FOX: 50 percent of Americans want trump removed

This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

The country will die if one of the leftys gets elected. 50% of American don't pay any taxes. Go figure on this poll. The country is going the way the Democrats want...more dependency and more ignorance.

The country dies if trump is re elected. trump was part of the 50 percent who don't pay taxes for at least 30 years. He lived on government dependence.

If that is true, "only little people pay taxes", who is at fault?
Why can the IRS and Lois Lerner hound conservatives, but billionaires who donate get "loopholes" and a free pass?
You are not looking at the IRS and tax laws objectively.
When Trump says he knows "how the system works" believe him.'re dreaming....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

This is not a dream.


For those like you, it's a nightmare .
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.
The voters will get their chance in November...cause there is not enough evidence to remove him now.

That's like the proverbial dog chasing his tail. The only reason we've had to endure the Mueller investigation, the impeachment, and every damned thing else the Democrats have thrown at him nonstop 24/7/365, is because they know they can't beat Trump by way of an election.
Well...I am completely indifferent on Trump. I didn't vote for him. I think he is a blowhard who jumps through his asshole for Jews and doesn't give a shit about anyone else.
On the really big matters like war and fiscal policy it's all been very status quo. Zero fucks given. Nothing changed.
Why can the IRS and Lois Lerner hound conservatives, but billionaires who donate get "loopholes" and a free pass?

Like trump?
Why can the IRS and Lois Lerner hound conservatives, but billionaires who donate get "loopholes" and a free pass?

Like trump?

Yes like Trump. Why is the IRS a tool of politicians to get donations instead of a legitimate tax collecting agency?
Billionaires are not stupid, they work the system as it exists.
The problem is, who can re-write the tax code to get more tax revenue and less donated to politicians?
This is not a GOP or democrat problem. Both sides work the IRS to advantage.
This is not a dream.


For those like you, it's a nightmare .
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
Lol people arguing over polls.
How dumb.
Who gives a fuck how a poll goes?
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.
Funny how these trump lickers are now against polls because herr fuhrer is polling negatively.
Duplicate Thread - Trolling - move to the flame zone.

Besides that, there was a new poll that came out after two hours of testimony that now say The Democrats need to abandon impeachment and try their luck at an ACTUAL ELECTION.
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.
Kinda like you trying to convince us you are a black man?
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.
Kinda like you trying to convince us you are a black man?
If we were in the same room you'd understand just how stupid you look for making that off topic remark.
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.

I get it. It's hard for you to admit you have been misled.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.

I get it. It's hard for you to admit you have been misled.

But you are the one being misled.
I missed the part in the Constitution where it states:

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors...or because of POLL NUMBERS."


If the people are dissatisfied with President Trump they have the opportunity to 'fire' him in November.

Democrats and snowflakes do not want to wait that long, however, because they know they have no candidate and no platform that can beat President Trump.



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Funny how these trump lickers are now against polls because herr fuhrer is polling negatively.

It's even funnier how you Crayoly-eating zipperheads have to try so hard to convince yourselves that Trump's going to lose.

Can I get a personal invite to your pity-party on the morning after the election? I'll try not to do too much dancing in the aisles and rubbing it in your faces, I promise. :04:

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