FOX:Pope Francis is the Catholic Church’s Obama – God help us

Let me know when the Catholic Church changes its doctrine on abortions and Gays. Keep Dreaming libturds. Hell, even the Christian hating Bodey has her man panties all sweaty over Francais.

NLT, your diatribe makes no sense, so try again.
I've never seen this Adam Show on any FoxNews broadcast and can't even find where he's ever been considered a contributor.

This is nothing more than Fox picking up on a controversial article.

And, the main thing seems to be that Francis has a spurt in popularity similar to Obama when he first ran.

He even seems to be saying that, somewhere in the future, the pope's popularity will plummet just as Obama's is now.

So, the guy's a jerk and probably an avowed "reformer" that contributes to leftist blogs like Bilgrimage.

Adam Shaw is an editor and contributor for

He is an employee of Fox, not a freelancer.

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Let me know when the Catholic Church changes its doctrine on abortions and Gays. Keep Dreaming libturds. Hell, even the Christian hating Bodey has her man panties all sweaty over Francais.

NLT, your diatribe makes no sense, so try again.

You liberals are all drooling over the new pope, do you think he will declare abortions ok and gay marrige ok? think again. All he is doing is taking liberals mind off all those gay pedophile priests.
Let me know when the Catholic Church changes its doctrine on abortions and Gays. Keep Dreaming libturds. Hell, even the Christian hating Bodey has her man panties all sweaty over Francais.

NLT, your diatribe makes no sense, so try again.

You liberals are all drooling over the new pope, do you think he will declare abortions ok and gay marrige ok? think again. All he is doing is taking liberals mind off all those gay pedophile priests.

No one, liberals or moderates or conservatives, are thinking any such thing. OK?

He is showing humility and mercy toward human beings, something you won't or don't get.
I would think that anyone who lives their life by following the Bible likes what the Pope is saying. Now when I say living one's life based on the teaching of the Bible, I mean the entire Bible. Too many folks use the Bible when it's convenient but blow off the Bible when it conflicts with their ideological basics.
The Bible talks about helping the weak, poor and the elderly. The Bible tells us that God equates hate with murder. Not paying one's workers a fair wage is frowned upon. The Bible even refers to the wealthy transferring their wealth to the needy.
So along comes a Pope from a Third World country that reiterates what is written in the Bible and he is condemned and called a socialist or communist by a very tiny segment of the entire world population, the American far right. I wonder what this group's reaction to Jesus would be?
it's an opinion piece, it is not FOX

where are the honest liberals on this board?

It is an opinion piece by a FOX NEWS employee on the FOX NEWS website.

How is this any different than attributing comments made by Ed Shultz to MSNBC?

is that why news media gives disclaimers about opinion pieces? opinion pieces are just that, the opinion of the author, not the corporation.

sheesh. get with it.
it's an opinion piece, it is not FOX

where are the honest liberals on this board?

It is an opinion piece by a FOX NEWS employee on the FOX NEWS website.

How is this any different than attributing comments made by Ed Shultz to MSNBC?

is that why news media gives disclaimers about opinion pieces? opinion pieces are just that, the opinion of the author, not the corporation.

sheesh. get with it.

then you are fine with the lefty media outlets and don't hold them accountable for product?

Can't have it both ways, my little reactionary friend from the distant right,

I, for one, as a responsible Republican, reject the clown's opinion as I would if he had published it on CNN or whatever.

Yurt, you need to grow up and be accountable.

Now hie off to the Mods and cry. :lol:
it's an opinion piece, it is not FOX

where are the honest liberals on this board?

FOX screens what it puts up on it's site.

While it may not totally reflect the opinions of the Saudi state, it probably does reflect the opinions of most of the House of Saud.

and CNN puts up opinion pieces all the time and many are controversial, don't hear you bitching about those and blaming CNN.

face it dude, you have a whiny hard on for fox and dishonestly represented that these views are fox views. and your lame rant about saudi shows how ignorant you are or dishonest. the prince actually owns a mere 6 or 7% stake in news corp, which is MORE than just fox news.

i've told you before, you need to start being more honest.


A "private" share holder holding that big an interest isn't small.

And they've been shown to have a good deal of influence over what gets broadcast.

The Saudis got the US government to protect them from Iraq, then attack it.

You think influencing the media is any harder?

Let me know when the Catholic Church changes its doctrine on abortions and Gays. Keep Dreaming libturds. Hell, even the Christian hating Bodey has her man panties all sweaty over Francais.

NLT, your diatribe makes no sense, so try again.

You liberals are all drooling over the new pope, do you think he will declare abortions ok and gay marrige ok? think again. All he is doing is taking liberals mind off all those gay pedophile priests.


Daily Kos: Francis sets up commission on how to deal with pedophile priests

He's not.
It's a decent op-ed by Adam Shaw. Why is the left so concerned about opinions that do not flatter the Pope?
Daily Kos: Pope Francis Responds to Rush Limbaugh's "Marxist" Charges

In an interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa, Pope Francis responded on Saturday to Rush Limbaugh's recent accusation that he is a "pure Marxist."
Asked how it felt to be called a Marxist, Time Magazine's Person of the Year answered:

"The Marxist ideology is wrong. But I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don’t feel offended."
Pope Francis went on to reiterate his criticism of trickle down economics, saying it never benefits the poor, instead resulting in the rich simply keeping more for themselves:

"The only specific quote I used was the one regarding the “trickle-down theories” which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and social inclusiveness in the world. The promise was that when the glass was full, it would overflow, benefitting the poor. But what happens instead, is that when the glass is full, it magically gets bigger nothing ever comes out for the poor. This was the only reference to a specific theory. I was not, I repeat, speaking from a technical point of view but according to the Church’s social doctrine. This does not mean being a Marxist."
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It's amazing that the radical left would do a 180 and defend the Pope because he made some anti-capitalist statement. What about abortion?
Sorry bout that,

1. I am shocked by the new Pope, he wants to accept homos within the church, those statements were followed by my Priest that homos were to be welcomed into the church, my Priest did a question and answer, which didn't' go well for him, the people were outraged!!!!.
2. I call that bat shit crazy.
3. If a herd of San Fran Homos came into the church with their face paint and dresses of pink and purple, I would walk the fuck out.
4. I hate to imagine homos working within the church.

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Does the new liberal love affair with the pope mean they are done talking about the Catholic church being full of pedophiles and pedophile supporters?
The Advocate's Person of the Year: Pope Francis |
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Sorry bout that,

1. No Homos within the Catholic Church!
2. Bat shit crazy talk.

Let me know when the Catholic Church changes its doctrine on abortions and Gays. Keep Dreaming libturds. Hell, even the Christian hating Bodey has her man panties all sweaty over Francais.

NLT, your diatribe makes no sense, so try again.

You liberals are all drooling over the new pope, do you think he will declare abortions ok and gay marrige ok? think again. All he is doing is taking liberals mind off all those gay pedophile priests.

Pedophiles are predominantly heterosexual.

Pope Francis has already put the Church on notice that it will NOT be a sanctuary from criminal or civil justice for abusers of children. It's one of his top priorities.

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