Fox Spread A False Story Which Led To Death Threats


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
Recently a fox news lie that would being parroted around political forums that a SD school district defied veterans and removed the pledge from high schools.

From this false story, the right wingers went nuts even going as far as threatening to shoot school officials.

In the end the story turned out to be a 100% lie and not a peep from fox about it.

Just another perfect example out the outright lies the right wing propaganda machine spreads,....

A school board member in South Dakota is calling on Fox News to apologize because he says an erroneous report led to threats that officials be “lined up and shot” over the Pledge of Allegiance.

“A school board there has decided there’s just no time in the day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance despite a desperate request from a local vets group to keep the pledge,” Fox News host Megyn Kelly told viewers on Nov. 14.

After receiving a number of threatening emails and phone calls, board members reported the threats to the Sioux Falls Police Department. All personal information about the members has been removed from the School Board website.

“The one that I guess got my attention the most was that this person feels that all five of us should be lined up and shot,” he recalled.

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story
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Recently a fox news lie that would being parroted around political forums that a SD school district defied veterans and removed the pledge from high schools.

From this false story, the right wingers went nuts even going as far as threatening to shoot school officials.

In the end the story turned out to be a 100% lie and not a peep from fox about it.

Just another perfect example out the outright lies the right wing propaganda machine spreads,....

A school board member in South Dakota is calling on Fox News to apologize because he says an erroneous report led to threats that officials be “lined up and shot” over the Pledge of Allegiance.

“A school board there has decided there’s just no time in the day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance despite a desperate request from a local vets group to keep the pledge,” Fox News host Megyn Kelly told viewers on Nov. 14.

After receiving a number of threatening emails and phone calls, board members reported the threats to the Sioux Falls Police Department. All personal information about the members has been removed from the School Board website.

“The one that I guess got my attention the most was that this person feels that all five of us should be lined up and shot,” he recalled.

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story

So let me get this straight, the school board clamis to be all for the pledge but claims there is just no way to find a 15 second window in a high school day to say it. 15 seconds, really? If they supported it they would find 15 freakins seconds. So take your propaganda ahd shove it.
Recently a fox news lie that would being parroted around political forums that a SD school district defied veterans and removed the pledge from high schools.

From this false story, the right wingers went nuts even going as far as threatening to shoot school officials.

In the end the story turned out to be a 100% lie and not a peep from fox about it.

Just another perfect example out the outright lies the right wing propaganda machine spreads,....

A school board member in South Dakota is calling on Fox News to apologize because he says an erroneous report led to threats that officials be “lined up and shot” over the Pledge of Allegiance.

“A school board there has decided there’s just no time in the day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance despite a desperate request from a local vets group to keep the pledge,” Fox News host Megyn Kelly told viewers on Nov. 14.

After receiving a number of threatening emails and phone calls, board members reported the threats to the Sioux Falls Police Department. All personal information about the members has been removed from the School Board website.

“The one that I guess got my attention the most was that this person feels that all five of us should be lined up and shot,” he recalled.

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story

So let me get this straight, the school board clamis to be all for the pledge but claims there is just no way to find a 15 second window in a high school day to say it. 15 seconds, really? If they supported it they would find 15 freakins seconds. So take your propaganda ahd shove it.
so... death threats okay?
Recently a fox news lie that would being parroted around political forums that a SD school district defied veterans and removed the pledge from high schools.

From this false story, the right wingers went nuts even going as far as threatening to shoot school officials.

In the end the story turned out to be a 100% lie and not a peep from fox about it.

Just another perfect example out the outright lies the right wing propaganda machine spreads,....

A school board member in South Dakota is calling on Fox News to apologize because he says an erroneous report led to threats that officials be “lined up and shot” over the Pledge of Allegiance.

“A school board there has decided there’s just no time in the day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance despite a desperate request from a local vets group to keep the pledge,” Fox News host Megyn Kelly told viewers on Nov. 14.

After receiving a number of threatening emails and phone calls, board members reported the threats to the Sioux Falls Police Department. All personal information about the members has been removed from the School Board website.

“The one that I guess got my attention the most was that this person feels that all five of us should be lined up and shot,” he recalled.

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story

So let me get this straight, the school board clamis to be all for the pledge but claims there is just no way to find a 15 second window in a high school day to say it. 15 seconds, really? If they supported it they would find 15 freakins seconds. So take your propaganda ahd shove it.

What happened is that fox spread lies which led to school officials receiving death threads from your fellow right wingers. Doesn't this bother you??
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Recently a fox news lie that would being parroted around political forums that a SD school district defied veterans and removed the pledge from high schools.

From this false story, the right wingers went nuts even going as far as threatening to shoot school officials.

In the end the story turned out to be a 100% lie and not a peep from fox about it.

Just another perfect example out the outright lies the right wing propaganda machine spreads,....

A school board member in South Dakota is calling on Fox News to apologize because he says an erroneous report led to threats that officials be “lined up and shot” over the Pledge of Allegiance.

“A school board there has decided there’s just no time in the day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance despite a desperate request from a local vets group to keep the pledge,” Fox News host Megyn Kelly told viewers on Nov. 14.

After receiving a number of threatening emails and phone calls, board members reported the threats to the Sioux Falls Police Department. All personal information about the members has been removed from the School Board website.

“The one that I guess got my attention the most was that this person feels that all five of us should be lined up and shot,” he recalled.

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story

So let me get this straight, the school board clamis to be all for the pledge but claims there is just no way to find a 15 second window in a high school day to say it. 15 seconds, really? If they supported it they would find 15 freakins seconds. So take your propaganda ahd shove it.
so... death threats okay?

Where did I say that? My point is Fox didn't lie, the board doesn't support the pledge. If they did they would have found time, it's about priorities.
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omg, the end of the world is coming

good ole Raw story...didn't hear a peep out of them over Bashir on PmsNbc wanting to shit in Palins mouth

you want worthless information, raw story the place to go
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Recently a fox news lie that would being parroted around political forums that a SD school district defied veterans and removed the pledge from high schools.

From this false story, the right wingers went nuts even going as far as threatening to shoot school officials.

In the end the story turned out to be a 100% lie and not a peep from fox about it.

Just another perfect example out the outright lies the right wing propaganda machine spreads,....

A school board member in South Dakota is calling on Fox News to apologize because he says an erroneous report led to threats that officials be “lined up and shot” over the Pledge of Allegiance.

“A school board there has decided there’s just no time in the day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance despite a desperate request from a local vets group to keep the pledge,” Fox News host Megyn Kelly told viewers on Nov. 14.

After receiving a number of threatening emails and phone calls, board members reported the threats to the Sioux Falls Police Department. All personal information about the members has been removed from the School Board website.

“The one that I guess got my attention the most was that this person feels that all five of us should be lined up and shot,” he recalled.

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story

So let me get this straight, the school board clamis to be all for the pledge but claims there is just no way to find a 15 second window in a high school day to say it. 15 seconds, really? If they supported it they would find 15 freakins seconds. So take your propaganda ahd shove it.

What happened is that fox spread lies which led to school officials receiving death threads from your fellow right wingers. Doesn't this bother you??

The vets at the meetings didn't think Fox lied, in fact they are still pursuing the issue with the school board. If there were threats I hope the police deal with them, but the way the left makes up shit it makes you wonder if there were any.
So let me get this straight, the school board clamis to be all for the pledge but claims there is just no way to find a 15 second window in a high school day to say it. 15 seconds, really? If they supported it they would find 15 freakins seconds. So take your propaganda ahd shove it.
so... death threats okay?

Where did I say that? My point is Fox didn't lie, the board doesn't support the pledge. If they did they would have found time, it's about priorities.

Maybe the time was taken up by learning fisting! Do they have gay teachers there?
From the article :

On Thursday, Gallagher defended his reporting and insisted that Alberty’s version of events were not accurate.

“I was the first to do the story on Fox and I said, despite a group of military veterans showing up at the board meeting and pleading for the pledge to be read, that the board voted unanimously not to require high school students to recite the pledge because they could not find the extra 10 seconds in the school day,” Gallagher recalled.

What's the issue if this is how Gallagher reported the incident?

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story
And why is this in Politics? This should be in Media.

It should be in partisan idiocy.

either way it's a local story at best. my own high school never said the pledge of allegiance. i don't know anybody's that did. didn't make anyone there more or less patriotic and i don't see why this story one way or another is of interest to anyone other than the people who elected the school board.

fox's reporting on it could be for one reason and one reason only - to manufacture outrage from uninvolved parties.
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From the article :

On Thursday, Gallagher defended his reporting and insisted that Alberty’s version of events were not accurate.

“I was the first to do the story on Fox and I said, despite a group of military veterans showing up at the board meeting and pleading for the pledge to be read, that the board voted unanimously not to require high school students to recite the pledge because they could not find the extra 10 seconds in the school day,” Gallagher recalled.

What's the issue if this is how Gallagher reported the incident?

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story

Fox lied reporting that the school district removed the pledge from high schools, the fact is that it hasn't been said for over 40 years.
And why is this in Politics? This should be in Media.

It should be in partisan idiocy.

either way it's a local story at best. my own high school never said the pledge of allegiance. i don't know anybody's that did. didn't make anyone there more or less patriotic and i don't see why this story one way or another is of interest to anyone other than the people who elected the school board.

fox's reporting on it could be for one reason and one reason only - to manufacture outrage from uninvolved parties.

if you say so...:doubt:
This is a non sequitur. Local school boards can do what they want. Pledge if Allegiance shouldn't be forced on anyone anyways. Say it at home when you wake up if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Words are just words.
if you say so...:doubt:

does it change your life in any way? do your kids go to school there? is your next meal dependent on whether or not that school district begins mandating the pledge again?

it's a local issue, of real concern to nobody but the people in that district and fox's reporting on it was solely to create controversy where none existed.
Recently a fox news lie that would being parroted around political forums that a SD school district defied veterans and removed the pledge from high schools.

From this false story, the right wingers went nuts even going as far as threatening to shoot school officials.

In the end the story turned out to be a 100% lie and not a peep from fox about it.

Just another perfect example out the outright lies the right wing propaganda machine spreads,....

A school board member in South Dakota is calling on Fox News to apologize because he says an erroneous report led to threats that officials be “lined up and shot” over the Pledge of Allegiance.

“A school board there has decided there’s just no time in the day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance despite a desperate request from a local vets group to keep the pledge,” Fox News host Megyn Kelly told viewers on Nov. 14.

After receiving a number of threatening emails and phone calls, board members reported the threats to the Sioux Falls Police Department. All personal information about the members has been removed from the School Board website.

“The one that I guess got my attention the most was that this person feels that all five of us should be lined up and shot,” he recalled.

School officials threatened to be ?lined up and shot? after Fox News ?misreporting? | The Raw Story

GROW UP! and stop with your hate Fox News agenda. If you think Fox news is whats wrong with this country then you're a freaking idiot. I just lost my 45 year old health ins plan today and I think it was ONLY Fox that warned us of this fucking bullshit money grab by the Democrats in DC. F you and F Obama :mad::mad::mad:
Come on lefties. Is that the best you can do? It beats talking about real issues anyway.

I find it appalling that right wingers like yourself have no problem with fox lying to you, and because of it, your fellow GOP pieces of shit are threatening the school board with violence,...

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