Fox News says that Polls dont matter. Dana Perino's mind is blown


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Eric Bolling Dismisses Polling Data Citing Trump Crowds; Dana Perino Incredulous (VIDEO) | RedState

Talk about denial. While a poll here or there can be considered an outlying figure, the trends do not lie. It doesn't matter if 10,000 people show up at a rally. Bolling is just being absurd here and it was right for Dana to call him out on his crap.

All of this is just a precursor to people like Bolling blaming everybody under the sun except for Donald Trump when loses in November. Rigged polls, rigged state operations, #NeverTrump people, "the establishment" and the RNC will all be targets for their ire.

They can do that all they want and live in their own fantasy worlds. But reality still exists for the rest of us.

It takes more effort to go to a rally than to be "selected" to answer a poll. Numbers don't lie. See you in November mother fuckers!
Polls don't matter. To many variables to take seriously.

I'm sure those polling Dewey's win were surprised as hell when he lost.
The people at the rallies can be shills that are being paid to pretend they are supporting Trump and yes the same could be written for Clinton.

Trump will not win in November so Trump voters are gearing up their excuses and some might call for a civil war because they can not handle reality.

As for Fox News, well they were Predicting Romney massive win with Rasmussen polls, so what do they know?
The dirty little secret is that the liberal media launches into yet another poll every time Trump gets negative publicity in order to catch the ripple. Meanwhile, Hillary hasn't given a Q&A press conference since we were busy Christmas shopping. The real campaign kicks off Labor Day so in effect the polls generated by the liberal media are redundant and only serve to preach to the low information choir.
Of course Fox News doesn't think they matter when the republican candidate is behind in the polls. They only matter when a republican candidate is ahead in the polls. Such hypocrites.
FoxNews is correct, Polls don't matter. But I also believe in football terms we're at the beginning of the 3rd quarter and Trump is down two touchdowns. Not impossible for him to win, but it's an uphill battle.
Polls do matter and while I don't believe they tell the whole truth, they aren't telling a complete lie either. Trump can't shoot someone in the middle of the street and see no drop in his support. He can't even insult a sandn**ger who deserves it without seeing a serious decline. Republicans are known for their circular firing squads and disgraceful absence of loyalty that Democrats are never guilty of. Trump should have kept this in mind.
Polls don't matter. To many variables to take seriously.

I'm sure those polling Dewey's win were surprised as hell when he lost.

Back when polls mattered

LMAO Anyone who thinks polls are infallible is an idiot. Guess that's you

Nothing is infallible. I guess you think suggestions that polls are wrong is the same as proof polls are wrong lol

R.I.P. Polls 2015 - 2016
Loved by all until Trump started tanking
I don't think any of the polls matter until there has been at least one debate between the two.

Once Hillary is forced to stand in public for an hour the country is going to see what a train wreck she is.
The people at the rallies can be shills that are being paid to pretend they are supporting Trump and yes the same could be written for Clinton.

Trump will not win in November so Trump voters are gearing up their excuses and some might call for a civil war because they can not handle reality.

As for Fox News, well they were Predicting Romney massive win with Rasmussen polls, so what do they know?
You might be right. It's sad that at this point a Trump victory hinges on a criminal indictment or medical problem on the part of his opponent. Pathetic, really. If he's going to win on the merit of his message he's got to realize that the GOP is filled with treachery and the media will NEVER be fair and honest and plan his strategy accordingly.

The only time Polls were accurate is when they showed Trump winning lol

Nope. None of them are accurate. You can win one day via a poll and lose the next time via a poll.

Anyone who takes poll results seriously is dumber than a box of rocks. Just like you. LOL
so to recap

one fox opinonater says the polls are right, one says they are wrong, and both sides are screaming that Fox News is wrong, or right whichever the case may be? LOL Even when they present both sides of an argument Fox News is evil.
It isn't that polls don't matter. It's that the media is so untrustworthy that their polls aren't believed. The media and establishment republicans are so far up hilly's vayjay they can massage her useless ovaries. When someone says polls don't matter what they really mean is "I can't believe a thing you say".

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