four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

people open carry in TX everyday. someone is just trying to stir up the shit and create a situation where there is none.
So take a job at a convenience store or fast-food joint—neither of which will let you bring a gun to work—and volunteer to work the third shift, then.

And let us know which one it is, so we'll know for a fact how you react when somebody comes in boldly carrying a semiautomatic firearm on their personage.

I can't wait to see how tough you'll be when the moment of truth comes.

Unlike you I do not live my life in fear of everyone. In an open carry State the simply fact is that not a single incident has occurred like you lot claim, no shootouts in the streets, no shoot outs in the 7 day stores, no shoot outs at the pump.

You keep claiming it will happen and have done so for years with absolutely no incident to support your fear. Must suck to be forced to live in such fear ALL the time.

You got me wrong, Joe Louis.

I don't live my life in fear of anyone.

But I have worked the third shift in a convenience store.

I have had friends who've worked third shifts at fast-food joints.

And I have seen people walking around in the wee hours of the morning high on meth and crack who shouldn't be carrying guns at all, let alone acting as if they are the protectors of my Second Amendment Right.

I don't know what your war record is. I expect you probably have in fact seen some action, given your handle. (And if you haven't—i.e. if your handle's a fake, then man, have you got serious problems.)

But though I haven't been to war, I don't live in fear, and I don't claim to be someone I'm not.

I don't act like a tough guy who's in fact only tough when he's hiding behind either a semiautomatic assault weapon, or a computer screen.

What you see is what you get with a shart.

You Nazi ****, who gives a fuck why you lie like you do?

I don't. All I see is you making stupid ignorant claims and just lying your ass off.

Go fuck yourself, you Nazis bastard.

Being robbed at gunpoint—by one guy with a revolver, let alone FOUR GUYS WITH HIGH-CALIBER SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS—is NOT fun.

People don't rob convenience stores with assault rifles, you stupid prick.

Sure they do

5 men wanted in armed robbery at pawn shop | News - Home

Robber walks into Dollar General store with assault rifle - Fox 2 News Headlines

Again, you stick your foot down your throat and out your fucking ass, PC Nazi.

Again, you stick your foot down your throat and out your fucking ass, PC Nazi.
Yes... especially as it is impossible to show that these weapons were assault rifles.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:


Being robbed at gunpoint—by one guy with a revolver, let alone FOUR GUYS WITH HIGH-CALIBER SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPONS—is NOT fun.
I was referring to the incident at the shooting range, not the fellows who were legally carrying their rifles.
Guns are rarely used in these kinds of crimes, and when they are used they are rarely fired.

Bank robbery stats
FBI ? New Website Targets Bank Robbers Nationwide

Of the 5,086 bank robberies, burglaries, and larcenies last year, 201 included acts of violence; 70 involved the discharge of firearms. Thirteen people were killed during bank robberies last year, though it was usually the perpetrator (10 incidents).

FBI ? Latest Crime Statistics: Volumes Continue to Fall

◾How often firearms were used in crimes: in 67.5 percent of reported murders, 41.4 percent of reported robberies, and 20.6 percent of aggravated assaults;

FBI ? Table 15

In most robberies a gun is not used, much less rifles.

FBI ? Table 19

Guns are used less often in robberies than all other weapons and less than simple strong armed robbery. In 86% of crimes involving a fire arm, that fire arm is a hand gun, not a rifle.

Guns Used In Crime, Feature Articles-
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Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:

Why should we get all up in arms that some people were scared because of their own ignorance?

Man bites dog kind of anecdotal evidence does not establish justifiable concern.

The vast majority of robberies are not with a gun of any kind and of those few most are hand guns, not rifles.

Rifles are used in only about 5% of all violent crimes.

But this isn't about crime or public safety. You PC Nazis need to disarm American citizens before you can establish the full throttle dictatorship you have plans for.

But it wont work, you stupid Nazi ****.
Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:


Bullshit. There is no evidence that the employees hid because of the men with the rifles. They hid due to the 911 call some lying PC Nazi made.
If they were not convicted felons, then they didn't break any laws. Open carry for long guns is legal in Texas. They were not pointing their rifles at anyone, so there was no reason to be alarmed. I've been at the shooting range where teenagers next to me are horsing around with loaded handguns, pointing it everywhere but the target. Now that is a reason to be alarmed. None of the employees there saw fit to throw these kids out.:evil:

Why should we get all up in arms that some people were scared because of their own ignorance?

Because that is what the PC Nazi's use to justify the removal of your gun rights.

These bastards will lose this eventually, then they will get their comeuppance.
People don't rob convenience stores with assault rifles, you stupid prick.

Yeah they do, tough guy.

No they don't, stupid shit.

Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.
Yeah they do, tough guy.

No they don't, stupid shit.

Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.

Anecdotal evidence like that does not establish justifiable grounds for concern. The odds of a rifle being used in any violent crime are about one in twenty.

And no matter how many times you PC Nazis say that your panties are all shitty and wet from your letting your fears run way with you, it still does not justify stripping the rest of us of our God given rights, so go fuck off.
No they don't, stupid shit.

Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.

Anecdotal evidence like that does not establish justifiable grounds for concern. The odds of a rifle being used in any violent crime are about one in twenty.


And this, from the same guy who just a few posts ago said:

JimBowie1958 said:
Guns are rarely used in these kinds of crimes, and when they are used they are rarely fired. ...

In most robberies a gun is not used, much less rifles.

Guns are used less often in robberies than all other weapons and less than simple strong armed robbery. In 86% of crimes involving a fire arm, that fire arm is a hand gun, not a rifle.

You're backpedaling in a vain attempt to save face.

Next thing you know, you'll be calling your fellow posters the most incendiary of names, like "Nazis".

Oh. Wait.

Well, you wanna see a few more links about convenience store robberies — a few more videos, Copernicus???

JimBowie1958 said:
And no matter how many times you PC Nazis say that your panties are all shitty and wet from your letting your fears run way with you, it still does not justify stripping the rest of us of our God given rights, so go fuck off.

I am not politically correct, and I am most certainly not a "Nazi".

I believe in the right my fellow Americans have to bear arms. I believe in their right to own high-caliber weapons.

I do not believe their terrorizing people in minimum-wage jobs is in any way, shape or form productive toward advancing the cause of the Right to Bear Arms.

And I am not going to "fuck off". So get used to it, tough guy.
Whatever you say, slick.

WSOC TV — Charlotte NC Police video confirms convenience store robber used assault weapon

KETV, Omaha, NE — Omaha Police say convenience store robber used assault weapon

Want some more, smart guy?

I can do this allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day, should you like.

Anecdotal evidence like that does not establish justifiable grounds for concern. The odds of a rifle being used in any violent crime are about one in twenty.


And this, from the same guy who just a few posts ago said:

JimBowie1958 said:
Guns are rarely used in these kinds of crimes, and when they are used they are rarely fired. ...

In most robberies a gun is not used, much less rifles.

Guns are used less often in robberies than all other weapons and less than simple strong armed robbery. In 86% of crimes involving a fire arm, that fire arm is a hand gun, not a rifle.

You're backpedaling in a vain attempt to save face.

Nope, not back pedaling at all. I made a general statement, like 'Automobiles have four tires', and the fact that a few have more or less does not disprove the general statement whatsoever as said general statements are not intended to be without any exceptions whatsoever.

But it is the kind of thing a vapid PC Nazi like you would fixate on.

Well, you wanna see a few more links about convenience store robberies — a few more videos, Copernicus???

JimBowie1958 said:
And no matter how many times you PC Nazis say that your panties are all shitty and wet from your letting your fears run way with you, it still does not justify stripping the rest of us of our God given rights, so go fuck off.

I am not politically correct, and I am most certainly not a "Nazi".

I believe in the right my fellow Americans have to bear arms. I believe in their right to own high-caliber weapons.

I do not believe their terrorizing people in minimum-wage jobs is in any way, shape or form productive toward advancing the cause of the Right to Bear Arms.

And I am not going to "fuck off". So get used to it, tough guy.

You are a fraud, a poseur and a PC Nazi.

If you don't like the term, take it up with Bill Maher who admitted to your ilk's existence to his shame just a few weeks ago.

And you do fuck off and will continue to fuck off as you bring nothing of significance to the discussion, only your banal lies and pretention to being a gun supporter.

Come take my guns, you whining little ****.,
libtard ass hole - "Oooooh, I am so scared! Those bad guys have guns in their holsters! I think I just peed myself! Please, someone, take those eeebil guns away before I shit myself too!"


You are the pussy for needing a gun to feel safe. And not much of a man.
I carry sometimes. It doesn't make me feel safe, it makes me feel safer. If some deranged guy pulls out a knife on you, you will do what?

Kick his ass.
Well, if they were armed then they would be smart enough to know what was going on. Smart people are armed, idiots aren't and they rely on the authorities to protect them.

Smart people usually do not work in fast food places. This is known from experience.

You work in the fast food industry...I didn't know that.

Do your fellow 3rd grade students appreciate your humor?

I bet it makes you feel good to say something like this to someone of superior intellect. Well done.

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