FOX analyst: trump unfit for Presidency

Of course this is only an analyst. The repub elected cowards are trying to ignore the J6 hearings.

The problem the repubs have is how to cut ties with a man who is willing to trash their party If they do no bow to him. The repubs want to.move on...But trump won't let them.

Yes! Focus 100% on J6, no matter what! Fuck inflation, the border, gas prices, food prices, and the economy. That's the ticket!
I. I am a German. And I always was amused that you called Obama a Black because you had also been able to call Obama a White. And when came your first ancestors to the USA? Also in 16xx? But you are a more elitarian US-American noble than he is. Beg your pardon: Your are for me an US-American - but is this what you argue in a common sense with this what US-Americans understand under the word "American" or "unamerican". And why do you doubt that your people made the right decision to vote for him - even when you had voted for the other candidate? Do you not believe in the sense of elections any longer?

But not in Hawaii? What's your problem? Why do you say such stupid things?

The age of the mother disqualifies the son to be president of the USA? British rule of some noble clansmen in the swamps of the years 732?

His mother was Ann Durham. She was 19 years when he was born - if I made no miscalcilation; for sure 18-20. So what's the problem? And anyway wherever in the world she had born her baby Barack - he had been an US-American - except you like to follow the rules of some witches from Shakespeare. But if you are really convinced you are right - what crime do you suggest in this context?


No. That's a fact.

"rehash" ... one moment ... "aufwärmen,..." ... no - makes not any sense. I'm not able to translate this sentence.

Less than nothing - about the real scientific theory of evolution. The evolutionsts in such discussions seem to know nearly nothing - what's a little more. But creationists seem to know more about social Darwinism - what's indeed a big danger. Boris Johnson was very proud on his "Darwinian society" when they fired him for example. A weird man too. Why creates a Darwinian a world which has to fire him?

No one knows or will know enough.

And you never found out that creation and evolution are two totally different things? Do you know how tastes honey, how tastes machine oil and how tastes vannilla ice cream? How do you compare this three totally different qualities? And makes it any sense to compare this also with the quantitative speed of a motorboat, a bike and a train?
(sorry for the lengthy post, but you asked a lot of questions)

You: ---And why do you doubt that your people made the right decision to vote for him - even when you had voted for the other candidate? Do you not believe in the sense of elections any longer?
It was the wrong decision because what Obama and his party stand for and what they try to enact are horrendous for the American people, even for the world, and much of it is sinful. Just because I am all for democratic elections in no way translates that the majority makes the right choices.

Me: Natural born U.S. citizens are born overseas all the time.
You ---But not in Hawaii? What's your problem? Why do you say such stupid things?
It is not stupid. You simply do not understand what is meant by that.

Me: The evidence buries the lie Barack was born in Hawaii.
You ---His mother was Ann Durham. She was 19 years when he was born - if I made no miscalcilation; for sure 18-20. So what's the problem? And anyway wherever in the world she had born her baby Barack - he had been an US-American - except you like to follow the rules of some witches from Shakespeare. But if you are really convinced you are right - what crime do you suggest in this context?
I will point out to you why you are partially ignorant on this issue here. But I am not going to go through all of the EVIDENCE that makes a total mockery of Barack’s claim he was born in Hawaii. >>>>> FACT: In order to be a "natural born citizen," you must be born in the United States or, if you are born abroad, you CAN (if specific circumstances are met) inherit citizenship status from your parents. If he was born abroad, then that's a problem for Barack Hussein Obama because his father was NOT a citizen of the United States and his mother had not lived in the United States the required amount of time after attaining the age of consent when Obama was born - meaning SHE COULD NOT pass her citizenship on to Obama.

Me: You think I care to rehash any of this for your benefit?

You: --- "rehash" ... one moment ... "aufwärmen,..." ... no - makes not any sense. I'm not able to translate this sentence.
As I alluded to above, there is a plethora of incriminating evidence against Obama’s past and his totally forged long birth certificate he finally released after holding the nation hostage for two years. The digital graphic experts made a mockery of it on and elsewhere. Of course, scores of these articles have been scrubbed from the internet by the enemy, but I have copies of them prior to their removal. Sorry, German friend, you are dead wrong if you think Barack was born in Hawaii. And if you do decide to do your own investigation, you may also want to look into why in the world 14 year old Barack would have to or want to travel to Connecticut to obtain a social security card. Why not just get one in Hawaii? Oh, Snopes tried to cover that one up and made a total mess of it. (LOL) I have those articles, too, since scrubbed by Google or whoever. ---------------------- Why is this a big deal to me or others, you ask? Because it is completely unlawful for anyone to run for president if they are not a natural born U.S. citizen. Should we overlook that severe congressional law in this phony’s case?

Me: It is Creationism by default because evolution fails on its own lack of evidence.
You --- And you never found out that creation and evolution are two totally different things?
Say what? Creationism is misused by the media and opponents at their discretion. For me there are three possibilities. Evolution by hook or by crook, no ID. Evolution by the hand of God (which many mistakenly call Creationism) And Creationism where God created animals and plants out of nothing as a completely formed species, very likely at different times over a billion years or whenever they showed up.
Many evolutionist scientists (even famous ones like the late Stephen Gould and Steven Stanley ) admit they are troubled by no sign of transitional fossils. That is why they had to come up with the “punctuated equilibria theory,” a.k.a. the “hopeful monster theory” where enormous changes pop up suddenly, because no gradual morphing found in the fossil evidence. --------------------------- So God could have been the author of evolution, yes. But there is no sign evolution ever occurred. And for some atheist to come along and tell me if we trace back our family tree long enough our great, great, great, et al. grandpappy was a dung beetle or a rock, and all by pure chance, and given enough time, evolved into a rational human being without an intelligent designer, that is more than insulting, that is a joke.

[Evolution heavyweights admission to the truth. Stephen Gould --- “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. Steven Stanley --- "The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic model can be valid."]
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(sorry for the lengthy post, but you asked a lot of questions)

Argh. Yes I have always a a lot of questions - but normalIy I get never an answer from US-Americans.

You: ---And why do you doubt that your people made the right decision to vote for him - even when you had voted for the other candidate? Do you not believe in the sense of elections any longer?
It was the wrong decision

It was a decision which you do not like.

because what Obama and his party stand for and what they try to enact are horrendous for the American people, even for the world, and much of it is sinful.

Seems to me you have not enough serios problems when you have enough time to call god to punish you.

Just because I am all for democratic elections in no way translates that the majority makes the right choices.

So you are an enemy of your own political system.

Me: Natural born U.S. citizens are born overseas all the time.
You ---But not in Hawaii? What's your problem? Why do you say such stupid things?
It is not stupid. You simply do not understand what is meant by that.

Exactly. Or with my words: For me is Obama also a white German.

Me: The evidence buries the lie Barack was born in Hawaii.
You ---His mother was Ann Durham. She was 19 years when he was born - if I made no miscalcilation; for sure 18-20. So what's the problem? And anyway wherever in the world she had born her baby Barack - he had been an US-American - except you like to follow the rules of some witches from Shakespeare. But if you are really convinced you are right - what crime do you suggest in this context?
I will point out to you why you are partially ignorant on this issue here. But I am not going to go through all of the EVIDENCE that makes a total mockery of Barack’s claim he was born in Hawaii. >>>>> FACT: In order to be a "natural born citizen," you must be born in the United States or, if you are born abroad, you CAN (if specific circumstances are met) inherit citizenship status from your parents. If he was born abroad, then that's a problem for Barack Hussein Obama because his father was NOT a citizen of the United States and his mother had not lived in the United States the required amount of time after attaining the age of consent when Obama was born - meaning SHE COULD NOT pass her citizenship on to Obama.

A mother can not pass her citizenship to her child? You are totally mad.

Me: You think I care to rehash any of this for your benefit?
You: --- "rehash" ... one moment ... "aufwärmen,..." ... no - makes not any sense. I'm not able to translate this sentence.
As I alluded to above, there is a plethora

¿plethora? ... Strange word. Nice ... but strange.

of incriminating evidence against Obama’s past and his totally forged long birth certificate he finally released after holding the nation hostage for two years. The digital graphic experts made a mockery of it on and elsewhere. Of course, scores of these articles have been scrubbed from the internet by the enemy,

By whom?

but I have copies of them prior to their removal. Sorry, German friend,

I am not anyone's friend - except the friend of my friends.

you are dead wrong if you think Barack was born in Hawaii.

That's no problem for me. And I guess this is also not a problem for Barack Obama.

And if you do decide to do your own investigation, you may also want to look into why in the world 14 year old Barack would have to or want to travel to Connecticut to obtain a social security card. Why not just get one in Hawaii? Oh, Snopes tried to cover that one up and made a total mess of it. (LOL) I have those articles, too, since scrubbed by Google or whoever. ---------------------- Why is this a big deal to me or others, you ask? Because it is completely unlawful for anyone to run for president if they are not a natural born U.S. citizen.

Like Arnold Schwarzenegger for example. I'm sure he had been a much better president of the USA than Donald Trump had been.

Should we overlook that severe congressional law in this phony’s case?

Me: It is Creationism by default because evolution fails on its own lack of evidence.
You --- And you never found out that creation and evolution are two totally different things?
Say what? Creationism is misused by the media and opponents at their discretion. For me there are three possibilities. Evolution by hook or by crook, no ID. Evolution by the hand of God (which many mistakenly call Creationism) And Creationism where God created animals and plants out of nothing as a completely formed species, very likely at different times over a billion years or whenever they showed up.
Many evolutionist scientists (even famous ones like the late Stephen Gould and Steven Stanley ) admit they are troubled by no sign of transitional fossils. That is why they had to come up with the “punctuated equilibria theory,” a.k.a. the “hopeful monster theory” where enormous changes pop up suddenly, because no gradual morphing found in the fossil evidence. --------------------------- So God could have been the author of evolution, yes. But there is no sign evolution ever occurred. And for some atheist to come along and tell me if we trace back our family tree long enough our great, great, great, et al. grandpappy was a dung beetle or a rock, and all by pure chance, and given enough time, evolved into a rational human being without an intelligent designer, that is more than insulting, that is a joke.

[Evolution heavyweights admission to the truth. Stephen Gould --- “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. Steven Stanley --- "The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic model can be valid."]

It is as I said: The discussion "creation vs evolution" is one of the very worst nonsensic never ending fake-discussions.
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Argh. Yes I have always a a lot of questions - but normalIy I get never an answer from US-Americans.

It was a decision which you do not like.

Seems to me you have not enough serios problems when you have enough time to call god to punish you.

So you are an enemy of your own political system.

Exactly. Or with my words: For me is Obama also a white German.

A mother can not pass her citizenship to her child? You are totally mad.

¿plethora? ... Strange word. Nice ... but strange.

By whom?

I am not anyone's friend - except the friend of my friends.

That's no problem for me. And I guess this is also not a problem for Barack Obama.

Like Arnold Schwarzenegger for example. I'm sure he had been a much better president of the USA than Donald Trump had been.

It is as I said: The discussion "creation vs evolution" is one of the very worst nonsensic never ending fake-discussions.
Quit whining about Americans...go back to your country. And you believe the universe started from a random atom exploding, so STFU, you don't know shit about science.
Quit whining about Americans...go back to your country.

I am in my country. The US-Americans here in my country are not in their country.

And you believe the universe started from a random atom exploding,

You know what Georges Lemaître said? Strange. This I had not expected from a nationalistic US-American.

so STFU, you don't know shit about science.

Exactly. I do not know shit about natural science. But you do not know what you say.
I am in my country. The US-Americans here in my country are not in their country.

You know what Georges Lemaître said? Strange. This I had not expected from a nationalistic US-American.

Exactly. I do not know shit about natural science. But you do not know what you say.
Which country has so many Americans?

Of course this is only an analyst. The repub elected cowards are trying to ignore the J6 hearings.

The problem the repubs have is how to cut ties with a man who is willing to trash their party If they do no bow to him. The repubs want to.move on...But trump won't let them.

Most people were ignoring jan 6th by the 10th. 1/6 is all the left has to hang onto. And they're hanging on for dear life.
Most people were ignoring jan 6th by the 10th. 1/6 is all the left has to hang onto. And they're hanging on for dear life.
Nice dream. J6 has exposed trump as a treasonous SOB. Independent voters see him for what he is...a man who tried to overthrow the election. They are not going to vote to return an Insurrectionist to the White House.
Nice dream. J6 has exposed trump as a treasonous SOB. Independent voters see him for what he is...a man who tried to overthrow the election. They are not going to vote to return an Insurrectionist to the White House.

No it hasn't. Only the die hard radical progressives are paying attention to this witch hunt. Yall don't even realize how it's going to rob us of more freedoms and liberties. The internet is so monitored now, I guess there's not turning back. But bet you me, they'll come up with even more crap like the Patriot Act by the time this is over.
And the republicans will back them on it, just like they all back the Patriot Act, the NSA, the NDAA and FISA now.
No it hasn't. Only the die hard radical progressives are paying attention to this witch hunt. Yall don't even realize how it's going to rob us of more freedoms and liberties. The internet is so monitored now, I guess there's not turning back. But bet you me, they'll come up with even more crap like the Patriot Act by the time this is over.
And the republicans will back them on it, just like they all back the Patriot Act, the NSA, the NDAA and FISA now.
Actually the USSC is the one taking rights away...and threatening to take rights away. Fascism in the USSC.
LOL, yeah military bases. Trump tried to remove them, and your country went apeshit. You guys love us, don't even want us to leave.

Take your soldiers - leave Germany - today! I am tired about idiots like you and Putins friend Donald Trump.

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