four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

Yeah, lets cut to the chase; two people carrying guns into a store is not a threat to anyone in the store, you jack ass, and their race would be irrelevant.

Why are you libtards so fixated on everyones race? Because you are racists to the core of your every thought and emotion and so it colors everything you think on.

Come on Jim Crowie

Lets talk race. We are allowed to do that

You are on a Jury and a clerk working the night shift at 7-11 tells how two black guys carrying guns entered the store and he was afraid for his life and fired

Are you going to convict him?

Be honest

I would vote to convict sure as hell since merely carrying a gun is not a threat.

But if the defendent were a libtard PC Nazi like you, hell, I would vote guilty on anything the prosecutor put in front of us regardless of what the evidence might be. Just safeguarding our rights by doing so.

How would you vote on this one?

Mistrial On Murder Charge In Florida Gas Station Shooting : The Two-Way : NPR
Nah, its just that most people are brainwashed by TV and movies into thinking that no one carries a gun except cops and criminals.

If they don't know that a concealed carry is next to them in line at the checkout counter and don't freak out that is not any credit to them; the issue is merely avoided because they are ignorant abut what is beside them.

If they know you were carrying concealed due to the guns imprint they would freak out just as much.

In fact in some states the mere imprint of the gun showing is illegal.

Do you like that law too?
Yes, means that it isn't concealed. concealed means concealed, not attempted half assed covered. Regardless, there are people who don't want to see weapons, that's a reality no matter how it came into being. The other problem I see with OC is that a deranged guy could whack you on the noggin and take your gun. Out of sight, out of mind.
Come on Jim Crowie

Lets talk race. We are allowed to do that

You are on a Jury and a clerk working the night shift at 7-11 tells how two black guys carrying guns entered the store and he was afraid for his life and fired

Are you going to convict him?

Be honest

I would vote to convict sure as hell since merely carrying a gun is not a threat.

But if the defendent were a libtard PC Nazi like you, hell, I would vote guilty on anything the prosecutor put in front of us regardless of what the evidence might be. Just safeguarding our rights by doing so.

How would you vote on this one?

Mistrial On Murder Charge In Florida Gas Station Shooting : The Two-Way : NPR

Go fuck yourself, Nazi.
Nah, its just that most people are brainwashed by TV and movies into thinking that no one carries a gun except cops and criminals.

If they don't know that a concealed carry is next to them in line at the checkout counter and don't freak out that is not any credit to them; the issue is merely avoided because they are ignorant abut what is beside them.

If they know you were carrying concealed due to the guns imprint they would freak out just as much.

In fact in some states the mere imprint of the gun showing is illegal.

Do you like that law too?
Yes, means that it isn't concealed. concealed means concealed, not attempted half assed covered. Regardless, there are people who don't want to see weapons, that's a reality no matter how it came into being. The other problem I see with OC is that a deranged guy could whack you on the noggin and take your gun. Out of sight, out of mind.

So we should punish people for exercising their legal rights because some pussy like you shits their pants?

Lol, no, that is not reasonable or warranted.
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Florida Stand Your Ground law

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Seems reasonable to me that if a minimum wage, untrained clerk is working the night shift at a 7-11 and two guys enter carrying guns that he has the right to stand his ground and shoot first

The NRA would make him a hero
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Nah, its just that most people are brainwashed by TV and movies into thinking that no one carries a gun except cops and criminals.

If they don't know that a concealed carry is next to them in line at the checkout counter and don't freak out that is not any credit to them; the issue is merely avoided because they are ignorant abut what is beside them.

If they know you were carrying concealed due to the guns imprint they would freak out just as much.

In fact in some states the mere imprint of the gun showing is illegal.

Do you like that law too?
Yes, means that it isn't concealed. concealed means concealed, not attempted half assed covered. Regardless, there are people who don't want to see weapons, that's a reality no matter how it came into being. The other problem I see with OC is that a deranged guy could whack you on the noggin and take your gun. Out of sight, out of mind.

So we should punish people for exercising their legal rights because some pussy like you shits their pants?

Lol, no, that is not reasonable or warranted.
The pussy is the guy that can't read and lashes out unreasonably. You asked if I favored "imprinting" laws. I am unaware of any state that allows it for concealed carry. Open carry, yes. But then it isn't considered printing (not imprinting).You have all the bluster of the open carry whack jobs I was referring to. Idiots like that won't stop until every state in the union outlaws open carry and possibly concealed as well. It's a little dick thing or something, it defies rationale.
Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

Well, if they were armed then they would be smart enough to know what was going on. Smart people are armed, idiots aren't and they rely on the authorities to protect them.

Very true

That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens
When they point the gun at you with their finger on the trigger, idiot.

No, you cowards never can be.

Lets cut to the chase gun lovers

If two rednecks enter your store carrying shotguns and you feel threatened and shoot them, then the store employee should be prosecuted

However, if two black guys enter your store and you feel threatened and shoot them, the NRA will make you a hero

Yeah, lets cut to the chase; two people carrying guns into a store is not a threat to anyone in the store, you jack ass, and their race would be irrelevant.

Why are you libtards so fixated on everyones race? Because you are racists to the core of your every thought and emotion and so it colors everything you think on.

Why do you need a gun to walk into a convenience store? Man, you ARE pussy.
I wouln't wait for the gun to be pointed at me. If a pistol is out of the holster, I'm moving to cover, while drawig. If a longarm is not slung, same thing. It takes only 1/2 second to pivot and fire with a gun, or raise one and fire, so waiting until the thing's pointed at you is truly stupid.

JimCrowie is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

Once again for the completely stupid. It is COMPLETELY legal to carry rifles in the open in Texas and has been for quite some time. The men in question have been doing it for months in that specific area.

But to the point of criminals. 99.999 percent of crime with firearms is committed with HANDGUNS. Hidden handguns until the perp is IN the store. Criminals do not walk around in PUBLIC with rifles sling over their shoulders. Absolutely no crime happens where 4 men walk about in public with rifles before they rob somewhere.

Just because something is legal doesn't make it okay.

How would you feel if it was your wife/ your grandmother/ one of your children working at that Jack In the Box who hid in that freezer because four clowns brandishing assault weapons just walked into the building?!?!?
Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

Well, if they were armed then they would be smart enough to know what was going on. Smart people are armed, idiots aren't and they rely on the authorities to protect them.

Very true

That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens

These morons do not even know that you are fucking with them. As usual.
Well, if they were armed then they would be smart enough to know what was going on. Smart people are armed, idiots aren't and they rely on the authorities to protect them.

Very true

That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens

These morons do not even know that you are fucking with them. As usual.

I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes
How to tell the difference between good guys with guns.
Barrel of rifle pointed down or pistol is in it's holster.
Criminals, barrel is pointed up or pistol is out of the holster.
libtard ass hole - "Oooooh, I am so scared! Those bad guys have guns in their holsters! I think I just peed myself! Please, someone, take those eeebil guns away before I shit myself too!"


You are the pussy for needing a gun to feel safe. And not much of a man.
I carry sometimes. It doesn't make me feel safe, it makes me feel safer. If some deranged guy pulls out a knife on you, you will do what?
How to tell the difference between good guys with guns.
Barrel of rifle pointed down or pistol is in it's holster.
Criminals, barrel is pointed up or pistol is out of the holster.

Doesn't take long to change a barrel pointed down to a barrel pointed up
How to tell the difference between good guys with guns.
Barrel of rifle pointed down or pistol is in it's holster.
Criminals, barrel is pointed up or pistol is out of the holster.

Doesn't take long to change a barrel pointed down to a barrel pointed up

Doesn't take long to pull out a hidden firearm, but you don't seem to be wetting yourself over your fellow leeches carrying illegally.
Very true

That is why we should encourage fast food workers to be armed. Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not

This is the solution to gun violence that gun lovers have been advocating. Arm everyone and see what happens

These morons do not even know that you are fucking with them. As usual.

I'm not fucking with them

This is NRA's America

Arm everyone anytime, anyplace and see what happens

See how an 18 year old reacts when armed customers enter their store. See what happens when two armed motorists get out of their cars after a fender bender. See what happens in domestic violence disputes

Give some proof that the NRA says that.

NRA has always wanted and pushed for education of gun responsibility.
There are some who should never have a gun.
We have people who have guns in our restaurants and stores here in Arizona all the time.
The only ones who get upset and scared about it is the lefties from the East who have bought into the left's propaganda that all guns are bad.

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