FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Come on Mikey. You know that sounds dumb, especially after all those "lock her up" chants.
Never did any of that that I recall troll.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Oh lookee here the boy who on another thread wanted to see someone's hardon.
If you scum couldn't lie 90 percent of you posts would be gone.
First you have to define sexual abuse. It could be anything from a slap on the ass to verbal abuse. The next thing is how to connect the football coach to the doctor. Did Jordan coach woman's football? I think not so the doctor in question must have been a homosexual predator if allegations are correct. Scenario #1 goes like this "coach that fag doctor slapped me on the ass" "get back in the huddle before I slap you on the ass". Scenario #2 "coach, that faggot doctor is taking showers with the team", stay away from him because homos are protected and I don't want to get involved in a messy sexual scandal that I would lose.
He had to know, he was assistant coach for 8 years. Get real. He needs to step down.
You almost gotta laugh that left wing universities are known to be havens for homosexual bullying. The words "homo and fag" are even on the list of forbidden words that "big brother" might use to kick your red neck ass out of school The university must have knowingly hired and sanctioned a homosexual predator and the crazy angry left wants to force the only straight guy on freaking campus to resign ten years later. The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
Have the wrestlers explained what the "groping" consisted of? For example did the doctor check for hernia (sticking finger up the right ball outlet) and prostate (sticking finger in ass) which most doctors do to males? Wrestling does involve a lot of moves that can be considered "groping!"

He had to know, he was assistant coach for 8 years. Get real. He needs to step down.

And hiLIARy ACTUALLY knew that Clinton raped Juanita, yet you supported her.

Jordan did not "had" to know. If the sexual abuse was so well hidden that allegation are now being made public 24 years later, it's quite plausible and likely that he didn't know. You offer NO PROOF, but just want to destroy the life of someone whose politics you don't like.

Typical Totalitarian Tactics. You'd better watch out. The system that you are promoting will turn on you.
Fake news trying to distract attention away from Congressman Jordan helping to expose the "Deep State." Rest assured all such folks are being heavily researched by the Swamp for anything the fake news can use against them. Rosenstine probably has thousands of employees doing everything in their power 24/7 legally and illegally to protect the Deep State.
Christopher Wrap has no idea what youre talking about.

Jim Jordan is simply nutty.
Boy, what a day for FreedomWork to launch this petition effort! As of now, the tweet is still up, but in case they happen to read today’s headline news, here it is for posterity.



Not all heroes wear jackets-- draft @Jim_Jordan for Speaker! #ampFW #becometheleadership #draintheswamp

10:53 AM - Jul 3, 2018

Draft Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Yeah, that would be the Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus leader, who is under fire now for having not disclosed sexual abuse by the Ohio State University’s wrestling team doctor when he was an assistant coach there.

Um, FreedomWorks? Are you sure you want this guy for speaker?

Shades of Dennis Hastert anyone? It must be a feature and not a bug with these guys.
Jim Jordan should shut down the campaign now.

Email him.

I just did telling him his lack of awareness at the U does not bode well for his performance in the House.
Jim Jordan should shut down the campaign now.

Email him.

I just did telling him his lack of awareness at the U does not bode well for his performance in the House.

His locker was right next to the guys.

I'm starting to suspect some repressed emotional issues, now that his behavior in Congress can be compared to this story.

A story that i'm sure will be gaining more traction after the holiday.
Jim Jordan should shut down the campaign now.

Email him.

I just did telling him his lack of awareness at the U does not bode well for his performance in the House.

His locker was right next to the guys.

I'm starting to suspect some repressed emotional issues, now that his behavior in Congress can be compared to this story.

A story that i'm sure will be gaining more traction after the holiday.

Oh please, everyone knew the doc was a queer, but if anyone would had outted him and made accusations without proof, he would had been labeled a bigot and a homophobe by you faggots.
Boy, what a day for FreedomWork to launch this petition effort! As of now, the tweet is still up, but in case they happen to read today’s headline news, here it is for posterity.



Not all heroes wear jackets-- draft @Jim_Jordan for Speaker! #ampFW #becometheleadership #draintheswamp

10:53 AM - Jul 3, 2018

Draft Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Yeah, that would be the Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus leader, who is under fire now for having not disclosed sexual abuse by the Ohio State University’s wrestling team doctor when he was an assistant coach there.

Um, FreedomWorks? Are you sure you want this guy for speaker?

Shades of Dennis Hastert anyone? It must be a feature and not a bug with these guys.
Funny how
1. This happens RIGHT after he announces his plans to run for Speaker
2. This happens RIGHT after he goes after Deep State scumbag Rosenstein
3. The law firm handling it is the EXACT same law firm that dealt with the Clinton campaign AND the fake dossier....

I can smell bullshit a mile away and that's EXACTLY what this is. So YEP I want him or Scalise for Speaker!

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