FOX analyst: trump unfit for Presidency

The problem the repubs have
Nah, that's a problem only for the RINOs. This party that once was the GOP is now the Party of Trump, the great MAGA King ;) You people steal an election, set the country on fire, and then slide towards hysteria when the Trump supporters don't bow to your views. TICK... TOCK.. baby! November is less than 109 days away. WOO HOO!
If the nutty white trump loving crazies are going after J6 members...
then they know the hearings are getting through to voters. I really think No One who has even seen part of what trump did on and leading up the January 6th wants to see him even near the WH

Give him another chance and he could possibly bring down our democracy. McConnell and many others understand that.
Not "possibly". It's a given. Mobster Trump is waiting to see what happens in November. If the Trump Party takes the House, he'll run & all bets are off. Trump is a conniving self serving lowlife & he knows that he needs the HOR to be GOP run for at least 2 terms so he can take out his revenge on his perceived enemies. If he wins.

Vote Dem in November as if our Democracy depends on it because it does.
Only the usual anti trumpets

Right now the democrats do not have a viable candidate to run against trump in 2024 so yes they are trying to keep trump off the ballot
It's Biden. And at this point, he might just win reelection. He beat Trump once already.
Why is Trump unfit?

  • His hair is orange.
  • He carries a little extra weight.
  • He actually speaks intelligibly making sense.
  • He left the democrat party.
  • He's pro American.
  • He dared call Obumma a Kenyan.
  • He divorced and remarried.
  • His kids aren't all crack addicts banging hookers.
  • He has more money than any democrat and made it all in business instead of corrupt backroom deals with foreign powers and insider trading.
  • He believes in borders, criminal prosecution, fair trade, small government and government accountability.
Half the freaking democrat establishment agrees that the current president is unfit to run but TDS infected lefties would rather dwell on a "fox contributor" who hates Trump. Is there something in the freaking water that causes democrats to act like they lost the freaking election?

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