Frack-happy Oklahoma rocked by 20 earthquakes in just one day


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Frack-happy Oklahoma rocked by 20 earthquakes in just one day

The state's dramatic increase in seismic activity is linked to oil and gas operations


Even judging by the state’s new standards for seismic activity (we’re calling it “the new California”), Tuesday was a dramatic day for Oklahoma. The state Geological Survey recorded 20 earthquakes in as many hours. If seven quakes in two days are considered a “swarm,” then what the frack do we call this?

Most were tiny, probably even imperceptible, although people definitely felt the largest one, which registered at a 4.3 magnitude. Four of the quakes recorded today add to the growing total of tremors that register as a 3.0 magnitude or higher, the number of which has spiked since — not at all coincidentally – fracking activity began to proliferate in the state.

Specifically, it’s wastewater injection wells (in which waste from fracking operations is injected, forcibly, into the ground) that we have to worry about. A study released last month established that the two are connected — what’s more, the researchers found that just four wells were responsible for 20 percent of the earthquakes recorded between 2008 and 2013. That’s over 100 of them.

ClimateProgress highlights these charts from a recent Oklahoma Geology Survey presentation, which show how the general rise in seismic activity is quickly becoming the state’s new reality. “No documented cases of induced seismicity,” it asserts, “have ever come close to the current earthquake rates or the area over which the earthquakes are occurring”:

Which is it? Hydraulic fracturing causing earthquakes, or Class II injections wells doing what they have been doing even back on those graphs when there wasn't any micro-seismic activity. Or haven't you actually thought about this yet, you just post....stuff.....?
Frack-happy Oklahoma rocked by 20 earthquakes in just one day

The state's dramatic increase in seismic activity is linked to oil and gas operations


Even judging by the state’s new standards for seismic activity (we’re calling it “the new California”), Tuesday was a dramatic day for Oklahoma. The state Geological Survey recorded 20 earthquakes in as many hours. If seven quakes in two days are considered a “swarm,” then what the frack do we call this?

Most were tiny, probably even imperceptible, although people definitely felt the largest one, which registered at a 4.3 magnitude. Four of the quakes recorded today add to the growing total of tremors that register as a 3.0 magnitude or higher, the number of which has spiked since — not at all coincidentally – fracking activity began to proliferate in the state.

Specifically, it’s wastewater injection wells (in which waste from fracking operations is injected, forcibly, into the ground) that we have to worry about. A study released last month established that the two are connected — what’s more, the researchers found that just four wells were responsible for 20 percent of the earthquakes recorded between 2008 and 2013. That’s over 100 of them.

ClimateProgress highlights these charts from a recent Oklahoma Geology Survey presentation, which show how the general rise in seismic activity is quickly becoming the state’s new reality. “No documented cases of induced seismicity,” it asserts, “have ever come close to the current earthquake rates or the area over which the earthquakes are occurring”:


So how many people have died or been injured by these Earthquakes? Also, where was the picture above taken? Nothing in the article says it was actually taken in Oklahoma or that the cracking was actually caused by earthquakes.
Which is it? Hydraulic fracturing causing earthquakes, or Class II injections wells doing what they have been doing even back on those graphs when there wasn't any micro-seismic activity. Or haven't you actually thought about this yet, you just post....stuff.....?
Oh, the chart is wrong. I understand now.
oh for crying loud, move to Alaska they have the most earthquakes a day of any state. I went though one that 7.9...whoa nelly

Earthquake History
The earth's most active seismic feature, the circum-Pacific seismic belt, brushes Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, where more earthquakes occur than in the other 49 States combined. More than 80 percent of the planet's tremors occur in the circum-Pacific belt, and about six percent of the large, shallow earthquakes are in the Alaska area, where as many as 4,000 earthquake at various depths are detected in a year.

ALL of it here:


Remember learning about "plate tectonics" in school? Well, Alaska is constantly responding to this nearly incomprehensible movement. The Pacific Plate is moving northwestwardly under the North American Plate at a rate of approximately 2 1/2 inches per year. The result is many fault lines and earthquakes throughout the state, every day. Did you know that there are an average of 50-100 earthquakes in Alaska, daily!
all of it here:
Alaskan Earthquakes
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If you are trying to argue that fracking does not cause earthquakes, then make the argument. The evidence is overwhelming that it does.

The lead article does not claim that hydraulic fracturing causes quakes. It claims that Class II injection wells do. Please understand the terminology, otherwise you run the risk of looking like yet another eco-pinhead. Hydraulic fracturing itself creates THOUSANDS of microseismic events, those of us who have studied these micro-seismic events to determine ways to increase better fracture propagation know this. Are standing on top of the ground it is happening under. And I can assure you, that if the ground started shifting under our feet, as is implied by the picture in the article, we would immediately stop the job.

You appear to be confusing two different things. As does the original article. I recommend understanding the difference between earthquakes that matter, and those "earthquakes" created by hydraulic fracturing that can't be felt, or trains on railroad tracks that can. And then understanding that none of THOSE things are the Class II (most of them anyway) disposal wells referenced in the article, and that have been there, doing the same thing they are now, when NO seismic events were recorded on the provided graphs.
If you are trying to argue that fracking does not cause earthquakes, then make the argument. The evidence is overwhelming that it does.

The lead article does not claim that hydraulic fracturing causes quakes. It claims that Class II injection wells do. Please understand the terminology, otherwise you run the risk of looking like yet another eco-pinhead. Hydraulic fracturing itself creates THOUSANDS of microseismic events, those of us who have studied these micro-seismic events to determine ways to increase better fracture propagation know this. Are standing on top of the ground it is happening under. And I can assure you, that if the ground started shifting under our feet, as is implied by the picture in the article, we would immediately stop the job.

You appear to be confusing two different things. As does the original article. I recommend understanding the difference between earthquakes that matter, and those "earthquakes" created by hydraulic fracturing that can't be felt, or trains on railroad tracks that can. And then understanding that none of THOSE things are the Class II (most of them anyway) disposal wells referenced in the article, and that have been there, doing the same thing they are now, when NO seismic events were recorded on the provided graphs.

What is causing this?

some people will just buy into anything. Fracking is now going to tear the earth apart evidently. I mean isn't that what Daryl Hannah that actress is telling us?

I wish everyone just stop and think for themselves but some needs to be led around by the nose it seems

these climate progress sites are, SALON and THINKPROGRESS

and get that title, FRACK HAPPY? you can bet some climate expert would speak like that

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