FOX: 50 percent of Americans want trump removed

This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.


Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment
Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?
Because Fox is deep state too. We have to understand that. They give favorable coverage only because they’re in a corner and have no other choice. But if you pay attention to everything they do it’s clear they’re still deep state masquerading as fair and balanced. If you want real fair media coverage I recommend OAN.
This is not a dream.


For those like you, it's a nightmare .
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.
Typical unhinged TDS afflicted want to deny President Trump the same rights all other Presidents have had simply because he beat Hillary in 2016.

Get over it, loser. Cankles lost.
The real poll is after 16 hrs of questions.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.
Typical unhinged TDS afflicted want to deny President Trump the same rights all other Presidents have had simply because he beat Hillary in 2016.

Get over it, loser. Cankles lost.
I don't give a fuck about 2016 you stupid son of a bitch. trump has been given the same rights as any other president in this situation. But NO other president has EVER ignored the constitutional duty of congress to provide oversight of the executive branch like this crooked bastard has done.
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?
Because Fox is deep state too. We have to understand that. They give favorable coverage only because they’re in a corner and have no other choice. But if you pay attention to everything they do it’s clear they’re still deep state masquerading as fair and balanced. If you want real fair media coverage I recommend OAN.
Lol! Fox is now the deep state.
No, the real poll is after we hear witnesses. And if we don't you won't like the results.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.
Typical unhinged TDS afflicted want to deny President Trump the same rights all other Presidents have had simply because he beat Hillary in 2016.

Get over it, loser. Cankles lost.
I don't give a fuck about 2016 you stupid son of a bitch. trump has been given the same rights as any other president in this situation. But NO other president has EVER ignored the constitutional duty of congress to provide oversight of the executive branch like this crooked bastard has done.
Really? Please link me up to all the other Presidents who have been impeached for challenging subpoenas issued by Congress.

Be specific, and bring links. I'll wait.
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?
Because Fox is deep state too. We have to understand that. They give favorable coverage only because they’re in a corner and have no other choice. But if you pay attention to everything they do it’s clear they’re still deep state masquerading as fair and balanced. If you want real fair media coverage I recommend OAN.
Lol! Fox is now the deep state.
You’re going to be one of the ones who’s going to have to be put on suicide watch after all the crimes come out. Many of you liberals aren’t going to be able to cope with what you’ve been voting for all your lives. I pray that you can find comfort within yourselves when the time comes.
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.

I get it. It's hard for you to admit you have been misled.

But you are the one being misled.

Sure, which is why us misled Republicans are the ones making the money in the country. We just aren't as smart as you guys. Ya'll just happen to have bad luck on a big scale.
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?
Because Fox is deep state too. We have to understand that. They give favorable coverage only because they’re in a corner and have no other choice. But if you pay attention to everything they do it’s clear they’re still deep state masquerading as fair and balanced. If you want real fair media coverage I recommend OAN.

FOX News is part of the billionaire right wing media. Their goal is to retain power and that it not fall into the hands of Democrats. To that end, the media owned by billionaires has demonzied and denigrated all liberals for decades.
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?
Because Fox is deep state too. We have to understand that. They give favorable coverage only because they’re in a corner and have no other choice. But if you pay attention to everything they do it’s clear they’re still deep state masquerading as fair and balanced. If you want real fair media coverage I recommend OAN.

FOX News is part of the billionaire right wing media. Their goal is to retain power and that it not fall into the hands of Democrats. To that end, the media owned by billionaires has demonzied and denigrated all liberals for decades.

You have GOT to be kidding. What about the media owned by liberal billiionaires? They make up the vast majority of media. They are the ones that tend to sway public sentiment and the sheep. They are non-stop anti Republican and anti-Trump.
The time for witnesses, was in the house....Face it, Schiff, and Nadler screwed up by rushing this.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.
Typical unhinged TDS afflicted want to deny President Trump the same rights all other Presidents have had simply because he beat Hillary in 2016.

Get over it, loser. Cankles lost.
I don't give a fuck about 2016 you stupid son of a bitch. trump has been given the same rights as any other president in this situation. But NO other president has EVER ignored the constitutional duty of congress to provide oversight of the executive branch like this crooked bastard has done.
Really? Please link me up to all the other Presidents who have been impeached for challenging subpoenas issued by Congress.

Be specific, and bring links. I'll wait.
Pretty easy to shut IQ2 the fuck up.:5_1_12024:
democrats and independents -
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?
Because Fox is deep state too. We have to understand that. They give favorable coverage only because they’re in a corner and have no other choice. But if you pay attention to everything they do it’s clear they’re still deep state masquerading as fair and balanced. If you want real fair media coverage I recommend OAN.

FOX News is part of the billionaire right wing media. Their goal is to retain power and that it not fall into the hands of Democrats. To that end, the media owned by billionaires has demonzied and denigrated all liberals for decades.

You have GOT to be kidding. What about the media owned by liberal billiionaires? They make up the vast majority of media. They are the ones that tend to sway public sentiment and the sheep. They are non-stop anti Republican and anti-Trump.

There are 6 companies that own all the media. They are not owned by liberals. But they have told you that liberals control the media in order for you to vote for their agenda. And you've done it.
no.....they intentionally take the easy way....they demanded witnesses and documents....then retract their demands when Trump takes them to court asserting executive privilege.....then they vote on impeachment articles with nothing but hearsay evidence and demand that the Senate do all of the legwork for them.

This is your average lazy fuck Washington Democrat.

trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.
Typical unhinged TDS afflicted want to deny President Trump the same rights all other Presidents have had simply because he beat Hillary in 2016.

Get over it, loser. Cankles lost.
I don't give a fuck about 2016 you stupid son of a bitch. trump has been given the same rights as any other president in this situation. But NO other president has EVER ignored the constitutional duty of congress to provide oversight of the executive branch like this crooked bastard has done.
Really? Please link me up to all the other Presidents who have been impeached for challenging subpoenas issued by Congress.

Be specific, and bring links. I'll wait.
Pretty easy to shut IQ2 the fuck up.:5_1_12024:

Not really. Again, no other president has ever ignored the constitutional job of congress as trump has. You act like it's the presidents right to defy subpoenas. It's not you fucking idiot.
trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.

Sorry. Thinking Americans understand what is going on here. Pelosi said the other day that we need to uncover the facts of this case, which begs the question why the House voted to impeach the President without uncovering the facts. The left wants a witch hunt. They hope for some more process crimes stuff. The Senate is like the jury. The House presented their case and now the jury should deliberate. The leftist dingbats have decided they don't have enough to convict and they need more(some) real evidence. At this point, they have absolutely nothing. The President of Ukraine said himself he did not feel pressure and did not feel that aid was tied to any particular issue. As the defense stated, you can't have a Quid Pro Quo without the Quo. You can't be a victim of bribery if you don't know you are being bribed. Democrats are too dumb to comprehend this simple concept. It is both sad and frightening that thinking Americans either hate Trump, the person, so bad they are willing to destroy our country to get him out of office or they are really so ignorant to believe the dribble that comes from the Democratic Party.
This is a large paragraph of bullshit.

I get it. It's hard for you to admit you have been misled.

But you are the one being misled.

Sure, which is why us misled Republicans are the ones making the money in the country. We just aren't as smart as you guys. Ya'll just happen to have bad luck on a big scale.

Actually the richest man in America is not a republican. And you are being misled.
This ain't the "liberal media" full of trump haters folks.

Fox News poll delivers devastating news to Trump on impeachment

According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.

According to the poll, “On impeachment, by a 50-44 percent margin, voters think the Senate should vote to convict Trump and remove him from office.

Like I said, in the fall campaign, trump is about to get dismantled by the democrats. And if republicans refuse to allow witnesses, those voting against doing so will be gone. That includes McConnell. So republicans can choose to die with trump or live without him.

Weird, something isn’t adding up...since the shit-show began the RNC and Trump have raised record amounts of cash from donors, his approval rating has climbed and stayed higher than the Kenyan Boogs at the same point in his presidency. What gives?
Because Fox is deep state too. We have to understand that. They give favorable coverage only because they’re in a corner and have no other choice. But if you pay attention to everything they do it’s clear they’re still deep state masquerading as fair and balanced. If you want real fair media coverage I recommend OAN.
Lol! Fox is now the deep state.
You’re going to be one of the ones who’s going to have to be put on suicide watch after all the crimes come out. Many of you liberals aren’t going to be able to cope with what you’ve been voting for all your lives. I pray that you can find comfort within yourselves when the time comes.

The imaginary crimes you speak of don't exist.
According to a new Fox News poll released on Sunday morning, a clear majority of respondents — beyond the margin of error — believe Donald Trump should be convicted by the U.S. Senate for impeachable crimes and removed from office.
This doesn't matter.
The polling across the states with GOP senators, does.
How does that look?
trump took them to court knowing that it would take years for the court to render a decision. So the democrats have put this in front of us, the people. trump either stops blocking witnesses and information, or gets exposed for a cover up.
Typical unhinged TDS afflicted want to deny President Trump the same rights all other Presidents have had simply because he beat Hillary in 2016.

Get over it, loser. Cankles lost.
I don't give a fuck about 2016 you stupid son of a bitch. trump has been given the same rights as any other president in this situation. But NO other president has EVER ignored the constitutional duty of congress to provide oversight of the executive branch like this crooked bastard has done.
Really? Please link me up to all the other Presidents who have been impeached for challenging subpoenas issued by Congress.

Be specific, and bring links. I'll wait.
Pretty easy to shut IQ2 the fuck up.:5_1_12024:

Not really. Again, no other president has ever ignored the constitutional job of congress as trump has. You act like it's the presidents right to defy subpoenas. It's not you fucking idiot.
Um, yes it is you blithering moron. Obama did it. Just about every President has done it. They have the Constitutional right to challenge subpoenas issued by Congress.

Your ignorance is causing you to make a fool of yourself, again.

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