FoxNews Beats MSNBC, CNN, and HLN Combined!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This should drive the Fox Haters up the wall and I'm certain we'll see all sorts of Posts trying to prove this to be false.

Fox News Ends Year With Ratings of MSNBC, CNN and HLN Combined

By Randy Hall | December 19, 2013 | 05:30

As 2013 draws to a close, Fox News Channel continues to dominate cable television news programming, according to Nielsen data through Dec. 8.

In an article for Variety, Rick Kissell stated that Fox has averaged 1.774 million viewers in prime time -- down 13 percent from last year's presidential election-driven numbers -- while the Cable News Channel fell 15 percent, and MSNBC lost 29 percent.

However, not all the news regarding Fox was positive. The 297,000 people in the important demographic of adults from 25 to 54 years of age was down 30 percent compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, Kissell noted that MSNBC followed with 203,000 adults (down 29 percent), and CNN drew 187,000 adults, falling 16 percent.

Read more: Fox News Ends Year With Higher Ratings Than MSNBC, CNN and HLN Combined | NewsBusters
Not surprising at all. MSNBC is nothing but lefty crackpots, CNN has thrown in the towel already and changing their programming, and not sure what HLN is about; but if it's the Nancy Grace nework that's all I need to know about it.

The low information dopes can watch them while the rest of us stick with Fox.
And the National Enquirer's circulation is bigger than the three top newspapers combined! In other words, quantity doesn't equal quality.

No, it just means more demand in light of the complete absence of news critical of one particular side of the political spectrum. There are many legitimate stories that, if it weren't for Fox, would never be broadcasted. You cannot say the same of the others.

Just the difference in reporting amazes me. Here is one example
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Not surprising at all. MSNBC is nothing but lefty crackpots, CNN has thrown in the towel already and changing their programming, and not sure what HLN is about; but if it's the Nancy Grace nework that's all I need to know about it.

The low information dopes can watch them while the rest of us stick with Fox.

Holy crap, check 'em out in the morning. I never have any idea what Robin Meade is talking about, but godDAMN she's hot:


My WIFE thinks I'm watching the NEWS.


Not surprising at all. MSNBC is nothing but lefty crackpots, CNN has thrown in the towel already and changing their programming, and not sure what HLN is about; but if it's the Nancy Grace nework that's all I need to know about it.

The low information dopes can watch them while the rest of us stick with Fox.

Holy crap, check 'em out in the morning. I never have any idea what Robin Meade is talking about, but godDAMN she's hot:


My WIFE thinks I'm watching the NEWS.



Think she's hot? Check out the cuties @¡Despierta_América!
And the National Enquirer's circulation is bigger than the three top newspapers combined! In other words, quantity doesn't equal quality.

No, it just means more demand in light of the complete absence of news critical of one particular side of the political spectrum. There are many legitimate stories that, if it weren't for Fox, would never be broadcasted. You cannot say the same of the others. Surprisingly Unanimous Journalist Panel: Media Lean Left, Exist in Socially Liberal Echo Chamber | NewsBusters

Just the difference in reporting amazes me. Here is one example
Networks Denounce 'Outrageous' 'Duck Dynasty' Star, But Skipped Bashir's Vile Attack | NewsBusters

The top three newspapers are,,,USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. The USA Today is more centralist ( A Measure of Media Bias ), The Wall Street Journal leans right regarding the Editorials and left regarding the news ( Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom ) and the New York Times definitely left ( I need no links for that comment).
The point is, conservatives have but few choice with cable news and are more likely to watch local news broadcast (combined easily have more viewers than Fox News), As a matter of fact local news beats everybody combined*. *How Americans Get TV News at Home | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project
I have found more conservatives watch the news than liberals. Generally speaking.
I don't like all...he is a partisan blowhard...but even a partisan blowhard gets things right sometimes...he referred to liberals as "low information" voters.
He was else could Obama get elected....TWICE.
And the National Enquirer's circulation is bigger than the three top newspapers combined! In other words, quantity doesn't equal quality.

Some here may never figure that out, even while they're engaged in figuring that out:

Not surprising at all. MSNBC is nothing but lefty crackpots, CNN has thrown in the towel already and changing their programming, and not sure what HLN is about; but if it's the Nancy Grace nework that's all I need to know about it.

The low information dopes can watch them while the rest of us stick with Fox.

Holy crap, check 'em out in the morning. I never have any idea what Robin Meade is talking about, but godDAMN she's hot:


My WIFE thinks I'm watching the NEWS.


THAT's what sells ratings. Emotional candy. Not news.
Not surprising at all. MSNBC is nothing but lefty crackpots, CNN has thrown in the towel already and changing their programming, and not sure what HLN is about; but if it's the Nancy Grace nework that's all I need to know about it.

The low information dopes can watch them while the rest of us stick with Fox.

Holy crap, check 'em out in the morning. I never have any idea what Robin Meade is talking about, but godDAMN she's hot:


My WIFE thinks I'm watching the NEWS.


She's a dog compared to most of the Fox bunnies.

In my next life I'm coming back as the guy in charge of the Fox casting couch.
And the National Enquirer's circulation is bigger than the three top newspapers combined! In other words, quantity doesn't equal quality.

Do people read National Enquirer for news about politics, economy etc...? Or do they read it for celebrity news and gossip?
This should drive the Fox Haters up the wall and I'm certain we'll see all sorts of Posts trying to prove this to be false.

Fox News Ends Year With Ratings of MSNBC, CNN and HLN Combined

By Randy Hall | December 19, 2013 | 05:30

As 2013 draws to a close, Fox News Channel continues to dominate cable television news programming, according to Nielsen data through Dec. 8.

In an article for Variety, Rick Kissell stated that Fox has averaged 1.774 million viewers in prime time -- down 13 percent from last year's presidential election-driven numbers -- while the Cable News Channel fell 15 percent, and MSNBC lost 29 percent.

However, not all the news regarding Fox was positive. The 297,000 people in the important demographic of adults from 25 to 54 years of age was down 30 percent compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, Kissell noted that MSNBC followed with 203,000 adults (down 29 percent), and CNN drew 187,000 adults, falling 16 percent.

Read more: Fox News Ends Year With Higher Ratings Than MSNBC, CNN and HLN Combined | NewsBusters
From the article at your OP link:

However, not all the news regarding Fox was positive. The 297,000 people in the important demographic of adults from 25 to 54 years of age was down 30 percent compared to the previous year.

It's no secret that Fox draws from the elderly population.
45 million Republicans.
Cable News available to just about all of them.
3 million Republicans, at most, tune into FoxNews.
How many are actually paying attention?
Doesn't seem so impressive after all; shows you how pathetic MSNBC and CNN are.
And the National Enquirer's circulation is bigger than the three top newspapers combined! In other words, quantity doesn't equal quality.

And, of course, broadcast news channels till outnumber cable news channels.

Add that to the fact that broadcast news is free while one expects to pay for viewing cable.

So, by your analogy, broadcast TV is the equivalent of the top newspapers you refer to and like you say, quantity does not equal quality.
Looks like the popularity of the FNC channel is spreading. It is available worldwide to some 40 countries including the U.K., Canada, France, Australia, Ireland and South Africa.

Good to see other countries have a real option when it comes to being informed.
Looks like the popularity of the FNC channel is spreading. It is available worldwide to some 40 countries including the U.K., Canada, France, Australia, Ireland and South Africa.

Good to see other countries have a real option when it comes to being informed.

And that's always been a concern: that more of the world didn't have access to contrived sensationalistic News McNuggets appealing to the lowest common denominator. Lucky world.
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And the National Enquirer's circulation is bigger than the three top newspapers combined! In other words, quantity doesn't equal quality.

And, of course, broadcast news channels till outnumber cable news channels.

Uh ---- no. They don't. Not on this planet. Broadcast air is limited; cable space is not. So as long as cable has been around that's never been the case. Not even close.

Add that to the fact that broadcast news is free while one expects to pay for viewing cable.

So, by your analogy, broadcast TV is the equivalent of the top newspapers you refer to and like you say, quantity does not equal quality.

That's true. It's my point about "ratings". Ratings have one meaning and one meaning only: how much my station can charge for advertising. That's it. It's a measure of attention -- which has zero to do with assent.

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