Free AR for Everyone?

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lgbt codes instead of black codes?

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Gay's have a right to keep and bear arms
For the most part, gays aren’t really that gay after all when they have guns, notwithstanding the universal Interpol police-station locker-room beating gun-control mentality enforced by billy clubs and amputations throughtout the world by organizations such as the following.
Homepage (Bilderberg Meetings)
lgbt codes instead of black codes?

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Gay's have a right to keep and bear arms
For the most part, gays aren’t really that gay after all when they have guns, notwithstanding the universal Interpol police-station locker-room beating gun-control mentality enforced by billy clubs and amputations throughtout the world by organizations such as the following.
Homepage (Bilderberg Meetings)
shitstain was the one that brought up the subject I could care less as I pointed out
FYI he went off the rails with that subject to distract the fact he lost
Write your representative to Government and insist on having a militia mobile to pick up the unorganized militia to Regulate them Well! Free AR weapons qualification training!

To the militia mobile!
Write your representative to Government and insist on having a militia mobile to pick up the unorganized militia to Regulate them Well! Free AR weapons qualification training!

To the militia mobile!
don't have to do a damn thing unorganized militia are protected by law and the constitution
Write your representative to Government and insist on having a militia mobile to pick up the unorganized militia to Regulate them Well! Free AR weapons qualification training!

To the militia mobile!
don't have to do a damn thing unorganized militia are protected by law and the constitution
Well regulated is expressed in our Constitution. The unorganized militia is usually subject to the traditional police power of a State regarding civil and criminal crimes.
Gentlemen, there is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine. The End must justify the Means and not the reverse.
so i am clear -

no one has been able to name a military that uses an AR15, correct?

so given that, can we stop calling it a military weapon?
Either that or these wet blankets can stop trying to ban and confiscate every weapon or we'll go ahead and start obtaining machine guns.

Either way. I like the latter better anyway.
AR 15s actually make for a poor SD weapon.

Handguns and shotguns are much more preferable.

Sorry...others would disagree with you.

A shotgun can't be customized to fit multiple people in a doesn't shoot as easily as an AR-15 and it's length can make a shotgun difficult to use in a home....
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way. isn't. It is a weapon meant to save the life of the user.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

Cars kill more people every single year than guns do....they are actual killing machines....

Fatal Injury and Violence Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


2017 accidental gun death.....486



Fall (Gravity) ...36,338
Struck, by or against...819
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down".
How do you kill a deer when hunting?

That's nice dear. You drool over your killing machines, I'll stay with Ahimsa.

Cars kill more people in accidents than guns do when willfully used illegally to commit murder........

cars are actual killing machines....

Cars....2018.... 38,659

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.
They don’t want peace. They want to rape and sodomize, loot and pillage at will. They do not want us to have homes, or own our homes, let alone defend ourselves in them.
="bigrebnc1775, post: 26197817, member: 23837"]
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
Yes they are as good a killing machine as the handler is
Why don't you come and take'em?

I have zero desirefor them, no more than I would come and take your raisins or your prunes or the Yugo you drive.
well then stop whining about something I own that is my property that has no harmed you

What "whining" is that? Linko, Blinko?

Fer fuxsake you just now showed up. I neither know nor care what the fuck you own.
It's whining when you call an inanimate object a killing machine.

Read back --- I invited the other yahoo to demonstrate what else it could be.

He ran away.

I tend to pose that kind of question.

On your mark..........
and I responded that it's as good a killing machine as the handler is therefore you are whining

This might come as news to those without brains but there is no "whining" in a simple description of what an object is.

I said absolutely zero about "handlers". Just as I said zero about "drivers", "diggers" or "callers". I described objects. As in what those objects are designed for.
and those without brains will believe any propaganda they are fed like an inanimate object is a killing. Without the operators the inanimate is useless and not a killing machine


And without a driver that car doesn't go anywhere. And without a digger that hole doesn't dig itself.
What astounding revelations.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down".
How do you kill a deer when hunting?

Oh shit! They actually bagged a deer with a 12 pound howitzer.

That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down".
How do you kill a deer when hunting?

That's nice dear. You drool over your killing machines, I'll stay with Ahimsa.

Cars kill more people in accidents than guns do when willfully used illegally to commit murder........

cars are actual killing machines....

Cars....2018.... 38,659

I know this... It is the Liberals and Leftie loonies that will not accept the facts.. DENY DENY DEFLECT DENY DEFLECT.. amirite?
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down".
How do you kill a deer when hunting?

That's nice dear. You drool over your killing machines, I'll stay with Ahimsa.

Cars kill more people in accidents than guns do when willfully used illegally to commit murder........

cars are actual killing machines....

Cars....2018.... 38,659


If a car were designed for the purpose of killing people, it would not be called a "car". It would be called a "weapon".

But that's not what cars are, is it.

="bigrebnc1775, post: 26197817, member: 23837"]
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
Yes they are as good a killing machine as the handler is
Why don't you come and take'em?

I have zero desirefor them, no more than I would come and take your raisins or your prunes or the Yugo you drive.
well then stop whining about something I own that is my property that has no harmed you

What "whining" is that? Linko, Blinko?

Fer fuxsake you just now showed up. I neither know nor care what the fuck you own.
It's whining when you call an inanimate object a killing machine.

Read back --- I invited the other yahoo to demonstrate what else it could be.

He ran away.

I tend to pose that kind of question.

On your mark..........
and I responded that it's as good a killing machine as the handler is therefore you are whining

This might come as news to those without brains but there is no "whining" in a simple description of what an object is.

I said absolutely zero about "handlers". Just as I said zero about "drivers", "diggers" or "callers". I described objects. As in what those objects are designed for.
and those without brains will believe any propaganda they are fed like an inanimate object is a killing. Without the operators the inanimate is useless and not a killing machine


And without a driver that car doesn't go anywhere. And without a digger that hole doesn't dig itself.
What astounding revelations.

guns have no legs and do not run around pulling their own trigger and shooting themselves for fun.

well almost...

That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down".
How do you kill a deer when hunting?

That's nice dear. You drool over your killing machines, I'll stay with Ahimsa.

Cars kill more people in accidents than guns do when willfully used illegally to commit murder........

cars are actual killing machines....

Cars....2018.... 38,659


If a car were designed for the purpose of killing people, it would not be called a "car". It would be called a "weapon".

But that's not what cars are, is it.

Would you say that the Olympic Athletes that shoot "guns" are using killing machines?
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down".
How do you kill a deer when hunting?

That's nice dear. You drool over your killing machines, I'll stay with Ahimsa.

Cars kill more people in accidents than guns do when willfully used illegally to commit murder........

cars are actual killing machines....

Cars....2018.... 38,659


If a car were designed for the purpose of killing people, it would not be called a "car". It would be called a "weapon".

But that's not what cars are, is it.


Shitstain.....a car, designed as it is, kills more human beings each and every year than guns do when they are used with the intent to commit crimes........

Cars are deadlier than guns are, you doofus.....

The worst mass public shooting in the U.S.?

Las Vegas..61 killed.......rifle.

Nice, France..... 86 killed.....truck.

You dumb ass.
They come with their threats of action to deprive me of my rightfully owned property will leave people like me but one recourse to return fire.
Good luck, I don’t disagree with that at all, I wish you well, but you’ve got to have enough rank and enough firepower, enough troops on your side, and all that.

And comic books. Lot 'n' lotsa comic books.
And a bigly supply of hallucinogens.
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