fox new Poll Has trump Losing To 4 Democrats

I believe it's how you finish the race that counts What about you?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?
2016-2017 trend
Approve Disapprove No opinion
% %
2017 Jan 16-19
59 37 4
2017 Jan 9-15 57 39 4
2017 Jan 2-8 55 42 3
2016 Dec 26-2017 Jan 1 55 40 4
2016 Dec 19-25 56 40 3
2016 Dec 12-18 56 40 4
2016 Dec 5-11 57 40 3
2016 Nov 28-Dec 4 54 43 3
2016 Nov 21-27 56 40 4
2016 Nov 14-20 56 41 3
2016 Nov 7-13 57 41 3
2016 Oct 31-Nov 6 53 45 2
2016 Oct 24-30 54 44 3
2016 Oct 17-23 55 42 3
2016 Oct 10-16 54 43 4
2016 Oct 3-9 52 45 3
2016 Sep 26-Oct 2 53 44 4
2016 Sep 19-25 53 43 4
2016 Sep 12-18 52 44 4
2016 Sep 5-11 51 45 4
2016 Aug 29-Sep 4 52 44 5
2016 Aug 22-28 51 45 5
2016 Aug 15-21 51 44 4
2016 Aug 8-14 52 44 4
2016 Aug 1-7 52 45 4
2016 Jul 25-31
We were talking about the 2012 election so I take that you can't think of any reason for his rise in the polls from August 2011 to November 2012 and that's why you want to change the subject.
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base
I hope they are right, but I won't really believe until it happens.

It's very early and polls really don't matter much but I think it's interesting that the station that is basically the trump news station has him losing to those democrats.

No one knows what's going to happen in over a year from now but I'm sure that the fox news poll has trump worried.

So you haven't noticed FOX's slow roll to the left?
Many Conservatives like myself sure have. I stopped watching when they tried to cram their choice down our throats during the 16 prez election.
We were talking about the 2012 election so I take that you can't think of any reason for his rise in the polls from August 2011 to November 2012 and that's why you want to change the subject.
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base
If you fools are stupid enough to vote that senile bumbling old pedophile then you are even MORE deranged that I thought.
I hope they are right, but I won't really believe until it happens.

It's very early and polls really don't matter much but I think it's interesting that the station that is basically the trump news station has him losing to those democrats.

No one knows what's going to happen in over a year from now but I'm sure that the fox news poll has trump worried.

So you haven't noticed FOX's slow roll to the left?
Many Conservatives like myself sure have. I stopped watching when they tried to cram their choice down our throats during the 16 prez election.
Same here, although I still look at their website to see people's reactions to their bias, when they "allow" comments.
I hope they are right, but I won't really believe until it happens.

It's very early and polls really don't matter much but I think it's interesting that the station that is basically the trump news station has him losing to those democrats.

No one knows what's going to happen in over a year from now but I'm sure that the fox news poll has trump worried.

So you haven't noticed FOX's slow roll to the left?
Many Conservatives like myself sure have. I stopped watching when they tried to cram their choice down our throats during the 16 prez election.
Same here, although I still look at their website to see people's reactions to their bias, when they "allow" comments.

I selectively watch them on Youtube and thats about it.
I believe it's how you finish the race that counts What about you?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?
2016-2017 trend
Approve Disapprove No opinion
% %
2017 Jan 16-19
59 37 4
2017 Jan 9-15 57 39 4
2017 Jan 2-8 55 42 3
2016 Dec 26-2017 Jan 1 55 40 4
2016 Dec 19-25 56 40 3
2016 Dec 12-18 56 40 4
2016 Dec 5-11 57 40 3
2016 Nov 28-Dec 4 54 43 3
2016 Nov 21-27 56 40 4
2016 Nov 14-20 56 41 3
2016 Nov 7-13 57 41 3
2016 Oct 31-Nov 6 53 45 2
2016 Oct 24-30 54 44 3
2016 Oct 17-23 55 42 3
2016 Oct 10-16 54 43 4
2016 Oct 3-9 52 45 3
2016 Sep 26-Oct 2 53 44 4
2016 Sep 19-25 53 43 4
2016 Sep 12-18 52 44 4
2016 Sep 5-11 51 45 4
2016 Aug 29-Sep 4 52 44 5
2016 Aug 22-28 51 45 5
2016 Aug 15-21 51 44 4
2016 Aug 8-14 52 44 4
2016 Aug 1-7 52 45 4
2016 Jul 25-31
We were talking about the 2012 election so I take that you can't think of any reason for his rise in the polls from August 2011 to November 2012 and that's why you want to change the subject.
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
Has he given our businesses confidence ?? Has he brought people together ot spread them apart ,has he made friends with our used to be allies or has he made a mockery out of our Presidency?
Trump has certainly given business confidence and he has worked hard to try to bring Americans together while the Democrats continue to try to divide us, and he has strengthened ties with our real allies like the UK and Israel and called out those countries who pose as allies but always oppose us like Germany. Even more importantly he is repairing the extensive damage Obama did around the world, in the ME, in Iraq, to the international nonproliferation protocols. Where Obama seemed to be more interested in being liked, especially by America's enemies, President Trump is showing real grit in taking on serious problems Obama neglected like unfavorable trade agreements the depredations of Chinese economic policies and imperialistic behaviors and the greed and cynicism that governs EU foreign policies.
This sure isn't good news for trump.

He's losing to 4 of the democratic candidates.

He can't even get above 39% in a fox news poll.

Fox News Poll: Biden still leads Democratic race, Warren climbs into second
  • Fox polls are worthless, and this is a prime example. This poll does not take into considering the Russians helping Trump as they did in 2016. And, it obviously does not allow for a Comey type bombshell just before the election. We know that Trump can't win on his own, but help will arrive.

Getting those excuses warmed up kinda early ain'tcha....
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base
If you fools are stupid enough to vote that senile bumbling old pedophile then you are even MORE deranged that I thought.
You voted for a senile mentally ill pervert What does that mak you?
We were talking about the 2012 election so I take that you can't think of any reason for his rise in the polls from August 2011 to November 2012 and that's why you want to change the subject.
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base

People may not like him on a personal basis, but all they have to do is look at their tax returns last year and this year, and question whether they want to see that changed or not.

Most places I deliver and pickup from tell me they are busier than all hell. I laugh and say Trump is Making America Great Again, and most agree.

This is what's wrong with polls, especially this early out. Like with GW, people will not admit they are going to vote for the Republican, so they tell poll takers otherwise.

While Biden may be the Dem front runner, very few come out to see him. Trump is still selling out everywhere he goes. So it's more than just loving or hating him, it's getting your voters out to he polls to vote for you. It's the enthusiasm factor. Biden simply doesn't have that.
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base
If you fools are stupid enough to vote that senile bumbling old pedophile then you are even MORE deranged that I thought.
You voted for a senile mentally ill pervert What does that mak you?
It maks me smrt
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base

People may not like him on a personal basis, but all they have to do is look at their tax returns last year and this year, and question whether they want to see that changed or not.

Most places I deliver and pickup from tell me they are busier than all hell. I laugh and say Trump is Making America Great Again, and most agree.

This is what's wrong with polls, especially this early out. Like with GW, people will not admit they are going to vote for the Republican, so they tell poll takers otherwise.

While Biden may be the Dem front runner, very few come out to see him. Trump is still selling out everywhere he goes. So it's more than just loving or hating him, it's getting your voters out to he polls to vote for you. It's the enthusiasm factor. Biden simply doesn't have that.
The dislike of Trump will help Biden All those hate Hillory people who either didn't vote or voted for trump can now vote for Biden Trump has made many enemies ,,some in his own party The chickens will come home to roost
We were talking about the 2012 election so I take that you can't think of any reason for his rise in the polls from August 2011 to November 2012 and that's why you want to change the subject.
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base
In his past attempts to gain the nomination, Biden was never able to gain more than 2% support, and the only reason he is doing well in this race now is that he was Obama's VP, so can Biden ride Obama's shirttails all the way into the WH? When you consider Trump ran hard against Obama is 2016, it seems unlikely.
You want to talk of the worst of the worst I want to talk of the best of the best You thing that jerk in the WH will ever get a 59% approval rating ?? Even from Melanie?
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base
In his past attempts to gain the nomination, Biden was never able to gain more than 2% support, and the only reason he is doing well in this race now is that he was Obama's VP, so can Biden ride Obama's shirttails all the way into the WH? When you consider Trump ran hard against Obama is 2016, it seems unlikely.

Obama tried to discourage Biden from running, and reportedly told Biden's advisor's not to let him "damage my legacy", as if he has one.
No, I want to talk about the upcoming election and you don't.
Sure I will and trump is wetting his pants What has he done to give him another 4?
For committed Democrats like yourself, there is nothing he could have done but the real question is what has he done for those who supported him in 2016 and is there a candidate running for the Democratic nomination who will appeal to these same people? Certainly not someone like Warren or Sanders, but will Biden's "I'm a blue collar kind of guy like yourself" act be enough? We'll see.
Truth be told I think Biden has the only chance of beating him He can get some of the states lost to trump in last election back again People in general imo don't like trump and he's done nothing to change the minds of all but the base
In his past attempts to gain the nomination, Biden was never able to gain more than 2% support, and the only reason he is doing well in this race now is that he was Obama's VP, so can Biden ride Obama's shirttails all the way into the WH? When you consider Trump ran hard against Obama is 2016, it seems unlikely.

Obama tried to discourage Biden from running, and reportedly told Biden's advisor's not to let him "damage my legacy", as if he has one.
Had one until the slime ball Trump went looking for revenge
Just something to write about waiting for a closer view an indication?

The view of indication is certainly invalid. It only indicates that anything can happen. We all know that Hillary was way up in the polls earlier in 2015. But yet, she lost the Election - by a large margin. :)

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