FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Deep State Targets Conservative Favorite Jim Jordan With Vicious Smear Campaign After Announcing Speakership Plans

The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins Coie; the same law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign and paid for the fake Russia dossier.

Just a coincidence I am sure!

As if the right don't do smear campaigns, and I see you're using the term "deep state" to mean "democrats".
Nah not just democrats,Rosenstein isn't a democrat is he? Cuckservatives in congress HATE Jordan,democrats DESPISE him ALL because he 1. Refuses to back down,2. Backs President Trump's agenda
Deep State Targets Conservative Favorite Jim Jordan With Vicious Smear Campaign After Announcing Speakership Plans

The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins Coie; the same law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign and paid for the fake Russia dossier.

Just a coincidence I am sure!

As if the right don't do smear campaigns, and I see you're using the term "deep state" to mean "democrats".
Nah not just democrats,Rosenstein isn't a democrat is he? Cuckservatives in congress HATE Jordan,democrats DESPISE him ALL because he 1. Refuses to back down,2. Backs President Trump's agenda

Well, the "deep state" isn't really a "deep state" at all.

It's merely people using the political system to their advantage because the political system is so open to abuse.

Until the way people vote changes, it'll stay the same.

Proportional Representation will allow people to elect people who will serve their own interests, rather than being forced to elect people who serve their own interests and the interests of rich people.
Nah not just democrats,Rosenstein isn't a democrat is he?

Rosenstein SCHOOLS the idiot, Jordan, during last week's testimony.

Rosenstein explains to Jordan that, "there's no way to subpoena phone calls" [you fucking demagogue].......LOL
Wait, he's going to run for Speaker? Those wrestlers should shut the hell up now.
CNN just reported that Jordan is also apparently lying about being contacted by officials doing the investigation. They say Jordan has ignored their emails and phone calls. Jordan says he's never been contacted. Pervert Jordan should suffer the same fate as pervert Dennis Hastert. Hastert was also a wrestling coach.

A former wrestler said Rep. Jim Jordan “is absolutely lying if he says he doesn’t know what was going on.”

Former Ohio State University wrestlers are accusing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse allegedly committed by a former team trainer while Jordan was an assistant coach.

“I considered Jim Jordan a friend. But at the end of the day, he is absolutely lying if he says he doesn’t know what was going on,” former Ohio State wrestler Mike DiSabato told NBC News in an investigative report published Tuesday.

We estimate that Strauss sexually assaulted and/or raped a minimum of 1,500 [to] 2,000 athletes at OSU.
--Mike DiSabato, former wrestler and alleged victim of Dr. Richard Strauss

GOP Rep. Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Abuse When He Was Ohio State Wrestling Coach
Boy, what a day for FreedomWork to launch this petition effort! As of now, the tweet is still up, but in case they happen to read today’s headline news, here it is for posterity.



Not all heroes wear jackets-- draft @Jim_Jordan for Speaker! #ampFW #becometheleadership #draintheswamp

10:53 AM - Jul 3, 2018

Draft Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Yeah, that would be the Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus leader, who is under fire now for having not disclosed sexual abuse by the Ohio State University’s wrestling team doctor when he was an assistant coach there.

Um, FreedomWorks? Are you sure you want this guy for speaker?

Shades of Dennis Hastert anyone? It must be a feature and not a bug with these guys.

All kidding aside, wtf is it with conservative and sexual perversion? There are just too many of them that have serious sexual problems and they act out on them on other people. WTF is wrong with these people.
Rep Jordan said he had no idea what was going on. An allegation is not an indictment. Jordan's mistake was going after the corrupt Rosenstein.

Do you really expect this guy to say, "yeah I knew it was happening all along and we just let it go?"
Boy, what a day for FreedomWork to launch this petition effort! As of now, the tweet is still up, but in case they happen to read today’s headline news, here it is for posterity.



Not all heroes wear jackets-- draft @Jim_Jordan for Speaker! #ampFW #becometheleadership #draintheswamp

10:53 AM - Jul 3, 2018

Draft Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Yeah, that would be the Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus leader, who is under fire now for having not disclosed sexual abuse by the Ohio State University’s wrestling team doctor when he was an assistant coach there.

Um, FreedomWorks? Are you sure you want this guy for speaker?

Shades of Dennis Hastert anyone? It must be a feature and not a bug with these guys.
Funny how
1. This happens RIGHT after he announces his plans to run for Speaker
2. This happens RIGHT after he goes after Deep State scumbag Rosenstein
3. The law firm handling it is the EXACT same law firm that dealt with the Clinton campaign AND the fake dossier....

I can smell bullshit a mile away and that's EXACTLY what this is. So YEP I want him or Scalise for Speaker!

Want to know what's even funnier? Maddow is doing a story on it tonight, and it turns out Jordan has now changed his story, amending his previous statement, the school has hired a major law firm to investigate it.

So mr. Investigator himself is now under investigation for all of the wrong reasons, and will be answering some questions himself soon.

There goes his speaker chances.

And depending on what happens in November, which right now isn't looking good for you, the only speaking your side will be doing is when they are spoken to.
First of all the allegations seem to be limited to "sexual abuse" and not rape. Even Clintonites should understand the difference. Is it freaking crazy or is it just me that the incoherent left wants to blame the wrestling coach for the alleged sexual abuse that was apparently rampant in Ohio State? First of all it must be tough for a republican on the faculty of any college or university. If he spills the beans on a predatory sodomite he could lose his job and be tagged a "homophobe" for the rest of his life the way college politics works. Republicans are so intimidated that democrat operatives were able to spring a trap a couple of years ago. A republican congressman was known to be an aggressive homosexual predator and both sides knew about it. Republicans couldn't do anything for fear of the homo lobby and the media that would tear them up but democrats were able to spring a trap and with the cooperation of the media they nailed the republican congressman for the relatively benign charge of sending e-mails to male pages just before the mid term elections. The congressman resigned and republicans were unable to field a candidate in time and lost the seat. The big question is whether they stripped every other Ohio State faculty member or coach or official of their jobs and future jobs or is it just republicans?
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Let me get this straight, they are investigating the conduct of the doctor who has since died but they want a U.S. representative to resign? How does that work? We know that Hillary enabled her own husband's world class sexual abuse but democrats thought she would be a good president.
Hillary is always an interesting diversion for you guys but she is irrelevant.

If there is truth to this it is pretty damn serious.
What the fuck is it with REPUBLICAN leadership and sexual assault of wrestlers? Anyone remember Hastert? He got out of JAIL just last year (or was it early this one?)

Ex students (several) will testify that they told JORDAN, their coach, that the team doctor molested them. And he did NOTHING. OH STATE has hired a big name law firm to conduct an investigation. Remember Jordan is in the 'seriously considered' for Speaker.

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan denies accusations he turned a blind eye to alleged sexual abuse

By Daniella Diaz, Sunlen Serfaty and MJ Lee, CNN
Updated 7:05 PM EDT,
Tue July 03, 2018

Editor's Note: (WARNING: This story contains graphic allegations of sexual abuse.)

Washington (CNN) Republican Rep. Jim Jordan is denying a report that he turned a blind eye to alleged sexual abuse at Ohio State University when he was an assistant wrestling coach.

An NBC News report published Tuesday alleged the powerful Ohio congressman was aware of allegations that a doctor was molesting members of the wrestling team when he was an assistant wrestling coach from 1986 to 1994, but that he ignored those claims of abuse.

CNN has not confirmed the details of the NBC report. Jordan's office denied that he knew of any such behavior in two separate statements Tuesday.

"Congressman Jordan never

Jim Jordan denies accusations he turned a blind eye to alleged sexual abuse - CNNPolitics
What the fuck is it with REPUBLICAN leadership and sexual assault of wrestlers? Anyone remember Hastert? He got out of JAIL just last year (or was it early this one?)

Ex students (several) will testify that they told JORDAN, their coach, that the team doctor molested them. And he did NOTHING. OH STATE has hired a big name law firm to conduct an investigation. Remember Jordan is in the 'seriously considered' for Speaker.

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan denies accusations he turned a blind eye to alleged sexual abuse

By Daniella Diaz, Sunlen Serfaty and MJ Lee, CNN
Updated 7:05 PM EDT,
Tue July 03, 2018

Editor's Note: (WARNING: This story contains graphic allegations of sexual abuse.)

Washington (CNN) Republican Rep. Jim Jordan is denying a report that he turned a blind eye to alleged sexual abuse at Ohio State University when he was an assistant wrestling coach.

An NBC News report published Tuesday alleged the powerful Ohio congressman was aware of allegations that a doctor was molesting members of the wrestling team when he was an assistant wrestling coach from 1986 to 1994, but that he ignored those claims of abuse.

CNN has not confirmed the details of the NBC report. Jordan's office denied that he knew of any such behavior in two separate statements Tuesday.

"Congressman Jordan never

Jim Jordan denies accusations he turned a blind eye to alleged sexual abuse - CNNPolitics

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