four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

It just went right over your pointed little head.

That you don't have a single thing to support your assertions?

No, I have seen that from the start.

The thing going over your head is that there is nothing wrong with people doing things that are legal just because some libtard fuckhead like you looses their bladder control when they see it.

Do you have anything other than childish replies? No wonder so much goes over your head, you were hit between the eyes so often that you learned to duck.


Another PC Nazi who wants to declare victory and pat himself on the back.

Whats new?
It just went right over your pointed little head.

That you don't have a single thing to support your assertions?

No, I have seen that from the start.

We have supported every claim we've made on this thread.

We have given written news clips of robberies in which the police said assault weapons were used in the commission of the crimes.


It's not our fault that you're too damned stupid to see the clear evidence we've demonstrated to support our claims, and have instead conversely retaliated by having done the only thing you could, which has been to whimsically hurl incendiary slurs like "Nazi" at everyone who's neither as illiterate nor just plain old stupid as you are.

Thanks for playing. You lose.

lol, and you cant see what a fool you are for claiming that anecdotal evidence proves anything.

Don't go away mad, just go the fuck away.
They were bullying and intimidating.

Oh? How were they bullying people? Did they call anyone a name? Did they push to the head of the line? Did they make threatening comments to anyone? Surely, they pointed their firearms at people for it they did none of that, the only one who is trying to intimidate someone else is you.

Have you ever been robbed at your place of employment, hunarcy?

Ever had a close friend or family member who was?

Actually, I was robbed at gun point in a Houston suburb when I was newly married. What point are you trying to make?
You are not responsible for every haplophobe out there that pisses their pants because they saw you with a gun. That fear is huge for a lot of people.

When I lived in Maryland some neighbor called the cops on me when they saw me with a pistol in my pocket as I loaded my car for the range.When the cop arrived I explained myself and he shook his head and said, 'Well there is nothing illegal here, but in the future try to keep your neighbors from seeing any of your guns." I said I would but didn't. I started packing my car with my guns visibly showing every time I wet to the range. The cops never showed up again because they knew that my neighbor was an hysterical jack ass.

You shouldn't live in fear of someone reporting you for doing things that are entirely legal.

Except that what you did would NOT be legal where I live. Even if you got away with it the first time, the next time the neighbor called, and in this area it would have happened, you would likely have been charged with Menacing AND Breach of Peace BECAUSE you'd already been warned once.

Brandishing a weapon does not apply to the weapon merely being out of the box in any state I live in.

And if it were, I wouldn't live there long.

If you want to live under some PC fascism, be my guest, but stop trying to project it as normal.

People should not have to live in fear of a busybody neighbor making fallacious crime reports to the police. That is a police state, not a free state.
lol, your dumb assedness has hit new highs.

The second amendment does not mean what you apparently think it means, fool.

Cowardly pussy

You think the second amendment only applies to you running around my store with a gun? Guess again girly man

I am allowed to be armed and I am allowed to protect myself if you are a threat

And I get to decide if you are a threat

No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up
Oh? How were they bullying people? Did they call anyone a name? Did they push to the head of the line? Did they make threatening comments to anyone? Surely, they pointed their firearms at people for it they did none of that, the only one who is trying to intimidate someone else is you.

Have you ever been robbed at your place of employment, hunarcy?

Ever had a close friend or family member who was?

Actually, I was robbed at gun point in a Houston suburb when I was newly married. What point are you trying to make?

He doesnt know and doesn't care.

He is just posturing and trying to muddy the water about the thread.

So far we have the following facts:

1) What the demonstrators did was not illegal or the cops would have arrested them.

2) It is not proven that the employees hid from the gunmen, we only have the libtard reporters word for that. The employees hid in response to a 911 call.

That call was made by a liar and likely libtard troublemaker, the kind that likes to SWAT people (libtards never blame the SWATers, but only the victims).

This whole thread is based on a misreported lie.
Cowardly pussy

You think the second amendment only applies to you running around my store with a gun? Guess again girly man

I am allowed to be armed and I am allowed to protect myself if you are a threat

And I get to decide if you are a threat

No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

Lol, you get more stupid by the minute.
Look at their picture in the link in this thread's opening post.

Yes, wearing an assault weapon on you per a shoulder strap most certainly is "brandishing" it.

So, they were waving the weapons in the air as a threat or in anger or excitement?

If not, then they are right, there was no brandishing happening.
No, you stupid shithead, you don't get to decide who is a threat. The law does that and it requires a minimum amount of violence be done or threats to be made.

But you are too stupid to grasp the point; you have been turned into an idiot by your I

Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

Lol, you get more stupid by the minute.

The second amendment is not stupid you moron

Every American has a right to defend themself
You know, the law requires toy gun manufacturers to put orange plugs on the ends of toy guns, so that the cops don't accidently kill kids playing with their toy guns. I suspect that the law should also require yahoos like this to wear dunce caps when they are brandishing their artillery, so that the cops will realize that they are just a bunch of stupid shitkickers out for a lark.
Bull shit. You prance around my store carrying a gun, I will assume you are there to rob me. Better safe than sorry and the second amendment gives me the right to defend myself

Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson from my friend George Zimmerman....Dead men tell no tales. Once I shoot you robbing my store, I get to tell the cops anything I want about what you said. I'll even put you in the freezer till the cops show up

Lol, you get more stupid by the minute.

The second amendment is not stupid you moron

Every American has a right to defend themself

Now you are just trolling again.

Fuck off.
You know, the law requires toy gun manufacturers to put orange plugs on the ends of toy guns, so that the cops don't accidently kill kids playing with their toy guns. I suspect that the law should also require yahoos like this to wear dunce caps when they are brandishing their artillery, so that the cops will realize that they are just a bunch of stupid shitkickers out for a lark.

Hell maybe you could donate all those dunce caps you've been saving over the decade, jack ass.
You can, but you aren't proving your statement in doing so.
In fact, you;re proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

This thread has accomplished everything it was started to do.

I hope you and this Bowie chest-beater aren't attorneys.

Neither of you are any good at it. And most judges won't allow name-calling as a first, last and only line of defense.

Lo, why would you assume that any of us would stoop to being attorneys? I have only met two that weren't crooks, and they were both very young. I would hope they would hold out and remain honest men of good character but the Bar has a way on wearing an honest man down.

As to who has the better arguments based on valid facts, I don't ever expect to persuade PC Nazis like you, but I do think the lurkers can decide for themselves quite fairly.

One has to be educated to be an attorney.
Brandishing a weapon does not apply to the weapon merely being out of the box in any state I live in. And if it were, I wouldn't live there long.

You are welcome to that point of view. I for one have never found a need to openly carry a firearm. In more than a dozen years as a CCW holder I have not yet come across a situation where it would be more beneficial for me to be carrying a gun openly than it is to carry it concealed. Regardless of the opinions of anyone around me.

Though I would be intereseted in knowing if you've ever found a situation where carrying concealed would have been less of a benefit to your personal security than carrying openly. NOT your political benefit, your security.

If you want to live under some PC fascism, be my guest, but stop trying to project it as normal. People should not have to live in fear of a busybody neighbor making fallacious crime reports to the police. That is a police state, not a free state.

Believe it or not, we don't all get the option to live in a Conservative paradise, Jim. We can't all live in a city, country, or state where everyone agrees with our point of view. In those situations one must determine what the core principles are that need to be defended and what is merely extraneous bologna that can be ignored in order to co-exist with the people around you. If you choose not to co-exist you need to be ready and capable of moving or accepting the consequences of not going along with the rules the majority puts in place..... kind of like any relationship.
This thread has accomplished everything it was started to do.

I hope you and this Bowie chest-beater aren't attorneys.

Neither of you are any good at it. And most judges won't allow name-calling as a first, last and only line of defense.

Lo, why would you assume that any of us would stoop to being attorneys? I have only met two that weren't crooks, and they were both very young. I would hope they would hold out and remain honest men of good character but the Bar has a way on wearing an honest man down.

As to who has the better arguments based on valid facts, I don't ever expect to persuade PC Nazis like you, but I do think the lurkers can decide for themselves quite fairly.

One has to be educated to be an attorney.

Lol, so that definitely rules you out, is that what you are saying?

I bet Niphong had a sheepskin, didn't he? Look at how honest a man he was.

My comment was about character, fool, not ejoomakaeshun.
That you don't have a single thing to support your assertions?

No, I have seen that from the start.

The thing going over your head is that there is nothing wrong with people doing things that are legal just because some libtard fuckhead like you looses their bladder control when they see it.

Do you have anything other than childish replies? No wonder so much goes over your head, you were hit between the eyes so often thuat you learned to duck.


Another PC Nazi who wants to declare victory and pat himself on the back.

Whats new?

Why does it not surprise me that you have no idea what a Nazi is?
You know, the law requires toy gun manufacturers to put orange plugs on the ends of toy guns, so that the cops don't accidently kill kids playing with their toy guns. I suspect that the law should also require yahoos like this to wear dunce caps when they are brandishing their artillery, so that the cops will realize that they are just a bunch of stupid shitkickers out for a lark.

I imagine that many of them still have dunce caps from when they attempted school.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

Let me guess, you come from the throne room of King James.


Matter of fact, an uncle of mine five generations ago actually fought against King George.

He would eventually go on to become one of our republic's first 10 presidents.

This is very interesting, SA. I believe family lineage does carry authority.

What President or political founders are you connected with?

I believe people with such connections do carry greater authority and responsibility
for govt in areas that have yet to be fully resolved, such as with slavery or states' rights where consequences of past conflicts still need corrections today.

(I also do not understand why fellow 2nd Amendment advocates would jump on you
for denouncing abuses that threaten the law, our freedom, and the credibility that citizens can be self-responsible and self-policing WITHOUT requiring govt to nanny and regulate.

I agree with you on that, and disruptive abuses like this only discredit and incite pre-emptive threats, similar to how ACA was imposed for lack of faith people can be responsible without relying on govt mandates to force and regulate decisions we can handle as LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS. Instead of losing rights because of "other people".
So sick of this. It is like collectively punishing "all students in school" including high school and college students, just because of 6th graders can't behave and need supervision to follow rules, who are not even at the same level of education or in the same class.)
Lo, why would you assume that any of us would stoop to being attorneys? I have only met two that weren't crooks, and they were both very young. I would hope they would hold out and remain honest men of good character but the Bar has a way on wearing an honest man down.

As to who has the better arguments based on valid facts, I don't ever expect to persuade PC Nazis like you, but I do think the lurkers can decide for themselves quite fairly.

One has to be educated to be an attorney.

Lol, so that definitely rules you out, is that what you are saying?

I bet Niphong had a sheepskin, didn't he? Look at how honest a man he was.

My comment was about character, fool, not ejoomakaeshun.

It could not have been about education, you would know too little about it to form an opinion.

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