FOX analyst: trump unfit for Presidency

Of course this is only an analyst. The repub elected cowards are trying to ignore the J6 hearings.

The problem the repubs have is how to cut ties with a man who is willing to trash their party If they do no bow to him. The repubs want to.move on...But trump won't let them.

Indeed a very interesting problem. I have the feeling Trump makes the Republican party of the US to his personal property and gets paid from the people he brings down. Exists any other political party in the USA which is able to overtake the role of the Republicans?
Trump and anyone else challenging the 2020 election are completely overpowered by the criminal democrat machine fighting this, the equally corrupt mainstream media covering up the truth and mocking those who challenge it, by a host of judges not even allowing the evidence to be presented, and by a gullible public so easily swayed. No different than the public laughing at "birthers" because Obama being born in Hawaii is the real joke. No different than idiots who think evolution could have occurred without God. So stay the course, if that is what comforts you.

- Obama has also a German ancestor whose descendents lived "in the USA" since 16xx - more than a hundred years before the USA was founded.
- All stories from Trump about election frauds are a lie. And we know Russian hackers supported Trump in the election when he became president of the USA.
- The discussion "creation vs evolution" is a neverending stupid pseudo-discussion from "evolutionists" - whose knowledge about the real scientific theory of evolution is in very most cases extremely bad and whose knowledge about the Christians religion is not only bad but even negative - with "creationists" who try to know less than nothing about evolution and don't know a lot about the Christian religion.
- Obama has also a German ancestor whose descendents lived "in the USA" since 16xx - more than a hundred years before the USA was founded.
- All stories from Trump about election frauds are a lie. And we know Russian hackers supported Trump in the election when he became president of the USA.
- The discussion "creation vs evolution" is a neverending stupid pseudo-discussion from "evolutionists" - whose knowledge about the real scientific theory of evolution is in very most cases extremely bad and whose knowledge about the Christians religion is not only bad but even negative - with "creationists" who try to know less than nothing about evolution and don't know a lot about the Christian religion.

- Obama has also a German ancestor whose descendents lived "in the USA" since 16xx - more than a hundred years before the USA was founded.------------ Who cares? Natural born U.S. citizens are born overseas all the time. But the age of Barack’s American mother is why he is disqualified. The evidence buries the lie Barack was born in Hawaii. It bothers me because the democrats and the MSM will always lie to further their causes and the American people are too ignorant or gullible to doubt it.

- All stories from Trump about election frauds are a lie. And we know Russian hackers supported Trump in the election when he became president of the USA. -------- So the Russians were on the side of Trump and not Hillary, ha? This is insane. You think I care to rehash any of this for your benefit?

- The discussion "creation vs evolution" is a neverending stupid pseudo-discussion from "evolutionists" - whose knowledge about the real scientific theory of evolution is in very most cases extremely bad and whose knowledge about the Christians religion is not only bad but even negative --------- on that we agree.

- ...with "creationists" who try to know less than nothing about evolution and don't know a lot about the Christian religion. ------------ Are you saying creationists (almost exclusively Christians) know nothing about evolution? They/we know nothing? Put it this way --- we know enough. It is Creationism by default because evolution fails on its own lack of evidence, including no transitional fossils. (Another subject I have exhausted my time with.)
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Interestings, con-sidering how Republican white-wingers are physically threatening members of the Jan 6th committee and any one else who doesn't bow down to their orange godlet.
Stalinists get what they get.

Sorry if you don't like it.

That would be the "Honestly, I've not heard of any" part of my post.

If that happened, can you link to a news story about it?
I was sarcastically referring to when the bernie sanders drone shot at the repubs playing softball.
- Obama has also a German ancestor whose descendents lived "in the USA" since 16xx - more than a hundred years before the USA was founded.------------ Who cares?

I. I am a German. And I always was amused that you called Obama a Black because you had also been able to call Obama a White. And when came your first ancestors to the USA? Also in 16xx? But you are a more elitarian US-American noble than he is. Beg your pardon: Your are for me an US-American - but is this what you argue in a common sense with this what US-Americans understand under the word "American" or "unamerican". And why do you doubt that your people made the right decision to vote for him - even when you had voted for the other candidate? Do you not believe in the sense of elections any longer?

Natural born U.S. citizens are born overseas all the time.

But not in Hawaii? What's your problem? Why do you say such stupid things?

But the age of Barack’s American mother is why he is disqualified.

The age of the mother disqualifies the son to be president of the USA? British rule of some noble clansmen in the swamps of the years 732?

The evidence buries the lie Barack was born in Hawaii.

His mother was Ann Durham. She was 19 years when he was born - if I made no miscalcilation; for sure 18-20. So what's the problem? And anyway wherever in the world she had born her baby Barack - he had been an US-American - except you like to follow the rules of some witches from Shakespeare. But if you are really convinced you are right - what crime do you suggest in this context?

It bothers me because the democrats and the MSM will always lie to further their causes and the American people are too ignorant or gullible to doubt it.

- All stories from Trump about election frauds are a lie. And we know Russian hackers supported Trump in the election when he became president of the USA. -------- So the Russians were on the side of Trump and not Hillary, ha?


This is insane.

No. That's a fact.

You think I care to rehash any of this for your benefit?

"rehash" ... one moment ... "aufwärmen,..." ... no - makes not any sense. I'm not able to translate this sentence.

- The discussion "creation vs evolution" is a neverending stupid pseudo-discussion from "evolutionists" - whose knowledge about the real scientific theory of evolution is in very most cases extremely bad and whose knowledge about the Christians religion is not only bad but even negative --------- on that we agree.

- ...with "creationists" who try to know less than nothing about evolution and don't know a lot about the Christian religion. ------------ Are you saying creationists (almost exclusively Christians) know nothing about evolution?

Less than nothing - about the real scientific theory of evolution. The evolutionsts in such discussions seem to know nearly nothing - what's a little more. But creationists seem to know more about social Darwinism - what's indeed a big danger. Boris Johnson was very proud on his "Darwinian society" when they fired him for example. A weird man too. Why creates a Darwinian a world which has to fire him?

They/we know nothing? Put it this way --- we know enough.

No one knows or will know enough.

It is Creationism by default because evolution fails on its own lack of evidence, including no transitional fossils. (Another subject I have exhausted my time with.)

And you never found out that creation and evolution are two totally different things? Do you know how tastes honey, how tastes machine oil and how tastes vannilla ice cream? How do you compare this three totally different qualities? And makes it any sense to compare this also with the quantitative speed of a motorboat, a bike and a train?
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trump tried to destroy our electoral system. He plotted to stay in office after the people voted him out. That is not fantasy. That is fact.

People will be indicted for his efforts. Will he be one of them? We will wait and see.

Trump is an enemy of the Constitution and our democratic institutions – as are his supporters, defenders, and those who would vote for him again.

Of course this is only an analyst. The repub elected cowards are trying to ignore the J6 hearings.

The problem the repubs have is how to cut ties with a man who is willing to trash their party If they do no bow to him. The repubs want to.move on...But trump won't let them.
Real Americans want to cut ties with professional crook politicians, Dim or RINO. They all hate Trump that's why we support him.

Of course this is only an analyst. The repub elected cowards are trying to ignore the J6 hearings.

The problem the repubs have is how to cut ties with a man who is willing to trash their party If they do no bow to him. The repubs want to.move on...But trump won't let them.
Two things:

1. As biased as Fox is, they do hire analysts or commentators from the other side to present their case, not just guests. The major news networks pretty much don't present the other side's cases.

2. Most people totally forget that in 2016 Fox News was very anti-Trump and tried to do everything they could to stop Trump from winning the nomination. Of course when Trump became the nominee, Fox jumped on the band wagon and bowed down to Trump, so much so that they went off the deep end.

Of course this is only an analyst. The repub elected cowards are trying to ignore the J6 hearings.

The problem the repubs have is how to cut ties with a man who is willing to trash their party If they do no bow to him. The repubs want to.move on...But trump won't let them.
What kind of analyst is this guy if he is just now figuring this out?

Ah, I see. A Fox News analyst. That explains it.

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