FoxNews participates in the big cover-up about the Ebola virus!

Extreme environmentalists have long wanted a disease that could wipe out humans. Don't discount the effects of a deliberate infection.
Two logical questions TC.

1. What exactly is the "cover up"?

The lie that the virus cannot be spread through the air!

From the CDC

Ebola-Reston appeared in a primate research facility in Virginia, where it may have been transmitted from monkey to monkey through the air. While all Ebola virus species have displayed the ability to be spread through airborne particles (aerosols) under research conditions, this type of spread has not been documented among humans in a real-world setting, such as a hospital or household.

Science has in fact confirmed the virus can be transmitted through the air! Whether or not this applies to humans has not yet been confirmed, nor has it been ruled out! Would you be comfortable to allow an infected person cough into your face?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create

Two logical questions TC.

1. What exactly is the "cover up"?

The lie that the virus cannot be spread through the air!

From the CDC

Ebola-Reston appeared in a primate research facility in Virginia, where it may have been transmitted from monkey to monkey through the air. While all Ebola virus species have displayed the ability to be spread through airborne particles (aerosols) under research conditions, this type of spread has not been documented among humans in a real-world setting, such as a hospital or household.

Science has in fact confirmed the virus can be transmitted through the air! Whether or not this applies to humans has not yet been confirmed, nor has it been ruled out! Would you be comfortable to allow an infected person cough into your face?


They are not “liberals”. They are conniving Marxist parasites who use the cloak of government force to steal the wealth which wage earners, business and investors have worked to create

Sounds like a mistake based on misinformation to me. Cover ups usually entail someone getting something out of the cover up.
Extreme environmentalists have long wanted a disease that could wipe out humans. Don't discount the effects of a deliberate infection.

I wouldn't think environmentalists would favor grand genocide but the Malthusians might
consider it.
It's best we study this virus and learn all we can about it, because if it does get here with the foolishness that we exhibit on our border control etc. then at least we will know more about it if it does get loose here someday.
See: Ebola 'moving faster than efforts to control it': WHO warn virus could spread to other countries causing 'catastrophic' loss of life

August 1, 2014

”The spread of the deadly Ebola virus is out of control and the effects could be ‘catastrophic’, the World Health Organisation said last night.

The outbreak of the disease, the worst since it was discovered in the mid-1970s, has so far caused 729 deaths in four different countries.

At the moment its spread is contained to West Africa, but there are growing fears that it could hit the UK.”


The Obama Administration is employing the same tactics used by Hamas. They hide behind woman and children while flooding our country with the poverty stricken populations of other countries!
Extreme environmentalists have long wanted a disease that could wipe out humans. Don't discount the effects of a deliberate infection.

I don't have enough tinfoil to qualify for this discussion

The CDC:

After the first case-patient in an outbreak setting is infected, the virus can be transmitted in several ways. People can be
exposed to Ebola virus from direct contact with the blood and/or secretions of an infected person. Thus, the virus is often
spread through families and friends because they come in close contact with such secretions when caring for infected
persons. People can also be exposed to Ebola virus through contact with objects, such as needles, that have been contaminated with infected secretions.

Ebola-Reston appeared in a primate research facility in Virginia, where it may have been transmitted from monkey to monkey through the air. While all Ebola virus species have displayed the ability to be spread through airborne particles (aerosols) under research conditions, this type of spread has not been documented among humans in a real-world setting, such as a hospital or household.
Fox only says what the administration tells them. When is it ever going to be Barry Hussein's fault? Obama's CDC brought these ebola infected people into the US. Yeah, the same CDC that had the air conditioner reversed and sent anthrax virus into the lobby.
Extreme environmentalists have long wanted a disease that could wipe out humans. Don't discount the effects of a deliberate infection.
Ebola wouldn't do it, it kills too fast. What we need is a good flu.

The killing speed of Ebola is a major point. If it is so fragile outside of a host, how did it originate. If Bats carry it but are not affected by it, where did they get it? Where on the evolutionary plane can we look to find Ebola?
Extreme environmentalists have long wanted a disease that could wipe out humans. Don't discount the effects of a deliberate infection.
Ebola wouldn't do it, it kills too fast. What we need is a good flu.

The killing speed of Ebola is a major point. If it is so fragile outside of a host, how did it originate. If Bats carry it but are not affected by it, where did they get it? Where on the evolutionary plane can we look to find Ebola?

I think I have the answer to some of my own questions. Perhaps the Ebola Virus continues to thrive in the blood and body fluids of any dead host or human infected by it. While human remains are usually disposed of by burial or incineration, animal hosts or vectors may be eaten by other animals who may be immune to Ebola; but, whose body fluids provide a surrogate environment where it is passed on through the food chain! Is it possible...maybe...just my opinion!
Ebola wouldn't do it, it kills too fast. What we need is a good flu.

The killing speed of Ebola is a major point. If it is so fragile outside of a host, how did it originate. If Bats carry it but are not affected by it, where did they get it? Where on the evolutionary plane can we look to find Ebola?

I think I have the answer to some of my own questions. Perhaps the Ebola Virus continues to thrive in the blood and body fluids of any dead host or human infected by it. While human remains are usually disposed of by burial or incineration, animal hosts or vectors may be eaten by other animals who may be immune to Ebola; but, whose body fluids provide a surrogate environment where it is passed on through the food chain! Is it possible...maybe...just my opinion!

As is a plane crash with infected survivors, theDocisIn posted some useful information. No need to panic, an opportunity to learn.

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