FOX's Krauthammer: Trump committed "Political Suicide"

Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


No !
He is saying just like Sanders is saying, that the system in both parties is corrupt.
When Government become that way, then our votes no longer matter.
We should have this looked into and investigated in all areas.
This is exactly why the elites who are in power right now does not want him elected.
They know he will expose the corruption just like he has been doing since announcing his run.

The only corruption he has exposed is his very own sexual assaults.
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

You are placing legitimacy on stolen emails? You are as disdainful as Trump himself, who encouraged illegal activity by our greatest foreign adversary. Let that sink if for a moment...

The source is irrelevant. The information is all that matters. We are learning what our own broken media would not seek, much less discover.

All that is being uncovered has been long suspected.
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


No !
He is saying just like Sanders is saying, that the system in both parties is corrupt.
When Government become that way, then our votes no longer matter.
We should have this looked into and investigated in all areas.
This is exactly why the elites who are in power right now does not want him elected.
They know he will expose the corruption just like he has been doing since announcing his run.

The only corruption he has exposed is his very own sexual assaults.

You are believing propaganda.
Where was the reports from these women when it happened?
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."



Did you notice that he did not address ANYTHING you said, he just repeated his previous claim in different words?

That is the Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion.
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election.

He has the RIGHT to dispute the result. The SCOTUS has the job to resolve the disputes. He knows his stuff.

Plus this in more full explanation.



I have no problem with Gore asking for a recount in such a close election.

Asking for a selective recount just in heavily democratic counties was just an attempt to steal the election.
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election.

He has the RIGHT to dispute the result. The SCOTUS has the job to resolve the disputes. He knows his stuff.

Plus this in more full explanation.



Gore disputed the results in a single state and requested a recount. His legal objections related to attempts to restrict what could be counted

Trump is making broad, unsubstantiated accusations that the whole country is corrupt

Not the same


a single state that if he could have forced a different outcome

he would have been president

Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election.

He has the RIGHT to dispute the result. The SCOTUS has the job to resolve the disputes. He knows his stuff.

Plus this in more full explanation.



I have no problem with Gore asking for a recount in such a close election.

Asking for a selective recount just in heavily democratic counties was just an attempt to steal the election.

a selective recount and trying to interpret what a voter "meant" to vote

Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election.

He has the RIGHT to dispute the result. The SCOTUS has the job to resolve the disputes. He knows his stuff.

Plus this in more full explanation.



This fails as a red herring fallacy.

Gore isn't running for president.

Crikey; when did YOU find that out?? No red herring. The results can be and have been challenged. There is NO reason for Trump to answer dishonestly.

Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election.

He has the RIGHT to dispute the result. The SCOTUS has the job to resolve the disputes. He knows his stuff.

Plus this in more full explanation.



Gore disputed the results in a single state and requested a recount. His legal objections related to attempts to restrict what could be counted

Trump is making broad, unsubstantiated accusations that the whole country is corrupt

Not the same


a single state that if he could have forced a different outcome

he would have been president


Had it been Trump he would have exhausted EVERY possible avenue; a real fighter. Gore let the Presidency slip.

Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

No, you are very wrong. He told countries around the world and voters around this country that a Democratic system where our votes should count is not to be trusted. He denied the legitimacy of this Republic, just as he has denied nine (9) women that accuse him of being a sexual assaulter.

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the United States Supreme Court decision that resolved the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential election.

He has the RIGHT to dispute the result. The SCOTUS has the job to resolve the disputes. He knows his stuff.

Plus this in more full explanation.



This fails as a red herring fallacy.

Gore isn't running for president.

Crikey; when did YOU find that out?? No red herring. The results can be and have been challenged. There is NO reason for Trump to answer dishonestly.


except that....well....he is Donald Trump.
It's uncertain how much of the population will continue to buy the ridiculous fraud put forth by Clinton that it is the communists under the bed that are the problem not her well documented corruption. The laughable excuse that the Russians are at fault exposes her negligence at using a personal server which is as much at risk of hacking as her campaign.
That's twice they have asked that question.......... don't t recall this ever being asked before.........are they planning so much fraud they want to lock Trump into saying he wont do anything
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system. He "blew up" the entire night. And as I have said many time:

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Krauthammer has been anti-Trump, no surprise that he made the statement. Trump and his mouth will keep him out of the White House.
You know who must be loving Trump's self-destruction?
All those carpenters, plumbers and drywallers who did work for him but never got paid.
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system. He "blew up" the entire night. And as I have said many time:

"As long as Trump has a mouth, he will lose in November."


Kraska, James

Krasner, Stephen

Krasno, Richard M.

Krauss, Clifford

Krauthammer, Charles

Kravis, Henry R.

Kravis, Marie-Josée

Kreek, Mary Jeanne

Kreikemeier, Chad

Krepinevich, Andrew F.





If Trump doesn't want the media to call the election, and he would rather wait to have the votes counted, recounted, and verified, I think there is both a tradition, and a precedent for this.

Why is the American population so willing to be brainwashed and so willing to forget our history?
Krauthammer: Trump winning on points until terrible mistake

WOW! This was an epic statement by a FOX journalist. But he is right, Trump was having a good night, up until his statement that denied the legitimacy of the Democratic system.

Nah, FOX isn't crazy about Trump either. Lotta Democrats at FOX, and Charles is way more an establishment fan.

So. When did he deny "the legitimacy of the Democratic system"? He said he might not accept the results.

Given what's coming out of the Wikileaks releases, I might not either, and I am not alone by any means. That's decrying cheating, not denying legitimacy.

It is this denial of reality that will lead you people, once again, into insanity. Now Fux News has a "liberal" bias; phuggin' phenomenal.

Shrug. What is, is.

What this society needs is a counterweight to Clinton, but we sure can't count on you people for any of that, you're just nuts. "Patriots" who "love" america, but hate about half of their fellow citizens

Nah. Hate the stupidity, love the idiots.

Like I said ......





If Trump doesn't want the media to call the election, and he would rather wait to have the votes counted, recounted, and verified, I think there is both a tradition, and a precedent for this.

Why is the American population so willing to be brainwashed and so willing to forget our history?

If that's what he meant? He sure didn't articulate it well at all.
FOX's Wallace certainly did his best to help Trump, with most every question to Trump framed as "Why does Clinton suck so much", and most every question to Clinton framed as "Why do Democrats suck so much?". Most biased moderator I've ever seen.

Sadly for him, Trump whiffed at all of the softballs. You could see the frustration in Wallace, how he was thinking "Just rephrase the question, dumbass! I gave you the win, just don't go off-topic!". But Trump always went off-topic.

Clinton, she kept hitting them out of the park. And she successfully baited Trump at least 3 times. Saying he choked in Mexico, saying out he lost the Emmy, saying he'd try to avoid paying SS taxes, the last which prompted his "What a nasty woman" sexist mistake/remark. Clinton showed restraint by not doing a victory dance after every successful baiting.
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