Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Dominion would have jeopardized alot if Fox used experts, statements from Democrats in the past, including in NY Prmaries etc. Videos of a guy hacking the system, questions about why their product is rejected in states like Texas, questioned in N.B, Canada AND, why no other First World Nation uses their voting machines for federal elections. I am a simple man of basic logic and analysis. I do not trust software of ANY kind and I bet Dominion has some sort of protection loophole if they are hacked. Why can't they convince the rest of the Free world to use their impenetrable and infallible product?
Wrong, bonehead. If Dominion was so right, why did they settle out of court for less than half what they were seeking? Did they give up 813 million dollars out of the goodness of their hearts? All Fox said is that they acknowledge that the court found certain things that Fox claimed to later turn out inaccurate. Gee, I hear 100 inaccurate things said every day by CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, PBS and NBC.

This was nothing but another government cover up of the stolen fraud election.

Simple solution: go back to Election Day where people start voting at 8AM and finish voting at 8PM and we know the outcome by late that night instead of the crazy special rules instituted in 2020 allegedly because of Covid which is no longer a justifiable excuse.

Holy fuck are you stoopid LOL
Wasn't really "news." This was simply a matter of a few hosts and guests voicing their OPINION. That's a far cry from a breaking news segment saying there's proof or evidence Dominion did this or that. And no, settling a case doesn't mean you're admitting guilt or lied. Dominion originally wanted 1.6 billion but ended up only getting 787.5 million. That's roughly half of what they wanted for those of you with low IQ's.
and yet 70% of the GOP believes the election was stolen after listening to this crap. You are totally full of it. also there are the Internet conspiracy nut jobs. poor America
Why don't you try answering his question ? >>

Where did it say they "admitted" anything?

Or is it your "safe space" to DODGE questions ?

You are a moron, rube.

Why don’t you go and hand over half your income - what’s that $5,000? - for no reason at all.

But keep clinging, dumb precious snowflake rube.

You are a moron, rube.

Why don’t you go and hand over half your income - what’s that $5,000? - for no reason at all.

But keep clinging, dumb precious snowflake rube.

And you can keep DODGING questions, and hiding in your little "safe space", where you don't have to worry about acually posting anything of substance. :rolleyes:
SHOW where anyone at Fox, or anyone in the MAGA movement, lied. You have a big mouth Now let's see you back it up.
anyone who said the election was stolen duh. And they all emailed each other saying how ridiculous and stupid these ideas were along with Trump and his lawyers. try watching a news program sometime
You are saying FOX agreed to pay 3/4 of a billion dollars but they had not lied about the Dominion voting machines as part of a rigged election.
You are beyond a fricking idiot.
No, I'm saying your theory about why people settle is bullshit. People often settle even though they know they are right because it will cost more to win the case than to settle. Insurance companies make this calculation all the time.
anyone who said the election was stolen duh. And they all emailed each other saying how ridiculous and stupid these ideas were along with Trump and his lawyers. try watching a news program sometime
Uh huh. "a news program".... ha ha ha. Like CNN, MSNBC, PBS. That's where you get all these relly DUMP notions, designed for DUPES.
No, I'm saying your theory about why people settle is bullshit. People often settle even though they know they are right because it will cost more to win the case than to settle. Insurance companies make this calculation all the time.
this is just business for Dominion, they wanted the money and probably hope to be hired by Republicans again...
No, I'm saying your theory about why people settle is bullshit. People often settle even though they know they are right because it will cost more to win the case than to settle. Insurance companies make this calculation all the time.
Exactly right. Like when Trump settled his Trump University case. Simple economic$.
No, I'm saying your theory about why people settle is bullshit. People often settle even though they know they are right because it will cost more to win the case than to settle. Insurance companies make this calculation all the time.
this is just business for Dominion, they wanted the money and probably hope to be hired by Republicans again...
You are a moron, rube.

Why don’t you go and hand over half your income - what’s that $5,000? - for no reason at all.

But keep clinging, dumb precious snowflake rube.


Fox admitted it lied right here:

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false," the Fox statement said."

Wasn't really "news." This was simply a matter of a few hosts and guests voicing their OPINION. That's a far cry from a breaking news segment saying there's proof or evidence Dominion did this or that. And no, settling a case doesn't mean you're admitting guilt or lied. Dominion originally wanted 1.6 billion but ended up only getting 787.5 million. That's roughly half of what they wanted for those of you with low IQ's.

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false," the Fox statement said.

Keep polishing that turd.
Fox admitted it lied right here:

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false," the Fox statement said."

HA HA HA. "certain claims" ? Yeah ? And what were those "certain claims" ?
That there Asian phone support workers sound like they have marbles in their mouths ?

I don't see any significant admission about lying.

I posted a ton of that proof of fraud, including Dominion, and leftists here wouldn't read it. Couldn't pass a QUIZ about it, if their lives depended on it.

Hate to bust your little fun fest bubbles, but Fox only settled because >>

1.. Rupert Murdoch is a 92 year old frail guy, who would have had to go to court and testify. The testifying wasn't the problem. Just being there was. Could have killed him.

2. By agreeing to settle, Fox will shield itself from what may have been a potentially revealing trial of several weeks, focusing on internal quibbles among staff, around the time of the 2020 election.


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