Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

As I've noted backthread, in order for something to be a stereotype, it has to be widely known. If we have to go Google it, it's not widely known. 'Widely known' is something we don't need to Google.

That isn't a value judgment; it's simply the way it works.

Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

In what way is that "racist"? I don't get it.

It promotes the stereotype that all Black people do is play basketball and drink Koolaid. It would be like me making a commercial showing white people trying to play basketball (not very well) and the Tang man coming out and giving them super powers so they could compete.
As I've noted backthread, in order for something to be a stereotype, it has to be widely known. If we have to go Google it, it's not widely known. 'Widely known' is something we don't need to Google.

That isn't a value judgment; it's simply the way it works.

Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

Nope. Just saw it a minute ago for the first time, and as I said I don't get the connection.
I see a marketing target, but I also see marketing targeting kids, housewives, single guys, teens, sports fans, any number of demographics -- that doesn't make them bigoted.

Gotta wonder in what corners summa y'all hang. Just sayin'.

Black ones.

The reason you dont know about the stereotype is because you arent black. Its the same reason I dont know about many Jewish stereotypes
holy crap fk. That's just bad. fkn bad.
Wow, maybe because its not directed toward you. Remember that the next time blacks bring up something you didnt know about and instead of dismissing it just didnt know it was a problem.

As I've noted backthread, in order for something to be a stereotype, it has to be widely known. If we have to go Google it, it's not widely known. 'Widely known' is something we don't need to Google.

That isn't a value judgment; it's simply the way it works.

Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

Nope. Just saw it a minute ago for the first time, and as I said I don't get the connection.
I see a marketing target, but I also see marketing targeting kids, housewives, single guys, teens, sports fans, any number of demographics -- that doesn't make them bigoted.

Gotta wonder in what corners summa y'all hang. Just sayin'.

Marketing is what drives and maintains racism. Everyone that really wants to understand should read this book with an open mind.
As I've noted backthread, in order for something to be a stereotype, it has to be widely known. If we have to go Google it, it's not widely known. 'Widely known' is something we don't need to Google.

That isn't a value judgment; it's simply the way it works.

Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

Nope. Just saw it a minute ago for the first time, and as I said I don't get the connection.
I see a marketing target, but I also see marketing targeting kids, housewives, single guys, teens, sports fans, any number of demographics -- that doesn't make them bigoted.

Gotta wonder in what corners summa y'all hang. Just sayin'.
You should realize marketing is the most racist aspect of our society. Everyone should take the time to read this book.
As I've noted backthread, in order for something to be a stereotype, it has to be widely known. If we have to go Google it, it's not widely known. 'Widely known' is something we don't need to Google.

That isn't a value judgment; it's simply the way it works.

Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

Nope. Just saw it a minute ago for the first time, and as I said I don't get the connection.
I see a marketing target, but I also see marketing targeting kids, housewives, single guys, teens, sports fans, any number of demographics -- that doesn't make them bigoted.

Gotta wonder in what corners summa y'all hang. Just sayin'.

Marketing is what drives and maintains racism. Everyone that really wants to understand should read this book with an open mind.
Schlitz malt liquor commercials, to me the most racist ever.
Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

Nope. Just saw it a minute ago for the first time, and as I said I don't get the connection.
I see a marketing target, but I also see marketing targeting kids, housewives, single guys, teens, sports fans, any number of demographics -- that doesn't make them bigoted.

Gotta wonder in what corners summa y'all hang. Just sayin'.
You should realize marketing is the most racist aspect of our society. Everyone should take the time to read this book.
Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

Nope. Just saw it a minute ago for the first time, and as I said I don't get the connection.
I see a marketing target, but I also see marketing targeting kids, housewives, single guys, teens, sports fans, any number of demographics -- that doesn't make them bigoted.

Gotta wonder in what corners summa y'all hang. Just sayin'.

Marketing is what drives and maintains racism. Everyone that really wants to understand should read this book with an open mind.
Schlitz malt liquor commercials, to me the most racist ever.
Thats why in the hood there is a liquor store at least every 2 blocks. My wife was raised in the suburbs and pointed this out to me when I took her back to where I grew up. She was amazed that it was even allowed.
REAL racism, not that phony 'Kool Aid' racism

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What I think is you are making a big deal out of nothing. Logically, if you think about it, it doesn't make the least bit of sense for this guy to say a racial slur to his colleage on national television. Logically, if you think about it reasonably, which you aren't doing because you want to make this a big issue of racism. Like most of the general public at large, this guy probably had no idea that Kool-Aid was linked to the black culture in any way. That's the logical conclusion.

I think it is really a bad thing to try to make something racial when it isn't. It demeans real racial issues. It's like women claiming rape or abuse when there isn't any: it demeans those who have righteous cause to claim rape or abuse. You are not doing blacks or those who oppose racism any favors with a thread like this.

Nailed it like a two by four. Can't say it any better than that.

Really the only reason the guy's comment stands out is that it's a bizarre non sequitur completely out of left field. If it "reminds him of summer" he's got some strange summers. Looks like he was just desperately looking for something to say almost as if he gets paid more if he speaks, like an actor, and that's all he could come up with.
Lol, few things are as amusing as leftwing wack-jobs doing a circle jerk.

If reading is fun-duh-mental...... ignorance is bliss.


You should know, jack ass.

Some more libtard bullshit just like yours, ass wipe.

Read much?​

:dig: :dig:

It is so adorable how libtards think that everyone that disagrees with them is uneducated.
Schlitz malt liquor commercials, to me the most racist ever.

This thread is the perfect example of white people determining blacks are full of shit when they know nothing about the subject at all.

Havent heard of it? Well, that means blacks just made it up. Wait, they didnt?

This thread is the perfect example of white people determining blacks are full of shit when they know nothing about the subject at all.

Havent heard of it? Well, that means blacks just made it up. Wait, they didnt?


No, it's a perfect example of whites determining that liberals and race baiters are full of shit when they know everything about the subject.
Thats not what widely known means. And whether you know about it or not doesnt affect the state of anything. Things dont disappear based on your knowledge of it or your penis would be gone.

That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

In what way is that "racist"? I don't get it.

It promotes the stereotype that all Black people do is play basketball and drink Koolaid. It would be like me making a commercial showing white people trying to play basketball (not very well) and the Tang man coming out and giving them super powers so they could compete.

But where and how does is suggest that's "all they do"?

In a 30-second commercial you can hardly cover a whole day, let alone a lifetime. This is a simple situational scene -- no different from "Miller Time" after a hard day's work (although that seems like punishment to me) or a house full of chaos in a headache pill commercial. None of them suggest it's all they do.
This thread is the perfect example of white people determining blacks are full of shit when they know nothing about the subject at all.

Havent heard of it? Well, that means blacks just made it up. Wait, they didnt?

The most futile and useless thing you can do is wonder why people that dont get it...dont get it. Dont be perplexed by the perplexed. It can be perplexing.
Sorry, but if you have never heard of Kool-Aid being linked to blacks, then you would not realize it was a racially loaded question. I think the guy just thought of Kool-Aid as a summer time family drink, something the kids like.

This is an example of crying 'wolf.' When something like this happens, something innocent, and you make it out to be a big deal, a big racial issue, then you demean real racist issues. Very bad thing to do.


I'll bet money that out of all the recipe shows they've ever done not ONE person was asked about Kool Aid. Tis cute when you act like its other peoples fault for Kilmeades buffoonery

Probably not -- I thought Kool Aid died in the '60s. I vaguely remember it but nobody liked it and we all moved on.
Maybe it's a regional thing. :dunno:
Nope. Lots of Black people still love Kool Aid. I grew up on it in the 70's and 80's.

We all grew up on Kool Aid, there was never anything black about it, like say fried chicken, chitlins or watermelon

So what beverage did poor blacks wash down all that fried chicken, chitlins, and watermelon with?

Purple Drank
This thread is the perfect example of white people determining blacks are full of shit when they know nothing about the subject at all.

Havent heard of it? Well, that means blacks just made it up. Wait, they didnt?


No, it's a perfect example of whites determining that liberals and race baiters are full of shit when they know everything about the subject.

Yeah because whites know better than blacks....that kinda fits a definition of a few words come to think about it
That doesn't make any sense.

Look at it this way -- if Kilmeade -- who I understand has a long history of saying weird shit -- had said, "do you serve it with fried chicken and watermelon? They remind me of summer" --- you wouldn't have anybody here claiming they never heard of fried chicken and watermelon as racial stereotypes.

But Kool Aid?

No, this has to be a regional thing or some kind of inside joke. A stereotype means everybody gets it.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

In what way is that "racist"? I don't get it.

It promotes the stereotype that all Black people do is play basketball and drink Koolaid. It would be like me making a commercial showing white people trying to play basketball (not very well) and the Tang man coming out and giving them super powers so they could compete.

But where and how does is suggest that's "all they do"?

In a 30-second commercial you can hardly cover a whole day, let alone a lifetime. This is a simple situational scene -- no different from "Miller Time" after a hard day's work (although that seems like punishment to me) or a house full of chaos in a headache pill commercial. None of them suggest it's all they do.

You would need to ask your mind objectively that question. If you are constantly shown images of police being upstanding citizens and helping old ladies across the street how hard would it be for you to believe that cops abuse their authority and throw women on the ground for nothing?
This thread is the perfect example of white people determining blacks are full of shit when they know nothing about the subject at all.

Havent heard of it? Well, that means blacks just made it up. Wait, they didnt?


No, it's a perfect example of whites determining that liberals and race baiters are full of shit when they know everything about the subject.

Yeah because whites know better than blacks....that kinda fits a definition of a few words come to think about it

It has nothing to do with "what whites know" versus "what blacks know" --- think about it, if some bigot wants to toss a stereotype slur, then both the slurrer and the sluree have to be familiar with the meaning. Otherwise it doesn't work.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

In what way is that "racist"? I don't get it.

It promotes the stereotype that all Black people do is play basketball and drink Koolaid. It would be like me making a commercial showing white people trying to play basketball (not very well) and the Tang man coming out and giving them super powers so they could compete.

But where and how does is suggest that's "all they do"?

In a 30-second commercial you can hardly cover a whole day, let alone a lifetime. This is a simple situational scene -- no different from "Miller Time" after a hard day's work (although that seems like punishment to me) or a house full of chaos in a headache pill commercial. None of them suggest it's all they do.

You would need to ask your mind objectively that question. If you are constantly shown images of police being upstanding citizens and helping old ladies across the street how hard would it be for you to believe that cops abuse their authority and throw women on the ground for nothing?

I have too much experience to even conceive that image.
Kool Aid is the original "grape drink". A sugary, cheap, easy to make drink. The stereotype has been around for decades. You don't remember people being pissed off about the commercial with the black people playing basketball and the Kool Aid Man comes out?

In what way is that "racist"? I don't get it.

It promotes the stereotype that all Black people do is play basketball and drink Koolaid. It would be like me making a commercial showing white people trying to play basketball (not very well) and the Tang man coming out and giving them super powers so they could compete.

But where and how does is suggest that's "all they do"?

In a 30-second commercial you can hardly cover a whole day, let alone a lifetime. This is a simple situational scene -- no different from "Miller Time" after a hard day's work (although that seems like punishment to me) or a house full of chaos in a headache pill commercial. None of them suggest it's all they do.

You would need to ask your mind objectively that question. If you are constantly shown images of police being upstanding citizens and helping old ladies across the street how hard would it be for you to believe that cops abuse their authority and throw women on the ground for nothing?
You bombard us with jungle bunny civilizations, yet no one believes it.

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