FOX: 50 percent of Americans want trump removed

no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.
Kinda like you trying to convince us you are a black man?
If we were in the same room you'd understand just how stupid you look for making that off topic remark.
If you are black, you are a house negro, toting the Master's Water.

No freedom loving Black Man should ever be a Democrat, farming the Slave Master's fields and picking The Master's Cotton for him.
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.


Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment
Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.
Why did Trump not call for a constitutional convention to change the first amendment and do away with freedom of the press? Just more fake news (according to Trump and his cult).'re dreaming....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

This is not a dream.


For those like you, it's a nightmare .
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

Trump never took them to court on any subpoenas in the Ukraine investigation. He never claimed executive privilege. He just ignored them.

What happens to you or me if we ignore a subpoena? Any guess?
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This is not a dream.


For those like you, it's a nightmare .
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No. The time for witnesses is during the trial. But trump has blocked key witnesses and documents. If these things proved his innocence he would not block them.
In America one is innocent until proven guilty.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
In America, we believe in fair trials. This ain’t that. Not yet. The defendant doesn’t get to suppress witnesses and evidence in a fair trial.
trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.
Kinda like you trying to convince us you are a black man?
If we were in the same room you'd understand just how stupid you look for making that off topic remark.
If you are black, you are a house negro, toting the Master's Water.

No freedom loving Black Man should ever be a Democrat, farming the Slave Master's fields and picking The Master's Cotton for him.

I suspect that he has plenty of white liberals who are more than happy to pick his share of the cotton and carry his water for him, while he lays up in the shack.

This is not a dream.


For those like you, it's a nightmare .
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

Trump never took them to court on any subpoenas in the Ukraine investigation. He never claimed executive privilege. He just ignored them.

What happens to you or me if we ignore a subpoena? Any guess?

The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No. The time for witnesses is during the trial. But trump has blocked key witnesses and documents. If these things proved his innocence he would not block them.
In America one is innocent until proven guilty.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
In America, we believe in fair trials. This ain’t that. Not yet. The defendant doesn’t get to suppress witnesses and evidence in a fair trial.
The House Trial was a SHAM, and you aren't going to continue your sham in The Senate. The Trial is over Son of Satan.

The Flames of Hell grow higher for you as you grow closer to the end of your LIES.
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

Trump never took them to court on any subpoenas in the Ukraine investigation. He never claimed executive privilege. He just ignored them.

What happens to you or me if we ignore a subpoena? Any guess?

This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.
Why did Trump not call for a constitutional convention to change the first amendment and do away with freedom of the press? Just more fake news (according to Trump and his cult).

Why change the constitution? I was hoping he would have done more like Mr. Lincoln did, and just locked their lying asses up.

President Trump, you have disappointed me. :04:
trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.
Kinda like you trying to convince us you are a black man?
If we were in the same room you'd understand just how stupid you look for making that off topic remark.
If you are black, you are a house negro, toting the Master's Water.

No freedom loving Black Man should ever be a Democrat, farming the Slave Master's fields and picking The Master's Cotton for him.

It's like this:

Your republican asses say none of you were alive during slavery and can't be blamed for what you did not do. So you weren't around to free the slaves and you won't be given credit for what you haven't done.

Meanwhile, the second emancipation proclamation was signed in 1965 by a democrat.
The voters re-elected Nixon in 1972. If we are going to elect our leaders, we have to have information to do so.
So you're using another skewed poll that refuses to show the demographics...

Why won't the pollster show them???

Is he butthurt over getting caught on that skewed poll where Democrats were vastly over represented???
This is a fox news poll. Democrats won't be over represented.

Why would you take a poll before the defense presents their case?
The only poll that matters is the one the senators vote on, and Murkowski and Collins are voting for acquittal.
Romney won’t be. He’s neck deep in child trafficking and has everything to lose with trump as president
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

Trump never took them to court on any subpoenas in the Ukraine investigation. He never claimed executive privilege. He just ignored them.

What happens to you or me if we ignore a subpoena? Any guess?

Let me be a little more accurate.

The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

Trump never took them to court on any subpoenas in the Ukraine investigation. He never claimed executive privilege. He just ignored them.

What happens to you or me if we ignore a subpoena? Any guess?

Let me be a little more accurate.

House Negro, picking Cotton for The Democrat Party.
Let's DESTROY the treasonous snowflakes' coup claims once and for all:


CLAIM 1: President Clinton abused his power by 'inviting a foreign government to interfere in our election

What the Democrats are describing is OPPOSITION RESEARCH if anything at all, NOT 'inviting a foreign government to interfere in US elections'.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton paid a known lying, untrustworthy, partisan, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda.

In 2016, according to the US IG, the Obama administration's FBI was using the same known lying, untrustworthy, partisan, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spy as an informant and used an un-verified / known false document (the Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda) to commit highly illegal FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on Trump and his team.

In 2016, the Obama administration directed / authorized its DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI and 17 Intel Agencies to reach out to other foreign nation's Intel Agencies to dig up dirt on Trump and his team...and in several instances acquired their assistance to try to SET UP Trump team members.

In 2016, the Obama administration / the DNC / Hillary was working with corrupt Ukraine officials to try to get dirt on Trump and his team to use before / during he election.

In 2016, Barak Obama used the power of the Presidency to override his own Homeland Security, dropping the existing ban of a Russian lawyer into the United States in order to help schedule a meeting between Trump Jr and the Russian Lawyer. The meeting was a set-up. The room was under surveillance before and during the meeting, and Obama's own personal ex-CIA Russian Interpreter was in the room. The 'trap' failed, as Jr. arranged his own early departure with his secretary, and no information exchanged hands.

Durham, in his investigation of the attempted set-up / coup of President Trump has been meeting with foreign govt officials from several different nations who have come forward and offered up information on the Obama administration's attempt to enlist their help.

By comparison, President Trump, during a phone call with the Ukraine PM, asked the PM to do 'US' - the United States - a favor by looking into Ukraine corruption, that was going on (as mentioned) involving Democrats who sought corrupt Ukrainian officials' assistance to interfere in the 2016 US elections

Either Hillary, Obama, and his already proven criminal Cabinet / Agencies were involved in 'Opposition Research' or they were guilty of ABUSE OF POWER, especially Obama, who used his office / power of the Presidency to enlist the help of Ukraine and other foreign nations.

CLAIM 2: President Trump put his own political interests above our own national security and that of our allies.
- SPECIFICALLY: President Trump withheld lethal military aid - anti-tank missiles Ukraine needed to fight the Russians.

1. Both the President and the Ukraine PM, the only 2 who had direct knowledge of their phone call, have declared this never happened.
2. The transcript proves it never happened.
3. The new Ukraine Prosecutor has stated that he opened an investigation of Burisma, its criminal owner, and was about to call interview Hunter Biden BEFORE the President's phone call to the Ukraine PM.
4. The aid was never withheld - it was delivered.
5. The anti-tank missiles needed to fight the Russians were NEVER part of the aid that was DELAYED (not withheld)

FURTHERMORE, Democrats want to Impeach the President for 'MOTIVE' - WHY he did something, not WHAT he did. Much like how Obama and the Democrats protected Hillary in 2016 - and altered the 2016 election by doing so, the Democrats seek to protect Joe Biden.

(Impeaching President Trump will NOT make his videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM - OR Nadler's confirmation of him doing so - go away.


CLAIM: President Trump should be Impeached for refusing to hand over information, to include access to witnesses by claiming the same Executive Privilege Obama / Holder claimed during 'Fast and Furious'


Congress asked for the documents / witnesses.
The executive Branch said 'No'
The next step is to go through the COURTS - NOT go directly to Impeachment.

This is NOT new. There is Precedence. Even the Courts have declared Trump did NOT get 'Due Process'.
- This is also ONE of the incidents where, as the Democrats' own Constitutional Expert, Jonathon Turley, testified, the DEMOCRATS have abused THEIR power!


We all know that polling is not accurate, especially after the 2016 election. :D It is especially not going to be accurate when the pollsters are already biased towards a certain result. Also, I believe that a lot of people enjoy playing around with pollsters, just so that their results are NOT that accurate. Lol.
What the Democrats are describing is OPPOSITION RESEARCH if anything at all, NOT 'inviting a foreign government to interfere in US elections'.

Fascinating. So you’re saying that Trump was using the power of his office to engage in opposition research of a political opponent.

That is super corrupt. Did you realize what you were saying?
Over 100,000 people requested tickets for his rally here in New Jersey tomorrow. I drove by the convention center yesterday and people are already camping out to be able to get a close enough spot in line to get in because it’s first come first serve regardless of tickets. Sorry liberals but he’s way more popular than you’re being led to believe and it’s hilarious :lol:
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?

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