FOX news makes it's living off of violent and outrageous statements

You deny that these quotes were made on FOX, the official GOP marketing wing? Check them out! They are all true.
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FOX nothing more then right wing Propaganda. It's filled with half truths and out right lies. They went to court to maintain a "right to lie".
Prepare to be crushed.

Crushed by what?

FOX already sort of got the boot from CableVision. They've also been hemorraging advertisers.

That's not to say they don't have a wellspring of cash coming from Saudi Arabia..but heck..
Conservative media figures have history of violent rhetoric | Media Matters for America

They need to keep up the outlandish rhetoric in order to keep their audience. They are sort of the "believe it or not" of the news world. Every time Beck cries or Palin tells her Tea Baggers to "reload", their rating goes up.
That would be liberal politicians, including those that can use the IRS and Justice departments to do their bidding. Not just pundits that are not in or running for office. Links at site:

NBU: ‘How About Those Violent Democrats?’ by Aaron Goldstein , 10/17/10

First, it was Vice-President Biden when he spoke before a Democratic Party fundraiser in Minnesota last Tuesday. During his remarks, the Vice-President said he would “strangle” the next Republican who talked about balancing the federal budget. (1)

The following day it was President Obama who said during a radio interview that the election of a Republican Congress in November would result in “hand-to-hand combat.” (2)

Now we have West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin actually firing a rifle and putting a bullet into the heart of the cap and trade bill in a television political ad. (3) Manchin finds himself staring down the barrel of an unexpectedly tough battle to hold onto the U.S. Senate seat that was vacated when Robert Byrd passed away last June...
Fox is a foreign owned media outlet whose sole desire is to cause division and fear in the US in hopes of "creating" news.

Saying they have no loyalty to this country is not a put-down. It's a statement of fact. It's a foreign owned company. They are not in it for this country.
Fox is a foreign owned media outlet whose sole desire is to cause division and fear in the US in hopes of "creating" news.

Saying they have no loyalty to this country is not a put-down. It's a statement of fact. It's a foreign owned company. They are not in it for this country.

Link for the sole desire. Link for foreign owned company, meaning more that 50%.
Fox is a foreign owned media outlet whose sole desire is to cause division and fear in the US in hopes of "creating" news.

Saying they have no loyalty to this country is not a put-down. It's a statement of fact. It's a foreign owned company. They are not in it for this country.

rdean, the next time you post a fact will be the first time you post a fact.
Fox is a foreign owned media outlet whose sole desire is to cause division and fear in the US in hopes of "creating" news.

Saying they have no loyalty to this country is not a put-down. It's a statement of fact. It's a foreign owned company. They are not in it for this country.

Link for the sole desire. Link for foreign owned company, meaning more that 50%.

Are you serious?

The largest share of Fox is owned by Australian Rupert Murdoch. A portion of the company was recently sold to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed who became the second largest shareholder. This was to prevent any future "hostile takeover".

Do you really need links? This is common knowledge. How can you not know?
The messiah himself tried to take down Fox News...look where it got him.

President Barack Obama's approval rating has dropped more than 18 points since taking office to an all-time low of 44.7 percent, according to a new Gallup poll.

The results of the poll, released Thursday, average approval ratings from more than 90 thousand respondents during the third quarter of 2010, July 20 through October 19. Only three presidents since 1954—Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter—received lower marks in the seventh quarter of their presidencies.
Obama Approval Ratings Lowest of Presidency |
Prepare to be crushed.

Crushed by what?

FOX already sort of got the boot from CableVision. They've also been hemorraging advertisers.

That's not to say they don't have a wellspring of cash coming from Saudi Arabia..but heck..

Media Matters gets its funding from Soros. People who live in glass houses, should not throw stones.

Achto lieber..

Foiled again!


But I leave you with..

So what if FOX is right-wing. Someone has to tell the other side of the story. MSNBC / ABC / NBC all left wing and don't forget about the Clinton News Network (CNN). My father told me a long time ago that's there's three sides to all stories; the left, the right, and the truth.
Oh, and don't forget this slap in the face.

The White House Correspondents’ Association on Sunday announced that Fox News will get a coveted front-row seat in the White House briefing room.

The Associated Press will take Helen Thomas' old seat, while Fox News will now occupy AP's former seat. NPR and Bloomberg also applied for the position.

"It was a very difficult decision," the White House Correspondents' Association said in a statement. "The board received requests from Bloomberg and NPR in addition to Fox for relocation to the front row and felt all three made compelling cases. But the board ultimately was persuaded by Fox's length of service and commitment to the White House television pool."
Fox News Receives Front-Row Seat in White House Briefing Room -
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So what if FOX is right-wing. Someone has to tell the other side of the story. MSNBC / ABC / NBC all left wing and don't forget about the Clinton News Network (CNN). My father told me a long time ago that's there's three sides to all stories; the left, the right, and the truth.

You are an idiot. least your statement is idiotic. All television is commercial..including PBS. All television is owned by commercial interests..mostly mutinational corporations. ABC=Disney=Japonese..etc. General Electric the worlds biggest supplier of armaments owns NBC. They all sell advertising and show nothing that their ad buyers dislike. They all make a fortune during runups to elections by pitting candidates against each other with phoney polls. What is always lost with you fuckwits is that the billions and billions (up to a trillion) this election cycle is spent almost entirely on television ads. The owners of the media laugh at people like you...all the way to the bank. WAKE UP! Start thinking for yourself.

Ever hear that old joke from the Andy Griffith show...???

"Man stops at an out of the way gas station and convenience store to get directions...He notices many bags of rock salt stacked up on the front steps of the establishment. As he enters the front door he sees dozens more bags of rock salt piled up inside on either side of the counter. Curious the man asks the attendant...Sir? I couldn't help but notice all the rock salt. I guess you sell alot of rock salt here..Right? The attendant smiled, shook his head and replied..Well no I don't...But the guy that sells us rock salt sure does..."

Point is that some of the worlds most talented salesmen put together what you see on the TV. They are masters at the game. They are so good at it they can sell sand to Arabs ...They can make you beleive that TV is run by liberals. How much rocksalt did you buy today?

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