FOX's Krauthammer: Trump committed "Political Suicide"

We are on the event horizon of a new paradigm that does not bode well for future citizens. Hillary Clinton's contamination of various agencies that ensure and protect national security are fueling a festering distrust in leadership that will almost surely crumble the foundations of our society. Corruption is eventually regarded by the people with contempt and contempt feeds the beast of chaos.
We are on the event horizon of a new paradigm that does not bode well for future citizens. Hillary Clinton's contamination of various agencies that ensure and protect national security are fueling a festering distrust in leadership that will almost surely crumble the foundations of our society. Corruption is eventually regarded by the people with contempt and contempt feeds the beast of chaos.

good post
<-------Don Mussolini is 6 eggs short of a dozen.
The Republican nominee for president is claiming that our election system is fundamentally untrustworthy and could be manipulated to deny him the White House.
Which Is exactly what Al Gore claimed also.
Not so . Al Gore was saying that with the closeness of the vote and various anomalies inherent in the recording system such as hanging chads and so forth that a recount was appropriate and required.
Which Is exactly what Al Gore claimed also.
Not so . Al Gore was saying that with the closeness of the vote and various anomalies inherent in the recording system such as hanging chads and so forth that a recount was appropriate and required.

Gore was questioning the ligitamacy of the winner and the system.
Same as Trump.
Again no you are wrong he was questioning the count of the votes ....not the legitimacy of the process
Why the Trump campaign's Al Gore comparison is false
Gore never suggested that the results were rigged before the 2000 election. Nor did he make the argument, as Trump has over and again and without a shred of evidence, that he was going to be or had been bamboozled by some amorphous band of electoral conspirators.
The Democratic primaries were rigged and only a fool would deny that. Trump tried to make the point that Clinton shouldn't even be allowed to run based on her illegal use of a personal server which jeopardized the security of the US. But the rigging of the primaries against Bernie Sanders with the willful assistance of the media betrayed the curtain of corruption that surrounds everything Clinton is associated with. Trump is not the only one who will not accept a corrupt and rigged election. More than half the population will reject it in ways we cannot predict. We better hope trump wins.
Or what, buster? No, most of the population is totally disgusted with Trump. He is a ego maniac, and stupid to boot. He never studied anything at all before the debates, and it showed in the debates. The man is unfit to be President, and will not be President based on his lack of willingness to work,

Trump is an Ivy League graduate who has been successful in THREE competitive fields.

Only a moron or a liar would claim he is stupid.

THe stupidity of the part of your post undermines the credibility of the rest of it.
Gore won the popular vote. And the vote in Florida was extremely close. Come 8Nov16, Clinton will overwhelmingly win the popular vote and the electoral vote. If Trump comes on with his lies and trouble making, then it is time to take legal action on anything that results from that sedition.

And we see the way the coming One Party State will be run.

I hope all you out there are enjoying the pleasant civil atmosphere of the current election. Because these are the Good Old Days.
The Democratic primaries were rigged and only a fool would deny that. Trump tried to make the point that Clinton shouldn't even be allowed to run based on her illegal use of a personal server which jeopardized the security of the US. But the rigging of the primaries against Bernie Sanders with the willful assistance of the media betrayed the curtain of corruption that surrounds everything Clinton is associated with. Trump is not the only one who will not accept a corrupt and rigged election. More than half the population will reject it in ways we cannot predict. We better hope trump wins.
Or what, buster? No, most of the population is totally disgusted with Trump. He is a ego maniac, and stupid to boot. He never studied anything at all before the debates, and it showed in the debates. The man is unfit to be President, and will not be President based on his lack of willingness to work,

Trump is an Ivy League graduate who has been successful in THREE competitive fields.

Only a moron or a liar would claim he is stupid.

THe stupidity of the part of your post undermines the credibility of the rest of it.

Trump can soon return to what he does best, bankrupting companies and not paying contractors.
Gore never suggested that the results were rigged before the 2000 election. Nor did he make the argument, as Trump has over and again and without a shred of evidence, that he was going to be or had been bamboozled by some amorphous band of electoral conspirators.

HE hasn't? Well you lefties certainly have. Constantly since then. How many times have you lefties referred to Bush as being "appointed"?
The Democratic primaries were rigged and only a fool would deny that. Trump tried to make the point that Clinton shouldn't even be allowed to run based on her illegal use of a personal server which jeopardized the security of the US. But the rigging of the primaries against Bernie Sanders with the willful assistance of the media betrayed the curtain of corruption that surrounds everything Clinton is associated with. Trump is not the only one who will not accept a corrupt and rigged election. More than half the population will reject it in ways we cannot predict. We better hope trump wins.
Or what, buster? No, most of the population is totally disgusted with Trump. He is a ego maniac, and stupid to boot. He never studied anything at all before the debates, and it showed in the debates. The man is unfit to be President, and will not be President based on his lack of willingness to work,

Trump is an Ivy League graduate who has been successful in THREE competitive fields.

Only a moron or a liar would claim he is stupid.

THe stupidity of the part of your post undermines the credibility of the rest of it.

Trump can soon return to what he does best, bankrupting companies and not paying contractors.

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post. Try to be less of a dick.
Which Is exactly what Al Gore claimed also.
Not so . Al Gore was saying that with the closeness of the vote and various anomalies inherent in the recording system such as hanging chads and so forth that a recount was appropriate and required.

If party members can't be trusted to do their jobs, as has been repeated claims about Bush's win in Florida, then the system is completely unworkable.
Which Is exactly what Al Gore claimed also.
Not so . Al Gore was saying that with the closeness of the vote and various anomalies inherent in the recording system such as hanging chads and so forth that a recount was appropriate and required.

If party members can't be trusted to do their jobs, as has been repeated claims about Bush's win in Florida, then the system is completely unworkable.

You and Comrade Trump are playing into Putin's plan. He wants to show the world that the American Democratic system is rigged and in chaos. I will start calling you Comrade Correll. Thanks for carrying Pooootin's torch.
Which Is exactly what Al Gore claimed also.
Not so . Al Gore was saying that with the closeness of the vote and various anomalies inherent in the recording system such as hanging chads and so forth that a recount was appropriate and required.

If party members can't be trusted to do their jobs, as has been repeated claims about Bush's win in Florida, then the system is completely unworkable.

You and Comrade Trump are playing into Putin's plan. He wants to show the world that the American Democratic system is rigged and in chaos. I will start calling you Comrade Correll. Thanks for carrying Pooootin's torch.

The American system is rigged and in chaos, as demonstrated by the behavior of BOTH party leaderships in this election.

We are being torn apart by the divisive strategies of the Vile Left.

Putin has nothing to do with that.

Try to be less of an asshole.
Which Is exactly what Al Gore claimed also.
Not so . Al Gore was saying that with the closeness of the vote and various anomalies inherent in the recording system such as hanging chads and so forth that a recount was appropriate and required.

If party members can't be trusted to do their jobs, as has been repeated claims about Bush's win in Florida, then the system is completely unworkable.

You and Comrade Trump are playing into Putin's plan. He wants to show the world that the American Democratic system is rigged and in chaos. I will start calling you Comrade Correll. Thanks for carrying Pooootin's torch.

The American system is rigged and in chaos, as demonstrated by the behavior of BOTH party leaderships in this election.

We are being torn apart by the divisive strategies of the Vile Left.

Putin has nothing to do with that.

Try to be less of an asshole.

Spoken like a true Ruskie, Comrade Correll!

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