four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

LOL! Start putting $ aside for your attorney,. It won't be enough, but will make a great down payment.

Juries love shopkeepers defending their second amendment rights. So does the NRA. I might even get a segment on Sean Hannity

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be...

Merely carrying a shotgun is not an attack on you, therefore you'll be a guest at the graybar hotel.

"including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony"

Honest officer.......he came in carrying a shotgun and gave me a nasty look. Suddenly, he turned and I fired to save my life...I am still shaking

Second amendment rights are great aren't they? Yea...sometimes people might get shot by mistake but that is a small price to pay for being safe
Cowardly pussy

You think the second amendment only applies to you running around my store with a gun? Guess again girly man

I am allowed to be armed and I am allowed to protect myself if you are a threat

And I get to decide if you are a threat

No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

BTW, the 2nd Amendment protects your right to keep and bear arms. It says nothing about self protection.
Juries love shopkeepers defending their second amendment rights. So does the NRA. I might even get a segment on Sean Hannity

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be...

Merely carrying a shotgun is not an attack on you, therefore you'll be a guest at the graybar hotel.

"including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony"

Honest officer.......he came in carrying a shotgun and gave me a nasty look. Suddenly, he turned and I fired to save my life...I am still shaking

Second amendment rights are great aren't they? Yea...sometimes people might get shot by mistake but that is a small price to pay for being safe

You tell an officer that and you'll be arrested shortly after.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

If just the sight of a gun scares you, then that says a lot about you.

Not as much as having to carry a gun because you are scared says.
Only if the definition of "brandish" has changed to "carry".....

Oops. Guess not.

I can't speak for other states, but here in the Northeast it's not Brandishing that you get charged with, it's Menacing, which is defined as pretty much any act (including wearing a firearm that is visible to anyone else) that makes another person feel threatened for their immediate security or health. Carrying around a baseball bat in the presence of someone you just had an arguement with meets the criteria as well.
Hey Rightwinger, I will see you at the Nazi Party meeting tonight.


The same could be said of people who think they can brandish weapons
with the intent of protesting or rebelling instead of enforcing laws peaceably without threat.

Why aren't both sides respected equally here?

Why the need to MAKE any threats, much less name call?

If people have MALICE against each other, where is the
"due process" to prove who is guilty of violating what?

Are you Gentlemen implying that any time we hold a grudge about an issue group,
we can "punish" other people "without due process."

We don't have to check first to find out their intent, but act as jury judge and executioner?

And THEN COMPLAIN when other people do the same to US?


Openly carrying a weapon isn't "brandishing".

You are correct. Brandishing and cowardice are two different things.
No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

BTW, the 2nd Amendment protects your right to keep and bear arms. It says nothing about self protection.

Tell it to the Supreme Court
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I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

If just the sight of a gun scares you, then that says a lot about you.

Not as much as having to carry a gun because you are scared says.

Well with the crime rates in some areas it would be stupid not to carry self defense protection.

I carry 24/7/365, have been for over ten years and I'm not scared of a damn thing!
Merely carrying a shotgun is not an attack on you, therefore you'll be a guest at the graybar hotel.

"including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony"

Honest officer.......he came in carrying a shotgun and gave me a nasty look. Suddenly, he turned and I fired to save my life...I am still shaking

Second amendment rights are great aren't they? Yea...sometimes people might get shot by mistake but that is a small price to pay for being safe

You tell an officer that and you'll be arrested shortly after.

No, they eat that stuff up and dead men tell no tales. Ask Travon Martin....oh, forget that, he can't tell his side of the story can he?
Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

BTW, the 2nd Amendment protects your right to keep and bear arms. It says nothing about self protection.

Tell it to the Supreme Court

They know...YOU are the one who needed correction.
"including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony"

Honest officer.......he came in carrying a shotgun and gave me a nasty look. Suddenly, he turned and I fired to save my life...I am still shaking

Second amendment rights are great aren't they? Yea...sometimes people might get shot by mistake but that is a small price to pay for being safe

You tell an officer that and you'll be arrested shortly after.

No, they eat that stuff up and dead men tell no tales. Ask Travon Martin....oh, forget that, he can't tell his side of the story can he?

If Trayvon had kept his hands to himself, he'd be alive to tell the story himself.

The same could be said of people who think they can brandish weapons
with the intent of protesting or rebelling instead of enforcing laws peaceably without threat.

Why aren't both sides respected equally here?

Why the need to MAKE any threats, much less name call?

If people have MALICE against each other, where is the
"due process" to prove who is guilty of violating what?

Are you Gentlemen implying that any time we hold a grudge about an issue group,
we can "punish" other people "without due process."

We don't have to check first to find out their intent, but act as jury judge and executioner?

And THEN COMPLAIN when other people do the same to US?


Openly carrying a weapon isn't "brandishing".

You are correct. Brandishing and cowardice are two different things.

Protecting your life and the lives of those around you is cowardice? I suspected you were a moron but now you've just proved it.
If just the sight of a gun scares you, then that says a lot about you.

Not as much as having to carry a gun because you are scared says.

Well with the crime rates in some areas it would be stupid not to carry self defense protection.

I carry 24/7/365, have been for over ten years and I'm not scared of a damn thing!

But you need a gun to feel safe, which makes you a scared little man.
Openly carrying a weapon isn't "brandishing".

You are correct. Brandishing and cowardice are two different things.

Protecting your life and the lives of those around you is cowardice? I suspected you were a moron but now you've just proved it.

No, I am a man. Do not need a weapon to be so. And a moron is a person who thinks it is fine to carry a guns in a bar because guns and alcohol are a good mixture, which would be you.
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BTW, the 2nd Amendment protects your right to keep and bear arms. It says nothing about self protection.

Tell it to the Supreme Court

They know...YOU are the one who needed correction.

District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Supreme Court held:[44]
(1) The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53.
Not as much as having to carry a gun because you are scared says.

Well with the crime rates in some areas it would be stupid not to carry self defense protection.

I carry 24/7/365, have been for over ten years and I'm not scared of a damn thing!

But you need a gun to feel safe, which makes you a scared little man.

Come on down to the third ward in Houston Texas some night unarmed and see how long you last. You can call me scared but when the sun comes up in the morning, I'll be the one watching them place you in a body bag.
You are correct. Brandishing and cowardice are two different things.

Protecting your life and the lives of those around you is cowardice? I suspected you were a moron but now you've just proved it.

No, I am a man. Do not need a weapon to be so. And a moron is a person who thinks it is fine to carry a guns in a bar because guns and alcohol are a good mixture, which would be you.

Well prove it! Come down to the third ward!
Only if the definition of "brandish" has changed to "carry".....

Oops. Guess not.

I can't speak for other states, but here in the Northeast it's not Brandishing that you get charged with, it's Menacing, which is defined as pretty much any act (including wearing a firearm that is visible to anyone else) that makes another person feel threatened for their immediate security or health.
1. something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health.
2. a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace
Menacing | Define Menacing at

So, no.
Well with the crime rates in some areas it would be stupid not to carry self defense protection.

I carry 24/7/365, have been for over ten years and I'm not scared of a damn thing!

But you need a gun to feel safe, which makes you a scared little man.

Come on down to the third ward in Houston Texas some night unarmed and see how long you last. You can call me scared but when the sun comes up in the morning, I'll be the one watching them place you in a body bag.

Now thats something I'd pay to see!

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