Fox News says that Polls dont matter. Dana Perino's mind is blown

Laughing.....and your theory about the polls being inaccurate against republicans because of who is conducting them is still factually disproven claptrap backed by nothing.

lol, there you go lying again.

Your problem is.....that your basis of credibility is whether or not a poll agrees with you. You're ignoring EVERY poll that contradicts what you want to believe.

And that's not an argument. That's just plain old confirmation bias.

Except for the fact that that is not what I said, idiot.

My destruction of the ridiculous claim that the last 16 elections ahve been successfully indicated by the polls after the two parties held their conventions.
Fox News says that Polls dont matter. Dana Perino's mind is blown

Where I affirm that the polls in August in the weeks after the election have correctly forecast the the winner of the popular vote for the last 16 of 16 elections......and you posted this in reply.....


Which proved me right, by showing that Reagan was ahead in August of 1980, and went on to win the popular vote.

Exactly as I said.

No, that is not what you said. The Democrat convention was not held prior to Reagan being at 45%, as their convention was over on the 14th, so the second data point is the relevant one, not the one on the 1st of Aug.

roflmao, and you still seem to think that people cant read this and figure it out?

You are more stupid than I thought you were.

When did you abandon the idea that a person should by truthful and maintain personal integrity? I am just curios, because you h ave consistently lied through this whole thread and others here as well?, tel me again how polling in August doesn't forecast the popular vote? Because your own chart proves me right.

No, it does not. It dosproves you silly claim since the Democrats had not had their convention then, goofball.

Perino's just displaying honesty & integrity.
Bolling has joined the alternate universe club.

Because Perino agrees with you and Bolling does not?

Lol, way to go Einstein.
Are you saying she's not displaying honesty & integrity?

Oh wait, don't tell me, she's a RINO.
Wow, you play that through your head like its true or do you realize that you are misrepresenting what I said?

Neither Perino or Bolling are RINOS, dude, and thae point about RINOS is not relevant to a discussion about accuracy in the polls as far as I can tell?

You are not about to morph into a lying PoS like Skylar now, are you?
Perino's just displaying honesty & integrity.
Bolling has joined the alternate universe club.

Because Perino agrees with you and Bolling does not?

Lol, way to go Einstein.
Are you saying she's not displaying honesty & integrity?

Oh wait, don't tell me, she's a RINO.
Wow, you play that through your head like its true or do you realize that you are misrepresenting what I said?

Neither Perino or Bolling are RINOS, dude, and thae point about RINOS is not relevant to a discussion about accuracy in the polls as far as I can tell?

You are not about to morph into a lying PoS like Skylar now, are you?
Hey, I'm just going by what I've seen from much of the Right for the last couple of years: Anyone who rocks the boat is a RINO.

Ironically, the only person who HASN'T been called a RINO much is Trump, the most obvious RINO in the party.
Polls don't matter because they aren't accurate. They aren't even close. Once Trumps wins in a landslide come November, we'll all see the truth to that statement.
Hey, I'm just going by what I've seen from much of the Right for the last couple of years: Anyone who rocks the boat is a RINO.

Well you obviously were not going by what *I* said. Could you give that I a try? Besides, as I have said before, I am not a conservative as I am not an ideologue.

Ironically, the only person who HASN'T been called a RINO much is Trump, the most obvious RINO in the party.

Trump is not a RINO, dude. A good read on the topic, if you are seriously trying to understand the situation is here.

Alt-Right vs. Conservative Inc.
Perino's just displaying honesty & integrity.
Bolling has joined the alternate universe club.

Because Perino agrees with you and Bolling does not?

Lol, way to go Einstein.
Are you saying she's not displaying honesty & integrity?

Oh wait, don't tell me, she's a RINO.
Wow, you play that through your head like its true or do you realize that you are misrepresenting what I said?

Neither Perino or Bolling are RINOS, dude, and thae point about RINOS is not relevant to a discussion about accuracy in the polls as far as I can tell?

You are not about to morph into a lying PoS like Skylar now, are you?
Perino is just behind in the times. She's an "old dinosaur" who can't see things outside of the way that "things are supposed to be". There's a lot of pundits like her. No perception beyond their little box.
Laughing.....and your theory about the polls being inaccurate against republicans because of who is conducting them is still factually disproven claptrap backed by nothing.

lol, there you go lying again.

Says you. Nate Silver says differently:


That's 19 of 23 polling agencies biased toward republicans. Exactly as I said. So you'll ignore Nate Silver too.

Your theory that 'who is conducting the polls results in bias against republicans' has been weighted and measured.

And failed miserably.

Except for the fact that that is not what I said, idiot.

You're imagining a 5 to 10 point bias against Trump, when the polls show Trump is clearly trailing Clinton. And you're *not* ignoring the polls? does that work exactly? And shall I quote the creator of '' after the November election? Just to give you yet another example of how poorly your theory fairs when held to reality.

No, that is not what you said. The Democrat convention was not held prior to Reagan being at 45%, as their convention was over on the 14th, so the second data point is the relevant one, not the one on the 1st of Aug.

The polling averages for August show Reagan ahead. Reagan won the popular vote.


Thank you for proving me right yet again.

You're desperate to ignore any poll that contradicts you. Even your own sources. Confirmation Bias isn't going to help you.
Perino's just displaying honesty & integrity.
Bolling has joined the alternate universe club.

Because Perino agrees with you and Bolling does not?

Lol, way to go Einstein.
Are you saying she's not displaying honesty & integrity?

Oh wait, don't tell me, she's a RINO.
Wow, you play that through your head like its true or do you realize that you are misrepresenting what I said?

Neither Perino or Bolling are RINOS, dude, and thae point about RINOS is not relevant to a discussion about accuracy in the polls as far as I can tell?

You are not about to morph into a lying PoS like Skylar now, are you?
Perino is just behind in the times. She's an "old dinosaur" who can't see things outside of the way that "things are supposed to be". There's a lot of pundits like her. No perception beyond their little box.

And by an 'old dinosaur', you mean one who *hasn't* ignored the spectacular failure of the 'skewed polling' argument from 2012?

You realize that we can still see all of the 'skewed poll' narratives from 2012, right? That we can read the creator of 'unskewed' admitting he was wrong. We can read Fox pundits admitting they were wrong.

That the entire theory has been weighed and measured and was laughably, incompetently wrong?

But this time its different?
And by an 'old dinosaur', you mean one who *hasn't* ignored the spectacular failure of the 'skewed polling' argument from 2012?

No, that is obviously not what he is saying idiot.

You realize that we can still see all of the 'skewed poll' narratives from 2012, right? That we can read the creator of 'unskewed' admitting he was wrong. We can read Fox pundits admitting they were wrong.

That the entire theory has been weighed and measured and was laughably, incompetently wrong?

But this time its different?

No, that is not the theory that I and many others are discussing.

You are the one trapped in a time warp, like an old incompentent general always wanting to refight the last war.
Hey, I'm just going by what I've seen from much of the Right for the last couple of years: Anyone who rocks the boat is a RINO.

Well you obviously were not going by what *I* said. Could you give that I a try? Besides, as I have said before, I am not a conservative as I am not an ideologue.

Ironically, the only person who HASN'T been called a RINO much is Trump, the most obvious RINO in the party.

Trump is not a RINO, dude. A good read on the topic, if you are seriously trying to understand the situation is here.

Alt-Right vs. Conservative Inc.
I didn't name you in the post. You jumped in.

And fine, Trump is not a RINO. Who knows what the criteria is at this point.
Perino's just displaying honesty & integrity.
Bolling has joined the alternate universe club.

Because Perino agrees with you and Bolling does not?

Lol, way to go Einstein.
Are you saying she's not displaying honesty & integrity?

Oh wait, don't tell me, she's a RINO.
Wow, you play that through your head like its true or do you realize that you are misrepresenting what I said?

Neither Perino or Bolling are RINOS, dude, and thae point about RINOS is not relevant to a discussion about accuracy in the polls as far as I can tell?

You are not about to morph into a lying PoS like Skylar now, are you?
Perino is just behind in the times. She's an "old dinosaur" who can't see things outside of the way that "things are supposed to be". There's a lot of pundits like her. No perception beyond their little box.

And by an 'old dinosaur', you mean one who *hasn't* ignored the spectacular failure of the 'skewed polling' argument from 2012?

You realize that we can still see all of the 'skewed poll' narratives from 2012, right? That we can read the creator of 'unskewed' admitting he was wrong. We can read Fox pundits admitting they were wrong.

That the entire theory has been weighed and measured and was laughably, incompetently wrong?

But this time its different?
It's very different.
It takes more effort to go to a rally than to be "selected" to answer a poll. Numbers don't lie. See you in November mother fuckers!
I've been to tons of concerts. Hardly ever have I bought a CD of the artists I went to see.

Entertainment does not automatically translate to sales or votes.
Because Perino agrees with you and Bolling does not?

Lol, way to go Einstein.
Are you saying she's not displaying honesty & integrity?

Oh wait, don't tell me, she's a RINO.
Wow, you play that through your head like its true or do you realize that you are misrepresenting what I said?

Neither Perino or Bolling are RINOS, dude, and thae point about RINOS is not relevant to a discussion about accuracy in the polls as far as I can tell?

You are not about to morph into a lying PoS like Skylar now, are you?
Perino is just behind in the times. She's an "old dinosaur" who can't see things outside of the way that "things are supposed to be". There's a lot of pundits like her. No perception beyond their little box.

And by an 'old dinosaur', you mean one who *hasn't* ignored the spectacular failure of the 'skewed polling' argument from 2012?

You realize that we can still see all of the 'skewed poll' narratives from 2012, right? That we can read the creator of 'unskewed' admitting he was wrong. We can read Fox pundits admitting they were wrong.

That the entire theory has been weighed and measured and was laughably, incompetently wrong?

But this time its different?
It's very different.

Prove it.
Hey, I'm just going by what I've seen from much of the Right for the last couple of years: Anyone who rocks the boat is a RINO.

Well you obviously were not going by what *I* said. Could you give that I a try? Besides, as I have said before, I am not a conservative as I am not an ideologue.

Ironically, the only person who HASN'T been called a RINO much is Trump, the most obvious RINO in the party.

Trump is not a RINO, dude. A good read on the topic, if you are seriously trying to understand the situation is here.

Alt-Right vs. Conservative Inc.
I didn't name you in the post. You jumped in.

And fine, Trump is not a RINO. Who knows what the criteria is at this point.
Lol wut?????!!!!????

Trump is the purest definition of a RINO. The man has been all over the map over the years.

Not that I give a fuck. There is no such thing as a "pure conservative" To insist there is just relegates you to the looney bin imo. No human being is monolithic in their beliefs and anyone who has even a basic understanding of how our system works knows that without compromise this country would have already dissolved. There are certainly "core" beliefs that you don't sacrifice but a lot of legislation is "gray"
Having said all that I have seen Trump display ZERO core beliefs. The man has as many "flip flops" in his record as any politician.

Despite all that I trust him more than Hillary. And that isn't really a compliment because I don't trust her AT ALL.
Hey, I'm just going by what I've seen from much of the Right for the last couple of years: Anyone who rocks the boat is a RINO.

Well you obviously were not going by what *I* said. Could you give that I a try? Besides, as I have said before, I am not a conservative as I am not an ideologue.

Ironically, the only person who HASN'T been called a RINO much is Trump, the most obvious RINO in the party.

Trump is not a RINO, dude. A good read on the topic, if you are seriously trying to understand the situation is here.

Alt-Right vs. Conservative Inc.
I didn't name you in the post. You jumped in.

And fine, Trump is not a RINO. Who knows what the criteria is at this point.
Lol wut?????!!!!????

Trump is the purest definition of a RINO. The man has been all over the map over the years.

Not that I give a fuck. There is no such thing as a "pure conservative" To insist there is just relegates you to the looney bin imo. No human being is monolithic in their beliefs and anyone who has even a basic understanding of how our system works knows that without compromise this country would have already dissolved. There are certainly "core" beliefs that you don't sacrifice but a lot of legislation is "gray"
Having said all that I have seen Trump display ZERO core beliefs. The man has as many "flip flops" in his record as any politician.

Despite all that I trust him more than Hillary. And that isn't really a compliment because I don't trust her AT ALL.
Well, you'll have to discuss this with Jim. I've lost track of who is and isn't a RINO months ago.

I'd agree, though. The Republican party has been stolen by people who didn't want to start their own party.
Well, you'll have to discuss this with Jim. I've lost track of who is and isn't a RINO months ago.

I'd agree, though. The Republican party has been stolen by people who didn't want to start their own party.
The rank and file Kirkian conservatives have long controled the grass roots of the party. What happend in the 1980s is that the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic PArty lost the struggle to stay relevant to Democrats and Kirkian conservatives invited them into the GOP, not realizing that these Jackson refugees would shanghai the party and become the degenerate neocons we have today.

The neocons have never had enough people to displace the Kirkian conservatives in the states, so they focused on controlling the party at the national level through the use of lobbyists and corporate donors, so-called K Street. Their corporate allies allowed themn to buy out the National Review and other conservative publications and turn them into neocon outhouses.

Their control of the national level of the party and its donors allowed them to keep all conservatives out of power as much as possible, which is why the GOP has one long string of neocon candidates since 1988.

But among the tactics that neocons used to gain and maintain power was to get moderates to run as conservatives, lying to the public, then once they were in power they would vote like the moderates they really were. John McCain is one prime example of this.

That is a RINO, a moderate in conservative clothing and they are much despised, and deservedly so as they are frauds.

Anything else I can help you with there, Mac?
Well, you'll have to discuss this with Jim. I've lost track of who is and isn't a RINO months ago.

I'd agree, though. The Republican party has been stolen by people who didn't want to start their own party.
The rank and file Kirkian conservatives have long controled the grass roots of the party. What happend in the 1980s is that the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic PArty lost the struggle to stay relevant to Democrats and Kirkian conservatives invited them into the GOP, not realizing that these Jackson refugees would shanghai the party and become the degenerate neocons we have today.

The neocons have never had enough people to displace the Kirkian conservatives in the states, so they focused on controlling the party at the national level through the use of lobbyists and corporate donors, so-called K Street. Their corporate allies allowed themn to buy out the National Review and other conservative publications and turn them into neocon outhouses.

Their control of the national level of the party and its donors allowed them to keep all conservatives out of power as much as possible, which is why the GOP has one long string of neocon candidates since 1988.

But among the tactics that neocons used to gain and maintain power was to get moderates to run as conservatives, lying to the public, then once they were in power they would vote like the moderates they really were. John McCain is one prime example of this.

That is a RINO, a moderate in conservative clothing and they are much despised, and deservedly so as they are frauds.

Anything else I can help you with there, Mac?
I feel like I just read the script of a Star Trek episode
Well, you'll have to discuss this with Jim. I've lost track of who is and isn't a RINO months ago.

I'd agree, though. The Republican party has been stolen by people who didn't want to start their own party.
The rank and file Kirkian conservatives have long controled the grass roots of the party. What happend in the 1980s is that the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic PArty lost the struggle to stay relevant to Democrats and Kirkian conservatives invited them into the GOP, not realizing that these Jackson refugees would shanghai the party and become the degenerate neocons we have today.

The neocons have never had enough people to displace the Kirkian conservatives in the states, so they focused on controlling the party at the national level through the use of lobbyists and corporate donors, so-called K Street. Their corporate allies allowed themn to buy out the National Review and other conservative publications and turn them into neocon outhouses.

Their control of the national level of the party and its donors allowed them to keep all conservatives out of power as much as possible, which is why the GOP has one long string of neocon candidates since 1988.

But among the tactics that neocons used to gain and maintain power was to get moderates to run as conservatives, lying to the public, then once they were in power they would vote like the moderates they really were. John McCain is one prime example of this.

That is a RINO, a moderate in conservative clothing and they are much despised, and deservedly so as they are frauds.

Anything else I can help you with there, Mac?
Yeah. Do you feel that Trump is a real conservative?

And if so, how would you define a real conservative?
Yeah. Do you feel that Trump is a real conservative?
And if so, how would you define a real conservative?

Trump is a 'hermit crab' type of conservative in the sense that he wants to defend our culture and nation in the image he has grown up with thinking is normal. I think that would be liberalism circa 1968 with some exceptions, like his progun and prolife beliefs he has developed over the years.

Russel Kirks brand of conservatism was the hallmark definition among ideologues for the longest time, but now it is more tinged with Libertarianism in usage.

Discussion of that ishere. Alt-Right vs. Conservative Inc.

Personally, I think that there are many different kinds of conservative, and most of the time people mean by 'conservative' that the person spoken of resists change, but that is a shallow definition and could be applied to Stalinists after the Soviet Union collapsed, so it is of marginal use to define the ideological meaning as used in the USA.

I differ from the Kirkian conservatives in that I think our chief goal needs to be to grow Western Judeo-Christian civilization, and more specifically our US branch of it. We need to defend those things that make us the nation we are culturally within that Judeo-Christian context without being pedantic or arguing from religious authority. We view religion as an institutional repository of national/cultural experience and wisdom. So we would adhere to the Sermon on the Mount instead of Libertarian ideology on the subject of welfare and Social Security, for example.

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