Four years' jail for thug who'll be out in two

Keep up the hate assleper. Just remember,all you're doing is painting a target on the back of blacks who dont think like you.
I'm sure they appreciate it....

Are you threatening other black people?

Nope. But it's people like you that inflame hatred.
I think you're nothing but a troll who's out to anger white people not realizing(or maybe you do)that a certain percentage of the population is looking for a reason to hate blacks.
Way to inflame the hatred you moron.

People like me? :lol: Youre a bigot and you think I'm the one inflaming something?! You should get something straight. I dont tiptoe around for anyone. You dont like what I say then deal with it or dont converse with me. You brought up the scenario that it was ok for the guy to call them the n-word. To that I say BS. You dont like it thats your problem. Little punk bigots like you dont worry me.
Everyone needs to just stop fucking killing. How about it?

Thats a good thing to do. Problem is that in racial incidents whites have a long history of killing massive amounts of people for no reason. The onus is on whites to stop and prove they are worthy of being trusted again.

And yet you ignore the fact that blacks murder more people then any race in our country?
Dude, I don't know if you're just being provocative to get a rise out of some of us, but if you truly believe someone deserves to be physically atacked and killed simply because he used the n word, then you've been taught all wrong, and you need to be cleansed of this kind of thinking and then educated properly.

No I'm not being provocative. I dont have time for that. I already explained that i am not the judge of whether someones life is ended or not. I do believe that if someone expresses bigotry towards anyone they are a potential danger and responsible for whatever happens to them be it death or just a fat lip. We all like to talk about personal accountability. If you have hate in your heart keep it there and dont screw up someone elses day. If that someone else clocks you because of things that are going on in their life you asked for it. I'm not going weep for you.

I see you're now backpedalling a bit.

You better put on your glasses then. You must be near sighted.
Everyone needs to just stop fucking killing. How about it?

Thats a good thing to do. Problem is that in racial incidents whites have a long history of killing massive amounts of people for no reason. The onus is on whites to stop and prove they are worthy of being trusted again.

And yet you ignore the fact that blacks murder more people then any race in our country?

Sounds like an assumption all the way around on your part.
No I'm not being provocative. I dont have time for that. I already explained that i am not the judge of whether someones life is ended or not. I do believe that if someone expresses bigotry towards anyone they are a potential danger and responsible for whatever happens to them be it death or just a fat lip. We all like to talk about personal accountability. If you have hate in your heart keep it there and dont screw up someone elses day. If that someone else clocks you because of things that are going on in their life you asked for it. I'm not going weep for you.

I see you're now backpedalling a bit.

You better put on your glasses then. You must be near sighted.

Earlier you said he "deserved" to be attacked, your last post was a bit softer.

Anyway, it's just sick and twisted to believe someone deserves to be physically attacked for their speech.
I highly recommend you re-think your belief system.
I see you're now backpedalling a bit.

You better put on your glasses then. You must be near sighted.

Earlier you said he "deserved" to be attacked, your last post was a bit softer.

Anyway, it's just sick and twisted to believe someone deserves to be physically attacked for their speech.
I highly recommend you re-think your belief system.

Deserved meaning "rightfully earned". Yes they deserve it because they earned it. They have the ability to control what they say. They need to be the one to exercise restraint instead of depending on someone else to do it for them. You are entitled to your opinion but I like my belief system so i will stay with it until something occurs to change it. Thanks anyway for the recommendation.
Are you threatening other black people?

Nope. But it's people like you that inflame hatred.
I think you're nothing but a troll who's out to anger white people not realizing(or maybe you do)that a certain percentage of the population is looking for a reason to hate blacks.
Way to inflame the hatred you moron.

People like me? :lol: Youre a bigot and you think I'm the one inflaming something?! You should get something straight. I dont tiptoe around for anyone. You dont like what I say then deal with it or dont converse with me. You brought up the scenario that it was ok for the guy to call them the n-word. To that I say BS. You dont like it thats your problem. Little punk bigots like you dont worry me.

I never said it was okay. You said it was a okay to kill someone for an insult,and that makes you a sick fuck.
But I got a feeling you're just an internet tough guy or you would be in prison by now.
Because I know you've been called a ****** at some point in your life and you obviously didnt kill anyone.
The thing that I find ridiculous? I've been called a honky and a cracker and all I do is laugh.
Not once did I feel the need to kill someone for it.
Thats a good thing to do. Problem is that in racial incidents whites have a long history of killing massive amounts of people for no reason. The onus is on whites to stop and prove they are worthy of being trusted again.

And yet you ignore the fact that blacks murder more people then any race in our country?

Sounds like an assumption all the way around on your part.

Okay now I know you're just a troll.
Are you denying that blacks lead the nation in murders? If so I'd be glad to post up the stats.
Nope. But it's people like you that inflame hatred.
I think you're nothing but a troll who's out to anger white people not realizing(or maybe you do)that a certain percentage of the population is looking for a reason to hate blacks.
Way to inflame the hatred you moron.

People like me? :lol: Youre a bigot and you think I'm the one inflaming something?! You should get something straight. I dont tiptoe around for anyone. You dont like what I say then deal with it or dont converse with me. You brought up the scenario that it was ok for the guy to call them the n-word. To that I say BS. You dont like it thats your problem. Little punk bigots like you dont worry me.

I never said it was okay. You said it was a okay to kill someone for an insult,and that makes you a sick fuck.
But I got a feeling you're just an internet tough guy or you would be in prison by now.
Because I know you've been called a ****** at some point in your life and you obviously didnt kill anyone.
The thing that I find ridiculous? I've been called a honky and a cracker and all I do is laugh.
Not once did I feel the need to kill someone for it.

You should be able to quote where I said that. I think you are just emotional right now which is typical of you bigots. The only time someone every called me the n-word was in a trunk heading the opposite directions. Yes I would most likely have been in prison if able to get to them at the time. Your fear that I am a tough guy speaks to your own insecurity not how actually tough I may or may not be. You probably get called a cracker a lot since you are a bigot. Good thing for you that you just laughed. Also a good thing for you that you did not feel the need to kill someone.
And yet you ignore the fact that blacks murder more people then any race in our country?

Sounds like an assumption all the way around on your part.

Okay now I know you're just a troll.
Are you denying that blacks lead the nation in murders? If so I'd be glad to post up the stats.

Its already established you are a troll.
Are you denying that whites have killed more people thousands of times over what any other ethnicity has even come close to doing?
People like me? :lol: Youre a bigot and you think I'm the one inflaming something?! You should get something straight. I dont tiptoe around for anyone. You dont like what I say then deal with it or dont converse with me. You brought up the scenario that it was ok for the guy to call them the n-word. To that I say BS. You dont like it thats your problem. Little punk bigots like you dont worry me.

I never said it was okay. You said it was a okay to kill someone for an insult,and that makes you a sick fuck.
But I got a feeling you're just an internet tough guy or you would be in prison by now.
Because I know you've been called a ****** at some point in your life and you obviously didnt kill anyone.
The thing that I find ridiculous? I've been called a honky and a cracker and all I do is laugh.
Not once did I feel the need to kill someone for it.

You should be able to quote where I said that. I think you are just emotional right now which is typical of you bigots. The only time someone every called me the n-word was in a trunk heading the opposite directions. Yes I would most likely have been in prison if able to get to them at the time. Your fear that I am a tough guy speaks to your own insecurity not how actually tough I may or may not be. You probably get called a cracker a lot since you are a bigot. Good thing for you that you just laughed. Also a good thing for you that you did not feel the need to kill someone.

You need to put down the crack pipe,your memory is fucked.

"If thats what he said then I'd be happy if he got killed."

"If he called the guy the n-word he deserved exactly what he got. They should give the guy who hit him a medal instead of prosecuting him."

"Yes they deserve it because they earned it."

There you go Mr. Zero credibility.
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I never said it was okay. You said it was a okay to kill someone for an insult,and that makes you a sick fuck.
But I got a feeling you're just an internet tough guy or you would be in prison by now.
Because I know you've been called a ****** at some point in your life and you obviously didnt kill anyone.
The thing that I find ridiculous? I've been called a honky and a cracker and all I do is laugh.
Not once did I feel the need to kill someone for it.

You should be able to quote where I said that. I think you are just emotional right now which is typical of you bigots. The only time someone every called me the n-word was in a trunk heading the opposite directions. Yes I would most likely have been in prison if able to get to them at the time. Your fear that I am a tough guy speaks to your own insecurity not how actually tough I may or may not be. You probably get called a cracker a lot since you are a bigot. Good thing for you that you just laughed. Also a good thing for you that you did not feel the need to kill someone.

You need to put down the crack pipe,your memory is fucked.

"If thats what he said then I'd be happy if he got killed."

"If he called the guy the n-word he deserved exactly what he got. They should give the guy who hit him a medal instead of prosecuting him."

There you go Mr. Zero credibility.

Either you cant quote very well, you are blind, or you smoked too much meth today. Where did I say it was ok to kill someone? I dont see the word "ok" anywhere in those quotes do you? Let me help you out because you seem to be pretty clumsy when accusing people of something. It goes like this. "You said he deserved exactly what he got" Since I in fact said that then let that be your accusation instead of making up weak lies that are easily debunked you clown.
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Evil assholes always try to parse their way out of hatred. By telling us we don't understand what he said like "it would make me happy" doesn't mean ""it's okay with me" don't ya just love these morons?
If it would make you happy it must be ok with you. If it's not okay with you it would make you sad or angry! See how normal people think? Who the hell raised you up?
Evil assholes always try to parse their way out of hatred. By telling us we don't understand what he said like "it would make me happy" doesn't mean ""it's okay with me" don't ya just love these morons?

You mean like when you accused me of bringing up the n-word in the conversation when herewego was the one that brought it up?
Evil assholes always try to parse their way out of hatred. By telling us we don't understand what he said like "it would make me happy" doesn't mean ""it's okay with me" don't ya just love these morons?

You mean like when you accused me of bringing up the n-word in the conversation when herewego was the one that brought it up?

Did you correct him and say the N word wasn't a factor or did you run with it?
Evil assholes always try to parse their way out of hatred. By telling us we don't understand what he said like "it would make me happy" doesn't mean ""it's okay with me" don't ya just love these morons?

Yeah..I dont have anyone on ignore but he's gonna be the first because he's obviously mental.
I mean the guy condones killing people for an insult...:cuckoo:
If it would make you happy it must be ok with you. If it's not okay with you it would make you sad or angry! See how normal people think? Who the hell raised you up?

Thats if you are in charge of what I mean. You arent so no one really cares what you think. If you want an explanation, ask instead of accusing. You look slightly less stupid for assuming you know when you cant possibly be inside my head. However in your case since you have already been caught in a lie several times now you may want to rethink how normal you really are.
Evil assholes always try to parse their way out of hatred. By telling us we don't understand what he said like "it would make me happy" doesn't mean ""it's okay with me" don't ya just love these morons?

You mean like when you accused me of bringing up the n-word in the conversation when herewego was the one that brought it up?

Did you correct him and say the N word wasn't a factor or did you run with it?

I'd rep you again but I'm dry.
Evil assholes always try to parse their way out of hatred. By telling us we don't understand what he said like "it would make me happy" doesn't mean ""it's okay with me" don't ya just love these morons?

You mean like when you accused me of bringing up the n-word in the conversation when herewego was the one that brought it up?

Did you correct him and say the N word wasn't a factor or did you run with it?

Did you say I was the one that brought it up?

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