Francis Keys bridge hit by ship. Bridge collapses, mass casualty event.

Catastrophic events such as this show why the Federal Transportation Dept is so important.
They were on the scene almost immediately

States and Cities can’t handle a major collapse like this
It helps that you can practically throw a rock from Baltimore to DC.
They will probably want to demo really quick to get the port back opened. Checking the map I also see a Coast Guard yard there, so any ships in the yard are stuck, and any ships that need to get to the yard are out of luck.

Not sure if the navy has any berths or bases inside the harbor within the area blocked by the bridge collapse.

No Navy there.
Seems to me, power outage or not, a ship that size should in no way have a trajectory that close to a bridge without having already assured sufficient clearance.
More likely Baltimore is still the shithole trump described it as.
If you watch the video, you can see the ship veer off course towards the bridge piling. Ships today tend to be drive by wire, a power failure would knock out steering control
Most “journalists” will sit at their computer and do cut ‘n pastes all day

We will get very little actual news from the libs in the media
..or the Cons. All is spin with the partisans.
The real news is being reported..and is there for the skilled reader to find. It will take 12 hours before the picture is clear.
We're so impatient now..and easily manipulated because of it~
Biden announces the federal government will pay for the bridge.

So, why? Why is the federal government paying for the bridge?

Is it so they can look like heroes in the hopes of votes?

Is it so Biden can talk about jobs he created?

Is it because they are the ones who destroyed it?

Their friends want the contracts and sweet sweet federal funding dollars?

If it's an interstate highway, it should be the fed's responsibility. The costs should be recovered from the insurance company, but waiting for the process could delay clearance and replacement for months if not years.
If it's an interstate highway, it should be the fed's responsibility. The costs should be recovered from the insurance company, but waiting for the process could delay clearance and replacement for months if not years.
Yep...of course.

And they said there was no indication of terrorism.....even before they had time to investigate the accident.

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