Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Yep, Fox News screwed the pooch on that one story.


As all you Fox haters know, everyone one of these issues has been promoted 24/7 as being 100% true by the legacy media.
this is just business for Dominion, they wanted the money and probably hope to be hired by Republicans again...

They just won 10 times their company's value. And there are no appeals to a settlement.

And Fox isn't even out of the woods yet. They still have the $2.7 billion suit from Smartmatic. Then there's Rudy and Powell that are each subject to $1.3 billion suits from Dominion....which are still outstanding.

With all the discovery Dominion received from the Fox suit, they can evicerate both Rudy and Powell.

And I get to enjoy my popcorn as I watch these lying fucks bleed hundreds of millions.
HA HA HA. "certain claims" ? Yeah ? And what were those "certain claims" ?
That there Asian phone support workers sound like they have marbles in their mouths ?

I don't see any significant admission about lying.
That's because you're ignoring Fox admitting they acknowledge the judges findings that they lied.

And your willful ignorance blinds only you.

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false," the Fox statement said."

Laughing.....keep polishing that turd, tinfoil.
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That's the best you've got ? HA HA. What are the "certain claims" ?

I already informed you why they settled. You're welcome. :biggrin:

The $787 million dollar settlement, the largest public defamation settlement in US the best I've got. That's 10 times the value of Dominion.

Fox admitting they lied is just gravy.

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false," the Fox statement said."

And here were the court's ruling on the matter that Fox acknowledged.

“The evidence developed in this civil proceeding,” Judge Eric M. Davis wrote, demonstrates that it “is CRYSTAL clear that none of the statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true.”

You never saw this coming, did you? OANN never told you this could happen, did they? You stayed in your little right wing echo chamber, ignoring anything that contradicted the lies you cling to.

So,'d that work out for you, tinfoil?
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So Dominion settled for only 49% of what they sought because their opponent Fox was losing badly???!!! :laughing0301:

It was the largest public defamation settlement in the history of the United States. And 10 times the value of Dominion voting.

Keep trying, turd polisher.

Every time you try and spin this settlement as anything but a disasterous failure for Fox News, you demonstrate why you can't be taken seriously.
Exactly, fox got uncovered for being liars and fakes! Sadly, it is a tool to undermine and brainwash the population of this country against its best interest.

As Mark Twain said:

"It's easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled."

This is an obvious integrity check. And conservatives are failing it spectacularly.
Three current threads about this.

They really, really, REALLY want to have the lock on all the news. They never want anyone to read anything that they don't control. And the bootlickers here cheer like a pack of brain-damaged monkeys.

It's pathetic.
They know that Fox is lying to them, and they know that rest of MAGA media does the same things.

They don't care, because fuck you, they hate you.

These are the Manson Girls.

But you Mac, you LOOOOVE you some Trumpsters, don't you?

Mr "Let's all work together".

You're full of crap and we all see it.
As Mark Twain said:

"It's easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled."

This is an obvious integrity check. And conservatives are failing it spectacularly.

The bluster around this is hilarious given the news that WE KNOW you all watch. Hey, does anyone remember how your people all went nuts about Jussie Smollett? How about the teenager in the MAGA hat who sued all your favorite "news" stations? How about Rachel Maddow, "you're not going to get Covid if you get these vaccines"?

Lies, lies, lies, all day long. I know because, unlike you all, I DO watch widely.
Exactly, fox got uncovered for being liars and fakes! Sadly, it is a tool to undermine and brainwash the population of this country against its best interest.

The cherry on this steaming dipshit sundae? The Email that Sidney Powell based her claims against Dominion upon. It is the most insane, most rambling, most mentally ill piece of idiocy you'll ever read. And the evidence that this woman offered to back up her claims about Dominion, the FBI, and the 'human hunt' that culminated in Scalia's death?

""Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl
," the woman wrote in the email shared by Powell with Bartiromo and Dobbs. "I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live."

That's it. That's their smoking gun. An insane woman claiming to have had strange dreams after she was internally decapitated.

And yet our Big Liars still believe. You can't fix stupid.
The cherry on this steaming dipshit sundae? The Email that Sidney Powell based her claims against Dominion upon. It is the most insane, most rambling, most mentally ill piece of idiocy you'll ever read. And the evidence that this woman offered to back up her claims about Dominion, the FBI, and the 'human hunt' that culminated in Scalia's death?

""Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl," the woman wrote in the email shared by Powell with Bartiromo and Dobbs. "I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live."

That's it. That's their smoking gun. An insane woman claiming to have had strange dreams after she was internally decapitated.

And yet our Big Liars still believe. You can't fix stupid.


A lot of us never believed the insane Powell and worse, Lin Wood.

But there is a lot, and I mean a LOT, of shady stuff going on with our elections. Who can doubt it? Who can look at our crooked, corrupt and rotten government and think, yeah but those elections, pure as the driven snow?

You're not going to be able to sue the distrust out of people. Sorry. Not sorry.

And by the way, we were right in almost all our conspiracy theories. So buckle up, buttercup.

A lot of us never believed the insane Powell and worse, Lin Wood.

But there is a lot, and I mean a LOT, of shady stuff going on with our elections. Who can doubt it? Who can look at our crooked, corrupt and rotten government and think, yeah but those elections, pure as the driven snow?

You're not going to be able to sue the distrust out of people. Sorry. Not sorry.

And by the way, we were right in almost all our conspiracy theories. So buckle up, buttercup.

Like y'all's Birther conspiracy, the Big Lie fantasy, that North Korea snuck fake 2020 ballots into the US via submarine through MAINE conspiracy, the Smartmatic conspiracy, Trump's empty claims about winning the popular vote in 2016, all that sniveling about Lake being robbed of Arizona's gubernatorial race, y'all insane babbling about Ray Epps, and J6 being carried out by Antifa?

I don't think 'almost all' means what you think it means. Because your ilk make up conspiracies like they breath.
Like y'all's Birther conspiracy, the Big Lie fantasy, that North Korea snuck fake 2020 ballots into the US via submarine through MAINE, Trump's empty claims about winning the popular vote in 2016, all that sniveling about Lake being robbed of Arizona's gubernatorial race, y'all insane babbling about Ray Epps?

I don't think 'almost all' means what you think it means. Because your ilk make up conspiracies like they breath.

I have no idea what you're talking about re: Maine. But I love--and I mean LOVE--our batting average on "conspiracy theories". And yours SUCKS.

Hunter's laptop--BINGO
Jussie Smollett--BINGO
Wuhan wet market vs. lab leak--BINGO
Covid vaccines--BINGO
Masks work--BINGO
Lockdowns work--BINGO
School closures are necessary--BINGO

You can't see it, but we can. You're protesting all this much because you've taken so many obvious Ls recently. No one but politico heads like us know or give a crap about Dominion. The fact that you touted worthless (or worse) vaccines and made people do their kid's kindergarten year online?

Oh yeah. We know why you're dancing around like a madman. Believe that.
Where did it say they "admitted" anything?

A settlement was made, and now the matter is settled. Better for Fox to pay a set amount now, than an unknown amount for future legal costs in defending this bullshit.

When the Court granted summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity, finding that that is was CRYSTAL clear that none of Fox's statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election were true.

And then Fox news acknowledged that court's ruling was correct and Fox had made false statements about their statement after the settlement.

Seriously, you can put the turd down. You don't don't actually have to keep polishing it.
I have no idea what you're talking about re: Maine. But I love--and I mean LOVE--our batting average on "conspiracy theories". And yours SUCKS.

Hunter's laptop--BINGO
Jussie Smollett--BINGO
Wuhan wet market vs. lab leak--BINGO
Covid vaccines--BINGO
Masks work--BINGO
Lockdowns work--BINGO
School closures are necessary--BINGO

You can't see it, but we can. You're protesting all this much because you've taken so many obvious Ls recently. No one but politico heads like us know or give a crap about Dominion. The fact that you touted worthless (or worse) vaccines and made people do their kid's kindergarten year online?

Oh yeah. We know why you're dancing around like a madman. Believe that.

The batting average on conspiracies is beyond pathetic

The Birther conspiracy: FAIL
That Obama claimed to have been born in Kenya: FAIL.
That Obama's grandmother claimed Obama was born in Kenya: FAIL.
That Obama's birth certificate was faked: FAIL
That Obama had lost his US citizenship in Indonesia: FAIL
That Obama was a secret Muslim: FAIL
Claims about Dominion voting flipping votes for Biden: FAIL
Claims about Smartmatic throwing the 2020 election to Biden: FAIL
Claims that North Korea snuck fake 2020 ballots into the US via submarine in the State of Maine: FAIL
Claims about Ray Epps working for the FBI: FAIL
Claims that the attack on the capitol on January was peaceful: FAIL
Claims that the FBI instigated the attack on the capitol on J6: FAIL
Claims that Antifa attacked on J6, not Trump supporters: FAIL
"Obama's Shadow Army". FAIL
That Sharpie markers invalidated Trump votes in Arizona: FAIL
Claims that Ray Epps wife worked for Dominion Voting Systems: FAIL
Claims that the Republican led Maricopa County Election board threw the election for Biden: FAIL
That the Director of the CIA had been killed in a firefight with the US Army in Germany as they seized voting servers: FAIL
Claims that Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine and Biden was warmongering: FAIL
Claims that a suitcase full of votes were Biden were smuggle into Georgia vote counting: FAIL
Claims that Mark Andrews was a 'Mule' that illegally dropped of fake ballots he'd been given Democrats: FAIL
Claims that Trump won the 2016 popular vote: FAIL
Claims that Trump won the 2020 popular vote: FAIL
Claims that Trump won the 2020 electoral vote: FAIL
Claims that Pence would stop the electoral college from finalizing its vote and Trump would be declared the 2020 winner: FAIL
Claims that Democrats were running a child trafficking operation out a pizza parlor in D.C: FAIL
Claims that Biden ordered the NY DA to indict Trump: FAIL
Claims that the NY indictment was to create a situation where Trump could be assassinated: FAIL
Claims that police and court workers were crying when Trump was arraigned: FAIL
Any of the myriad of empty predictions of Q: FAIL
Claims that Seth Rich was murdered by Hillary: FAIL
Claims that HIllary and Vince Foster were having an affair: FAIL
Claims that the Clintons had Vince Foster killed: FAIL.
Claims that Seth Rich had secret evidence against Hillary that he was killed for: FAIL
Claims that Trump would be inaugurated again on March 20, 2021: FAIL.
Claims that Trump would return to the White House in 2022 as part of The Storm: FAIL.
Claims that the Secretary of State of Georgia threw the Georgia election for Biden: FAIL
Claims that there were thousands of ballots that were counted repeatedly in Detroit: FAIL
Claims that there were no registered voters Wayne County voter books in 2020: FAIL
Claims that the mafia stuffed ballots for Biden in Philadelphia: FAIL
Claims that Nancy Pelosi's husband invited his attacker into his home: FAIL
Claims that Nancy Pelosi's husband was having a gay tryst with his attacker: FAIL
Claims that tens of thousands of dead people voted for Biden: FAIL
That most of the polling stations in Maricopa County in the 2022 midterms had 2 hour wait times: FAIL
That Kari Lake won the Arizona gubenatorial race: FAIL
The Clinton Body Count conspiracy: FAIL
That George Soros threw the 2020 election for Biden: FAIL
That Trump was going to indict Hillary Clinton and other Deep State operatives: FAIL
"Thermite": FAIL
That 911 hijackers were CIA Agents: FAIL
Bombs in the WTC: FAIL
WTC 7 was demolished with bombs: FAIL
Cruise missiles hit the Pentagon: FAIL
The Pentagon lost 2.3 Trillion Dollars before 911: FAIL
That Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs used her office to steal the 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race: FAIL
That there is a 'deep state' contract on Trump's life: FAIL
That Arizona officials were in on a housing deed money laundering scheme with a Mexican drug cartel and the LDS Church: FAIL
That China and the Sinoloa drug cartel installed Biden in 2020: FAIL
That Bill Gates was secretly trying to implant trackable microchips into everyone through the Covid vaccines: FAIL
That the COVID vaccine is a bioweapon: FAIL
That Hershel Walker had his 2022 Senate election stolen by fraud: FAIL
That Dr. Oz had his 2022 Senate election stolen by fraud: FAIL
That the J6 capitol riot was a false flag attack by the US government: FAIL
That Obama and Hillary executed Seal Team 6: FAIL
That Scalia was murdered: FAIL

Your ilk make up a LEGION of conspiracy batshit. And almost all of it meaningless nonsense.
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