blood baths have occurred.
^^ That. Exactly that. Gun culture makes its bed and then doesn't wanna lie in it.

Now who saw that coming... :rolleyes:
You two are something else. Seeing a weapon isn't an excuse to kill anybody. Why do you libs think like that? You transfer your fears onto gun owners so you can insult them.

..and yet Zimmerman got away with killing a guy who didn't even HAVE a weapon. Hmmmmmm...........

An attacker doesn't need to be armed to severely injure or even kill someone. Your strawman has been defeated countless times. Why do you like beating dead horses?
Thread summary, reading the first half-dozen pages or so...

One side sez:

You know, when I used to work third shift in a convenience store, I met a similar "activist" one night who wore a ski mask over his head.

He said he was just wearing it to try to educate convenience store workers on the danger of people who walk into convenience stores in the middle of the night wearing ski masks over their heads.

I didn't believe him.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.
This is the best evidence to date for why I do not agree with the idea of "open carry" at all. I personally carry a concealed firearm a high percentage of the time, but I do not and never will "open carry". It's not an effective means to promote the security of the society as a whole, and it causes more issues than it ever solves.

Some of these folks down in Texas need to get their heads out of their butts. If they really feel a need to carry a long gun wherever they're going, maybe they shouldn't be going to that location to begin with.

Other side sez:

Blow that out of your ass, PC Nazi prick.
Go fuck yourself, Nazi.
So we should punish people for exercising their legal rights because some pussy like you shits their pants?
But if the defendent were a libtard PC Nazi like you, hell, I would vote guilty on anything the prosecutor put in front of us regardless of what the evidence might be. Just safeguarding our rights by doing so.
Come arrest me for terrorism, you Nazi fuck.

Guess which side wants the WMD.
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You two are something else. Seeing a weapon isn't an excuse to kill anybody. Why do you libs think like that? You transfer your fears onto gun owners so you can insult them.

..and yet Zimmerman got away with killing a guy who didn't even HAVE a weapon. Hmmmmmm...........

An attacker doesn't need to be armed to severely injure or even kill someone. Your strawman has been defeated countless times. Why do you like beating dead horses?

Mostly because, one is more likely to get a reaction from a dead horse that a live, but, brain dead Texan.

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