Four types of open borders advocates


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
At least Five types- You are forgetting about the Dumb Asses who believe that bringing in cheap labor that actually cost more through our established social programs will secure their pensions.
A 6th type, me, I'm for mining the border and putting up Messikin pictograms, since probably none of them can even read.
I’m not sure if I am an open border advocate. I think we should check for criminal records in the person’s home country and ensure certain communicable diseases aren’t brought in to our country. Otherwise I am ok with granting permanent alien status to any immigrant wanting to live in the United States if they fill out the proper paperwork. Citizenship should be a separate discussion. I’m not advocating any resident alien to be allowed to vote so I know I am not from the power greedy group. I do think our culture would improve with influences of Spanish speaking cultures that promote humility as a virtue. This is something desperately lacking in American culture. I guess I am the racist open border advocate. I would totally love to see Spanish to become our official language, Don Quixote to become the official book of the United States education system and to see, “Trabaja tan duro como puedas por el tiempo que puedas.” to become our national motto.

We have to compete with China and India economically. At present our population is inadequately equipped to compete. There is no way we can breed fast enough. We need immigrants if we want to maintain our relevance as a super power. I guess that makes me from the cheap labor employer category.

Analyze me please and put me into a category.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
At least Five types- You are forgetting about the Dumb Asses who believe that bringing in cheap labor that actually cost more through our established social programs will secure their pensions.

We could eliminate or drastically reduce the established social programs. That problem is self imposed. That probably isn’t caused by immigration.

In the late 1800’s rugged self reliant immigrants were used to homestead undeveloped lands. The only government help they got was free land.

In your scenario you should demonize the established social programs not immigration.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
At least Five types- You are forgetting about the Dumb Asses who believe that bringing in cheap labor that actually cost more through our established social programs will secure their pensions.

We could eliminate or drastically reduce the established social programs. That problem is self imposed. That probably isn’t caused by immigration.

In the late 1800’s rugged self reliant immigrants were used to homestead undeveloped lands. The only government help they got was free land.

In your scenario you should demonize the established social programs not immigration.
How about sending them to Alaska with a axe, saw,and a gun.
A 6th type, me, I'm for mining the border and putting up Messikin pictograms, since probably none of them can even read.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
At least Five types- You are forgetting about the Dumb Asses who believe that bringing in cheap labor that actually cost more through our established social programs will secure their pensions.

We could eliminate or drastically reduce the established social programs. That problem is self imposed. That probably isn’t caused by immigration.

In the late 1800’s rugged self reliant immigrants were used to homestead undeveloped lands. The only government help they got was free land.

In your scenario you should demonize the established social programs not immigration.
In your scenario the working class should not have to pay such high taxes to support the state and federal employee system or any of the federal roads, schools, parks, USDA, massive judiciary programs and the attorneys and their insurance companies, that keep all those scams going, along with big pharma, big agra, public utilities, airports, municipal water sand sewage systems, etc.... Doctors can go back to accepting a chicken or a cow or whatever for their services when the people don't have money to pay them, neighbors can create local school systems and take care of one another, etc, etc, etc.... I'm good with all of that if that is what everyone agrees to. Every aspect of the system has been infiltrated with corruption and bringing in millions more from South American or bum-fuck Afghanistan and other shit-holes around the world isn't going to cure what ails the country at the moment; it will only compound the problems that haven't been properly address because to many people do not desire to lose their comforts, are too lazy or too dumb to think for themselves, think they can hold off the inevitable justice that comes for what they were a part of or they have been indoctrination and most likely poisoned by the food, pharmaceuticals, polluted water, air and the other nasty environmental factors in their regions so much they believe its a normal condition.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
lol. The right wing is clueless and Causeless and prefer to blame everyone else.

The power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

And, we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
lol. The right wing is clueless and Causeless and prefer to blame everyone else.

The power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

And, we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
You need to change your location to say, 'Alta California, communist'.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
lol. The right wing is clueless and Causeless and prefer to blame everyone else.

The power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

And, we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
You need to change your location to say, 'Alta California, communist'.
we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
lol. The right wing is clueless and Causeless and prefer to blame everyone else.

The power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

And, we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
You need to change your location to say, 'Alta California, communist'.
we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Apparently the "lousy" working class Americans are "lousy capitalists" in your eyes then as the average wages have been driven down throughout the country since the first wave of illegals being given amnesty. The illegals throughout have been a portion of the deteriorating state throughout since then.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
lol. The right wing is clueless and Causeless and prefer to blame everyone else.

The power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

And, we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
You need to change your location to say, 'Alta California, communist'.
we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Apparently the "lousy" working class Americans are "lousy capitalists" in your eyes then as the average wages have been driven down throughout the country since the first wave of illegals being given amnesty. The illegals throughout have been a portion of the deteriorating state throughout since then.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
There are four types of open borders advocates.

Racist who want to change America into a Latino country > Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos

Anti Wasp bigots > Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers,

Power Greedy Democrat politicians > Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Cheap labor employers > Mark Zuckerberg

The lies about immigration that keep the borders open - Fabius Maximus website
lol. The right wing is clueless and Causeless and prefer to blame everyone else.

The power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

And, we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
You need to change your location to say, 'Alta California, communist'.
we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Apparently the "lousy" working class Americans are "lousy capitalists" in your eyes then as the average wages have been driven down throughout the country since the first wave of illegals being given amnesty. The illegals throughout have been a portion of the deteriorating state throughout since then.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
Extremist both right and left think they can have problems solved through bigger government. Governing is a necessity to a point in order to have a civil society when you have a lotz of lawless peeps running around. I suppose that comes with more and more being lawless living outside of the Gates and will infect and affect those who allow or are complicit with allowing the lawless ones to come inside the Gates.
lol. The right wing is clueless and Causeless and prefer to blame everyone else.

The power to provide for the general welfare is General, not Common.

And, we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
You need to change your location to say, 'Alta California, communist'.
we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Apparently the "lousy" working class Americans are "lousy capitalists" in your eyes then as the average wages have been driven down throughout the country since the first wave of illegals being given amnesty. The illegals throughout have been a portion of the deteriorating state throughout since then.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
Extremist both right and left think they can have problems solved through bigger government. Governing is a necessity to a point in order to have a civil society when you have a lotz of lawless peeps running around. I suppose that comes with more and more being lawless living outside of the Gates and will infect and affect those who allow or are complicit with allowing the lawless ones to come inside the Gates.
We have a general welfare clause. it is general, not common.

We also have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
You need to change your location to say, 'Alta California, communist'.
we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Apparently the "lousy" working class Americans are "lousy capitalists" in your eyes then as the average wages have been driven down throughout the country since the first wave of illegals being given amnesty. The illegals throughout have been a portion of the deteriorating state throughout since then.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
Extremist both right and left think they can have problems solved through bigger government. Governing is a necessity to a point in order to have a civil society when you have a lotz of lawless peeps running around. I suppose that comes with more and more being lawless living outside of the Gates and will infect and affect those who allow or are complicit with allowing the lawless ones to come inside the Gates.
We have a general welfare clause. it is general, not common.

We also have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Jesus Christ is a capitalist too, yet not a lawless one. Haven't you heard it yet, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see."
we have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Apparently the "lousy" working class Americans are "lousy capitalists" in your eyes then as the average wages have been driven down throughout the country since the first wave of illegals being given amnesty. The illegals throughout have been a portion of the deteriorating state throughout since then.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
Extremist both right and left think they can have problems solved through bigger government. Governing is a necessity to a point in order to have a civil society when you have a lotz of lawless peeps running around. I suppose that comes with more and more being lawless living outside of the Gates and will infect and affect those who allow or are complicit with allowing the lawless ones to come inside the Gates.
We have a general welfare clause. it is general, not common.

We also have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Jesus Christ is a capitalist too, yet not a lawless one. Haven't you heard it yet, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see."
nothing but fallacy? resorting the fewest fallacies is adhering to the truest witness bearing.
Apparently the "lousy" working class Americans are "lousy capitalists" in your eyes then as the average wages have been driven down throughout the country since the first wave of illegals being given amnesty. The illegals throughout have been a portion of the deteriorating state throughout since then.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
Extremist both right and left think they can have problems solved through bigger government. Governing is a necessity to a point in order to have a civil society when you have a lotz of lawless peeps running around. I suppose that comes with more and more being lawless living outside of the Gates and will infect and affect those who allow or are complicit with allowing the lawless ones to come inside the Gates.
We have a general welfare clause. it is general, not common.

We also have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Jesus Christ is a capitalist too, yet not a lawless one. Haven't you heard it yet, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see."
nothing but fallacy? resorting the fewest fallacies is adhering to the truest witness bearing.
Hell has a very wide path for those who deny the truth when presented before them.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
Extremist both right and left think they can have problems solved through bigger government. Governing is a necessity to a point in order to have a civil society when you have a lotz of lawless peeps running around. I suppose that comes with more and more being lawless living outside of the Gates and will infect and affect those who allow or are complicit with allowing the lawless ones to come inside the Gates.
We have a general welfare clause. it is general, not common.

We also have a Commerce Clause. Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies.
Jesus Christ is a capitalist too, yet not a lawless one. Haven't you heard it yet, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see."
nothing but fallacy? resorting the fewest fallacies is adhering to the truest witness bearing.
Hell has a very wide path for those who deny the truth when presented before them.
fallacy is not truth.

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