France's Strict Gun Laws Did NOTHING to Stop Jihadist Terrorist Attacks

The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That is a lie....a complete lie....shooting tracker...the gun grabber site that made that lie...includes eveything as a mass shooting...check out their one case gang members were giving a party for one of their thugs going to jail....they got drunk, high and started shooting each other over a dice game....that is not a mass shooting as people know it...I have been posting about this lie all week.....

Yes, we know, you nuts jiggered the incident count around until you got the numbers you wanted.

Nope.....gang bangers at a party shooting each other is not a mass shooting by anyone's understanding of a mass shooting.....and that is most of that list at shooting tracker...

That is why we don't trust anti gunners.....they lie all the time and they lie without hesitation and they do it proudly.....

Define a 'mass shooting' and then prove that it's the universally accepted, official definition.

You define it.......most normal people understand a mass shooting to be a situation where an individual enters a public space and shoot people...a mall, a school a theater, or even an abortion matter how many are actually injured..

The FBI puts the number at 4 but a failed mass shooting is still a mass shooting to me......

The shooting tracker includes parties where criminals fight over a girl, or a dice game and start shooting at each other......that is not a mass shooting by anyones standard...except for gun grabbers who want to inflate their numbers...
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

Earth. We're talking about Earth. Not your parallel universe.

Sheesh. Who ARE you people?
Got no real comeback? Figures.

Leave it to a LWNJ to just make up facts and figures out of thin air with no links or evidence, then smugly declare victory.


Of course, Zander... you are correct.

"More than 40 percent of all 2015’s mass shootings didn’t kill anybody. Another 104, just under 30 percent, had a single fatality, which means more than two-thirds of all “mass shootings” aren’t even multi-homicide events.

Of the 355 “mass shootings” noted by the Post, only 40 of them (about 11 percent) meet the threshold of a “mass murder” as defined by the FBI, meaning there were at least four fatalities. But even these weren’t all mass shootings in the conventional sense. As pointed out by the Washington Free Beacon, many of them were insteadgrisly murder-suicides, gangland massacres, or robberies, eliminating at least 15 more “mass shootings” from the list."
355?! Why This Number Is Meaningless When It Comes To Mass Shootings

If a bunch of gang members start shooting up another gang, they kill two, but the other gang returns fire and kills two of the instigators, that counts as a "mass shooting" according to the definition used by the propaganda web site where dumbass got his bogus statistic.

The Media’s Inflated ‘Mass Shootings’ Count Is Wildly Misleading , by Ian Tuttle, National Review
If 4 people are shot dead, that's a mass shooting.

Not according to any normal people you normal people, a mass shooting is when an individual enters a public space, a school, a theater, a mall, or a private business and shoots people..wether some are known to them or are just random strangers....

Shooting tracker has to add gang banger parties where they start shooting over drugs and dice games to get that number high......they are being dishonest in their definition of mass shooting because if they don't...according to Mother Jones...there were only 2 or 3 mass public shootings in 2014....hardly something to hang gun control on...since the total number of deaths was only 9 people....
we are talking about mass shootings, not mass murders PC.

And whatever measure used here should be the same measure used in france for your comparison blueslegend.....

not apples vs oranges.

AND Mikey, how do you know how many terrorist acts were prevented from happening in France with gun control? We know a few succeeded getting guns and the mass shootings....even with gun control and borders, but how many would there have been without any gun control at all?

We don't know, so we really have nothing to compare a 'with or without' gun control situation in France....
Do strict gun laws have to stop every shooting or just most of them?

Seems France STILL has a murder rate that is one quarter of our own
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That figure is pure propaganda. I've already posted the evidence in other threads.

The Media’s Inflated ‘Mass Shootings’ Count Is Wildly Misleading , by Ian Tuttle, National Review
You don't have to like it, but you could try to suck it up, crybaby.
Pointing out the fact that you're a lying hosebag is "crying?" I think libs have a grab bag of stock answers and they just pick one at random, whether it has anything to do with the subject under discussion or not.
The US has way more gun deaths than France, proving that proper gun laws DO work. Look it up, then go change your diaper.
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That is a lie....a complete lie....shooting tracker...the gun grabber site that made that lie...includes eveything as a mass shooting...check out their one case gang members were giving a party for one of their thugs going to jail....they got drunk, high and started shooting each other over a dice game....that is not a mass shooting as people know it...I have been posting about this lie all week.....

Yes, we know, you nuts jiggered the incident count around until you got the numbers you wanted.

Nope.....gang bangers at a party shooting each other is not a mass shooting by anyone's understanding of a mass shooting.....and that is most of that list at shooting tracker...

That is why we don't trust anti gunners.....they lie all the time and they lie without hesitation and they do it proudly.....

Define a 'mass shooting' and then prove that it's the universally accepted, official definition.
Mass shooting: what the US has had over 350 of this year alone.
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.


Earth. We're talking about Earth. Not your parallel universe.

Sheesh. Who ARE you people?
Got no real comeback? Figures.

More people have been killed or injured in mass shootings in France in 2015 alone than were in the USA over the last 7 years combined, how's that for a bitch slapping. Oh that's going to leave a mark.
Stop listening to your dog.

Denial, the last gasps of liberalisms demise.
You mean I can deny something you made up? Cool. :D
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That is a lie....a complete lie....shooting tracker...the gun grabber site that made that lie...includes eveything as a mass shooting...check out their one case gang members were giving a party for one of their thugs going to jail....they got drunk, high and started shooting each other over a dice game....that is not a mass shooting as people know it...I have been posting about this lie all week.....

Yes, we know, you nuts jiggered the incident count around until you got the numbers you wanted.

Nope.....gang bangers at a party shooting each other is not a mass shooting by anyone's understanding of a mass shooting.....and that is most of that list at shooting tracker...

That is why we don't trust anti gunners.....they lie all the time and they lie without hesitation and they do it proudly.....
It is by my understanding. You lose. :D
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That is a lie....a complete lie....shooting tracker...the gun grabber site that made that lie...includes eveything as a mass shooting...check out their one case gang members were giving a party for one of their thugs going to jail....they got drunk, high and started shooting each other over a dice game....that is not a mass shooting as people know it...I have been posting about this lie all week.....

Yes, we know, you nuts jiggered the incident count around until you got the numbers you wanted.

Nope.....gang bangers at a party shooting each other is not a mass shooting by anyone's understanding of a mass shooting.....and that is most of that list at shooting tracker...

That is why we don't trust anti gunners.....they lie all the time and they lie without hesitation and they do it proudly.....

Define a 'mass shooting' and then prove that it's the universally accepted, official definition.
Mass shooting: what the US has had over 350 of this year alone.

No it hasn't.
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That is a lie....a complete lie....shooting tracker...the gun grabber site that made that lie...includes eveything as a mass shooting...check out their one case gang members were giving a party for one of their thugs going to jail....they got drunk, high and started shooting each other over a dice game....that is not a mass shooting as people know it...I have been posting about this lie all week.....

Yes, we know, you nuts jiggered the incident count around until you got the numbers you wanted.

Nope.....gang bangers at a party shooting each other is not a mass shooting by anyone's understanding of a mass shooting.....and that is most of that list at shooting tracker...

That is why we don't trust anti gunners.....they lie all the time and they lie without hesitation and they do it proudly.....
It is by my understanding. You lose. :D

Yes, but you're retarded. We don't allow the retarded to define out terms in this society, the last time I checked.
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That figure is pure propaganda. I've already posted the evidence in other threads.

The Media’s Inflated ‘Mass Shootings’ Count Is Wildly Misleading , by Ian Tuttle, National Review
You don't have to like it, but you could try to suck it up, crybaby.
Pointing out the fact that you're a lying hosebag is "crying?" I think libs have a grab bag of stock answers and they just pick one at random, whether it has anything to do with the subject under discussion or not.
The US has way more gun deaths than France, proving that proper gun laws DO work. Look it up, then go change your diaper.
not the proper way to measure things. Death is death be it from gun, bomb, or knife.
France's Strict Gun Laws Did NOTHING to Stop Jihadist Terrorist Attacks

In spite of the LIES spewed by Obama and the left more people in France were killed or injured just in 2015 in mass shootings than were killed or injured in the USA in the last 7 years combined. Of the 4 worst K-12 school shootings ever 3 were in Europe.

Could you please give some evidence to back your two claims there...

Beacuse by Wiki your second is complete horshit...

School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The funny thing is that US needs its own wiki page for their list... RWers here will try and defend the indefensible...

RWers want to arm:
  • Mentally Ill
  • Felons
  • Terrorists
That is what everyone got this week... RWers by there actions or neglect want Terrorists to be armed.
neither did californias strict gun laws stop the attack

it was even an illegal transfer of firearms
France's Strict Gun Laws Did NOTHING to Stop Jihadist Terrorist Attacks

In spite of the LIES spewed by Obama and the left more people in France were killed or injured just in 2015 in mass shootings than were killed or injured in the USA in the last 7 years combined. Of the 4 worst K-12 school shootings ever 3 were in Europe.

Could you please give some evidence to back your two claims there...

Beacuse by Wiki your second is complete horshit...

School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The funny thing is that US needs its own wiki page for their list... RWers here will try and defend the indefensible...

RWers want to arm:
  • Mentally Ill
  • Felons
  • Terrorists
That is what everyone got this week... RWers by there actions or neglect want Terrorists to be armed.
Dude wiki is a user editable source and thus unreliable.
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That is a lie....a complete lie....shooting tracker...the gun grabber site that made that lie...includes eveything as a mass shooting...check out their one case gang members were giving a party for one of their thugs going to jail....they got drunk, high and started shooting each other over a dice game....that is not a mass shooting as people know it...I have been posting about this lie all week.....

Yes, we know, you nuts jiggered the incident count around until you got the numbers you wanted.

Nope.....gang bangers at a party shooting each other is not a mass shooting by anyone's understanding of a mass shooting.....and that is most of that list at shooting tracker...

That is why we don't trust anti gunners.....they lie all the time and they lie without hesitation and they do it proudly.....
It is by my understanding. You lose. :D

Yes, but you're retarded. We don't allow the retarded to define out terms in this society, the last time I checked.
So you're saying that Obama isn't retarded?
The US has had over 350 mass shootings THIS YEAR!!! France, two, maybe 3?
Proving once again that real gun laws work.

That figure is pure propaganda. I've already posted the evidence in other threads.

The Media’s Inflated ‘Mass Shootings’ Count Is Wildly Misleading , by Ian Tuttle, National Review
You don't have to like it, but you could try to suck it up, crybaby.
Pointing out the fact that you're a lying hosebag is "crying?" I think libs have a grab bag of stock answers and they just pick one at random, whether it has anything to do with the subject under discussion or not.
The US has way more gun deaths than France, proving that proper gun laws DO work. Look it up, then go change your diaper.
not the proper way to measure things. Death is death be it from gun, bomb, or knife.
Why? Does that help your stats? :lol:
"France's Strict Gun Laws Did NOTHING to Stop Jihadist Terrorist Attacks"


This fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

There is no evidence that with lax gun laws the attacks would have been 'prevented.'

That the attacks occurred in the context of France's gun laws is therefore not 'justification' to 'repeal' such laws or to otherwise not implement them elsewhere.
That is a lie....a complete lie....shooting tracker...the gun grabber site that made that lie...includes eveything as a mass shooting...check out their one case gang members were giving a party for one of their thugs going to jail....they got drunk, high and started shooting each other over a dice game....that is not a mass shooting as people know it...I have been posting about this lie all week.....

Yes, we know, you nuts jiggered the incident count around until you got the numbers you wanted.

Nope.....gang bangers at a party shooting each other is not a mass shooting by anyone's understanding of a mass shooting.....and that is most of that list at shooting tracker...

That is why we don't trust anti gunners.....they lie all the time and they lie without hesitation and they do it proudly.....
It is by my understanding. You lose. :D

Yes, but you're retarded. We don't allow the retarded to define out terms in this society, the last time I checked.
So you're saying that Obama isn't retarded?
He just plays one on tv.

He's a Muslim Terrorist in the White House.
If France had 300 million guns like we do, would they have stopped the attacks?

doesn't seem to work for us

Earth. We're talking about Earth. Not your parallel universe.

Sheesh. Who ARE you people?
Got no real comeback? Figures.

More people have been killed or injured in mass shootings in France in 2015 alone than were in the USA over the last 7 years combined, how's that for a bitch slapping. Oh that's going to leave a mark.
Stop listening to your dog.

Denial, the last gasps of liberalisms demise.
You mean I can deny something you made up? Cool. :D

Suck on these facts lib, cover your monitor so you don't ruin it when you puke up the liberal Kool-Aid you have been guzzling. The facts shoot holes in Obama's claim that US is only host to mass killings | Fox News

In just 2015, France suffered more casualties – killings and injuries – from mass public shootings than the U.S. has suffered during Obama’s entire presidency (508 to 424). This number includes the San Bernandino massacre on Wednesday.

We really need to get some smarter libs around here, this current crop isn't even a challenge to destroy.

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