FOX News at it again.

Actually you did.


So are you going to take back your claim that you can't prove something is unintentional? Yes or no?
and since they have made multiple errors
the facts support that
still havent seen your facts to back up that it was intentional

Alright, I'll take that as a no. This is gonna be fun :lol::lol::lol:

Do explain how multiple instances of something happening lead to the conclusion that something was unintentional rather than intentional. Explain the reasoning behind that.
incompetence. moron
how many fucking times do you have to be told that?
and since they have made multiple errors
the facts support that
still havent seen your facts to back up that it was intentional

Alright, I'll take that as a no. This is gonna be fun :lol::lol::lol:

Do explain how multiple instances of something happening lead to the conclusion that something was unintentional rather than intentional. Explain the reasoning behind that.
incompetence. moron
how many fucking times do you have to be told that?

They benefitted too much for it to be incompetence.
and since they have made multiple errors
the facts support that
still havent seen your facts to back up that it was intentional

Alright, I'll take that as a no. This is gonna be fun :lol::lol::lol:

Do explain how multiple instances of something happening lead to the conclusion that something was unintentional rather than intentional. Explain the reasoning behind that.
incompetence. moron
how many fucking times do you have to be told that?

No, dipshit. I want a reason why its incompetence as opposed to them competentently doing it on purpose. I'm aware that the choices are between incompetence or them lying. Repeating what you believe ad nauseum isn't the same as providing evidence for what you believe.

So. Again. What reason do you have to believe that something happening multiple times would lead one to the conclusion that it was incompetence.
Alright, I'll take that as a no. This is gonna be fun :lol::lol::lol:

Do explain how multiple instances of something happening lead to the conclusion that something was unintentional rather than intentional. Explain the reasoning behind that.
incompetence. moron
how many fucking times do you have to be told that?

No, dipshit. I want a reason why its incompetence as opposed to them competentently doing it on purpose. I'm aware that the choices are between incompetence or them lying. Repeating what you believe ad nauseum isn't the same as providing evidence for what you believe.

So. Again. What reason do you have to believe that something happening multiple times would lead one to the conclusion that it was incompetence.
which one makes them look good?
think about it
if you run a network, do you want people thinking you cant even get your graphics right?
no, you wouldnt
thus either its incompetence or they dont give a shit
incompetence. moron
how many fucking times do you have to be told that?

No, dipshit. I want a reason why its incompetence as opposed to them competentently doing it on purpose. I'm aware that the choices are between incompetence or them lying. Repeating what you believe ad nauseum isn't the same as providing evidence for what you believe.

So. Again. What reason do you have to believe that something happening multiple times would lead one to the conclusion that it was incompetence.
which one makes them look good?
think about it
if you run a network, do you want people thinking you cant even get your graphics right?
no, you wouldnt
thus either its incompetence or they dont give a shit

Maybe they care more about being a Republican propaganda machine than looking good, eh? If they wanted to look good they'd make provide some semblance of impartiality, which they clearly don't.
No, dipshit. I want a reason why its incompetence as opposed to them competentently doing it on purpose. I'm aware that the choices are between incompetence or them lying. Repeating what you believe ad nauseum isn't the same as providing evidence for what you believe.

So. Again. What reason do you have to believe that something happening multiple times would lead one to the conclusion that it was incompetence.
which one makes them look good?
think about it
if you run a network, do you want people thinking you cant even get your graphics right?
no, you wouldnt
thus either its incompetence or they dont give a shit

Maybe they care more about being a Republican propaganda machine than looking good, eh? If they wanted to look good they'd make provide some semblance of impartiality, which they clearly don't.

The Corporations that own Fox News & Rush Limbaugh's radio stations don't efen care if they make a profit.

Think about how much money it costs presidential candidates for a 30 second commercial.

Now think about Rush getting to spew the GOP agenda to millions of Americans for 3 hours a day, and Fox spews bullshit on us 24/7.


And no one watching Fox cares. Or, they believe those mistakes and won't believe you or me even if we prove them to be wrong. Look at Dive. He's justifying all those mistakes. He clearly doesn't see their agenda. He's brainwashed. He'll defend anything they do.

Oh, and by the way, Fox News doesn't just make mistake, they lie. And a court said they have the right to lie.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling | Media Reform |

Here is your proof its not on accident. Checkmate Dive. You lose, again.

The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.
which one makes them look good?
think about it
if you run a network, do you want people thinking you cant even get your graphics right?
no, you wouldnt
thus either its incompetence or they dont give a shit

Maybe they care more about being a Republican propaganda machine than looking good, eh? If they wanted to look good they'd make provide some semblance of impartiality, which they clearly don't.

The Corporations that own Fox News & Rush Limbaugh's radio stations don't efen care if they make a profit.

Think about how much money it costs presidential candidates for a 30 second commercial.

Now think about Rush getting to spew the GOP agenda to millions of Americans for 3 hours a day, and Fox spews bullshit on us 24/7.


And no one watching Fox cares. Or, they believe those mistakes and won't believe you or me even if we prove them to be wrong. Look at Dive. He's justifying all those mistakes. He clearly doesn't see their agenda. He's brainwashed. He'll defend anything they do.

Oh, and by the way, Fox News doesn't just make mistake, they lie. And a court said they have the right to lie.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling | Media Reform |

Here is your proof its not on accident. Checkmate Dive. You lose, again.

The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.
Thanks for posting the link about Fox news winning the right to misinform. I remember seeing and hearing that discussed before.
Maybe they care more about being a Republican propaganda machine than looking good, eh? If they wanted to look good they'd make provide some semblance of impartiality, which they clearly don't.

The Corporations that own Fox News & Rush Limbaugh's radio stations don't efen care if they make a profit.

Think about how much money it costs presidential candidates for a 30 second commercial.

Now think about Rush getting to spew the GOP agenda to millions of Americans for 3 hours a day, and Fox spews bullshit on us 24/7.


And no one watching Fox cares. Or, they believe those mistakes and won't believe you or me even if we prove them to be wrong. Look at Dive. He's justifying all those mistakes. He clearly doesn't see their agenda. He's brainwashed. He'll defend anything they do.

Oh, and by the way, Fox News doesn't just make mistake, they lie. And a court said they have the right to lie.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling | Media Reform |

Here is your proof its not on accident. Checkmate Dive. You lose, again.

The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.
Thanks for posting the link about Fox news winning the right to misinform. I remember seeing and hearing that discussed before.
except that link LIES
it wasnt fox news
it was a local fox tv station and the fox media network
you know, the network that has the simpsons, family guy, and american idol
which one makes them look good?
think about it
if you run a network, do you want people thinking you cant even get your graphics right?
no, you wouldnt
thus either its incompetence or they dont give a shit

Maybe they care more about being a Republican propaganda machine than looking good, eh? If they wanted to look good they'd make provide some semblance of impartiality, which they clearly don't.

The Corporations that own Fox News & Rush Limbaugh's radio stations don't efen care if they make a profit.

Think about how much money it costs presidential candidates for a 30 second commercial.

Now think about Rush getting to spew the GOP agenda to millions of Americans for 3 hours a day, and Fox spews bullshit on us 24/7.


And no one watching Fox cares. Or, they believe those mistakes and won't believe you or me even if we prove them to be wrong. Look at Dive. He's justifying all those mistakes. He clearly doesn't see their agenda. He's brainwashed. He'll defend anything they do.

Oh, and by the way, Fox News doesn't just make mistake, they lie. And a court said they have the right to lie.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling | Media Reform |

Here is your proof its not on accident. Checkmate Dive. You lose, again.

The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.
yet those stations make huge profits
go figure
bobo the moron shows he is a fucking moron once again
ya know, i find it amazing that Nik and Bobo are here defending Fox News
i'm calling them incompetent
they are saying they arent
wonders never cease
Maybe they care more about being a Republican propaganda machine than looking good, eh? If they wanted to look good they'd make provide some semblance of impartiality, which they clearly don't.

The Corporations that own Fox News & Rush Limbaugh's radio stations don't efen care if they make a profit.

Think about how much money it costs presidential candidates for a 30 second commercial.

Now think about Rush getting to spew the GOP agenda to millions of Americans for 3 hours a day, and Fox spews bullshit on us 24/7.


And no one watching Fox cares. Or, they believe those mistakes and won't believe you or me even if we prove them to be wrong. Look at Dive. He's justifying all those mistakes. He clearly doesn't see their agenda. He's brainwashed. He'll defend anything they do.

Oh, and by the way, Fox News doesn't just make mistake, they lie. And a court said they have the right to lie.

Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling | Media Reform |

Here is your proof its not on accident. Checkmate Dive. You lose, again.

The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.
yet those stations make huge profits
go figure
bobo the moron shows he is a fucking moron once again

Yes, they do. Apparently Republicans like being lied too.
ya know, i find it amazing that Nik and Bobo are here defending Fox News
i'm calling them incompetent
they are saying they arent
wonders never cease

Fox News has always been very competent. The only problem is that it has no desire to actually portray information honestly.
ya know, i find it amazing that Nik and Bobo are here defending Fox News
i'm calling them incompetent
they are saying they arent
wonders never cease

Fox News has always been very competent. The only problem is that it has no desire to actually portray information honestly.
keep defending them

Umm saying that they purposefully mislead and lie the public for propaganda purposes isn't exactly a "defense". Mussolini, after all, did make the trains run on time but thats not exactly a ringing endorsement of his regime.
Fox News has always been very competent. The only problem is that it has no desire to actually portray information honestly.
keep defending them

Umm saying that they purposefully mislead and lie the public for propaganda purposes isn't exactly a "defense". Mussolini, after all, did make the trains run on time but thats not exactly a ringing endorsement of his regime.
so, like you, they keep making themselves look stupid on purpose
keep defending them

Umm saying that they purposefully mislead and lie the public for propaganda purposes isn't exactly a "defense". Mussolini, after all, did make the trains run on time but thats not exactly a ringing endorsement of his regime.
so, like you, they keep making themselves look stupid on purpose

Except that people like you actually believe the bullshit they spew.
keep defending them

Umm saying that they purposefully mislead and lie the public for propaganda purposes isn't exactly a "defense". Mussolini, after all, did make the trains run on time but thats not exactly a ringing endorsement of his regime.
so, like you, they keep making themselves look stupid on purpose

No, IMO I think they continue to do it (it being wrongly labeled graphics) in order to annoy Democrats and liberals.

Now to me, the very fact that they are trying to annoy Democrats and liberals gives them an obvious bias, and what should news outlets not have? A bias.

This is why I don't watch them, even though I am conservative. Don't watch CNN either, but at least their bias is more palatable. Mainly becuase it is unintentional and less schoolyard-y (nya nya nya in your face). I pretty much get my news from AP feeds and from a variety of local sources.

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