Fox News has dropped to third place in the ratings!


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
I implore all conservatives and independents to BOYCOTT all other stations and websites that are obviously just FAKE NEWS outlets which have but one goal in mind and that is to destroy Trump at all cost. The hatred they've been spewing during this election has their brain dead leftist supporters glued to their TV sets every day praying they'll hear something to support Trump's team has been colluding with Russia. The idiots never seem to get enough even though nothing substantial has ever been found. And all this while the crap keeps hitting the fan almost daily with reports about crimes committed by Hillary and others from the Obama administration. Case and point is the newest article regarding the murder of Seth Rich. For those who don't know, he was a DNC staffer that was shot several times in the back in an influential Wash DC neighborhood. Even though nothing was reportedly taken from his body, they claimed it was a probable robbery and swept all evidence under the rug.

But regardless of whatever facts are found, the DNC's despicable media minions ignore crimes of the left which there is sufficient evidence to support an investigation, and instead focus on Trump always claiming they'd received alleged information from an "Anonymous Source".

So as a true patriotic American I am trying to do my part. Since the election I've stopped watching all TV shows and haven't bought one movie ticket which involves actors or networks who have been outspoken against Trump. And that list also includes not purchasing products from manufacturers or buying music from artists who do the same.

Make no mistake there is a war being fought on American soil right now. Universities and schools are even brainwashing our kids to side with their insane leftist views. Those who have really been paying attention know the situation has reached Defcon status and if left unchecked, it will destroy the nation soon turning our country into another Venezuela.

Therefore aside from speaking out in blogs such as this, all who want to see America succeed, need to hit these *******s where it hurts most which is in their wallets.
I implore all conservatives and independents to BOYCOTT all other stations and websites that are obviously just FAKE NEWS outlets which have but one goal in mind and that is to destroy Trump at all cost. The hatred they've been spewing during this election has their brain dead leftist supporters glued to their TV sets every day praying they'll hear something to support Trump's team has been colluding with Russia. The idiots never seem to get enough even though nothing substantial has ever been found. And all this while the crap keeps hitting the fan almost daily with reports about crimes committed by Hillary and others from the Obama administration. Case and point is the newest article regarding the murder of Seth Rich. For those who don't know, he was a DNC staffer that was shot several times in the back in an influential Wash DC neighborhood. Even though nothing was reportedly taken from his body, they claimed it was a probable robbery and swept all evidence under the rug.

But regardless of whatever facts are found, the DNC's despicable media minions ignore crimes of the left which there is sufficient evidence to support an investigation, and instead focus on Trump always claiming they'd received alleged information from an "Anonymous Source".

So as a true patriotic American I am trying to do my part. Since the election I've stopped watching all TV shows and haven't bought one movie ticket which involves actors or networks who have been outspoken against Trump. And that list also includes not purchasing products from manufacturers or buying music from artists who do the same.

Make no mistake there is a war being fought on American soil right now. Universities and schools are even brainwashing our kids to side with their insane leftist views. Those who have really been paying attention know the situation has reached Defcon status and if left unchecked, it will destroy the nation soon turning our country into another Venezuela.

Therefore aside from speaking out in blogs such as this, all who want to see America succeed, need to hit these *******s where it hurts most which is in their wallets.
Aw poor guy :itsok:
This is no surprise, because we've never seen this kind of hatred for a president before. So naturally the millions of haters will be huddled around their media more than ever.
I implore all conservatives and independents to BOYCOTT all other stations and websites that are obviously just FAKE NEWS outlets which have but one goal in mind and that is to destroy Trump at all cost. The hatred they've been spewing during this election has their brain dead leftist supporters glued to their TV sets every day praying they'll hear something to support Trump's team has been colluding with Russia. The idiots never seem to get enough even though nothing substantial has ever been found. And all this while the crap keeps hitting the fan almost daily with reports about crimes committed by Hillary and others from the Obama administration. Case and point is the newest article regarding the murder of Seth Rich. For those who don't know, he was a DNC staffer that was shot several times in the back in an influential Wash DC neighborhood. Even though nothing was reportedly taken from his body, they claimed it was a probable robbery and swept all evidence under the rug.

But regardless of whatever facts are found, the DNC's despicable media minions ignore crimes of the left which there is sufficient evidence to support an investigation, and instead focus on Trump always claiming they'd received alleged information from an "Anonymous Source".

So as a true patriotic American I am trying to do my part. Since the election I've stopped watching all TV shows and haven't bought one movie ticket which involves actors or networks who have been outspoken against Trump. And that list also includes not purchasing products from manufacturers or buying music from artists who do the same.

Make no mistake there is a war being fought on American soil right now. Universities and schools are even brainwashing our kids to side with their insane leftist views. Those who have really been paying attention know the situation has reached Defcon status and if left unchecked, it will destroy the nation soon turning our country into another Venezuela.

Therefore aside from speaking out in blogs such as this, all who want to see America succeed, need to hit these *******s where it hurts most which is in their wallets.
The President is being accused of more and more inappropriate and unethical behavior surrounding this Russian investigation. Was he really so innocent that he didn't realize he was out of bounds?
Probably because Bill is gone
No need to automatically come up with conspiracies. Bill brought in massive ratings and sponsors. That's why he had made so much money..
This is no surprise, because we've never seen this kind of hatred for a president before. So naturally the millions of haters will be huddled around their media more than ever.

While I've had a few try to tell me that Obama was hated and ripped by the press as well (trying to equivocate the negative media on Donald), the fact is that Trump has gotten THREE TIMES the media coverage per time period as any of the other recent presidents, and that coverage has been TWICE as negative. More coverage being more negative just compounds the issue. Most news outlets are in the mid-90's of percentage negative press, the only source that was essentially balanced (within 2%) was Fox.
Universities and schools are even brainwashing our kids to side with their insane leftist views.

After the professor read that she said "Hell I can't even get them to finish their reading assignment, how am I suppose to turn them into leftists?"
Too many liberals on Fox now.

If I wanted to see that crap I'd turn on the Oprah channel.
I implore all conservatives and independents to BOYCOTT all other stations and websites that are obviously just FAKE NEWS outlets which have but one goal in mind and that is to destroy Trump at all cost. The hatred they've been spewing during this election has their brain dead leftist supporters glued to their TV sets every day praying they'll hear something to support Trump's team has been colluding with Russia. The idiots never seem to get enough even though nothing substantial has ever been found. And all this while the crap keeps hitting the fan almost daily with reports about crimes committed by Hillary and others from the Obama administration. Case and point is the newest article regarding the murder of Seth Rich. For those who don't know, he was a DNC staffer that was shot several times in the back in an influential Wash DC neighborhood. Even though nothing was reportedly taken from his body, they claimed it was a probable robbery and swept all evidence under the rug.

But regardless of whatever facts are found, the DNC's despicable media minions ignore crimes of the left which there is sufficient evidence to support an investigation, and instead focus on Trump always claiming they'd received alleged information from an "Anonymous Source".

So as a true patriotic American I am trying to do my part. Since the election I've stopped watching all TV shows and haven't bought one movie ticket which involves actors or networks who have been outspoken against Trump. And that list also includes not purchasing products from manufacturers or buying music from artists who do the same.

Make no mistake there is a war being fought on American soil right now. Universities and schools are even brainwashing our kids to side with their insane leftist views. Those who have really been paying attention know the situation has reached Defcon status and if left unchecked, it will destroy the nation soon turning our country into another Venezuela.

Therefore aside from speaking out in blogs such as this, all who want to see America succeed, need to hit these *******s where it hurts most which is in their wallets.

You need to buy some heavy duty aluminum foil to line a hat, and wear it indoors, outdoors and tie it on when you are sleeping; unplug your AM Radio and stop reading blogs. Otherwise you will become, if not already, a danger to yourself or others.
I see exactly what they have been doing and who the Murdoch left off spring blamed for Hillary's loss.

They are clearly moving to the left and I now watch One America News.

Comcast does not offer it. If you Att Uverse or Direct TV you can get it.

Fuck liberals.
Its the demographic shift, fox's viewers i.e. the porch honkys are dying off
I see exactly what they have been doing and who the Murdoch left off spring blamed for Hillary's loss.

They are clearly moving to the left and I now watch One America News.

Comcast does not offer it. If you Att Uverse or Direct TV you can get it.

Fuck liberals.

The only thing I watch on TV is sports and sometimes HGTV and DIY.

It's too slow and way too many commercials.

When I want news I go to the internet.

When I want entertainment, I use Netflix , Amazon instant video, and YouTube. The days of broadcast TV as we knew it, are numbered.

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