
All this natural gas is not going to help Americans much.

Most of it will be shipped overseas. m

Unless you own stock in those companies this fracking does you no good.

Your opinion is really not surprising, and far from stupid, as an extraordinary number of "educated" US citizens simply have never been taught how the lights come on in their homes.

The lack of knowledge associated with such a fundamental resource as LIGHT, or Electricity can only be the fault of a much less than effective education system, which emphasizes social studies: Everyone knows why Jimmy has two daddies, but almost know one knows why the TV comes on or what powers the microwave.

Most are not so ignorant to have never heard of electricity: However almost no one, like yourself knows how most electricity is generated: By burning coal or natural gas. Today many coal power plants are being re-fit to burn natural gas since it is cleaner, and more efficient, and currently cost less per BTU.
So sammy, what's next?

We have pumped all the easy oil. We are now down to tar sands. We have pumped the easy gas. Now we are all enthused about "fracking" the last of the natural gas.

So when we have gone through all the dirty nasty water wasting sources of cheap energy, what is next?

Do you have any idea? Or you think this gas and oil thing will just go on forever?
No offense, but you people are really ignorant about this subject.

As recently as last year, the Administrator of the EPA testified before Congress that there has not been a SINGLE DOCUMENTED CASE OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION BY HYDRAULIC FRACTURING in the U.S. Ever. But I guess she's just a Right Wing Tool, right? Maybe she didn't see the movie, "Gasland." Where does she get her information? It's a puzzle, isn't it?

And natual gas IS NOT EXPORTED. It is simply too expensive to export quantities that are sufficient to make it economically feasible, even though natural gas in Europe (mainly coming from Russia) is more than four times as expensive as it is in the U.S. Thanks to FRACKING!

And by the way, there is just as much gas potential in Europe as there is here, but the Greens have so far prevented any significant fracking activity there out of irrational fears of environmental catastrophe. Just like here on this thread. Not surprisingly, the Russians are big supporters of the Green movement in Germany.

Are any of you aware that fracking wells are much safer, environmentally speaking, than oil wells, and Pennsylvania, for example has more than 50 thousand oil wells in existence right now. And yet I've never heard of a single person dying from water poisoning in Pennsylvania. Curious, isn't it?

Sorry for getting political for a moment, but Democrats are fond of saying that Republicans simply refuse to accept "science" when it comes to "Climate Change," and yet this entire, collossally ignorant anti-fracking movement is on the political Left. Science be damned: I saw GASLAND, so I KNOW that fracking is dangerous and ought to be OUTLAWED.

Fucking ridiculous.
No offense, but you people are really ignorant about this subject.

As recently as last year, the Administrator of the EPA testified before Congress that there has not been a SINGLE DOCUMENTED CASE OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION BY HYDRAULIC FRACTURING in the U.S. Ever. But I guess she's just a Right Wing Tool, right? Maybe she didn't see the movie, "Gasland." Where does she get her information? It's a puzzle, isn't it?.

Is Fracking Safe? The Top 10 Myths About Natural Gas Drilling - Popular Mechanics



The senator is incorrect. In the past two years alone, a series of surface spills, including two blowouts at wells operated by Chesapeake Energy and EOG Resources and a spill of 8000 gallons of fracking fluid at a site in Dimock, Pa., have contaminated groundwater in the Marcellus Shale region.

Read more: Is Fracking Safe? The Top 10 Myths About Natural Gas Drilling - Popular Mechanics
Is Fracking Safe? The Top 10 Myths About Natural Gas Drilling - Popular Mechanics

It's an iconic image, captured in the 2010 Academy Award—nominated documentary GasLand. A Colorado man holds a flame to his kitchen faucet and turns on the water. The pipes rattle and hiss, and suddenly a ball of fire erupts. It appears a damning indictment of the gas drilling nearby. But Colorado officials determined the gas wells weren't to blame; instead, the homeowner's own water well had been drilled into a naturally occurring pocket of methane. Nonetheless, up to 50 layers of natural gas can occur between the surface and deep shale formations, and methane from these shallow deposits has intruded on groundwater near fracking sites. In May, Pennsylvania officials fined Chesapeake Energy $1 million for contaminating the water supplies of 16 families in Bradford County. Because the company had not properly cemented its boreholes, gas migrated up along the outside of the well, between the rock and steel casing, into aquifers. The problem can be corrected by using stronger cement and processing casings to create a better bond, ensuring an impermeable seal.

Read more: Is Fracking Safe? The Top 10 Myths About Natural Gas Drilling - Popular Mechanics
There's a whole video on it called a documentary. It's called Gasland. If you don't believe it I'd like to see your documented and verified proof that it's not real. It's funny because I know you don't have it so you'll come back with lip service and name calling.

I suggest that you watch the Documentary called Fracknation, made by an Irish Journalist.
It tells the real truth about Fracking.
It exposes the lies that are told by Josh Fox in Gasland.
[ame=]FrackNation Movie Clips - The Truth About Fracking - YouTube[/ame]
You can watch it for free online.
great but this is about Fracking not about Josh whathisname. I posted links to Popular Mechcanics about Fracking.
All this natural gas is not going to help Americans much.

Most of it will be shipped overseas. m

Unless you own stock in those companies this fracking does you no good.

It helps our Farmers or anyone who owners their land
They get money from the Gas Company and it helps them keep their farms running, they can afford new equipment for running their farms.
Anywhere from new milking machines to tractors.
One farmer in Pennsylvania says if he really thought that Fracking would ruin his water, it would poison his cows.
He has had fracking on his farm for years and his milk cows are fine. His water is not being contaminated.
He said he loves his land and the farm his family has run for more than 6 generations and that he would never do something to harm the land that he loves.

Above Quote is from the movie Fracknation.
great but this is about Fracking not about Josh whathisname. I posted links to Popular Mechcanics about Fracking.

The Documentary is about Fracking.
It is made by the people, not the environmentalists lies.
You are the one who brought up Gasland.
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My question is how has Fracking been aloud? Millions of people have hads their water ruined, Yet the oil companies trudge on. For people who support this madness, your reason must be because it creates jobs. But I think we all know this is a corporate lie to win the hearts of the gulable. the human race can live without oil. The only people who cannot (because of there excessive greed) is the oil companies.
As I all hope you know most of these oil companies also have a connection to a media source of some kind. All they have to do is tell the world that oil/natural gas ect. creates jobs, or is the safest energy source or is finding new, cleaner technologies ;and then we are satisfied. As you have seen on that link and the other hundreds of videos is one thing; Fracking ain't good. Poisoning America's water far beyond what any living soul should encounter. If you watch the movie Gasland and other videos/articles you will see. They government doesn't care for us folks. I am very sorry to say. I love my country, but not when corporations are running it. Don't rely on your senator or represenetive or president too fix our problems, do it your self. Think for yourself people.

I would expect that someone who posts here has a reasonable knowledge of the English - or at least uses a spellcheck to try to show a degree of education. I don't mind the subject but I tend not to bother when I see something that appears to come from someone who doesn't know what they're discussing.:eusa_whistle:
So sammy, what's next?

We have pumped all the easy oil. We are now down to tar sands. We have pumped the easy gas. Now we are all enthused about "fracking" the last of the natural gas.

So when we have gone through all the dirty nasty water wasting sources of cheap energy, what is next?

Do you have any idea? Or you think this gas and oil thing will just go on forever?

Well, you could have asked the same questions 100 years ago.

Or 30 years ago.

Or 30 years from now.

Compared to "forever" even sunlight has a short lifespan.

Let's reel in the conversation to a realistic level, because nothing will last "forever."

You asked my prediction: We will exaust our natural resources; coal, gas, oil, radioactive material. As these resources become scarce, price will increase. As price increases humans will conserve (use less) and find substitutes. This will be inadequate to sustain the present human population's activity. Populations will decline until sustainable resources can support them.
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My question is how has Fracking been aloud? Millions of people have hads their water ruined, Yet the oil companies trudge on. For people who support this madness, your reason must be because it creates jobs. But I think we all know this is a corporate lie to win the hearts of the gulable. the human race can live without oil. The only people who cannot (because of there excessive greed) is the oil companies.
As I all hope you know most of these oil companies also have a connection to a media source of some kind. All they have to do is tell the world that oil/natural gas ect. creates jobs, or is the safest energy source or is finding new, cleaner technologies ;and then we are satisfied. As you have seen on that link and the other hundreds of videos is one thing; Fracking ain't good. Poisoning America's water far beyond what any living soul should encounter. If you watch the movie Gasland and other videos/articles you will see. They government doesn't care for us folks. I am very sorry to say. I love my country, but not when corporations are running it. Don't rely on your senator or represenetive or president too fix our problems, do it your self. Think for yourself people.

If the human race did not have oil we would be living in the dark ages.
There are over 6,000 products made from Petroleum
Here is just a partial list;
A partial list of products made from petroleum

Without oil you would not be here sitting at your computer,the Keyboard, the encasing and the monitor, all of the plastic products are made from petroleum.
So sammy, what's next?

We have pumped all the easy oil. We are now down to tar sands. We have pumped the easy gas. Now we are all enthused about "fracking" the last of the natural gas.

So when we have gone through all the dirty nasty water wasting sources of cheap energy, what is next?

Do you have any idea? Or you think this gas and oil thing will just go on forever?

Well, you could have asked the same questions 100 years ago.

Or 30 years ago.

Or 30 years from now.

Compared to "forever" even sunlight has a short lifespan.

Let's reel in the conversation to a realistic level, because nothing will last "forever."

You asked my prediction: We will exaust our natural resources; coal, gas, oil, radioactive material. As these resources become scarce, price will increase. As price increases humans will conserve (use less) and find substitutes. This will be inadequate to sustain the present human population's activity. Populations will decline until sustainable resources can support them.

New Technology will replace the natural resources.
We have enough natural resources now for about 100 years.
I think that we will get new and just as cheap resources in about 20 or 25 years.
Even the oil companies realize that the natural sources will not last forever. They are doing many experiments looking into new cheaper resources.

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