France is bombing defacto capital of Isis Raqqa

Emotions tend to cause that. Paris is fresh and emotions are running high. I doubt most people advocate the intentional killing of innocents. My heart goes out to the ones that all they want is a normal life but because of an ideology of a few they will suffer

"I doubt most people advocate the intentional killing of innocents."

I wish that was the case, because if it were then ISIS would not have committed some 84 terrorist attacks - specifically choosing soft, non-military, civilian's in the act of celebrating their own ideologies; which includes tolerance, freedom, and a celebration of uniqueness as well. I'm sorry, if ISIS cannot accept us AND cannot leave us alone in our own countries, then sorry fuck that.

We have been trying to write these guys off a fringe lunatics, like insane mass shooters, but we got a pretty brutal wake up call Friday that only reiterates the wake-up call of 9/11. They won't stop attacking, they're planning it, and they are using our humanitarism against us. Its time to stop messing around with these people who care so little for the lives of others and make a statement. Their people need to evolve and put an end to this ridiculous bullshit farce of a religion, but their situation isn't allowing them to.

I'm sorry for the simple folk over there who really don't have a choice but live with these assholes, I'm a bit less sorry for the ones who willingly follow the assholes, and I've almost no sympathy for those who carry out terrorist attacks. Sorry to be an egotist, but we /are/ better than them in nearly every possible way, so when it comes down to an "us or them" - we're not abandoning our freedoms and tolerance and we are sure as hell not leaving our own countries. So I'm as sorry for these folks as I am for those in Japan, war is a disgusting business, the best we can do is hope to make it better for /everyone/ involved after the atrocities.
And yet again, ISIS gets just exactly what they wanted, right on queue.

You mean a war. Yes, its become apparently unavoidable.
Not just any war, a Holy War, Christians and Jews against Muslims.

Not sure where you've been, but that seems to have started quite some time ago.
There has been fighting, but not the Holy Way that bin Laden and ISIS need. That you are giving them soon it appears.
. What the hell are you babbling about? We don't give a fuck if they want their holy war. They're going to quickly find out their 12th Imam rising up, shit out the ass of a Muslim male or whatever the hell he's supposed to do, ain't going to happen.
I suspect the US wouldn't take the shots because of possible civilian casualties. Where as the French at the moment don't give a shit.
Anyone on the planet who identifies themselves as a muslim is a follower of Islam. Every follower of Islam on the planet must follow the Koran. We all know what the Koran commands.
Treat females as animals. Murder all infidels.
If you think it was "illegal" then there's no way to have an intelligent conversation with you. Go sit in the corner and put on your dunce cap now.

Go ahead and explain how invading iraq was legal and/or necessary. :popcorn: .. ..and save the weak insults. they make you look quite immature.
President Bush presented the case for war with Iraq and Congress authorized force. Legal. Get over it, you stupid Leftist twat.

LMFAO..CONGRESS agreed!??!!??...oh yeah..there's a reliable group.

Invading iraq violated international law, commie.
International law has no jurisdiction over that decision, nor are we subject to it. So yes, you're a fucking batshit lunatic Leftist for braying about Iraq being illegal.

iraq hadn't attacked the united states, any of our territories, possessions or our armed forces.
Invading another country who has done nothing to you is against international has nothing to do with congress.
You went to public school, didn't you?
What sovereign country did Saddam attack?
Tip: Starts with a 'K'.
41 made a huge mistake not going into Iraq and finishing the job immediately.
Go ahead and explain how invading iraq was legal and/or necessary. :popcorn: .. ..and save the weak insults. they make you look quite immature.
President Bush presented the case for war with Iraq and Congress authorized force. Legal. Get over it, you stupid Leftist twat.

LMFAO..CONGRESS agreed!??!!??...oh yeah..there's a reliable group.

Invading iraq violated international law, commie.
International law has no jurisdiction over that decision, nor are we subject to it. So yes, you're a fucking batshit lunatic Leftist for braying about Iraq being illegal.

iraq hadn't attacked the united states, any of our territories, possessions or our armed forces.
Invading another country who has done nothing to you is against international has nothing to do with congress.
You went to public school, didn't you?
What sovereign country did Saddam attack?
Tip: Starts with a 'K'.
41 made a huge mistake not going into Iraq and finishing the job immediately.
That wasn't a mistake, that's all the Democrat congress would authorize. Let's keep the blame for that focused where it belongs.
Go ahead and explain how invading iraq was legal and/or necessary. :popcorn: .. ..and save the weak insults. they make you look quite immature.
President Bush presented the case for war with Iraq and Congress authorized force. Legal. Get over it, you stupid Leftist twat.

LMFAO..CONGRESS agreed!??!!??...oh yeah..there's a reliable group.

Invading iraq violated international law, commie.
International law has no jurisdiction over that decision, nor are we subject to it. So yes, you're a fucking batshit lunatic Leftist for braying about Iraq being illegal.

iraq hadn't attacked the united states, any of our territories, possessions or our armed forces.
Invading another country who has done nothing to you is against international has nothing to do with congress.
You went to public school, didn't you?
What sovereign country did Saddam attack?
Tip: Starts with a 'K'.
41 made a huge mistake not going into Iraq and finishing the job immediately.

oh? you want to talk about saddam instead?

We happily armed saddam and gave him any intel he needed when he was killing iranians for us.

iraq actually has a historic claim to kuwait as prior to the ME getting sliced up into new countries after WWI the whole area was Persia.
When the u.s. ambassador said we wouldn't interfere with iraq in the ME (wink wink) saddam took it to mean he had the ok...then our policy "changed" and we turned on him...

....and why would we be so hot to defend kuwait?

they aren't a democracy, they're an it wasn't to spread or ensure democracy....and it wasn't because we admire their stance on human rights or womens rights....I wonder what the reason was.... ;)
President Bush presented the case for war with Iraq and Congress authorized force. Legal. Get over it, you stupid Leftist twat.

LMFAO..CONGRESS agreed!??!!??...oh yeah..there's a reliable group.

Invading iraq violated international law, commie.
International law has no jurisdiction over that decision, nor are we subject to it. So yes, you're a fucking batshit lunatic Leftist for braying about Iraq being illegal.

iraq hadn't attacked the united states, any of our territories, possessions or our armed forces.
Invading another country who has done nothing to you is against international has nothing to do with congress.
You went to public school, didn't you?
What sovereign country did Saddam attack?
Tip: Starts with a 'K'.
41 made a huge mistake not going into Iraq and finishing the job immediately.

oh? you want to talk about saddam instead?

We happily armed saddam and gave him any intel he needed when he was killing iranians for us.

iraq actually has a historic claim to kuwait as prior to the ME getting sliced up into new countries after WWI the whole area was Persia.
When the u.s. ambassador said we wouldn't interfere with iraq in the ME (wink wink) saddam took it to mean he had the ok...then our policy "changed" and we turned on him...

....and why would we be so hot to defend kuwait?

they aren't a democracy, they're an it wasn't to spread or ensure democracy....and it wasn't because we admire their stance on human rights or womens rights....I wonder what the reason was.... ;)
There's no such thing as "an historic claim". Iraq invaded a sovereign nation after being warned not to. Your lunatic conspiracy theories go right in the bin along with the "we enticed Japan to attack us" theory. Every post proves you're an idiot.
LMFAO..CONGRESS agreed!??!!??...oh yeah..there's a reliable group.

Invading iraq violated international law, commie.
International law has no jurisdiction over that decision, nor are we subject to it. So yes, you're a fucking batshit lunatic Leftist for braying about Iraq being illegal.

iraq hadn't attacked the united states, any of our territories, possessions or our armed forces.
Invading another country who has done nothing to you is against international has nothing to do with congress.
You went to public school, didn't you?
What sovereign country did Saddam attack?
Tip: Starts with a 'K'.
41 made a huge mistake not going into Iraq and finishing the job immediately.

oh? you want to talk about saddam instead?

We happily armed saddam and gave him any intel he needed when he was killing iranians for us.

iraq actually has a historic claim to kuwait as prior to the ME getting sliced up into new countries after WWI the whole area was Persia.
When the u.s. ambassador said we wouldn't interfere with iraq in the ME (wink wink) saddam took it to mean he had the ok...then our policy "changed" and we turned on him...

....and why would we be so hot to defend kuwait?

they aren't a democracy, they're an it wasn't to spread or ensure democracy....and it wasn't because we admire their stance on human rights or womens rights....I wonder what the reason was.... ;)
There's no such thing as "an historic claim". Iraq invaded a sovereign nation after being warned not to. Your lunatic conspiracy theories go right in the bin along with the "we enticed Japan to attack us" theory. Every post proves you're an idiot.

so you're in favor of imperialism by other countries?

Persia was sliced and diced to spread the spoils around from WWI...none of those countries existed prior....

....but when they try to reunite, you come down on the side of bush and wanted iraq attacked for it.
International law has no jurisdiction over that decision, nor are we subject to it. So yes, you're a fucking batshit lunatic Leftist for braying about Iraq being illegal.

iraq hadn't attacked the united states, any of our territories, possessions or our armed forces.
Invading another country who has done nothing to you is against international has nothing to do with congress.
You went to public school, didn't you?
What sovereign country did Saddam attack?
Tip: Starts with a 'K'.
41 made a huge mistake not going into Iraq and finishing the job immediately.

oh? you want to talk about saddam instead?

We happily armed saddam and gave him any intel he needed when he was killing iranians for us.

iraq actually has a historic claim to kuwait as prior to the ME getting sliced up into new countries after WWI the whole area was Persia.
When the u.s. ambassador said we wouldn't interfere with iraq in the ME (wink wink) saddam took it to mean he had the ok...then our policy "changed" and we turned on him...

....and why would we be so hot to defend kuwait?

they aren't a democracy, they're an it wasn't to spread or ensure democracy....and it wasn't because we admire their stance on human rights or womens rights....I wonder what the reason was.... ;)
There's no such thing as "an historic claim". Iraq invaded a sovereign nation after being warned not to. Your lunatic conspiracy theories go right in the bin along with the "we enticed Japan to attack us" theory. Every post proves you're an idiot.

so you're in favor of imperialism by other countries?

Persia was sliced and diced to spread the spoils around from WWI...none of those countries existed prior....

....but when they try to reunite, you come down on the side of bush and wanted iraq attacked for it.
Iraq invading Kuwait was an act of imperialism. You voiced support for it. That makes you an imperialist.

Mirror time.
iraq hadn't attacked the united states, any of our territories, possessions or our armed forces.
Invading another country who has done nothing to you is against international has nothing to do with congress.
You went to public school, didn't you?
What sovereign country did Saddam attack?
Tip: Starts with a 'K'.
41 made a huge mistake not going into Iraq and finishing the job immediately.

oh? you want to talk about saddam instead?

We happily armed saddam and gave him any intel he needed when he was killing iranians for us.

iraq actually has a historic claim to kuwait as prior to the ME getting sliced up into new countries after WWI the whole area was Persia.
When the u.s. ambassador said we wouldn't interfere with iraq in the ME (wink wink) saddam took it to mean he had the ok...then our policy "changed" and we turned on him...

....and why would we be so hot to defend kuwait?

they aren't a democracy, they're an it wasn't to spread or ensure democracy....and it wasn't because we admire their stance on human rights or womens rights....I wonder what the reason was.... ;)
There's no such thing as "an historic claim". Iraq invaded a sovereign nation after being warned not to. Your lunatic conspiracy theories go right in the bin along with the "we enticed Japan to attack us" theory. Every post proves you're an idiot.

so you're in favor of imperialism by other countries?

Persia was sliced and diced to spread the spoils around from WWI...none of those countries existed prior....

....but when they try to reunite, you come down on the side of bush and wanted iraq attacked for it.
Iraq invading Kuwait was an act of imperialism. You voiced support for it. That makes you an imperialist.

Mirror time.
not me your distortion and word games.Iraq had a historical claim to the territory...

I was against invading iraq.
France cold use some B-52s and long range drone with laser designator to leisurely rain down fire on an around the clock basis
If memory serves correctly, the French no longer have a credible bombing force - unable to project bomber power, beyond the realm of multi-function airframes.

They have four Triophant-class airframes needed.
Nobody's gonna start tossing nukes-about over this...

The French need a credible bomber force in order to sustain a credible bombing effort and they do not have one, insofar as I"m aware.

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