FOX can't broadcast in canada after its gov refuses to remove law prohibiting lying

Again, as care pointed out, canada refused to CHANGE THE RULES for fauxnews. which means that they can't tell reporters to lie like they did in this country.


Not even close sweetie...

The actual facts: Fox news has been broadcast in Canada since 2004. Fox News never requested that any law be changed. The proposed changes to the Canadian Broadcast laws originated over 10 years ago- for reason completely unrelated to News organizations.
The entire thread is dishonest propaganda repeated by the leftwing echo chamber.

Well if FOX is broadcasting in means they have to be truthful. Correct?
why should fox be the only one required to be TRUTHFUL.

have you watched PMSnbc? There isn't one shred of truth that come out of Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddcow, Chrissy Matthews, and the big headed liar, Keity Olberblown.

You lefties are so full of shit about Fox news, but your MASTERS taught you well.
parrots all of you
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why should fox be the only one required to be TRUTHFUL.

have you watched PMSnbc? There isn't one shred of truth that come out of Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddcow, Chrissy Matthews, and the big headed liar, Keity Olberblown.

You lefties are so full of shit about Fox news, but your MASTERS taught you well.
parrots all of you

Can't we all just get along?'s Canada's law. Perhaps you might just Blame Canada!
why should fox be the only one required to be TRUTHFUL.

have you watched PMSnbc? There isn't one shred of truth that come out of Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddcow, Chrissy Matthews, and the big headed liar, Keity Olberblown.

You lefties are so full of shit about Fox news, but your MASTERS taught you well.
parrots all of you

Can't we all just get along?'s Canada's law. Perhaps you might just Blame Canada!

ummmyeah. and sit here while you all spread the lie that Fox news lies.
Again, as care pointed out, canada refused to CHANGE THE RULES for fauxnews. which means that they can't tell reporters to lie like they did in this country.


Not even close sweetie...

The actual facts: Fox news has been broadcast in Canada since 2004. Fox News never requested that any law be changed. The proposed changes to the Canadian Broadcast laws originated over 10 years ago- for reason completely unrelated to News organizations.
The entire thread is dishonest propaganda repeated by the leftwing echo chamber.

Well if FOX is broadcasting in means they have to be truthful. Correct?

That would be the logical conclusion.
It's HuffyPuffy...They often do make it up.

I'll thank you to warn me in advance next time, so I don't give those propagandists the hit.
Sentence 1:
As America's middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades -- against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News -- fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of Wisconsin border.

I'm surprised you don't like Huff Post. They are the epicenter of non-bias reporting.
They are lying so who cares what lies they link

As a matter of fact the original headline was Fox News Will Not Be Moving Into Canada Afterall....the linked headline is the replaced version of the original dishonest headeline[ quote]

you might want to look at care's post instead of pulling nonsense out of thin air.

just sayin'

Sweetie, I posted before Care

just sayin'

A lie is still a lie no matter what spin you want to put on it.

again, just sayin'

so why are you lying, snookums?

not that hard to do your own research. and now that care HAS posted, you should inform yourself and learn something,

just sayin.

Fox News Channel is currently offered by Access Communications, Bell TV, Cogeco, Eastlink, Manitoba Telecom Services, Rogers, SaskTel, Shaw Cable, Shaw Direct and Telus TV.

You should stop reading (or reading into) posts that only agree with your viewpoint.
Again, as care pointed out, canada refused to CHANGE THE RULES for fauxnews. which means that they can't tell reporters to lie like they did in this country.


That article, didn't come close to that. My God you are partisan hack.
It's HuffyPuffy...They often do make it up.

I'll thank you to warn me in advance next time, so I don't give those propagandists the hit.

you could just hove over the link, also I love your attacking of the messanger even though all their information is sourced...

try harder next time
Not in this case.

I reject crap from WorldNut Daily just as rapidly.
and newsmax
CRTC plan to lift ban on false news prompts political investigation
Ottawa— From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
Published Monday, Feb. 07, 2011 8:23PM EST
Last updated Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2011 7:20AM EST

A CRTC proposal that could make it easier to broadcast false or misleading news has prompted confusion and criticism among opposition MPs and consternation in at least one of the unions that represents Canadian journalists.

It has also led to allegations of interference by the Prime Minister’s Office and a hastily called investigation by federal politicians, who were caught off guard by the move.

Then, on Jan. 10, the commission announced it was seeking comments on a proposal to change the wording of the regulation to say that it applied only in cases in which broadcasters knew the information was false or misleading and that reporting it was likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public. The cut-off date for public input was set at Feb. 9.

The decision caught many people by surprise.

“We’ve looked everywhere to try to find out who’s pushing this, and we can’t find anybody,” said Peter Murdoch, the vice-president of media for the Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union, which represents more than 20,000 journalists, including those at The Globe and Mail.

“It’s totally bizarre. Nobody in the industry has called for it,” Mr. Murdoch said. “Where is the motivation for change that would lower the standards of truth and fairness in broadcast journalism?”

CRTC plan to lift ban on false news prompts political investigation - The Globe and Mail
gee, based on that, every media outlet we have would have been shut down after Katrina

since they ALL reported false information about the super dome being a "killing field"
every one of them
They are lying so who cares what lies they link

As a matter of fact the original headline was Fox News Will Not Be Moving Into Canada Afterall....the linked headline is the replaced version of the original dishonest headeline

you might want to look at care's post instead of pulling nonsense out of thin air.

just sayin'

Ohh Jillian leave em alone. I enjoy seeing them look like partisan fools.
except it you looking like the partisan fool now that it has been proven to be a FALSE story

Again, as care pointed out, canada refused to CHANGE THE RULES for fauxnews. which means that they can't tell reporters to lie like they did in this country.

exceptit is a LIE, because FNC is already there
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Again, as care pointed out, canada refused to CHANGE THE RULES for fauxnews. which means that they can't tell reporters to lie like they did in this country.

excepot it is a LIE, because FNC is already there

Do you think Jillian would find this "fail" representation offensive?

It's HuffyPuffy...They often do make it up.

I'll thank you to warn me in advance next time, so I don't give those propagandists the hit.
there are links to other sources

I assume you also dismiss out of hand anything from FNC
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